Saturday, March 2, 2024 - Saturday, March 9, 2024
Dietrech Pessin –
Email: Phone (text) number is 617 – 558 – 7233.
Available for consultation and one-on-one classes.
WZBC 90.3 FM Boston Massachusetts on Saturday mornings with Victor Robert Venckus, Expanding Awareness, in and around 9:30 AM.
Hi, this is Dietrich with the astrology report for the week ahead. it is March 2nd and we have a lot to talk about. Actually, next Saturday, there is an important aspect coming up that will be triggered now. So, we need to talk about it this week. it is the Mars Uranus Square coming up. It is set off exactly on tomorrow morning.
This is an important week also for a Last Quarter Moon that comes up Sunday, Sunday night. Actually, Sunday morning. It is a big deal. It relates to the Solar Eclipse that we had at 12° (degrees) of Sagittarius in December of 2021. So that is related to events that developed in September 2022. Then a Full Moon brought parties together, and all the cards were on the table in June of 2023. Now is the Last Quarter Moon. This is when you reap the rewards of your efforts. And you collect the seeds from the past so that you can plant the seeds for your future. That is that very important Last Quarter Moon 10:23 AM. It is on Sunday. But it would probably have a lot to do with what goes on Monday morning. So, if you have been waiting for something to pull through, this could be your lucky charm.
So, we have Mercury on the Lunar Node all day today. No. It is not a Mercury Retrograde, but it sure is acting like one. Everything we do, we have to do two times three times before we get it right. It is just a grueling set of circumstances.
The Sun and Mercury are in an aspect as well throughout this day into tomorrow. That can also bring about important announcements, and important changes concerning your efforts. Also, anything that you want to get across to others. Maybe your documents are important.
There is also Venus square Uranus. That is tomorrow in the morning as well. That could be tough on personal relationships. So be easy with each other. Also, it can be disruptive. All this Mars Uranus Square stuff is very disruptive. So, it is aggressive and disruptive. So be patient with one another.
We have through Sunday. There is that aspect with Mars and Uranus coming in. It will last throughout the entire week. So, an aspect between this pair can cut off relations and create sparks. So be mindful of aggressive and forceful motives around you. Watch it in the news as well. Drivers are impatient and cause accidents. You may find someone who can help you with your mechanical or technical problems. I hope that is the case. I have been having problems with my astrology program all week.
Chiron here. This is Chiron, the key to the soul, the wounded healer. It is coupled with the Lunar Node and at an eclipse degree making it a very big deal. This has been engaged for several weeks now. It is causing all kinds of health issues. The good news about it is that we get to have this period where you can work things out. If you are addressing things with medical practitioners or alternative medicine practitioners. Things that have been bothering you for 50 years and or any part of that that, you can address now and have success.
The Sagittarius Moon is not a Green Light period. the last aspect will be a square to Neptune. That would be on Monday morning. Then we have what could be a Void of Course Moon until 4:14 PM when the Moon enters Capricorn. I say what could be a Void of Course Moon. It is because the Moon is never considered void of course in the sign of Sagittarius. So, after 10:40 AM you might have better luck with some things than others. Sagittarius has to do with things that are topics from abroad. Even topics about in-laws, your hips, your sciatic nerve, obesity, and the liver. You can also expect any type of fanatic interest in things. Sales and broadcasting with all this Sagittarius energy. It can be very spiritual. So, take advantage of that and use your spiritual access to gain whatever peace of mind and whatever help that you could ask for from the universe.
So, there is Chiron conjunct that Lunar Node 6:46 AM. And as I said, this is not something that is a quick move. It is very difficult to manage. So, you want to be careful. It is accident-prone. Chiron is half horse, half man. He is a centaur. He was horsing around with his buddies at a wedding and injured his heel, and he could never heal it. He then became the wounded healer. He was brilliant. brilliant with math and the sciences, and all the topics. It is a very brilliant configuration to have Chiron conjunct this Lunar Node. So, finding someone in your practice, to practice your best efforts to be able to move forward with maybe your health, with your psychological health, with any repeated problem that you have had over the years. Maybe it is some type of mental problem or substance abuse problem. Anything that you have been trying to tackle for years and years with not a whole lot of progress. This is your time. So, keep at it. There is a level of relief that comes with that with Venus and Jupiter. And we are talking by this time on Tuesday. So, we had for Tuesday Chiron being triggered in a big way.
Then on Wednesday, we come in with Venus and Jupiter. Asking for some celebration. For some good news that had happened over the past 24 hours of Monday, Tuesday, and in through Wednesday.
There is a Green Light there during that Capricorn Moon sign because the last aspect is making a very positive 60° aspect to Neptune. So, this is going to help to bring things with business in light to move forward. That is Capricorn Moon. I will say it again, started or will start at 4:14 PM on the 4th. That is Monday. Go all the way through the 5th and into the 6th, when it ends with that Moon sextile Neptune at 2:35 PM. And that is the Green Light.
There is a Void of Course Moon from 2:35 PM until the Moon enters the sign of Aquarius. That is at 7:38 PM on Wednesday. This can bring about a need to join with friends and also align yourself with like-minded people.
We have on the 7th that is the Happy 40th. For me a special anniversary. Happy Birthday to Janet Olga. She is having a birthday. We have an aspect between the Moon and Vesta, which is about investing in something. Being committed to something. So that is very positive for your future goals and your healing. Very important healing.
Mercury and Neptune join up with both a parallel on Thursday night into a conjunction on Friday morning. So, if there is some wild weather, it is likely to get intense because Mercury makes the wind kick up again. like we have not had enough wind, right? it could bring a lot of rain. it could bring snow in some places.
We can find that things may go bump in the night on Friday morning when the Moon is square Uranus.
Then the Moon goes on to conjunct Venus in the midafternoon. then it also goes on to make an aspect to Mars. It is a parallel. This brings another Green Light during this Aquarius Moon sign that begins at 7:38 PM on the 6th. That is Wednesday through Thursday, and into Friday up until 3:24 PM. Green Light.
There is a Void of Course Moon after that until 8:03 PM when the Moon enters Pisces. That Pisces Moon will welcome in that Mars and Uranus Square that comes up almost at 6:00 PM next Saturday. You want to be really careful with this. It is aggressive. it is accident-prone. You can make a lot of progress with things if you are very focused. So, you want to be careful not to get distracted. That is, it is for the week.
You can find a copy of this on my website at And you can also find it archived at WZBC [90.3 FM Boston Massachusetts] for 2 weeks. Kimberly Chin will transcribe it and post it on my website at You can call me for consultation 617-558-7233 or talk about astrology. And that is it for the week. And Victor, thank you so much. And Julie, thank you for holding us all together. And here we go. Again, back to you, Victor.
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