Sunday, March 20, 2022

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin March 19 - 26, 2022 with Green Light Days.


Saturday, March 19, 2022, to Saturday, March 26, 2022

Dietrech Pessin –

Email: Phone (text) number is 617 - 558 – 7233.

Available for consultation and one-on-one and online classes.

WZBC 90.3 FM Boston Massachusetts on Saturday mornings with Victor Robert Venckus in and around 9:30 AM


Hi, this is Dietrich with the astrology report for the week ahead. March 19th.

We will have three major events this week.

One: The Sun is entering Aries, which is the mark of spring. That mark begins at 11:33 AM on March 20, 2022. The Moon will be at 29° of Libra, which says something is going to change in a big way. The Moon will make its way into Scorpio at 11:44 AM after the Sun has its arrival in the sign of Aries. It sits there at a point between Jupiter and Chiron. Which does speak to some type of healing process that will take place.

The other big rather big deal. Well, two of them. Venus and Mars have been traveling together now for a while, and they are beginning to separate. So now they are going to square Uranus. This brings chaos to the matters of each planet.

First of all, Venus will square off with Uranus today, on March 19th at 7:00. Well, it happened already at 7:16 AM. So, if you feel like you are having tension in your relationships. Or your relationships are tearing apart or breaking down. Have some patience and be understanding and have an optimistic view. Because there is more to come with Uranus this week. Mars will then go off to square Uranus as well. That happens on Tuesday 4:43 PM, which governs the whole day. So that can be rather upsetting and ignite various powers of chaos.

So, then what we have coming in is a Saturn and Uranus aspect. It is a split parallel. It comes in on Friday. We will be under the influence of this all week from now through Friday, Saturday of the end of the week there.

Saturn and Uranus, were a big deal all last year. They upset a lot of apple carts and created change where things had been moving in a static fashion. And then they just eject their energies. There was resistance to change. That whole name of the game was Saturn and Uranus.

But let us look at what goes on for today. Beyond the Venus square Uranus, which is an aspect that you could lose your purse. But that would have been probably last night. But also, it could have an influence over today. Spending too much money. Losing your items. Be very careful.

Venus makes an aspect to Pallas Athena under this Libra Moon. That is about collecting your thoughts and getting information from a wise person. What was it Darrell Martini (the “Cosmic Muffin”), used to say? It’s a wise person who rules the stars. It’s a fool who’s ruled by them. Over and out. I think that was it. Remember Darrell Martini?

Then that Libra Moon continues. We just had a Full Moon yesterday on Friday, the 18th. That Full Moon was in Virgo. It comes close to the sign of Libra as the Moon moved into Libra. So, Libra is about balance. You are trying to balance things out. You are trying to create some sort of an even keel throughout your day, in your personal relationships, and in your spending. It is social. But you have to be careful of the Uranus energy which can be a little overdeveloped in regard to social. Perhaps you would not be speaking in a kind manner.

There is an aspect that is going to pick that up also later on in the week.

Sunday, March 20th. We have a Libra Moon in the beginning up until 11:44 AM.

That wonderful Sun enters Aries springtime emerges at 11:33 AM. It will be the last thing that happens for that Libra Moon. That then is a little bit of a Void of Course Moon 11:33 tomorrow until 11:44 AM.

Then the Moon enters Scorpio. The Scorpio Moon brings a Green Light for a couple of days there. So, it is sailing through the sign on Monday. The Scorpio Moon is the better sign of the Scorpio and the Capricorn Moon of this week. We can see that it does not stop much. The Moon sign is pretty free-flowing. This would be nice. The Scorpio Moon has a decent quality to it. You have to bring a professional with you if you are doing any business. Lightweights are not considered safe and sound in Scorpio. So, what you must attend to is good business rules, get the facts, read the law. That sort of thing before you advance.

Mercury and Jupiter. They have an aspect that does confirm the information from afar. So, there is all sorts of intelligence out there trying to sort through the damage that is happening. God bless the people in Ukraine. Prayers still pour out to them.

The Scorpio Moon season aspect between Jupiter and Juno. This is one that is a little bit difficult getting the wrong information about the nature of a relationship. Who’s who? Who's backing who? And that sort of thing.

Mars and Chiron have an aspect to help you learn something, teach something, process something that could have a history of a deep wound.

Mercury and Pallas Athena are also are in a complementary aspect where they are definitely privy to some powerful information that then is translated to other important places. This is Monday, Monday night.

Tuesday, March 22nd. We have a Scorpio Moon that is in really good shape. The last aspect of the Scorpio Moon is right at noontime. You might sign or agree to contract with this Scorpio Moon sign. Have a professional look it over first.

Moon sextile Pluto. This is a void of course Moon that will last on Tuesday until 2:58 PM. Void of course Moon, you do not want to conduct any business, especially during a Scorpio Moon. Let it rest. If it hasn't been completed, let it go until the Void of Course Moon is over at 2:58 PM.

Then the Moon into Sagittarius, which is not a good sign this week. Sagittarius Moon is not in good shape. Number one thing that is happening first is Mars square Uranus. This brings about upheaval and chaos. Mercury and Jupiter present the facts and the alerts about what just happened. So that aspect 4:43 PM Mars square Uranus. Be careful. Even walking around the block, you could turn your ankle, you could pull a muscle. But also, car accidents are famous during that time. or any type of chaotic event.

The Sun and the Moon are trine in the evening, which makes for a very nice evening for Tuesday night.

Wednesday, we come in with that Sagittarius Moon sign. Something is amiss or a mess at 12:10 PM. Moon quincunx Uranus life's messy clean it up.

Then the Moon is sextile Mars. So, this picks up your energy at 1:11 PM. You are likely to need a good walk to release some of the pent-up energy that you may have been holding back.

So, Mercury and Neptune they come in with a strong message. They also push the wind. They hide the facts. Mercury and Neptune are behind a cloak. So, you want to be careful about. Dig in. It is really good for writing. Writing anything. Whether it is artistically or whether it is any type of writing commitment that you need to get on board with. Some of which, you would need to really check your facts before you put them out there. This happens at 23 Pisces. So, this has a lot to do with what is coming up for that April 12th conjunction between Jupiter and Neptune. I keep referring to that, because it is quite a big deal under the sign of Pisces.

The Sagittarius Moon continues on Wednesday. Wednesday evening is pretty good. However there are matters with documents and appointments that need to be adjusted.

Then Thursday, the Sagittarius Moon is with us right till 5:53 PM. Its last aspect is square Mercury. So, something about the information that you receive is not quite right. You want to check the facts. Maybe there is with that Mercury Neptune aspect that happens on Wednesday. Maybe there are lies that need to be sorted through. You do not want to take action on things if you do not know the source.

The Moon travels without a whole lot of activity in the major part of the day on Thursday. Making a little aspect with Uranus then Pluto then Mars. Mercury and Neptune form a parallel. So, they pick up from that conjunction Wednesday afternoon at 1:43 PM all the way through Thursday, when they are parallel. So, they do not let go. So, I do not know whether it is a wild storm. There is storms somewhere in the world. But this is a pretty big aspect that is swirling and spinning the wind. And also, the facts are kind of crazy.

The Capricorn Moon comes in Thursday 5:53 PM. This aspect goes right through Friday, all the way till Saturday evening. The Capricorn Moon is a good one.

However, Saturn and Uranus make their aspect. It is a split parallel. So that speaks to the resistance to submit to oppressive forces or break out freedom at all costs is demanded.

That aspect is also setting off a picture of the Saturn and Uranus squares that we had all last year. And it continues right through the fall this year as well. They are in the regular zodiacal chart) picture. They do not appear to be square, but they will move into a square formation where they almost hit. We are going to receive the feeling of it or the results of it late in the summer and through the fall.

There is a Quarter Moon Friday. That is at 1:37 AM. It is the Last Quarter Moon where you reap the rewards of your efforts. You can also expect to pay up or get paid as it is in Capricorn. It is a business sign. So, there is definitely some money in it, if you have been waiting for something. Or that you need to submit your plan. Maybe for the business about how they are going to map out their business as well. It occurs at 1:37 AM. It does govern the energy of Thursday night and Friday under that Saturn and Uranus energy. Saturn rules Capricorn. so this Quarter Moon has a strong appreciation for the Saturn energy in the Capricorn Moon sign. Capricorn also governs teeth and knees. The business side of your family matters is under this sign. Father issues are revisited.

There is a Green Light However, after that, making Friday during the daytime very good for engaging in business activity. Signing up for the evening. It may feel like it is all business. But there is little quirky energy with Mercury and Uranus at 9:25 PM. That comes in to upset the applecart again. So, I do not know. Maybe call it a night early. Pick up your social engagements more on Saturday. So that is it for the week.

You can find a copy of this on my website at I'm having a class tomorrow at 11:30. If you would like to join us, send me a text at 617-558-7233. That text message can be confirmation that you want to join us. I will send you the link to join the class. We are going to be studying secondary progressions. What triggers them. When do they get triggered? It is really cool material. So, 617-558-7233. Send me a text with any of your questions or if you want to a session or a class. Okay, this is Dietrich Pessin, signing off. And over to you Victor. Thank you.

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