Sunday, August 14, 2022

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin for August 13 - 20 2022 with Green Light times.


Saturday, August 13, 2022, to Saturday, August 20, 2022

Dietrech Pessin –

Email: Phone (text) number is 617 – 558 7233.

Available for consultation and one-on-one classes.

WZBC 90.3 FM Boston Massachusetts on Saturday mornings with Victor Robert Venckus in and around 9:30 AM


For the week ahead, well, it may feel like the month ahead. We have very heavy Saturn aspect going on. The Sun is opposite Saturn. That tends to be an uphill battle. Very difficult way to go. The good news is that aspect completes tomorrow at 1:10 PM. We will still feel it through Sunday. So, you want to take care of business.

Let's take a look at what else is going on.

As we are heading into that we have a Pisces Moon. So, a lot of your mindset, much of your mindset is pretty much focused on escapism. How do I get out of this? What can I do to make myself feel better? I feel like I want to jump out of my skin. How do I deal with that? The toughest part of Saturday is at 3:01 PM, when the Moon is opposite Mercury. So, this is where your thinking wants to go to extremes to be able to fix the situation in any way that we can.

Then the Pisces Moon continues through the night. Try not to drink yourself into oblivion with this Pisces Moon.

The Moon is quincunx the Sun, which is life's messy, clean it up. That is cleaning things up from the Full Moon that we had an Aquarius on Thursday. This was a very intense Full Moon because the Full Moon was conjunct Saturn. So, we had Saturn hanging over our heads. You have to do something or you will get caught up in the worst way that things could turn out. So be mindful and careful about how you approach your problems.

So, we have a clean-up day tomorrow. It is a day when you feel like you want to climb to the top of the hill. But you have to get your act together first.

That Sun opposite Saturn. Do not be hard on yourself. Everyone has a hard time With this aspect. You could get further with your plans if you pace yourself and try to slow down. That is not the nature of the Moon in Aries, which comes in at 4:42pm.

So let me just follow the signs and signals of the Pisces Moon that continues through Sunday, with its last aspect to a major planet at 11:10 AM. Then it is free floating, but a hard way to go until 4:42 when the Moon enters the sign of Aries.

There is that aggressive sign Aries. It is there till Tuesday night at 10:16 PM. The Aries Moon sign is motivated. Generates a lot of heat, and a lot of muscle energy. stretch before you do anything. Check things out. Untangle your cords. Do whatever you can to make sure that it is a safe environment. Ready to move forward. You get a lot of motivation, But you are still resting on your laurels. Moon trine Pluto. It definitely has with the Aries Moon, wants to mow down its way to moving forward. So, you need to get the help of a professional to move forward.

Mercury is in an aspect to Pallas Athena. That is the advisor. So, you want to call somebody. Do not be shy about it to let yourself have a clear path forward.

Then Monday we have an Aries Moon all day. The battle appears to have no obstacles, but you really should take care with your preparation. There are a couple of Venus aspects that are engaged. Maybe with lawyers or with counselors in the early afternoon. This one brings about a better view, better perspective of a of the day.

The Sun and Jupiter are making an aspect. So, there is a little bit of conflict about what is good. What is the best? How do you do things? That aspect will govern the energies in the evening. Making optimism the name of the game, but it does not necessarily produce. So, you want to be careful about being over optimistic.

Mercury and Uranus are the big players on Tuesday, when the Moon is in Aries. This aspect sees its way to a unique plan. Although, you must wait for a better time to put it into action. There is an intensity of your mind. Experimental attitude. It is a really good day to write because you get to have all of these experimental ideas down on paper. It is an expression of radical or unusual viewpoints. Technical interest and innovativeness. If you are shopping for a computer, for instance, you find out what makes this computer different from every other computer.

Venus is making an aspect to Vesta. Vesta is about the investor. This is later in the midafternoon on Tuesday. But the Moon is going to square Pluto. So, this is where the toll gates go up and you are blocked from your major goals with that one. So, the Aries Moon is not a good Moon sign to sign anything or go forward. That will last right up until 10:22 PM on Tuesday night.

Then the Moon enters Taurus. Now Taurus is not a sign for spontaneity. It is one to consider, reconsider everything carefully before moving forward. Take the high road and you will have the best results. People will really appreciate your projects and want to back you, especially with money with the Taurus Moon.

Wednesday you could be under a veil of illusion and confusion because of a Neptune aspect. The Sun is quincunx Neptune. That is life's messy, clean it up. That is at 1:56 PM. But really, it is all day Wednesday. You may find it hard to get out of bed. You are surrounded by your cushy pillows and your comfortable chair. The Sun quincunx Neptune says, Oh, everything is alright. You do not have to get up and tackle that. But it is an illusion. Do your best. Make your connections.

Mercury comes in and it is talking to Neptune as well. It says, throw me a line to know where I have to go. Neptune says, use your intuition. Your intuition has the absolute best answers.

Then Venus and Jupiter. They come in with a beautiful trine on Thursday. That is early in the morning. So late Wednesday night, you could get the benefit of this, if you wanted to test your luck in any way. But join in a party. This is a lovely aspect for getting together with others with that Taurus Moon. Food comes first. So always bring something. A plate of brownies or something and you will be well received.

Also, Mercury is in an aspect to Pallas Athena, that that advisor. So, Mercury that thinker wakes up and says, I'm not so sure I have the right counselor. I should shop for another one. So, you may want to do that.

The Moon is conjunct Uranus. This is right at 10:19 AM. This is where you might go and change your mind. Thursday we are talking. change your mind and have a different approach. Maybe have different people pulled into your conversation. But it is a Taurus Moon, so things move slowly. Spontaneity does not go well. It does not mix well. It is like putting a lot of pepper in the soup or something.

Mercury is quincunx Saturn. This one says you have got mistakes. You need to correct those mistakes. you also have to wait until this aspect pulls out of the way before you can find a little happy spot, a sweet spot. That sweet spot starts around quarter of four in the afternoon. it is Thursday.

Maybe you want to sign something or agree to something with that Taurus Moon. That is pretty good sign to do that.

Then there is a Quarter Moon that comes in early Friday morning, 12:35 AM. It is a last Quarter Moon. This is when you are actively involved in the process of reaping the rewards of your efforts. So, everything that you have been doing over the past two and a quarter years, you get the best way forward. But remember to take the high road. Taurus Moon does not like to cut corners.

Then the other thing that is going on that is a big deal is Mars. [Mars] is at the final degree of Taurus. So, this heats up the situation.  It is fiery. It is too aggressive for such a nice sign of Taurus. So, the forceful way to go is not the best way. Think about what do you really want in your life? How do you feel you can move forward in a way that that enhances your life and not aggressively. Do not grab what you want.

The Moon is making its last aspect to Mars at 7:05 AM when Mars is at the Pleiades, the Seven Weeping Sisters. So, if you move too quickly, there is something to cry about. Then there is a Void of Course Moon period, which is never void of course when the Moon is in Taurus because it is exalted in that sign. That is until 8:05 AM when the Moon enters the sign of Gemini on Friday.

This is the talking, thinking, connecting sign. There is an aspect between the Sun and Pluto that makes it difficult to advance your goals. Because again, you have to pay the tolls. You have to pay the piper. That is at 12:09 PM. But it does have an influence over the whole day.

Mercury and Jupiter are involved in trying to get people to think clearly about what it is you want to do. Make your plans. Draw out the lines on your map. How you want to go. Check your route. That is the Gemini Moon. Wants all that information with ducks in the row before you advance your goals.

Then it is not until 3:56 AM Next Saturday when Mars enters Gemini. So, know that you could be tripped up very easily with Mars at that final degree. Final moments of Taurus, right up until next Saturday at 3:56 AM.

So, it is a it is a busy week. high energy. lots of cow pies. You want to be careful. you have to mind the coals, the hot coals and flames on your fires. That is, it for the week.

Victor's show should be very interesting. I would stay tuned for that. I think I might call in with something to add to Victor's show about the worst day of your life. Or the worst event in your life. I do not know how he's going to phrase it. but I want to thank Kimberly Chin. She is the transcriber. That report will be up this weekend. Also, Julie Stoller for keeping us all stitched together. If you want to call me it is 617 – 558 – 7233. My website is Okay, here we go. Give me a call and listen to Victor’s show.

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