Monday, July 18, 2022

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin July 16 - 25, 2022 with Green Lights


Saturday, July 16, 2022, to Saturday, July 25, 2022

Dietrech Pessin –

Email: Phone (text) number is 617 – 558 7233.

Available for consultation and one-on-one classes.

WZBC 90.3 FM Boston Massachusetts on Saturday mornings with Victor Robert Venckus in and around 9:30 AM


Hi, this is Dietrech with the astrology report for the week ahead. We have several planets changing signs this week. Venus and Pluto are fixed with jealousy and trouble about making their money work for each other. Pluto is very manipulative and scheming. Venus wants to get paid what she is due.

The Sun and Saturn this week. We will see how things can get very serious, if not sorted. So be careful how you deal with these types of matters.

Mercury and Saturn see a pattern here that needs to involve a mediator. Letting go of the notion is difficult when you have so much invested.

Mercury and Neptune are in a blissful state that adds some relief on one level and confusion on another. What feels like or is perhaps some type of abduction. That is a Venus Sun and Pluto. Also, the Sun and Neptune shine lights on a party. Kind of looks like a wedding.

Venus is about to leave Gemini on Monday on the 18th for a more compatible sign of Cancer. Venus will be in the sign of Cancer until August 11th. So that is a cozier spot for Venus. It is more compatible to her softer side.

Chiron will turn retrograde on Tuesday, the same day that Mercury enters truth seeking Leo. But Chiron is the key to the soul. So definitely there is some material there to work with Chiron Tuesday???

There is a Last Quarter Moon on Wednesday at 10:19 AM. This is a hot item. It actually belongs to the inauguration back in January of 2021. But it started April 23rd of 2020. There were a couple of Moon family members. the New Moon and the First Quarter Moon in January 2021 at 1º Taurus. These money signs where a lot of money was put out to be able to control situations. Then what happened was there was a Lunar Eclipse that came up on October 28, 2021, which showed all the cards on the table. Everything out in the open. It was quite a big deal to have a Lunar Eclipse attached to that Moon family that landed right on the inauguration. So here we are the Last Quarter Moon July 20, 2022. This may be a very important piece to pay up or get paid. That is for sure. Very interesting scenario with that.

So, looking at the week. More about what is good, and what is not. Saturday today. Good day to tackle chores. Put both hands-on types of things and also your thinking cap.

We have an Aquarius Moon that ends beautifully, with not only a nice aspect to Venus. This happened early in the morning, but also a nice aspect to Uranus. having the focus on friendship, forever friends.

Then a Pisces Moon comes in after a Void of Course Moon period ended at 4:17 AM this morning. The Pisces Moon has a lot of work planned In the first half of the day when the Sun and Saturn get into heavy household projects perhaps. Or maybe outdoor projects. Things like laying bricks, big, big heavy work.

Then later on it is time to enjoy the company of close family and friends. A nice afternoon. Meeting new people can be fun with Mercury and Venus. They are connecting folks and bringing people together. So, you might meet a new love. The Pisces Moon. Be aware of the fact that there is a rise in the virus levels right now of all sorts of viruses. Wear protection and be mindful of your distance from one another.

Mercury and Venus do join people together. But it can also bring other kinds of things together that are communicating very quickly. The Sun and Mercury are changing plans on Saturday afternoon, when they join up at 24° of Cancer. So, they also are making a statement. There is an announcement of some sort. There could also be talk about perhaps an important passing. Also, there could be plans for some type of an important appointment in the future.

Pisces Moon is with us also on Sunday. Some great energies on Sunday. Especially if you want to quit something like a food addiction or substance abuse addiction. Maybe you want to drop something before being asleep.

That chatty sign of Gemini at 9:37 PM Sunday night. She is headed into the sweeter side of what Venus can bring us on when she bonds close with family and friends. Making that her most important duty of her job with Venus in in Cancer. She will be there until August 11th. So, the first thing she does is make a deal with Pluto. It might be temporary. Could lead to other things. Pluto is quite the manipulator, so I would not trust it.

With that Pisces Moon, the Sun is in a beautiful trine with the Sun, the Moon, and Neptune. This is a brilliant, creative, wonderful aspect to have on Sunday. I hope good things come of it. It is a beauty. The change of Venus going into Cancer changes the landscape.

Then there is a period of a particularly Green beautiful Green Light that you can take advantage of something right up until 2:42 AM on Monday. Some people in Europe are listening and they want to conduct their business. If it is 2:42 AM here, it is probably like 8:00 AM there in France, England. It is still a little bit early there to conduct any business, but it is a very positive Green Light.

Then there is a Void of Course Moon period that will last from 2:42 AM until 7:17 AM.

Then we have an Aries Moon sign. Well, I also want to say that little Green Light. There is not another one until Friday. So, take advantage of that one if you can.

For Monday July 18th that Aries Moon changes the cosmic landscape where we have an uplifting energy. People want to charge forward, ahead. Get things done. Anything that you want to do. Meeting up with others. The Moon meets up with Jupiter, which looks to expand any type of entrepreneurial ideas. It is not a Green Light though. It is not a good time to advance your goals.

Even Tuesday, we see that Mercury enters Leo. which means you will need to drop all are part of your project until Mercury makes that change. So that Aries Moon from Monday morning at 7:17 AM until 8:34 AM. You are likely to drop all or part of your project.

Then with the Leo Moon you get a brighter spot. you get a more honest goal.

Chiron the ???akita??? soul turns retrograde on Tuesday morning at 11:21 AM. This is until December 23, 2022.

The Sun is searching for the bodies with the opposition to Pluto. This is a big money aspect with a lot of problems. You need to lower your expectations and step back. Step out of the deals with people that have bigger bucks than you and the ability to manipulate more readily than you would expect. So, you do not want to be manipulated by Pluto.

There is a Last Quarter Moon on Wednesday. This is that big deal I was talking about. It is related to the Lunar Eclipse from October of 2021. It is also related to the Biden administration inauguration. So those January 6th types of inquiries and investigations continue on. The Aries Moon has a void of course Moon period 10:18 AM on Wednesday. Until 2:22pm on Wednesday when the Moon enters Taurus.

That Taurus Moon is one also waiting for changes to happen. The weight in this situation is for the Sun to lead the sign of Cancer and enter the sign of Leo. That will happen on Friday. So, during the Taurus Moon it is about food first. Being persuasive always helps when you use food to soften the palate. So, if you are trying to persuade someone, bring a plate of brownies or something.

Jupiter and Saturn are at odds early in the day on Thursday. Then what we have is an angry kind of Moon and Mars aspect. The Moon is in Taurus. It joins up with Mars. Mars is going to join up with Uranus on August 1st. So, this is kind of a trigger point. So, you want to be careful about what type of events you are surrounded with. And how they are related to August 1st. It is likely to be rather volatile. It is the kind of things that revolutions are born out of. So, it really is very dramatic this aspect between Mars, Uranus and the North Node. That aspect is at 12:06 PM. And it could bring some stomach upset surrounding a major conflict. It looks like it is over money.

Then, the Sun and Ceres join together 9:25 PM. But it does influence the whole day. Also puts the focus on those in need. Children, anyone under the care of a doctor. Then the need to nurture and feed others is the topic for that aspect.

Then the change goes on with the Taurus Moon where you want to drop all or part of your project until the Sun enters Leo. That is when you can pick up the energy try and make a deal. Sign on the dotted line after 4:06 PM on Friday. Right up until 7:59 PM on Friday night.

The Sun is much happier with its face in Leo. You can advance your goals with that little Green Light in that period. That is, it for the week.

You can find a copy of this on my website at And you can listen to this once again on WZBC archive (90.3 FM Boston Massachusetts). You can also see the transcribed report this week. I think it is going to be on Sunday. Thank you, Kimberly Chin. Thank you, Julie Stoller for helping to get this material posted. Thank you, Victor. Take it away, Victor.

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