Saturday, March 25, 2023, to Saturday, April 1, 2023
Dietrech Pessin –
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WZBC 90.3 FM Boston Massachusetts on Saturday mornings with Victor Robert Venckus, Expanding Awareness, in and around 9:30 AM
Good morning Victor.
There is a lot of technology, and crazy stuff going on. I mean absolutely crazy. Trying to connect with others. And for me, it has been a whirlwind of trying to stay on track when the technology won't cooperate. Then there goes your brain and your topic and everything out the window. That is Pluto and Aquarius. This pressure from Pluto is not going away anytime soon. Because it is going to hover at that 0°. Right through until it turns retrograde in June and backs up into Capricorn again. So, we are going to get a good dose of what Pluto in Aquarius means.
We have a couple of things going on. There is a huge asteroid between the Moon and Earth. It is no threat to the earth. But I would imagine at some point, it will come closer years beyond. Then there is a planetary alignment of five planets in the sky that you will be able to see. I do not have the exact times and information on that, whether it is the morning sky or the evening sky. I assume it is the evening sky because Venus and the Moon were out there beautifully Last night.
The alignment — led by the star cluster Messier 35 from the left,
followed by Mars, the moon, Uranus, Venus, Jupiter and Mars — starts
about 20 minutes after sunset — that’s at 7:03 p.m. in Massachusetts.
Monday and Tuesday are the best nights to see it.
Also, I want to wish Kevin Burke in Hawaii a great big happy birthday. Then on Tuesday, Karen West in California. And then my friend Debbie is traveling to Egypt. I wish her happy trails.
So, we have a big deal this week.
Mars entering Cancer Saturday, March 25 happened at 7:45 AM. It is quincunx Pluto. That is like poking the bear. You may want to try and dig your heels in and cooperate and work with others. But you may have a really hard time doing that. You may be driven in one way. But in another way, you may be thrown off your track. So, if you are using your car, be very mindful of sounds. Anything that needs attention, pay attention to it. You do not want to be left stranded.
Mars is very argumentative. So, people will burst out in anger when this goes on for probably a couple of days. Also, there is a demanding quality to it that forces you to take care of things.
Muddled. Muddled. Okay. I may be more clear. I do not know if I'm more clear now. My son just sent me a message that I'm muddled.
So, what do we have with that Mars energy. Mars and Pluto this morning 9:33 AM. That is a quincunx. So that is life's messy, clean it up.
Then there is an aspect between Venus and Neptune.
We have Venus and Neptune at 12:10 today (3/25). That is really kind of dreamy. Could be a little bit off track. Uranus and Pallas Athena. Pallas Athena is the wisdom. The highest wisdom in the room. This is the best advisor that you could get. 2:06 PM. This aspect may have a lot to do with you solving your problems or finding a fair platform, where things will be measured in a very fair way.
That Taurus Moon that we have today will change signs at 8:41 PM. The Moon is never void of course when it is in the sign of Taurus. So right up until 8:41 PM, there could be a Green Light to move forward.
Then later this evening, the Moon is in Gemini. The Gemini Moon will continue for a couple of days. The Moon is popping out of bounds. It is joining up with Mars, and it is out of bounds. Configuration means you can find something that is not your usual path. If you are going out to do something, let us say you are going on a walk. You just plan on a good walk. You may find something along the way that is particularly useful. You may run into somebody, meet somebody that can help you to stimulate ideas that you have and move forward.
For Sunday, that Moon is in Gemini. We are going to see it hit a couple of things. Mercury is going to come in contact with Pallas. That is the wisdom asteroid. So, gathering information and wisdom. Jupiter and Pallas are also joining up. A lot of things going on with these asteroids. Mercury lines up with Chiron. This is the wounded healer on the 26th. This has a lot to do with digging into your past and bringing things up and out in the open so that you can process them.
Then Mercury aligns with Jupiter for a long-term solution. This is later on in the afternoon on Sunday. There is Monday, but rather Sunday night Moon and Mars are parallel. Those two join together for some long-term plan of action.
There could be for Monday, while we still have the Moon in Gemini, we have a day when the Moon will square Neptune. Before it leaves the Sun/sign it will be void of course at 9:39 PM on Monday night until the Moon enters Cancer on Tuesday.
The Gemini Moon is great for connecting with siblings on Sunday and Monday. Travel plans. Going somewhere. Doing things that are useful. Doing things that are fun. Connecting with others just for conversation. Meeting and having lunch.
So, Tuesday when the Moon enters Cancer, the energy does change. There is a connection during that Aries during the Gemini Moon where the Sun connects with Neptune. And Mercury connects with Jupiter. It will align with Jupiter. So, these planets are going to be awesome in the sky: Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, and, even Mars as the evening moves on.
The Moon in Cancer starts on Tuesday at 6:21 AM. This Moon sign will join up with Mars at 9:19 AM. So, it can be argumentative. Or it could be very energizing: in the house moving around, doing things cleaning up. It could also get you going at work.
Mars will move on to make a semi-square to Uranus at 4:40 PM. So, this one could be difficult for trying to keep your brain on track.
The Moon is square to the Sun. That is the First Quarter square. 10:32 PM on Tuesday. Happy Birthday Karen West.
We have the square of the Sun and the Moon. There was a New Moon back on June 29, 2022. That is when you may have planted the seed to get things going. Now you can actually be actively involved in the process of moving forward with your plans on March 28th, Tuesday. Then there is a Full Moon related to this week’s First Quarter Moon on December 27th. When you can put all your cards on the table and process things in a way that is out in the open, and move forward in a big way.
A Green Light. This Cancer Moon does offer a Green Light. It will parallel Mars before it leaves the sign on Thursday. So that means there is a lot of get up and go. Also, pay attention to how your digestive system responds to certain foods. What you put in your stomach could cause cramps and pain. You want to be able to eat wisely. Also move around. Exercise with this Cancer Moon.
The Cancer Moon sees Venus and Chiron in an aspect on Wednesday. That is at 4:12 PM. So, this one has a pleasant response to some of the things that do emerge. You could be in kind and loving company when you have Venus and Chiron in a favorable aspect. This one actually does show some problems. Chiron is the wounded healer. So that is why there are psychological topics that come up.
So, we are still with the Cancer Moon on Wednesday night as we move into Thursday when there is an aspect between Mars and Saturn. So, Mars will have moved up to two and a half degrees of the sign of Cancer. While Saturn in Pisces is there waiting for a trine, a 120° trine. which is a positive aspect. But like I say, you have to consider the players as well.
Saturn has been causing an enormous amount of arthritis and joint difficulties. Mars may help you to find someone, a professional to work on your problems.
Then Venus and Uranus are joined up for friends to align. friends to join on the 30th. That aspect on the 30th actually kicks in, on backing up to Monday, this coming Monday. First in the evening when Venus and Uranus are parallel. And then they finally conjunct on Thursday at 6:26 PM. So, this is a long association. You may want to reconnect with friends you have lost contact with. And with siblings that you would like to make peace with, and contact with them as well.
On Thursday at 6:30 PM the Moon is conjunct Leo. Goes into Leo. It will be there for a couple of days, right through until Sunday. There is a Green Light during that Leo Moon, the whole time that it is in the sign of Leo. That would be through Sunday at 3:25 AM. So, for that Leo Moon that starts on Friday or Thursday, the Moon will oppose Pluto. So that may be a little bit of a problem.
Then the Moon is quincunx Saturn. So those two things are really speaking to viruses. So definitely protect. Maybe you want to put the mask back on again with that Leo Moon. That would be on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, Saturday. Because it seems as though there are viruses stirring up, especially with Mars in Cancer. So, you want to be protected. Protect the little ones and the animals from going outside alone. You do not want them to become subject to bigger animals. or animals of prey.
The Moon and the Sun are in a 120º trine for a beautiful aspect. That would be March 31st at 4:28 PM. This is when things may feel like they are moving more smoothly. You are in a better position to respond and involve yourself in other activities. You may have some sort of social event or concert or something like that. That might be fun to do during the Moon in the sign of Leo. Well, that is it for the week.
You can find a copy of this on my website at And if you want to connect with me about classes, I would like to offer a class in two weeks. If you are interested, give me a call at 617-558-7233. You can also go onto my website at and find a copy of this report. The podcast is there. also, Kimberly Chin will transcribe the report. Thank you very much, Kimberly. That will be posted on my website as well. So that is it for the week. Be careful with this Mars. Mars quincunx Pluto. It could be very, very haphazard. Thank you, Victor. Thank you, Julie. Thank you.
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