Saturday, April 1, 2023, to Saturday, April 8, 2023
Dietrech Pessin –
Email: Phone (text) number is 617 – 558 – 7233.
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WZBC 90.3 FM Boston Massachusetts on Saturday mornings with Victor Robert Venckus, Expanding Awareness, in and around 9:30 AM
Victor, we have a lot to talk about. Mercury is in its shadow. It will retrograde on the 21st. We have a shadow period that began, actually yesterday. It will last until after it turns direct in May. Then it will still be in its shadow point up until June. So, if you are trying to close a deal or do something significant, you could have twists and turns. Especially in this period of the shadow period, from now until the 21st. That is going to be a big deal. Because the 20th is the Solar Eclipse. That Solar Eclipse is going to be loud and active. So, we are going to have sort of a lot to clean up and a lot to do around that Solar Eclipse time.
The Mercury Retrograde will take place at a very important degree of 15° of Taurus. Jupiter will go retrograde in September. There is a Lunar Eclipse that goes across those degrees there.
Well, the first one is May 5th.
We had one in November. There was a Lunar Eclipse at 16 Taurus which activated this Mercury point, Mercury Retrograde point. So very much about cleaning up old stuff. Trying to organize and be ready for the next big event.
We have not had any retrograde for a while, for a couple of months. I personally think things function better when there are some retrograde planets. It gives you a chance to think and rethink and be part of a greater conversation. So, I'm looking forward to some retrograde. Although usually before it actually goes retrograde, which will be on the 21st, there is usually a period of wobble. Trying to work around, get things done, close things. And they do not seem to happen, they do not seem to close. You will have better luck, maybe after it turns retrograde. Certainly, after it goes direct in May.
So, for what we have today, today is the 8th of April. We have a Scorpio Moon. That Scorpio Moon is not in a good position to be helpful. It will oppose Venus in Taurus as its last act. Scorpio act. So that is not very good. It has some jealousy attached to it. A lot of money issues. Things people squabble over. So, this is not a good time to settle any older money issues.
There is a good aspect today when the Sun is parallel to Jupiter. That may be helpful if you wanted to try to make a plan. Set something up. But realize that you may have to adjust it all later. That Sun parallel Jupiter expands your knowledge and your playing field. So that has an influence over the whole day.
There is a Moon quincunx Sun. That is life's messy clean it up. It happens at 12:26 PM. That is the Moon in Scorpio and the Sun in Aries. You can find then that the Moon will quincunx Jupiter later on. But that Moon quincunx Sun is the end of that Full Moon period that we are coming out of.
There was a beautiful pink sky last night. It was just gorgeous. So, keep your eye on the sky in the evening hours. Then for today, in the evening, Moon is quincunx Jupiter. This one is seeking some sort of happy response to what could have been a very difficult week.
Then we go into Easter Sunday. The Scorpio Moon is still with us. Its last aspect occurs at 5:08 AM. As I said, this aspect is difficult and not meant for closing any deals. So let it go.
The Moon goes into Sagittarius at 8:56 AM on Sunday, tomorrow. We will have that Sagittarius Moon with us for a couple of days. That Sagittarius Moon is not moving nicely necessarily into any Green Light period or anything like that. Because its last aspect will square Neptune. That is going to tell you that. Or not tell you that things are not clear. They are hiding. They are disappearing. So do not activate your intention then as well, until after that aspect. Then the Moon will go into Capricorn.
So, coming back to Monday, the Moon will have a couple of quincunxes to deal with. The Moon will quincunx Mars. Then Mercury. That is life's messy clean it up. Then it is quincunx Uranus at 3:28 PM on Monday. So that could be haphazard. It could be stressful and then you are not able to actually pick up the pieces. It is sort of like that game where you had pick-up sticks.
So, the Moon trine the Sun, and Moon trine Jupiter also on Monday, 9:48 PM and 10:54 PM. So, these aspects might be pretty lucky. You could try your luck on Monday evening with those aspects as well Tuesday. The Sagittarius Moon is still with us.
There is Venus trine Pluto. So that is Venus trying to calm down Pluto from whatever it imagined. because Venus-Pluto can be very jealous. Pluto is at 0° of Aquarius. It will be there just for a couple of weeks. It is not going to stay there. It will back out.
Then we will have for later on Tuesday Moon is square Neptune 6:47 AM. Void of Course Moon until 1:32 PM. That is the Capricorn Moon comes in. There is the Green Light period. The business sign. This could be a family business trying to sort through things that are important to your family. Trying to collect money that is owed to you and that sort of thing. We are coming into a Last Quarter Moon. so that is when you could get paid for what you are owed.
And I'm going to jump ahead a little bit with that thought. April 13th. On Thursday, Moon is square the Sun. It is a Last Quarter Moon at 5:11 AM. This is the aspect where you either pay up or you get paid. The check could be in the mail if you are trying to clear something up. Maybe about the COVID era that started back in 2019. There was a New Moon back there associated with this. So maybe people are looking into the cause. Maybe there is more information about COVID. But that would indicate that there is a lot of virus in the air.
Looking at Tuesday again, Sun conjunct Jupiter. This is a happy one. 6:06 PM. It is a Green Light too. Green Light started when the Moon went into Capricorn and continues through Monday through Tuesday. And then until its last aspect 10:13 AM on Thursday. Tuesday and Wednesday and in the morning on Thursday we have a Green Light. So, if you want to move ahead. But I would avoid going full speed ahead because that Mercury's in its shadow. you may have a lot of adjustments coming up with that.
But on Thursday there is a Void of Course Moon from 10:13 AM until 4:41 PM. That will begin another Green Light period. That Green Light period goes through Thursday and Friday into the next weekend.
For Thursday, the Moon is in a nice trine with Venus. But the Moon is conjunct Pluto at 5:11 PM. You want to be careful about getting into the thick of it with people. Use your intuition about timing. There could be something later that is a little bit better than that time, if you are going to try to approach somebody about what they owe you, for instance. So that Moon Trine Venus is a good signal that you are on the right track and you could have better luck.
Then on Friday the Moon is quincunx Mars 9:46 AM. That could be a time when you are trying to clean up any kind of mess that Mars started. Mars is in Cancer. and the Moon would be in Aquarius. So that would be problems between friends and family.
Then we have Venus square Saturn. This one is not so good. It is a difficult aspect that shuts off or shuts down your ability to make money or collect money. But that will pass and then you will have a better window of time.
There is a Green Light that goes on beyond that on Friday. The last aspect on Friday is Moon square Uranus. So, if you are going out for a nice evening, be ready for a surprise that may pop up on April 14th In the evening. later in the evening. So that is it for the week.
You can find a copy of this on my website at You can also replay it with Victor at WZBC [90.3 FM Boston Massachusetts]. Go to the archives in the 9:30 section of his Expanding Awareness. and then you can find the recording on my website at Also, you can call me at 617-558-7233. Again, if I can get it out, 617-558-7233. And that is it for the week. Give me a call. Thank you.
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