Saturday, July 2, 2022, to Saturday, July 9, 2022
Dietrech Pessin –
Email: Phone (text) number is 617 – 558 – 7233.
Available for consultation and one-on-one classes.
WZBC 90.3 FM Boston Massachusetts on Saturday mornings with Victor Robert Venckus in and around 9:30 AM
Good morning. Well, we have a happy Leo Moon. I do not know what your happiness requires. But this feels like a very lazy, lazy Moon. Maybe it is just the hazy weather here on the East Coast. We are looking forward to July 4th. Actually, I am not. I do not like all those fireworks blasting in the sky and people sending them off at midnight, even last night. Ridiculous. It upsets the birds and nature. I am into nature. You do not want to scare the trees and the birds and everything. So, I like peace and quiet. So that is it. There is a noisy part to that with Mars at the last degree of the sign of Aries. So maybe it gets noisy. Anyway, we deal with it. Right?
Today, we have a nice Leo Moon. That Leo Moon is making favorable aspects to planets like Venus and Jupiter. There is a tough one that comes up in the evening, Moon opposite Saturn. So, you may not have much of an appetite there with the Leo Moon. There is something that you may want to show off. Coming in after 4:52 PM. Why I say 4:52 PM is because Mercury is square Neptune. So, you are off your beaten path. You are off track. Your vision is not clear. So, you do not have a vision statement, as of yet. That is up until 4:52.
After that, there is a Green Light. That would run right through until 5:58 AM Sunday morning. If you are in a different time zone, you can use that to advance your goals, especially if it is a creative thing. Also, things with children and your heart's desire and all sorts of happy Leo things.
The Leo Moon has a Void of Course Moon that starts at 5:58 AM tomorrow morning, and goes until the Virgo Moon comes in at 8:31 AM.
The Virgo Moon has that drop all are part of your project because Mars is going to change signs. So, you do not want to get too involved or too committed yet. There is a better time with the Virgo Moon, but it is not on Sunday.
There is an aspect between the Sun and Mercury. Which says, look to the most positive side of any situation. that can help you to enlist your participation with a healthy attitude.
Before that, Venus and Pluto are in a negative aspect. Which says, jealousy is not productive at all. Also spending your money to try and cure your anxieties is not going to work either.
So, looks like there is an appetite for a deeper connection during the Virgo Moon. That picks up as the Moon will allow for some changes when Mars enters the sign of Taurus on Tuesday.
But more of what Monday brings. A sun and Moon 60° aspect says there is an opportunity for you to work things through.
The Moon and Venus are square Monday at 11:37 AM. This is very expensive and frivolous. So, I would not spend your money on that one. Your professional opinions look as if they are very divided.
Pallas Athena goes into the sign of Gemini. That is the wise one. so many, many bits of information around. too much room for indecision.
Then the happy spot would be 2:03 AM on Tuesday, when Mars enters Taurus. It is particularly good until 2:03 PM on Tuesday. You have a Green Light. So, finding your energy is the key to your success with this Virgo Moon sign. Mars in the sign of Taurus. You could be operating at levels of pre COVID days. you might want to make a plan. Also know that Mars in Taurus is strong like full/bull. Mercury enters Cancer also on the same day, Tuesday, July 5th. That sees a table set for family. There is an event that has an opening to help you to find money or to give money.
The Virgo Moon is busy and productive on Tuesday. You are getting more done now. Find food plans to increase stamina and mental focus. You can gain the drive to exercise. Yeah, give me some of that!
Then there is a Void of Course Moon on Tuesday July 5th, from 2:03 PM until 6:24pm. That is when the Moon enters the harmony sign of Libra. It has a difficult time with harmony during this year because of the fact that Pluto will square that Moon in Libra. Pluto is in the sign of Capricorn. So, complications and obstacles run rampant with the Libra Moon. As you try to compromise with others try to gain peace and harmony. With the Libra Moon, it is peace at all cost.
Wednesday, the Moon is in Libra still. There is a First Quarter Moon that comes up. It is late, 10:13 PM. You are actively involved in the process of moving forward with your goals. This is when you deliver a new piece of information or a new piece to the puzzle In regard to your interests. People want to cooperate with you and establish partnerships in their activities and your activities. It is time to hash out agreements and look to the marriage of ideas and not for their differences. But around the corner you want to look for where you are alike, and not where you are not alike. Business mergers are very common with a Libra Moon. It remembers that peace at all cost is what it is all about with the Libra Moon sign. So, save your final word for July 8th.
But July 7th there is a big event. Happy Birthday to our very own Victor. And it is his birthday all day long with a Libra Moon. Where joining together with others and forming agreements and alignments with others may be for new, exciting talks on expanding awareness.
There is a Vesta event. Vesta is about investment, commitment. It is retrograde on Thursday July 7th. Vesta is about also our sacred space.
The last thing that happens with the Libra Moon is a square to Pluto 9:03 PM. So, this is where it is difficult to settle in. You are going to have to let go. That is the whole principle of Pluto is about letting go. If you have a control freak in your immediate environment, hand the reins over to them. you can sit back and have a ride, whether you enjoy the ride or not. It is better than fighting. Remember peace at all cost.
The Moon is in Scorpio. This is a better Moon for business. It delivers the most energy especially towards monetary matters. There may be checks in the mail. People are very sensitive though during a Scorpio Moon. They react to psychological threats or psychological slights they take as threats, real or imagined. It is also a very sexual sign. Power struggles with control freaks run rampant with the Scorpio Moon sign. But in the end, all works out well for the best. You can benefit from holding on to your principles. Take the high road and always take a professional with you when you are dealing in business. There are sharks in the water when we have a Scorpio Moon sign. Know that you do not know everything. that is half of the success is right there.
Make plans for a nice night on July 8th, Friday as we have a lot of personal energy that comes in. Making this a nice evening on Friday July 8th.
The Scorpio Moon will continue right through next Saturday and into the wee hours of Sunday on the 10th. So have a really good week. Give Victor a call for his birthday on Thursday. And you take it away Victor.
You can reach me at 617-558-7233. my website is You can find a copy of this tomorrow, when my transcriber is back tomorrow, at Give me a call, or text me 617-558-7233. That is, it for now.
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