Saturday, August 6, 2022

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin August 6 - 12, 2022

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Saturday, August 6, 2022, to Saturday, August 13, 2022

Dietrech Pessin –

Email: Phone (text) number is 617 – 558 7233.

Available for consultation and one-on-one classes.

WZBC 90.3 FM Boston Massachusetts on Saturday mornings with Victor Robert Venckus in and around 9:30 AM


Hi, this is Dietrech with the astrology report for the week ahead on the 6th of August until the 12th.

We have a really busy, busy week. We had a big deal last week with the Mars and Uranus conjunction. Was not a whole lot. It was not a big disaster in regards to a lot of personal stuff. Some people have had extraordinary experiences. But all in all, I do not think it was really all that bad.

There can be more said about that this week because the Full Moon coming up is going to square Uranus. It is also tied into Saturn, which revives the Saturn and Uranus Square that we have been having since last year, at the beginning of this year. So that can bring us some difficulties. Saturn and Uranus act like sandpaper. So, if you have been looking for things to go smoothly, go with the flow. That is not the picture you get with Saturn and Uranus.

So, something has been very secretive going on, since we had that Scorpio Moon early this morning. Maybe it is vermin. There could be things that you need to attend to. You could have an infestation of some sort that you need to hire a professional. So, the Sagittarius Moon that we have today could possibly help you look into something in a more forward and open way.

There is a Void of Course Moon this morning for that Scorpio Moon sign, from 7:23 AM when it started. Then it ends at 12:38 PM when the Moon enters Sagittarius. That will be in that sign until Monday afternoon.

You may be confused about what is real or what is fantasy. Because that Moon will square Neptune, which tends to confuse things in a big way. You may be under some type of illusion. But nonetheless, you tend to.

 Things tend to go your way. But you try to practice what you preach if you can manage to do that under pressure. Projects can be fun this weekend.

There is a strong foot-in-mouth quality to the week because of the Neptune that the Moon will square at the end of the sign. So having fun is not all that easy during this particular Sagittarius Moon because Mars is square Saturn. That says you have much effort to maintain control. There may be uncomfortable restraint that you have to deal with in some way. Something is holding you back. There is a blocking that is going on.

Be careful about your muscles. Stretch before you do anything physical, even if it is gardening. You can really hurt your back gardening.

Blocking or denial. Your aggressive instincts. That would be something to look into how you do that. Or how you may restrain.

There goes that Big Thunder again.

There is frustration. there is anger, sickness, and injury that are noted with Mars square Saturn. That is tomorrow at 3:56 PM. It is exact, but really it is under our influence. We are under the influence of that all day long, even for Saturday.

Venus and Neptune are in a very sensitive type of aspect. Venus trine Neptune. It is in love with love. It loves art. It loves to dance. It loves playful enjoyment and fantasy. You could choose some beautiful things if you were so inclined. However, the Mars square Saturn may put a damper on how you go about that.

Still, with the Sagittarius Moon sign on Monday, we have the ability to articulate our troubles. Chiron in aspect to Pallas Athena. Anything that you have been holding back over the years. For instance, about a painful story or event. You could then find a way to release that information in a healthy way with Chiron in aspect to Pallas Athena.

The Sagittarius Moon continues through until 2:38 PM. That Capricorn Moon comes in at that time. The Capricorn Moon sign is one that is filled with all sorts of judgments and business intentions. It is one of those sayings, it is not how you feel, it is how you look. That is all about Capricorn. We have that from 2:38 PM until Wednesday afternoon. That Capricorn Moon sign makes you not want to budge off your position. If you are trying to make a deal that sort of, give a little get a little thing does not work. Because it is all about holding your own. Anything to make a deal in business. You could lose your shirt with this Capricorn Moon sign because the Moon will oppose Venus. Also, the people that you are dealing with remember the mistakes that you have made in the past. So, you must stand firm, but you will still want to win. But it is going to be really hard. You have got to pick another day. Anything that you try to do will be met with all sorts of judgments and disapproval and all that sort of thing. Very expensive too with Moon opposite Venus. Not friendly. That is the Capricorn Moon that will run through Tuesday as well and parts of Wednesday.

So, there is a jealousy aspect during that Capricorn Moon on Tuesday. Venus is opposite Pluto. Then Mars is parallel to Uranus. It is likely to pull a rabbit out of the hat. The rabbit could end up buying the company. So, you want to also watch for any rebellion that is forming. It could benefit big business, although it may not look like that from afar.

There is also some excellent counselor energy with the Sun and Pallas Athena on Tuesday. This one helps you to find a good counselor or someone with the greatest amount of expertise for what it is that you are trying to do.

The Sun and the Moon are quincunx on the night. That is life's messy, clean it up. 6:32 PM Tuesday night. This is when there is an event that occurs that is related to the Full Moon coming up on Thursday. So, you may want to make sure that you batten down the hatches, and have your best defenses shored up for the Full Moon that is coming. Because it is going to be extremely active.

Wednesday the Capricorn Moon starts the day, then changes to Aquarius. The Capricorn Moon is opposing Venus that is at 12:39 PM. The Moon is void of course At that time.

Then the Moon enters Aquarius at 2:44 PM on Wednesday. It stays in Aquarius until Friday. It is loaded with symbolism because of the Full Moon. It is conjunct Saturn and square Uranus. That is that sandpaper quality that matches its energy. So, it is also like throwing out everything and trying to get something brand new. Brand new look because you are frustrated. You want a whole new start to whatever it is you are trying to do. Tear it down, and build something new.

Then also, the Sun is square Uranus. That marks the signal to turn Uranus retrograde by August 24th. So, we have Uranus standing still between now and then, which is kind of a hard way to go.

Venus will leave the sign of the family, Cancer. Enter into Leo's playground. That will also be a signal that you might want to drop all or part of your project. When Venus makes that change, you can go about something that is a little more showy. Especially, to make a point.

Thursday could be an explosive type of day during that Aquarius Moon sign and the Sun square Uranus at 8:53 AM. It brings or exposes any outlandish ideas or actions. It may be confrontational. There could be also differences in ideology that cause irritation in such a way that is a big problem. Especially, under the Full Moon, people lose their heads. Surprises and reversals are likely to be the name of the game.

Efforts to understand change and unconventional behavior are what is needed during this Aquarius Moon sign. Aquarius is also about ecology, the climate. Anything that we need to do to be able to move forward with our goals for climate change and energy changes.

Venus enters Leo at 2:29 PM. Then it is in that sign until September 5th. Venus can have its focus on how things look. How your partner looks. How your possessions look. It may not be all that shallow, as it is an interest in fun and creativity. That adds to the romance in a relationship. So, if you have your first date during this Leo change with Venus, you really want to make sure you look good because that is going to be important. That sense of pride about your brood is also something that is evident when Venus is in the sign of Leo.

Mars and Neptune make an aspect Thursday, August 11th, at 5:43 PM just before that Full Moon. That says, there is an opportunity. Seek what is hidden. Use your spiritual resources to advance your goals. The Full Moon indicates that you can find what you are looking for. You can also expose the actions of others that are not doing the right thing.

That Full Moon. There are messages during that Full Moon. They are about a humanitarian cause that must be acknowledged. Also, efforts are fought long and hard to secure one's position. You may have to pick a side. Makes me think of China.

The last aspect of the Aquarius Moon is a split parallel to Mars. Which says that there is something that comes together temporarily in an effort to seal the deal, in some way shape or form.

Then the Aquarius Moon is void of course from 8:01 AM until 2:44 PM on Friday. Then the Moon goes into the sign Pisces. It is there until Sunday. The Pisces Moon can allow you to use your misfortune as a positive tool. Others may want to take advantage of you, but it could help you in the end.

Many misunderstandings are likely during this Pisces Moon. Your intuition is high. You also can use your gut feelings to move forward. Secrets are the name of the game when the Moon is in the sign of Pisces. Look in on people who are shut in. There could be people who need your help. Okay, that is it for the week.

You can reach me at 617-558-7233. You can also find a copy of this on my website at

Happy Birthday to my friends, Kimberly Chin, and Dr. Richard Close

and Vicki Lynn, Scott Stanley. So many Leos in this little section of time here. We wish you all a Happy, Happy Birthday. I think that is it for the week. is where you can find a copy of this report, the podcast or the transcribed report. Thank you, Kimberly Chin. Thank you, Julie, for keeping us all tied up nice and neat. that is truly Stoller. Also thank you, Victor. Take care. Have a good week. Give me some feedback about how you are holding up under all this Mars and Uranus stuff. Okay, that is it.




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