Sunday, March 13, 2022

Astrology Report for March 12 - 19, 2022 by Dietrech Pessin with Green Light Times


Saturday, 12, 2022, to Saturday, 18, 2022

Dietrech Pessin –

Email: Phone (text) number is 617 - 558 – 7233.

Available for consultation and one-on-one classes.

WZBC 90.3 FM Newton Massachusetts on Saturday mornings with Victor Robert Venckus in and around 9:30 AM


Hi, this is Dietrech Pessin, with the astrology report for the week ahead. It is March 12th to March 18th.

We have a lot of confusion with this week ahead as we will over this next month because of the conjunction between Neptune and Jupiter in the sign of Pisces. So, all of it is watering everything down. Causing confusion and causing a lot of brain fog [for] everyone. It does not matter the age. It does not matter the health status. Everyone is complaining about a loss of mental alertness or the ability to focus or retrieve words or concepts. So, it is kind of a side effect of the pandemic for one thing, where a lot of us have been unplugged from our regular routine definitely for two years.

Just two years of the lockdown. So, it is going to be tough to hold on to your brain. Try and recapture your thoughts and trace your thoughts and trace your memories. Also, be aware of the streams of psychic information available. Intuition really runs strong. So, learn how to trust your intuition over this next month or more. Use your best internal energies. Meditate, practice yoga, do whatever you can to quiet your mind. So, that you can retrieve the best information that you are looking for. It is not easy. All of us are suffering from it. So, you are not alone.

Then for Saturday, March 12th is an easy day for the Cancer Moon. It could be. It is a lazy day. That is because that Sun and Neptune that govern this weekend is making it hard to do anything without going round and round and round in circles. Losing your things or your feelings. Like you are losing your mind. It is par for the course. Hang in there. We have another month of this lovely Neptunian haze. Go with the plan, whatever you do. A format. An outline. Make notes and take notes. Even on a road trip, very clearly map out your directions. Do not turn off a road that is not included in your plan.

Well, there is March 13th, tomorrow, Sunday. We have the Sun Neptune conjunction at 7:42 AM. So, all day Saturday, and then all-day Sunday as well. This is the aspect could throw a veil over our eyes. Our brains are foggy and clouded. When this aspect begins to pull apart, we may regain a bit of our foggy brain. Our energy may return somewhat.

So unluckily we have more Neptune influence to sail through for the next month. We will wade in the swamp of the Jupiter and Neptune conjunction in Pisces until April 12th at least. And then probably for a time passed beyond that because Jupiter does not move all that quickly when it tries to pull away from Neptune. It is about big water: Tsunamis and floods. If you have any weak places in your home where water could enter, make repairs before this comes around.

If you live on the coast, have a good plan when there is a storm coming. Because it is likely to be a big storm. Above all, use meditation and prayer to actually move mountains and correct problems, and invite positive change. That is the really good part about Jupiter and Neptune.

There is the Sun conjunct Neptune at 22 Pisces on Sunday. So, this is kind of a big deal in that cycle as well.

The Moon leaves Cancer and enters Leo at 3:31 PM on Sunday. The Leo Moon has someone in a seat of authority, Pluto actually, ruling over this Moon sign. You cannot go far without paying the piper. So, he is the toll keeper. He definitely is the guard and the keeper of things that are tucked in safe deposit boxes. Things underground. Oil for one thing. Gas and oil and anything that would be considered precious. Precious gems underground. All those sorts of things are ruled by Pluto. Also, the disputes that people have about their property if it is shared with others.

The Leo energy is rather cheery. It will be with us on Sunday and Monday as well. Especially in the afternoon, some serious information about money comes in. It might be the topic. Much like the rise in prices to the war in Ukraine. Please pray for peace.

The aspect between Venus. Venus has a couple of aspects on Monday. Venus needs to find the money for food. The cost has risen beyond a reasonable amount. And Mercury square Ceres also would grant that same list to great importance. it is necessary to nurse one back to help with that Mercury Ceres aspect.

Mercury and Venus tap into a vast list of humanitarian needs for personal interaction. You may hear from a sister or an aunt and enjoy the connection between Mercury and Venus. My dear friend Pat B is celebrating a birthday on Monday, March 14th. She needs our prayers to get her functioning. 

So, then Tuesday, the Moon is in Leo, March 15th. Moon is opposite Saturn, right as we wake up. It might be feeling heavy about that energy that early in the morning. It will dissipate by noontime.

Then the Moon is quincunx Neptune. This is feeling like there is some added confusion at 11:46 AM.

Then the Sun and the Moon are in a quincunx. They signal that there is a Full Moon coming. that will be on Friday.

On Wednesday, the Moon enters Virgo. So, the last aspect of the Leo Moon is quincunx Pluto. That is that toll keeper energy that ends that Virgo Moon energy. So, we have the Leo energy there. So, the Moon in Virgo comes in at 12:58. It is the Green Light for the week. It will be on Wednesday, Thursday, and part of Friday.

We have for Wednesday. There is it is a long day of aspects. Not too many of them are the big heavy ones.

There are a couple of days there a bit busier. Virgo is very busy. Several meetings about improvements with your health and some mental improvements, as well on Friday as the Virgo Moon wraps up.

But for Wednesday, Venus weighs the value of working partners that can be more helpful now and much needed at this time as well.

Chiron and Pallas exchange knowledge for the purpose of gaining an edge with the current crisis. This is a combination that is very valuable for making a strategy, creating a strategy. That is what Pallas does best. Chiron is about healing. Also doing things the rebel’s way, in some Maverick form. So, there is knowledge, there is a sense of purpose. There is a plan, which Pallas promises will have an impact in the short term.

On another note, your specialist is generating a promising plan for you as well. For your treatment can be going better after a visit on Wednesday or thereafter.

Mars is at a 45 °angle with Neptune in the evening on Wednesday. So that shows that somebody is hiding something. Test results, if their medical test results. Medical is a Virgo thing. It is best when they are retaken. So, you want to get a second opinion or a second set of tests.

Mercury overhears something Wednesday night late that was best left quiet. So be interesting to hear what that is about.

Thursday. Another busy day with the Virgo Moon. It likes to dive in to get things done. There is a good Moon phase to help you do just that. It is the Full Moon. When Full Moon is deadline time. It is appearing Friday morning at 3:17 AM.

So, for Thursday, you are going to hurry up and get things done. Clean things up on March 17th. The Sun and Uranus are at 45° apart. And are shaking up the neurons in your brain just enough to get you going in the right direction on Thursday. Use your unique skills to accomplish what you could not do in the past weeks. Virgo likes to work. It likes to get things in order. It likes to organize. Mars is motivated while the Moon is in Virgo to help others. Well, that is unusual because Mars is usually out to help himself. But in Aquarius, he looks out and sees how bad the situation could become. And how a big problem could emerge as a result of letting things go. So, he decides to help feed the people for one thing. And he asked what can be done.

Mercury and Pluto by the evening hours on Thursday are 45° apart. That seems that Mercury is telling everyone it can about what Pluto is up to. So maybe that is Mercury. There is a megaphone of some sort, in Putin's corner, telling on him before he gets a chance to do what he is doing.

The Sun and the Moon are opposite in a Full Moon. 3:17 AM, 27° of Virgo. Now this Virgo Moon has its roots back September of 2020. There was a related First Quarter Moon when people were actively involved in the process of moving forward with their goals June 18th of 2021. Here we are, where all the cards are on the table. Everything is out in the open on March 18th. The Last Quarter Moon of this Moon family is December 16, 2022.

So, what we have here with the Virgo Moon, laying everything out in the open. It is accessing Pluto. There is a lot of connections that go around the wheel in this Full Moon chart, which has it extremely active. There can be a lot of things that are completed or pushed to their limit, finishing up matters. And then hopefully, some things are stopped and other things will come along and help. I do not think that war is going to be over with this. If I were to make some type of projection, I would say perhaps maybe with the Lunar Eclipse in May that may put an into it. May 16th. Hopefully, it does. And it does not go on and on.

The Virgo Moon’s last aspect is seen through foggy aspects, foggy glasses when it makes an aspect to Neptune. It is a promise, but a very short-term promise only.

The Libra Moon comes in on Friday at 7:25 AM. That Libra Moon will have a few aspects to note for Friday, March 18th when Mercury joins with the side of the partners. And Venus takes notes from Chiron, the wounded healer before the Sun is seeking an opportunity to run with Pluto at 3:37 PM. So the Venus and Chiron aspect is about finding some way to heal the wounds that have been opened at this time.

The Sun sextile Pluto seeks an opportunity to grab some power or take some power back. Venus is making an aspect with Uranus joining up for some agreement or uniting with friends during this time as well. Okay. That is, it for the week.

You can find a copy of this on my website at Kimberly Chin will transcribe. Thank you very much Kimberly. It will be archived as well with WZBC (90.3 FM Newton Massachusetts) for two weeks. My phone number is 617-558-7233. And I want to announce I have a class that will begin on the 20th. That is the first day of spring. It is Sunday. So that is a week from tomorrow. it would be an 11:30 class that will couple with the Sun entering Aries. A new class is on Sunday the 20th. Please join me. Call me. Let me know that you are interested. My phone number 617-558-7233. That is, it for the week. Take care.

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