Report for Saturday October 9, 2010 through Sunday October 17, 2010. | |||||||
Venus is retrograde until November 18th. Matters ruled by the Venus retrograde in Scorpio are; the miners trapped in On a personal level you might bring things of dark colors into your personal space. Relationships tend to deepen and become more meaningful. Sexual energy is misused or withheld. Use Venus retrograde to reapply for money. Reconnect with old friends and family. Organize your finances and insurance policies. Open your heart and speak from your heart. | |||||||
Saturday | Oct 09 | | | | | | Saturday, October 09, 2010. |
Scorpio | Moon | Dark Moon | Sun | 1:22:45 AM | 05°Sc49 | 15°Li49 | Moon in Scorpio. Green light day. There is a unique harmony in regard to matters of money borrowed or loaned up until 2:27 PM Sunday. Look for a spontaneous opening to repay or borrow. There are psychological twists. Move forward but expect others to be controlling or you need to share the money. Money is slow. Love is complicated. 5:01 PM Mercury is 135° to In addition: swimming, exercise, prayer, yoga and meditation are good aids to combat these issues. There is plenty of information to support your goals. (Mercury – Jupiter) Ask lots of questions and share your experiences with others as there is a window for healing process to begin. (Mercury and Sun to Chiron). There is a message of forgiveness. |
| Vesta | 30° | Pallas | 5:26:49 AM | 00°Sc41 | 00°Sg41 | |
Scorpio | Moon | 30° | Saturn | 6:15:13 AM | 08°Sc46 | 08°Li46 | |
Scorpio | Moon | // | Pluto | 7:33:54 AM | -18°36' | -18°39' | |
Scorpio | Moon | 30° | Mercury | 9:11:43 AM | 10°Sc33 | 10°Li33 | |
Scorpio | Moon | 135° | Jupiter | 10:02:53 AM | 11°Sc04 | 26°Pi04' R | |
Scorpio | Moon | 135° | Uranus | 1:05:35 PM | 12°Sc54 | 27°Pi54' R | |
Scorpio | Moon | 0° | Venus | 1:34:42 PM | 13°Sc11 | 13°Sc11' R | |
Scorpio | Moon | 45° | Ceres | 4:59:24 PM | 15°Sc14 | 00°Cp14 | |
| Mercury | 135° | | 5:01:29 PM | 11°Li08 | 26°Aq08' R | |
| Mercury | // | Jupiter | 6:23:25 PM | -03°01' | -03°01' | |
Scorpio | Moon | 30° | Sun | 7:12:15 PM | 16°Sc33 | 16°Li33 | |
Scorpio | Moon | 0° | Mars | 8:06:09 PM | 17°Sc05 | 17°Sc05 | |
| Mercury | 135° | Chiron | 9:01:32 PM | 11°Li25 | 26°Aq25' R | |
Scorpio | Moon | 45° | Pluto | 9:34:28 PM | 17°Sc57 | 02°Cp57 | |
| Pluto | 120° | Juno | 9:45:05 PM | 02°Cp57 | 02°Vi57 | |
Scorpio | Moon | 45° | Saturn | 7:39:37 AM | 23°Sc54 | 08°Li54 | Sunday, October 10, 2010 You have a green light until 2:26 PM. There is a theme of healing the soul continues through Sunday. (Sun – Chiron) There is something of great value learned about your self and or those very close to you. This is information to be treasured. There is a unique harmony in regard to matters of money borrowed or loaned up until 2:27 PM. |
Scorpio | Moon | 120° | Jupiter | 11:09:14 AM | 25°Sc56 | 25°Pi56' R | |
Scorpio | Moon | 90° | | 11:27:07 AM | 26°Sc07 | 26°Aq07' R | |
Scorpio | Moon | 90° | Chiron | 11:57:00 AM | 26°Sc24 | 26°Aq24' R | |
| Sun | // | Chiron | 1:47:55 PM | -06°48' | -06°48' | |
Scorpio | Moon | // | Venus | 1:57:53 PM | -22°38' | -22°40' | |
Scorpio | Moon | 45° | Mercury | 2:08:38 PM | 27°Sc41 | 12°Li41 | |
Scorpio | Moon | 120° | Uranus | 2:26:48 PM | 27°Sc51 | 27°Pi51' R | |
void of | Moon | | Scorpio | 2:27:53 PM | | | Sunday, October 10, 2010. Void of course Moon from 2:27 PM until 6:08 PM. |
enters | Moon | 0° | Sagittarius | 6:08:44 PM | 00°Sg00 | 00°Sg00 | The Moon is in Sagittarius. For both Sunday night after 6:08 PM and Monday the interpretation is the same. This is a very sticky and intense couple of days. You might be able to get to the bottom of something that will release you seek another perspective. The process has old issues which connect to outside forces and orders to comply with the rules. There is a chance meeting or an introduction to someone of great interest. You might discuss money or romance. Both matters have had a grip on your psyche for some time. A time to deliver money, property or a type of penitence. But don’t rule out a last minute surprise that may or may not be helpful. |
Sagittarius | Moon | 30° | Ceres | 7:04:04 PM | 00°Sg31 | 00°Cp31 | |
| Mercury | 30° | Venus | 7:39:11 PM | 13°Li05 | 13°Sc05' R | |
Sagittarius | Moon | 0° | Pallas | 8:25:31 PM | 01°Sg18 | 01°Sg18 | |
Sagittarius | Moon | 30° | Vesta | 8:50:26 PM | 01°Sg33 | 01°Sc33 | |
Sagittarius | Moon | 45° | Sun | 10:49:56 PM | 02°Sg41 | 17°Li41 | |
Sagittarius | Moon | 30° | Pluto | 11:19:53 PM | 02°Sg58 | 02°Cp58 | |
Monday | | | | | | | Monday, October 11. |
| Moon | 90° | Juno | 12:07:48 AM | 03°Sg26 | 03°Vi26 | Moon in Sagittarius The interpretation is the same as that given for Sunday night. |
| Mars | 45° | Pluto | 2:46:52 AM | 17°Sc58 | 02°Cp58 | |
| Saturn | // | Uranus | 5:01:05 AM | -01°34' | -01°34' | |
Sagittarius | Moon | 60° | Saturn | 10:01:03 AM | 09°Sg02 | 09°Li02 | |
| Sun | 30° | Mars | 1:04:28 PM | 18°Li16 | 18°Sc16 | |
Sagittarius | Moon | 30° | Venus | 5:02:37 PM | 12°Sg58 | 12°Sc58' R | |
| Moon | 60° | Mercury | 8:30:44 PM | 14°Sg54 | 14°Li54 | |
| Mercury | | Juno | 10:33:29 PM | -04°40' | +04°40' | |
Tuesday | Oct 12. | | | | | | Tuesday, October 12. |
| Vesta | | Pallas | 12:22:30 AM | -07°57' | +07°57' | This Sagittarius Moon will square Uranus before at the end of the sign at 8:08 PM. This is disruptive for the final outcome of planned events. However there is just as good a chance of a surprise outcome beyond the appearance of the current problems. Keeping on praying for a miracle. If you must surrender to the inevitable invite the great relief of putting all this behind. |
Sagittarius | Moon | 45° | Vesta | 12:35:07 AM | 17°Sg09 | 02°Sc09 | |
Sagittarius | Moon | 30° | Mars | 3:22:53 AM | 18°Sg41 | 18°Sc41 | |
Sagittarius | Moon | 60° | Sun | 3:43:22 AM | 18°Sg53 | 18°Li53 | |
| Sun | 45° | Juno | 5:29:52 AM | 18°Li57 | 03°Vi57 | |
Sagittarius | Moon | 90° | Jupiter | 4:15:23 PM | 25°Sg41 | 25°Pi41' R | |
Sagittarius | Moon | 60° | | 4:59:05 PM | 26°Sg05 | 26°Aq05' R | |
Sagittarius | Moon | 60° | Chiron | 5:28:46 PM | 26°Sg21 | 26°Aq21' R | |
Sagittarius | Moon | 90° | Uranus | 8:07:41 PM | 27°Sg46 | 27°Pi46' R | |
void of | Moon | void | Sagittarius | 8:08:46 PM | 27°Sg46 | 27°Pi46 | Tues Void Moon 8:08 PM until Wednesday. |
Sagittarius | Moon | 45° | Venus | 8:09:06 PM | 27°Sg47 | 12°Sc47' R | Tues Oct 12. During the void Moon period Venus and Uranus cause a difference of opinion between friends. Look after your purse. Late night conversations could throw a wrench in romantic expectations. Give your partner space. If you meet someone new this could be a one night stand. |
| Venus | 135° | Uranus | 10:08:35 PM | 12°Sc46' R | 27°Pi46' R | |
enters | Moon | 0° | Capricorn | 12:17:55 AM | 00°Cp00 | 00°Cp00 | Wednesday, October 13, 2010. The Moon enters Capricorn at 12:17 AM and there is relief of that heavy energy and a positive outcome for your efforts through Thursday morning. This is a day to find a qualified coach or advisor. There is an opportunity to set up a solid financial plan, find a job or make a good investment. |
Capricorn | Moon | 0° | Ceres | 2:29:01 AM | 01°Cp10 | 01°Cp10 | |
| Mercury | 45° | Pallas | 4:13:05 AM | 17°Li12 | 02°Sg12 | |
Capricorn | Moon | 30° | Pallas | 4:26:29 AM | 02°Cp12 | 02°Sg12 | |
Capricorn | Moon | 60° | Vesta | 5:32:12 AM | 02°Cp47 | 02°Sc47 | |
Capricorn | Moon | 0° | Pluto | 5:56:54 AM | 03°Cp00 | 03°Cp00 | |
| Sun | | Pallas | 6:33:49 AM | -07°48' | +07°48' | |
Capricorn | Moon | 120° | Juno | 8:38:43 AM | 04°Cp26 | 04°Vi26 | |
Capricorn | Moon | 45° | Mars | 8:52:18 AM | 04°Cp33 | 19°Sc33 | |
| Pluto | 60° | Vesta | 3:45:15 PM | 03°Cp01 | 03°Sc01 | |
Capricorn | Moon | 90° | Saturn | 5:58:13 PM | 09°Cp19 | 09°Li19 | |
Capricorn | Moon | // | Venus | 8:51:51 PM | -22°32' | -22°34' | |
Capricorn | Moon | 45° | | 9:19:29 PM | 11°Cp04 | 26°Aq04' R | |
Capricorn | Moon | 45° | Chiron | 9:48:53 PM | 11°Cp19 | 26°Aq19' R | |
Thursday | Oct 14 | | | | | | Thursday, October 14, 2010 Happy Birthday to the mother of “Planet Pals”, designer Judith Gorgone. Visit |
Capricorn | Moon | 60° | Venus | 12:09:29 AM | 12°Cp32 | 12°Sc32' R | There might be a disagreement in the way to proceed but don’t let that stop you today. The Capricorn Moon supports your intentions better in the afternoon. Finally you are able to articulate your issues in a clear fashion and gain the right advice. (Mercury – Chiron). This is an action day with the business of partnerships of all sorts. At 5:27 PM a First Quarter Moon at 21° Capricorn activates a seed that was planted nine months ago There are details to iron out but the outcome generates growth. Take advantage of a clear route and plenty of assistance especially after 5;27 PM. |
Capricorn | Moon | 45° | Pallas | 10:08:36 AM | 17°Cp41 | 02°Sg41 | |
Capricorn | Moon | 90° | Mercury | 1:56:37 PM | 19°Cp38 | 19°Li38 | |
Capricorn | Moon | 135° | Juno | 2:34:41 PM | 19°Cp57 | 04°Vi57 | |
Capricorn | Moon | 60° | Mars | 3:32:11 PM | 20°Cp27 | 20°Sc27 | |
Capricorn | Moon | 90° | Sun | 5:27:24 PM | 21°Cp25 | 21°Li25 | |
| Mercury | 45° | Juno | 7:43:29 PM | 20°Li03 | 05°Vi03 | |
| Mercury | // | Chiron | 8:39:41 PM | -06°51' | -06°51' | |
Friday | Oct 15 | | Friday | | Friday | Friday | Friday, October 15, 2010. |
Capricorn | Moon | 60° | Jupiter | 1:21:19 AM | 25°Cp26 | 25°Pi26' R | The Capricorn Moon on Friday is full of high energy. You are likely to cut through red tape and move forward. The Moon’s final aspect in Capricorn is parallel Mars. You are able to call in the troops to support your efforts for the long haul. Choose the early morning to move forward up until 8:35 AM. |
Capricorn | Moon | 30° | | 2:34:46 AM | 26°Cp03 | 26°Aq03' R | |
Capricorn | Moon | 30° | Chiron | 3:03:38 AM | 26°Cp18 | 26°Aq18' R | |
Capricorn | Moon | 60° | Uranus | 5:48:53 AM | 27°Cp41 | 27°Pi41' R | |
Capricorn | Moon | 60° | Uranus | 5:49:58 AM | 27°Cp41 | 27°Pi41 | |
Capricorn | Moon | // | Pluto | 6:35:21 AM | -18°39' | -18°40' | |
| Pluto | 30° | Pallas | 7:49:25 AM | 03°Cp02 | 03°Sg02 | |
| Mercury | 30° | Mars | 8:04:47 AM | 20°Li56 | 20°Sc56 | |
Capricorn | Moon | // | Mars | 8:35:11 AM | -18°22' | -18°23' | |
void | Moon | | Capricorn | 8:35:11 AM | | | |
Enters | Moon | 0° | Aquarius | 10:24:49 AM | 00°Aq00 | 00°Aq00 | Friday, October 15, 2010 |
| Sun | // | Vesta | 10:40:20 AM | -08°37' | -08°37' | After 10:24 AM the Aquarius Moon is also supportive. You get terrific help from a friend and you find other support along the way. You find the right information for the right job. Fill out applications and make your filings. You run into an old partner at the desk. |
Aquarius | Moon | 30° | Ceres | 2:08:19 PM | 01°Aq52 | 01°Cp52 | |
Aquarius | Moon | 30° | Pluto | 4:28:24 PM | 03°Aq02 | 03°Cp02 | |
Aquarius | Moon | 60° | Pallas | 4:45:03 PM | 03°Aq11 | 03°Sg11 | |
| Mercury | | Pallas | 6:19:53 PM | -07°31' | +07°31' | |
Aquarius | Moon | 90° | Vesta | 6:38:35 PM | 04°Aq08 | 04°Sc08 | |
Aquarius | Moon | 150° | Juno | 9:22:24 PM | 05°Aq29 | 05°Vi29 | |
Saturday | Oct 16 | | | | | | Saturday, October 16, 2010 |
Aquarius | Moon | 120° | Saturn | 5:39:48 AM | 09°Aq37 | 09°Li37 | The Aquarius Moon is supportive and highly active. A Mars-Pluto aspect enables you to plow through matters and you get the information you need with the help of Mercury at the end of this sign. A caution for those that are highly controlling, expect a power struggle. For those with anger management issues there could be an unfortunate outburst. Avoid spending or over estimating your ability to commit until after 11:45 AM. At times the high energy could lead to disruptions either verbally or from outer factors. The Sun and Mercury join at 9:04 PM. This helps to get moving in the right direction. |
Aquarius | Moon | 45° | Jupiter | 7:01:57 AM | 10°Aq18 | 25°Pi18' R | |
Aquarius | Moon | 90° | Venus | 10:09:18 AM | 11°Aq51 | 11°Sc51' R | |
Aquarius | Moon | 45° | Uranus | 11:44:28 AM | 12°Aq38 | 27°Pi38' R | |
Aquarius | Moon | // | | 4:24:48 PM | -13°17' | -13°17' | |
| Mars | // | Pluto | 8:20:50 PM | -18°40' | -18°40' | |
Aquarius | Moon | 45° | Ceres | 9:01:52 PM | 17°Aq15 | 02°Cp15 | |
| Sun | 0° | Mercury | 9:04:32 PM | 23°Li33 | 23°Li33 | |
Aquarius | Moon | 45° | Pluto | 10:41:13 PM | 18°Aq04 | 03°Cp04 | |
Sunday | Oct 17 | | | | | | Sunday, October 17, 2010 |
Aquarius | Moon | 90° | Mars | 7:17:17 AM | 22°Aq19 | 22°Sc19 | The Aquarius Moon is totally supportive. Go for it right through 4:17 PM when the Moon is void of course. Be kind to your friends. |
Aquarius | Moon | 120° | Sun | 10:58:18 AM | 24°Aq08 | 24°Li08 | |
Aquarius | Moon | 120° | Mercury | 11:55:51 AM | 24°Aq36 | 24°Li36 | |
Aquarius | Moon | 135° | Saturn | 12:17:09 PM | 24°Aq47 | 09°Li47 | |
Aquarius | Moon | 30° | Jupiter | 1:05:42 PM | 25°Aq11 | 25°Pi11' R | |
Aquarius | Moon | // | Sun | 1:41:25 PM | -09°23' | -09°24' | |
Aquarius | Moon | 0° | | 2:48:36 PM | 26°Aq01 | 26°Aq01' R | |
Aquarius | Moon | 0° | Chiron | 3:15:36 PM | 26°Aq15 | 26°Aq15' R | |
Aquarius | Moon | // | Vesta | 3:36:06 PM | -09°01' | -09°02' | |
Aquarius | Moon | // | Mercury | 4:17:26 PM | -08°53' | -08°54' | |
void | Moon | void | Aquarius | 4:17:26 PM | | | Moon is void of course until 10:52 PM. |
Aquarius | Moon | 30° | Uranus | 6:00:17 PM | 27°Aq36 | 27°Pi36' R | During the Aquarius void Moon period Mercury is 150° to Jupiter. There might be a job that spontaneously emerges. Also a traffic or travel incident. Secure your papers and phone before heading out. |
| Mercury | 150° | Jupiter | 7:42:29 PM | 25°Li09 | 25°Pi09' R | |
| Mercury | // | Vesta | 10:33:08 PM | -09°05' | -09°05' | |
enters | Moon | 0° | Pisces | 10:52:42 PM | 00°Pi00 | 00°Pi00 | Sunday, October 17, 2010 |
by Dietrech Pessin - Author of Lunar Shadows III at AMAZON.COM on Twitter/@Dietrech & email:
Saturday, October 9, 2010
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Thanks for the kind Happy Birthday! We had a big online party!
Thanks for the kind Happy Birthday! We had a big online party!