Sunday, November 14, 2021

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin November 13 - 20, 2021


Saturday, November 13, 2021 to Saturday, November 20, 2021

Dietrech Pessin –

Email: Phone (text) number is 617 - 558 – 7233.

Available for consultation and one-on-one classes.

WZBC 90.3 FM Boston Massachusetts on Saturday mornings with Victor Robert Venckus in and around 9:30 AM

 The report is transcribed by Kimberly Chin. Thank you, Kimberly!

Good Morning. We have a busy week. Well, today for one thing Mercury is opposite Uranus. So, you do want to be careful. Mercury is going to put us into motion. Uranus is going to trip you up. So, you do not want to run with scissors or drive too fast, or drive like you are the only person on the road or anything like that. It also has the tendency to break contracts and cause arguments. It causes a  very irritating sense.


Uranus is like sandpaper. Well, especially when it is mixed with Saturn, but Mercury picks up on that. Uranus and Saturn are in their square year. That will not completely finish up until March. We have our last square of Saturn and Uranus in December. It is December 24th, Christmas Eve. So here we have at 10:56 AM today, Mercury opposite Uranus. We have been waiting for this aspect. To clears this pattern. We have been feeling like we have been in a Mercury Retrograde period since September 10th when this pair locked into a very crazy spin like type of activity. Now, this is the end of that. Hopefully end of that feeling or end of that behavior of Mercury acting like it is going to reverse everything. Because Uranus is the great reversal. They do not actually pull apart until the split parallel and that would be on 11/14, Sunday at 10:48 AM. It will be perfectly ended when the Moon enters the next sign. The Moon is in Pisces right now. So, when the Moon enters Aries, what we get is a change. The change in the mood in particular.


So, for this afternoon, and this evening, we have a nice aspect between the Sun and the Moon. They are getting along with a Trine, which is great at 7:18 PM. The Moon in Pisces lines up with Neptune, the ruling planet at 4:46 PM today. That is particularly dreamy or distracted from practicality. It is really great for prayer and meditation.


Mercury and Jupiter have formed an aspect where you might learn something. Or want to learn something or look into something a little more extensively with that and expand your awareness. There is an opportunity for that, right after Victor’s show when we have an animal communicator. Mercury rules pets. We can learn something about our animals through communicating with them. It works for me and Sweet Pea.


Venus and Saturn, are at 30 degrees of separation, this evening. That is one that could be a little bit problematic. It has the quality of wanting to spend, but finding that you cannot. You have to hold back because maybe you spent too much already. Then relationships have a little bit of a pinch with that aspect as well.


The Moon is in Pisces and is still in Pisces Sunday, November 14th.  


Juno the asteroid of marriage and relationships enters the sign of Capricorn until February 1st.  Juno becomes much more practical if you are planning on using the support of your partnerships to advance your business or business end of living in any way. Juno can be really good for that in the sign of Capricorn.


Venus and Ceres make an aspect Sunday tomorrow. That aspect has to do with helping someone, something, cleaning something up. Also having some kind of change in regard to a woman in particular under the care of a doctor. Or your personal care as a caregiver. that situation may change.


Mercury and Uranus make their final contact at 9:27 AM Sunday. Then they pull apart when the Moon enters Aries Sunday morning 7:48 AM. The Aries Moon continues right through the day. So, you might have a lot of energy to get up and go, do things, and work on things.

You may not have the patience on Monday with that Aries Moon for inside work. But there is a lot of Chiron energy on Monday that says, it is a really good day for therapy. You may resist it. You may want to just move on, forget about it.   That was in the past etc. But you may want to try to review those topics in your life, as the day on Monday will click, click, click, one aspect after another to Chiron. Chiron is the wounded healer. You might find a way to serve yourself better (and those around you) if you take a deeper look at what pushes your buttons. Maybe your buttons will get pushed on Monday. You have got to be careful. We have a Lunar Eclipse coming up on Friday. And that is when all the cards are on the table and everything is out in the open. (Lunar eclipse at 27º Taurus at 3:57 AM Friday.)


Venus is square Chiron Monday morning. This is where Venus doesn't see her part in past injury, but will now learn that this will help to heal the wound later to take a look at that. The Moon joins with Chiron, that is it early 4:01 AM. That may be a time when you know your eyes pop open there at 4:00 in the morning. You have a thought or a memory of something maybe you did that caused some pain or insult to someone else. So, it is about taking responsibility here for your role.


And then the Sun is square Jupiter. This is not all bad. 2:58 PM on Monday as a business day. This could be overly enthusiastic, particularly wasteful. But it does tend to hunt down money, it tends to hunt down future opportunities. You have to be careful about the direction that you are taking. With that thought be mindful right around 6:00, your directions might be off; your thinking might be off. Moon and Mercury are quincunx. This is when you may be better off talking your troubles through with another person.


The Sun makes an aspect to Chiron as well On Monday night. Monday night, this is revisiting very uncomfortable memories.


The Moon does that same type of thing. But there is a sigh of relief at this is at 6:30 in the morning on Tuesday, when you seem to tap into the source of your emotional and psychological troubles. But you want to do things your way. Just make sure your way is not going to be haphazard.


The Sun and Moon are quincunx on Tuesday at 10:23 AM. This is life is messy clean it up. Something occurs. It is related to the Lunar Eclipse that is on our on the way on the 19th. The events on this day on Tuesday need your immediate attention. Keep things in order as best you can. The issues can be financial or mechanical. They can relate to your business or close personal relationships.


Also, the Sun is sextile Pluto. That is an aspect of digging deeply into matters of finance and also personal attachments in a big way. Moving into the next stage in your life where you may not have enough time to seize an opportunity. But you need to complete something before something big occurs. So, this is amidst an Eclipse that is ruled by Pluto. So, the Sun sees a link, an opportunity for you to be able to make the best of and spot the best opportunities during this Eclipse season. (There is much hope with the Solar eclipse on December 4, 2021.)


So then 9:17 PM on Tuesday we enter the sign of Taurus with the Moon and here we go. We get ready for this Lunar Eclipse. The Lunar Eclipse is going to be the longest Lunar Eclipse hanging out in the sky for 106 minutes which hasn’t happened in over 600 years and then not again for the next 648 years. It is a partial Eclipse. It is not even total, but it will be a very long one. And we can see it here on the east coast if you are up at 3:57 AM. On the west coast its 12:57 AM.                                                                                                     


Wednesday, he Taurus Moon is connecting with Mars and Uranus. So, they are very chaotic together. They are very accident prone. You want to be careful again. So, we have this accident-prone season. You also want to be aware that a lot of sharp thoughts might come into mind. A lot of genius notions and innovative ideas.


I was reading where they have a gel that is successful for reversing paralysis. This would be absolutely wonderful for so many people who are paralyzed. So, there is that great invention there that medical invention. Also, muscles are related to the Mars and Uranus aspects. On the hazardous side, anything can happen to upset the flow of your plans with this aspect. 12:22 PM it is exact Wednesday. So, take the morning very cautiously. Be careful how you speak to others. Sometimes especially with a Lunar Eclipse coming, people do not get over hurts and injuries as well.


There are major lessons to be learned about doing things your way versus using the learned methods. That is Jupiter and Chiron make an aspect 8:05 PM on Wednesday. Your way may be the ticket to success. Go for it.


Then the Moon lines up with Uranus, conjunct. That is at 9:44pm. That aspect has to do with tapping into the reversal qualities of retrograde Uranus.


Mercury spots in investment late night on Wednesday.


Then Thursday, you might have a lot of dreamy evaluations about how to handle your financial situation. But try to have a practical take on it, as best you can. You can use prayer and meditation to learn what it is you need the most, and how you need to deal with the surrounding situations.


Mercury and the Moon are opposite 2:47 PM It might be very hard to keep connections with people you are trying to reach. Things could be cut off. Calls could be cut off or you just may not be able to actually reach someone.


The Taurus Moon is with us through the night Thursday until 6:33 AM Friday.


Then there is a friendship aspect between Venus and Uranus late night on Thursday, early in the morning on Friday. So, you can find that value in your friendships has one of the most lasting impacts on your life.


On Friday the Lunar Eclipse it occurs at 3:57 AM. So, if you were up in the middle of the night and wanted to watch this, you could see it occur for a long time. When the Moon is in passing in between the Sun and the earth, it will be visible for over an hour.


The separation between the Sun and the Moon is at 6:42 AM. This marks the end of the of the Lunar Eclipse.


A Gemini Moon comes in at 9:32 AM. This Gemini Moon is focusing on chasing the Sun. The Sun is leaving the sign of Scorpio. A heavy, heavy sign. So that is going to be a relief when the Sun does make that change and goes into the sign of Sagittarius. That would be Sunday the 21st.


If you want to look ahead at 9:33 AM the Moon enters the sign of Gemini on Friday, November 19th. You are going to see your mood shift in particular as you deal with the crisis that have just fallen around you with that Lunar Eclipse. And notice that these crises are not a product of the moment, but a trend in your methods to process your money and your family traditions.


The things about the Taurus Eclipse, the Lunar Eclipse, which takes place at 27 degrees of Taurus. This is near the Seven Weeping Sisters, which that would be the Pleiades. Those Seven Weeping Sisters have a tag that tends to say, there is something to cry about. So, this is the end of the matter of something that is been pulling on your heart for a long time. There could be a lot of people that pass during this Lunar Eclipse season. So, the week before, the week after. there is going to be a lot of things that we need to process and let go of. The Sun in the sign of Scorpio is the let go energy. So, make sure you have your friendships lined up in a way that they are your best personal support. Also, any therapy that you may require to process the things that are surrounding you at this time. Very heavy things that you could be dealing with.


Vesta is that the Lunar Node. Vesta says that it is ready to expand its knowledge. Maybe it opens up that blockade of the tankers out there on the West Coast. I hear that basically none of them are getting through at all. This is a long time. It could take until January 14th Before things open up.


For Friday night that Gemini Moon, active thinking and talking. This is a time to connect with neighbors and siblings coming into the following weekend next Saturday, November 20. Okay, that is the report for this week.


You can reach me at 617-558-7233. You can also see a copy of this report on my website at You will see the audio file and also the transcribed report. Thank you so much, Kimberly Chin. Again, my number is 617-558-7233, ok to text. Be safe, and have a happy Eclipse. Join with family members and long given traditions. Thank you.

There is a Happy Eclipse on December 4, 2021.




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