Monday, September 2, 2024

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin August 31 - September 8, 2024 Saturday, September 1, 2024 - Saturday, September 8, 2024


Email: Phone (text) number is 617 – 558 7233.

Available for consultation and one-on-one classes.

WZBC 90.3 FM Boston Massachusetts on Saturday mornings with Victor Robert Venckus, Expanding Awareness, in and around 9:30 AM.



Hi. This is Dietrech with the astrology report for the week ahead. That is the 31st of August, until Friday, the 6th of September. The Moon is in the sign of Leo. It has been there since Friday, August 30th, at 1:09 PM. It is making its path to invite Uranus into a stationary position. Uranus is going to retrograde until the 30th of January. Also, while we have a Leo Moon, which is a showy Moon, it is a Moon that likes to party, but it also likes to display its wares. That is going to show us where Pluto now, at 0° (degrees) of Aquarius, backs up into Capricorn. So, we have both Uranus and Pluto retrograde.

The position of Pluto backing up into Capricorn kind of looks as if that is more of that big government, big business. I think certainly, while Pluto is in the sign of Capricorn, we will elect a new President, which is fitting for Pluto in the sign of Capricorn, government and business,

Mercury is also a part of the story. Mercury will be making a change as it makes aspect to Ceres. That is Ceres the nurturer, the carer. It encourages us to be able to take care and be cautious with our loved ones. Be mindful of how you eat and how you care for others.

The Leo Moon ends at 11:48 PM, on Sunday night. That is when the Moon will go into the sign of Virgo. There will be a New Moon in Virgo, 11° of Virgo. This can help you to get organized. Line up your tasks. Line up your support team. That new Moon will be at 9:56 PM, on Monday night. The Virgo Moon will still be with us even [on] Tuesday.

There is an aspect between Mars and Neptune. This aspect is considered to be sneaky, difficult, and very indecisive. All kinds of complex situations require force and sensitivity. Competitive actions are also evident with Mars and Neptune, as well as things that are secret and hidden. So, conflicts or beliefs and ideologies, disappointments, and the urge to escape are all under the canopy of Mars Square, Neptune. Leakages. So, anything that leaks information. Also, physical weaknesses and a lack of energy, all of these things are under the canopy of Mars Square Neptune. It is not a nice aspect. It is one that with Mars and Gemini can also make it seem like we still have a Mercury Retrograde going on. That is on September 3rd. With Neptune at the last degree of Pisces, that really has been the culprit for so many of the problems that we have these days.

The Moon will be winding down its stay in Virgo. It will go into the sign of Libra on Wednesday at 12:12 PM. It will welcome Mars into the sign of Cancer. Mars is not particularly welcomed in Cancer, as it tries to rule the roost. It does not get anywhere. It just might be rather disruptive to family members.

If you have the ability to fight for people or causes about which you feel very strongly. You are particularly protective of your family. When personally hurt, you are likely to retreat into your shell. This is a hideaway type of Mars. It does not seek out the outer world to be able to express itself. Mars in Cancer wants to build a home. It wants to build a nest. It wants to have others cooperate. But those others may not be so cooperative.

The Moon in Libra looks for cooperation. We have that Libra Moon on Thursday and Friday as well, the 5th and 6th. All the way to next Saturday. That Libra Moon will be with us until 1:18 AM.

Then the Moon enters the next sign of Cancer. We have an aspect of the Sun and Pluto forming. It is a semi-square. It is on Friday. So, this brings about strong biological drives. Issues of power, which may be uncomfortable. Lots of competition. Lots of unconscious behaviors reveal underlying motives. There is body language that you can read. Sexual attractions, intentions, jealousy, and the necessity to share and trust. It is a necessity to trust. That does not necessarily breed trust. And that is it for the week.

You can find a copy of this on my website at It is transcribed by Kimberly Chin. Thank you very much. And you can also give me a call at 617-558-7233, if you want to talk about astrology or your chart. And I have one on one classes at this time. And that is pretty much it for the week. And back to you, Victor.

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