Saturday, March 4, 2023

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin March 4 - 11, 2023 with Green Light Days


Saturday, March 4, 2023, to Saturday, March 11, 2023


Email: Phone (text) number is 617 – 558 7233.

Available for consultation and one-on-one classes.

WZBC 90.3 FM Boston Massachusetts on Saturday mornings with Victor Robert Venckus, Expanding Awareness, in and around 9:30 AM


Hi, this is Dietrich with the astrology report for the week ahead for March 4th through. Let's see. What date does it end? On the 10th. We have a big deal this week. Saturn is going to change signs. It will enter the sign of Pisces and be there until 2024 2025. May of 2025. So, we have a lot to learn. That is the whole point of Pisces, learning our lessons. Having a complete relationship with karma. How it is that you can work with that. Work with things from the past. Try and try again to make things work and make things make things better for your life. And for the for those around you during the Saturn transit through the sign of Pisces.

There is for today, early in the morning, Venus and Saturn were in a difficult aspect 45°. So, this brings difficulties in personal relationships involving insecurities and regarding the status of the relationship. So, if you have been having a nice time in your relationship, and then you stop and say, where is this going? You can be throwing a wrench into the nice status of the relationship. So, you may want to think twice about pressuring someone for a commitment. There also can be a separation that is uncomfortable to tolerate causing great anxiety.  This may pertain to some other area of your life.

Also, Pisces is about large animals. Large animals that feed themselves outdoors. So those animals are going to be a major concern about what we do to make their lives possible and give them a future.

There is an inability to get to the source of the problem at this time. When engaged in shopping, for instance, your purchases and selections may reflect your current mood. But the budget could be very small. So, there is not much money today. It is boring and obligatory. Or stiff gatherings may be the name of the game With this Venus and Saturn aspect. Lots of uncomfortable feelings. So maybe you want to stay to yourselves or with people that you are really familiar with. No new friendships. This may not be the day for that.

Then for personal use, you could find something of value at a lower price, if you are making selections. Maybe something that you select is worth considerably less than the list price. So, I do not know if you can work around that as well.

The Moon and the Sun are quincunx at 2:26 PM today ¾,2023. That is called “life's messy clean it up”. So, it indicates that there is a need for your immediate attention. Something has to be worked out. Maybe something goes bump and bang and you have to get up and deal. It is related to the Full Moon that we will have on Tuesday March 7th. If it is about work, you may be called into work over the weekend. Especially if there is heavy weather and you who work in the field that manage maintenance regarding weather. Keeping things up and running and keeping the ball rolling.

Venus and Uranus have an aspect Saturday night. Tonight at 9:45 pm. It is cranky. It brings an episode when engaging with love and friendships. It could be something that is kind of sudden abrupt change. Spontaneous is not always going to be a fun thing. It could be something out of control. And no returns make it hard to swallow. So, finding a small change is also a small reward. So that could be a plus with that aspect between Venus and Uranus.

The Moon is opposite Saturn for the Leo Moon that we are having today. All today and tomorrow. So, this is not a good Moon to sign for anything or business matters at all. That Leo Moon is in aspect with Saturn Sunday night 10:18 pm. It is Moon opposite Saturn. So, this is difficult. It is it is very unpleasant and regarding social events, you may even find that your plans get cancelled for extenuating circumstances. There may be roadblocks and fences that restrict your plans as well.

There is an aspect in the morning on Sunday, between Venus in the Sun. They join briefly for a type of social event. So maybe something that is a morning or late morning social event might be a better event to attend.

The Void of Course, Moon starts Sunday night 10:18 PM until the Moon enters the sign of Virgo 10:38 pm. It has better energy on Tuesday. so not for Sunday night. It is after Saturn changes signs.

In the mean while a very smart aspect between the Sun and Uranus occurs Monday morning 8:41 am. So, if you have been bouncing some ideas around with others, this may prove to be something that you can plan on. Or work with others or something that has a future. There is definitely some help from others that you can expect.

Then the Virgo Moon still going through Monday, Monday night, Tuesday. then Tuesday morning 7:40 AM the Moon and the Sun are opposite.

Did you all see that amazing, by the way, lineup of Venus and Jupiter in the sky? It was just the most stunning sight ever to be seen. It was a clear night when it happened. So, there are pictures of it. But the pictures are saying nothing about what it really looked like and felt like. So that was the Venus and Jupiter conjunction that had occurred and built up over last week and Thursday night. It was just stunning.

But the Full Moon, it is on the same day that Saturn changes signs. We are talking Tuesday. it may focus on workers having to return to the office or take on a greater role. Your diet may be the topic. it may be harming your health. So, work with someone to help you keep on track. Lots of vegetables. Fresh fruits are a big plus, always.

Also, Saturn makes its change at 8:34 am. Saturn enters Pisces. It will be there until May of 2025. It will be easy to find jobs of compassion and intuitive, with intuitive workers. sometimes this is in the medical field. Dental, a spiritual field yoga. Anything having to do with compassion and helping others. Sometimes this Saturn placement can bring anxiety and fearful periods. Saturn can weaken concrete structures. It can also bring about lots of jobs in the ocean. Ocean contractors and also oil contractors as well. You may feel you can bring structure to your dreams with Saturn in the sign of Pisces. We will talk more about that as the weeks move into what Saturn really does mean.

Tuesday after Saturn makes its great changes perfect for advancing your goals. I would say that is around 9:07 am. Well, there is a Green Light that will occur from 9:00 AM until Tuesday. That is on Tuesday until Wednesday at 9:07 am. So that Green Light helps to bring about things that are sensitive and emotional. If you want to address things like substance abuse and smoking. If you want to quit smoking. If you want to quit alcohol and drugs, and any behavior that has held you back for years. This is a really good time to address those things.

That Virgo Moon makes a beautiful 120° trine to Pluto, which is very positive. That is at 9:07 am. That calls the shot for the whole Virgo Moon, giving it a plus.

Then the Moon is conjunct Libra at 9:43am. This is not a good Moon sign for conducting any kind of business. Libra is very much a people pleaser. It tries to please everyone. And sometimes there is no pleasing anyone. This particular Libra Moon, as it has been all year, has to deal with the nasty attitudes of Pluto. Because it makes a square to Pluto before it leaves the sign. But that is not forever. Pluto is going to change signs soon. That will let go of that energy.

Then on Monday. No. What day is that? Thursday. Here we are. Sorry, all the way down on Thursday. The Libra Moon really continues throughout that day into Friday. It is not good for business. the Sun offers some hope and relief with the help of Jupiter. That is at 9:51 AM on Thursday. So, if you want to beef up your plans or your project that could be a good time to look into expanding it in some way. But I would not go too much for expansion because it is not a good day for that.

The people that you consult with are very good. They are the best minds in the field. That is because Mercury and Palace are joined together with a 120° trine. So that is a good thing. That is at 10:08 PM exact. So, it influences most of the day in there Thursday.

Then we have the Moon and the Sun quincunx again at 10:51 pm. So, this is all the mess that was made by the Full Moon is waiting for us to clean it up Thursday night. So, you may need an insurance adjuster or a hired hand to sift through it all Thursday.

Then Friday the Libra Moon is not good at all, again for businesses. That Libra Moon is with us throughout the day, on Friday. It makes a square to Pluto at 6:36 PM

There is an aspect between Mercury and Venus early in the morning on Friday. This reminds me of people visiting people in hospitals. Or those that are that are shut in or shut out and left out. So, they invite hurt feelings that can be soothed with small gestures. So, they invite some soothing for those hurt feelings.

Friday night there is a Scorpio Moon after a Void of Course Moon from 6:36 PM on Friday until 7:05 PM on Friday, March 10th. The Moon enters the sign of Scorpio. This brings us a really good couple of days for business. So right through the next weekend that is a really excellent Moon sign. So that is it for the week.

You can find a copy get this on my website at You can also play it again on WZBC 90.3 FM (Boston Massachusetts) archives and look for the 9:30 hour 9:30 period. And you will be able to find this report there. You can also find it on my website at It will be posted afterwards transcribed by Kimberly Chin. Thank you very much, Kimberly. And Julie is with us, Julie Stoller. She definitely helps to pull everything together to make this all possible. And Victor is there. also give him a call. if he is asking for phone calls, go ahead. And that is it for the week. Dietrich Pessin 617-558-7233. 617-558-7233. Thank you.

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