Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Astrology report September 1 - 8 2024


Lunar-Shadows.com Saturday, September 1, 2024 - Saturday, September 8, 2024

Dietrech PessinLunar-Shadows.com

Email: Dietrech.Pessin@gmail.com. Phone (text) number is 617 – 558 7233.

Available for consultation and one-on-one classes.

WZBC 90.3 FM Boston Massachusetts on Saturday mornings with Victor Robert Venckus, Expanding Awareness, in and around 9:30 AM.


Hi. This is Dietrech with the astrology report for the week ahead. And it is the 7th of September and the week ahead through the 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, all the way to the 14th.

We start out with the Scorpio Moon sign. It looks as though Mercury and Uranus have dug something up. Possibly with something in the form of old technology versus new information, new technology. It leads to a big problem. The big problem was… this is probably going on more in the news. Or with the political situations. There is also all this difficulty with maintaining control over one's life someone might be feeling. That is from the Sun and Saturn. They are in opposition. That is always a really rough time. In our personal lives we may find that it is hard for us to get around some of the more difficult things that we have to do. Trying to work out what type of things we should take on first? What type of things we should address? What type of obstacles and limitations are in front of us that we need to sort through?

The inhibitions and the delays that are caused by an aspect like Sun opposite Saturn makes it very difficult. Making others feel insecure. Making ourselves feel insecure. This can stimulate ambition and the desire to prove one's self worth. So do not oversell that.

There is this big over sell aspect coming up between the Sun and Jupiter on Thursday. So, between now and then, there is a need to talk bigger than what the problem looks like. So, if you have something where there is difficult judgments and difficult decisions to make, try and chill and think it through. Sleep on it before you take your next step.

We have a Scorpio Moon, which is always a difficult Moon. It is another thing that makes me think that there is something about the intentions of those in the news that are not totally honorable. That may not be on the up and up. They may be doing something they should not be doing. It is time when tasks can be accomplished in secrecy. So, if you are in trouble, you may need assistance to get out of the mess you got yourself in. That is what a Scorpio Moon talks about. Someone important to the proceedings may be absent. Like if you need to go to court and have a witness. This witness may not be available for whatever reason. It seems like the whole matter is more complicated with the Moon in Scorpio. Research is the thing that Scorpio is famous for. It may be important to your eventual success. So, dig through and investigate everything to try and complete a picture that serves you. It is a really kind of a crazy set of circumstances here for the transits that we have. Mercury square Uranus. That is for Saturday. Then the Sun opposite Saturn. That is on Sunday. Also Sunday Mercury quincunx, Neptune. Quincunx is that life's messy, clean it up. Neptune is the planet that confuses. Throws the wool over your eyes. Mercury has eyes. Mercury wants to see everything. Talk about everything. Mercury causes some kind of a certain set of standards. The confusion is maybe too left, too large.

If you were, for instance, going out shopping, you might very well be making all the wrong decisions, all the wrong choices. Getting things home may not look like they did in the store. They do not match what you wanted.

Venus and Uranus are playing into that as well. On Sunday, they make an aspect that is also difficult. That does not allow for the picture of things, the settings, to work out in in such a way that you need, that you want.

So, I would say that also with friendship, you want to take it easy with friends. Maybe lay low. Maybe not join the party on Sunday night. Maybe keep to yourself.

The next day, we have Mercury and Pluto in an aspect. That aspect is a quincunx. Once again, that is that life's messy, clean it up aspect. That is on the 9th on Monday, 12:55 AM. Early in the morning, late, late at night. So, there is something that is said, something that you hear. Maybe there is something that you read on the news that you find is upsetting. Maybe you want to follow that story through.

Mercury is at the very last degree of Leo. That kind of looks like a bit of a train wreck. So, something is about to go unhinged. Mercury then enters into the sign of Virgo. So, it makes a change from Leo to Virgo. It is happier in Virgo. Mercury has a good mindset about what to do and how to do it. It is really very handy with the details. There are a lot of things to be worked out. Work is something that Mercury is very comfortable with when in the sign of Virgo. This could be a level of appreciation that is well worth it.

On the 10th. Well, we have a Moon sign change actually, on Monday, 1:26 PM. The Moon leaves Scorpio goes into Sagittarius. That is a happier Moon sign. It is with us on Tuesday. So, a lot of this kind of breaks up a lot of this intensity, for over the weekend may break up, certainly by Monday afternoon and then into Tuesday as well.

We have the Sagittarius Moon also with us, going into a First Quarter Moon. That is where the Sun and the Moon are square. You will look up in the sky and there is a half Moon. It looks like a half Moon. it is actually called a Quarter Moon. That is at 2:06 AM. That is in Sagittarius.

You can probably find on the 11th also Venus and Saturn. They have an aspect going on, another quincunx. So, all these quincunxes are saying there are difficulties. There are things that are messed up.

Venus and Saturn might be speaking to money. It might be speaking to things about personal relationships. Venus is in the sign of Libra. Saturn is in Pisces. So, there is something going on with relationships that need to be qualified and explained.

Also, for Wednesday, sees another event coming in. Mercury is sextile Mars. That is late at night, 11:42 PM. So, another Mercury thing. Mercury is gaining information with this one. Mercury is on the run. It has a relationship with Mars that is able to ask the right questions, get the right information, and then takes that over to the Sun. The Sun as it squares Jupiter. That would be on Thursday the 12th of September.

That has to do with finding that there is a way to grow beyond your present situation. These areas may present problems. However, you may want to push out further than what is available in regard to making an effort that is too great, too much of overcompensating, over explaining.

There is also a great urge to travel, get away from it all. There is growth, stress, overconfidence, over optimism with Sun square Jupiter. It causes an overload. There can be an awareness of moral or legal issues with this aspect as well. There is awareness of differences in opinion that may actually be a problem if you are trying to fight too hard. There is that thing going on all week long with Mercury trying to say too much, think too hard. Talk to explain too hard, that sort of thing. So that was Thursday with the Sun square Jupiter.

The Capricorn Moon had come in by the time Wednesday night. It arrived at 10:38 PM. Capricorn Moon is with us on Thursday. It is with us on Friday the 13th. It does go into next Saturday until 3:53 AM. Capricorn Moon tends to be all about business. It does not have that soft style to it. Or optimistic, playful style that Sagittarius Moon sign has. It definitely wants to get down to business and show the facts. With the Capricorn Moon, it is opposite Mars. So, there is a battle there where there is something to be said. Maybe this is about family matters. Trying to prove and approve of matters that are going on in the family.

So, I would think that the aspect between Venus and Saturn, which was that quincunx is a difficult aspect to be able to settle things with the family. Those at family heads might be in a position to overcompensate, over explain, over promise. The Sun is in the sign of Virgo. So, it is working, and maybe it is overworking at that point as well. And I think that is kind of it for the week.

It is a complicated week with a lot of with a lot of drama going on. A lot of things that are coming up and coming out that are maybe gossip. Maybe there are things behind the scenes that come out that are unfortunate. I think in our personal lives, we probably would just try and stick to the tasks at hand. Get as much done as you as you can, clean up as much as you can. Make way for family members to come in closer. Or see if you can help them in ways that have been unavailable before.

You can find a copy of this on my website at Lunar-Shadows.com. Kimberly Chin will transcribe the report, and that will be posted on my website at Lunar-Shadows.com. You can call me if you want to talk about astrology at 617-558-7233. Okay, that is it for the week.

Back to you and Hi to Julie in the background. And Victor, it is all yours. Thank you. Bye.


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