Virgo | Moon | enters | Virgo | | EDT | 00°Vi00 | 00°Vi00 | Monday, October 04, 2010. The Moon is in Virgo. This is a good day to work together to clean up an old project as a New Moon is on the way. |
| Moon | | | 12:58 PM | | 00°Vi00 | | |
Virgo | Moon | 0° | Juno | 5:08:18 PM | EDT | 00°Vi42 | 00°Vi42 | |
| Sun | 135° | Chiron | 6:04:57 PM | EDT | 11°Li34 | 26°Aq34' R | |
Virgo | Moon | 30° | Mercury | 7:56:29 PM | EDT | 02°Vi26 | 02°Li26 | |
Virgo | Moon | | Chiron | 8:03:06 PM | EDT | +06°42' | -06°42' | |
Virgo | Moon | | Vesta | 8:38:06 PM | EDT | +06°33' | -06°34' | |
Virgo | Moon | 120° | Pluto | 8:40:48 PM | EDT | 02°Vi54 | 02°Cp54 | |
Virgo | Moon | // | Juno | 12:33:14 AM | EDT | +05°35' | +05°35' | Tuesday, October 05, 2010 Virgo Moon. At 2: 08 AM Mercury is square Pluto. Deep mental distress and challenges during communication. A stressed sense that matters are out of control. Paranoid perceptions. Manipulative operations. Replaying hurts over and over. Someone is withholding and you may want more that you are getting. It is difficult to break though this energy. You must let it pass. If you don't want to marry this problem: don't sign anything. Make a decision not to make any decisions until some time passes. You have lost your perspective while in the grips of an issue. Venus 135° Uranus: A desire for fun and unconventional social excitement. This aspect may accompany unstable or erratic feelings. Sudden loss of interest in romance. Behaviors and choices may appear inappropriate or unconventional. Artistic rebellion. Sudden abrupt change within a friendship or an old friend re-emerges. Protect your purse from loss or impulse spending. Keep it light and be creative with this one. Purchases may be trendy with short lived appeal. Expect your dining experiences to be unpredictable. At 1:58 PM Mars is 45° from Ceres which creates a burning situation that is not as it seems. What may have helped could be lost. |
| Mercury | 90° | Pluto | 2:08:08 AM | EDT | 02°Li54 | 02°Cp54 | |
Virgo | Moon | | Sun | 3:55:23 AM | EDT | +04°43' | -04°44' | |
| Venus | 135° | Uranus | 4:24:06 AM | EDT | 13°Sc04 | 28°Pi04' R | |
Virgo | Moon | 30° | Saturn | 5:19:02 AM | EDT | 08°Vi16 | 08°Li16 | |
| Jupiter | 30° | Chiron | 9:45:13 AM | EDT | 26°Pi33' R | 26°Aq33' R | |
| Moon | | Jupiter | 11:20:40 AM | EDT | +02°49' | -02°50' | |
Virgo | Moon | 30° | Sun | 11:44:15 AM | EDT | 12°Vi17 | 12°Li17 | |
Virgo | Moon | 60° | Venus | 1:01:23 PM | EDT | 13°Vi06 | 13°Sc06 | |
| Mars | 45° | Ceres | 1:58:29 PM | EDT | 14°Sc08 | 29°Sg08 | |
Virgo | Moon | 45° | Vesta | 2:06:16 PM | EDT | 13°Vi46 | 28°Li46 | |
Virgo | Moon | 60° | Mars | 2:42:02 PM | EDT | 14°Vi09 | 14°Sc09 | |
| Chiron | // | Vesta | 3:50:33 PM | EDT | -06°43' | -06°43' | |
Virgo | Moon | | Uranus | 4:30:39 PM | EDT | +01°29' | -01°29' | |
Virgo | Moon | | Saturn | 5:12:12 PM | EDT | +01°18' | -01°19' | |
Virgo | Moon | // | Mercury | 10:47:26 PM | EDT | -00°08' | -00°08' | |
Virgo | Moon | // | Saturn | 3:24:14 AM | EDT | -01°20' | -01°20' | Wednesday, October 06, 2010. The Moon is in Virgo and the Dark Moon period begins at 4:45 AM which precedes Thursday’s New Moon. You are in the dark. Decision making is risky. 9:01 AM the Sun and Venus are 30° apart while Venus is stationary. There is some hope of finding the funds you need but there are very tight strings with conditions that you are not able to meet. Moon opposite Uranus at 12:42 PM. |
Virgo | Moon | // | Uranus | 4:02:40 AM | EDT | -01°30' | -01°30' | |
Virgo | Moon | Dark Moon | Sun | 4:45:15 AM | EDT | 22°Vi59 | 12°Li59 | |
| Sun | 30° | Venus | 9:01:50 AM | EDT | 13°Li10 | 13°Sc10 | |
| Moon | // | Jupiter | 9:19:57 AM | EDT | -02°52' | -02°52' | |
| Moon | 150° | | 9:48:36 AM | EDT | 26°Vi11 | 26°Aq11' R | |
| Moon | 180° | Jupiter | 10:11:45 AM | EDT | 26°Vi25 | 26°Pi25' R | |
| Moon | 150° | Chiron | 10:20:47 AM | EDT | 26°Vi31 | 26°Aq31' R | |
| Moon | 180° | Uranus | 12:42:43 PM | EDT | 28°Vi00 | 28°Pi00' R | |
void of | Moon | | | 12:43:48 PM | EDT | 28°Vi00 | 28°Pi00 | Wednesday 10-6. The Moon is void of course at 12:43 PM until 3:51 PM. |
Virgo | Moon | 45° | Venus | 12:58:47 PM | EDT | 28°Vi11 | 13°Sc11 | Void Moon but look for money in a pocket. |
Virgo | Moon | 30° | Vesta | 2:46:54 PM | EDT | 29°Vi19 | 29°Li19 | Void Moon. Spot an investment op. |
Virgo | Moon | 90° | Ceres | 2:55:13 PM | EDT | 29°Vi24 | 29°Sg24 | Void Moon. Something comes to light regarding children, healthcare or nurturing of great importance. A matter of the harvest. |
Virgo | Moon | 60° | Pallas | 3:23:13 PM | EDT | 29°Vi42 | 29°Sc42 | Void Moon. Find the counselor you are looking for. |
Virgo | Moon | 45° | Mars | 3:39:49 PM | EDT | 29°Vi52 | 14°Sc52 | Void Moon. Don’t sweat the small stuff. |
enters | Moon | 0° | Libra | 3:52:37 PM | EDT | 00°Li00 | 00°Li00 | Wednesday, October 06, 2010. Moon enters Libra. There are a few things that cause difficulty during this Libra Moon. We are in the dark of the Moon and Venus will turn retrograde within the Moon period. Resist agreements. Use this time to connect socially without expectations on others. Go as a couple without making a statement. |
| Moon | 30° | Juno | 6:24:13 PM | EDT | 01°Li36 | 01°Vi36 | |
| Sun | | Juno | 6:45:57 PM | EDT | -05°21' | +05°21' | |
| Moon | | Juno | 6:58:00 PM | EDT | -05°20' | +05°21' | |
| Moon | // | Sun | 6:59:05 PM | EDT | -05°21' | -05°21' | |
| Moon | 90° | Pluto | 8:29:54 PM | EDT | 02°Li55 | 02°Cp55 | |
| Vesta | 60° | Ceres | 10:43:11 PM | EDT | 29°Li29 | 29°Sg29 | |
Libra | Moon | // | Chiron | 12:28:12 AM | EDT | -06°44' | -06°44' | Thursday, October 07, 2010. New Moon at 2:44 PM at 14° 23’ Libra. The New Moon has a humanitarian message. Mediations and compromises show promise. This New Moon has everything to do with the Venus retrograde at 13° Scorpio. Matters emerge as Look for matters to develop nine months from now. At 3:08 PM Mercury joins with Saturn in a parallel to bring assistance which is compliant with the law. Perhaps it is an interpretation of the law that shows there is a loop hole. There is a spontaneous and sudden turn of events with the influence of Mercury and Uranus at 6:55 P.M when the are parallel. Although this aspect will influence the entire day. |
Libra | Moon | // | Vesta | 1:29:11 AM | EDT | -06°59' | -07°00' | |
Libra | Moon | 0° | Mercury | 2:08:13 AM | EDT | 06°Li28 | 06°Li28 | |
Libra | Moon | 0° | Saturn | 5:23:48 AM | EDT | 08°Li31 | 08°Li31 | |
Libra | Moon | | Pallas | 7:43:28 AM | EDT | -08°32' | +08°33' | |
Libra | Moon | 135° | | 9:35:53 AM | EDT | 11°Li10 | 26°Aq10' R | |
Libra | Moon | 135° | Chiron | 10:07:01 AM | EDT | 11°Li29 | 26°Aq29' R | |
enters | Pallas | 0° | Sagittarius | 10:10:08 AM | EDT | 00°Sg00 | 00°Sg00 | |
Libra | Moon | 30° | Venus | 12:52:33 PM | EDT | 13°Li13 | 13°Sc13 | |
New Moon | Moon | New | Sun | 2:44:29 PM | EDT | 14°Li23 | 14°Li23 | |
| Mercury | // | Saturn | 3:08:19 PM | EDT | -01°24' | -01°24' | |
Libra | Moon | 45° | Pallas | 3:51:04 PM | EDT | 15°Li05 | 00°Sg05 | |
Libra | Moon | 30° | Mars | 4:39:50 PM | EDT | 15°Li35 | 15°Sc35 | |
| Mercury | // | Uranus | 6:55:22 PM | EDT | -01°31' | -01°31' | |
Libra | Moon | 45° | Juno | 6:59:02 PM | EDT | 17°Li03 | 02°Vi02 | |
enters | Vesta | 0° | Scorpio | 9:55:22 PM | EDT | 00°Sc00 | 00°Sc00 | |
Turns Retro-grade | Venus | R | | 3:05:26 AM | EDT | 13°Sc13' R | | Friday, October 08, 2010 Libra Moon. Venus at 13° Scorpio will turn retrograde at 3:05 AM until November 18th. On November 18th Jupiter and Venus will both turn direct. It appears there is something worth waiting for. Patience and hope fuel opportunities at the end of a dry spell. At 7:35 AM Mercury and Saturn are conjunct to cement a deal. It appears the deal has too many compromises to be fulfilling. |
Libra | Moon | // | | 3:54:30 AM | EDT | -13°14' | -13°15' | |
| Mercury | 0° | Saturn | 7:35:11 AM | EDT | 08°Li39 | 08°Li39 | |
Libra | Moon | 120° | | 9:37:27 AM | EDT | 26°Li09 | 26°Aq09' R | |
void of | Moon | void | void | 9:38:33 AM | EDT | 26°Li09 | 26°Aq09 | |
Scorpio | Moon | 150° | Jupiter | 9:41:01 AM | EDT | 26°Li11 | 26°Pi11' R | Friday, October 08, 2010. The void Moon period begins at 9:38 AM until 3:51 PM during which time there remains plenty of activity. The Moon is 150° to Jupiter at 9:41 AM then 156° to Uranus at 12:31 PM. Ceres holds court at the very last moments of Sagittarius. Certainly a statement is made regarding families expressing a loss or missing family member. |
Scorpio | Moon | 120° | Chiron | 10:07:55 AM | EDT | 26°Li28 | 26°Aq28' R | |
Scorpio | Moon | 150° | Uranus | 12:31:02 PM | EDT | 27°Li56 | 27°Pi56' R | |
Scorpio | Moon | 60° | Ceres | 3:46:56 PM | EDT | 29°Li57 | 29°Sg56 | |
Scorpio | Moon | 0° | Scorpio | 3:51:50 PM | EDT | 00°Sc00 | 00°Sc00 | |
Scorpio | Moon | 0° | Vesta | 4:31:30 PM | EDT | 00°Sc24 | 00°Sc24 | Friday, October 08, 2010. Move forward today. The Scorpio Moon is the pick of the week. You have a green light to move forward. Emotions are deeper and for some this is not a time to go it alone. Choose a spokesperson who knows their stuff. |
Scorpio | Moon | 30° | Pallas | 4:39:09 PM | EDT | 00°Sc29 | 00°Sg29 | |
| Sun | 45° | Pallas | 5:34:37 PM | EDT | 15°Li29 | 00°Sg29 | |
| Jupiter | 30° | | 6:14:13 PM | EDT | 26°Pi08' R | 26°Aq08' R | |
Scorpio | Moon | 60° | Juno | 7:56:22 PM | EDT | 02°Sc30 | 02°Vi30 | |
enters | Ceres | 0° | Capricorn | 8:14:46 PM | EDT | 00°Cp00 | 00°Cp00 | |
Scorpio | Moon | 60° | Pluto | 8:40:27 PM | EDT | 02°Sc57 | 02°Cp56 | |
Scorpio | Moon | // | Mars | 10:46:16 PM | EDT | -17°05' | -17°05' | |
Scorpio | Moon | Dark Moon | Sun | 1:22:45 AM | EDT | 05°Sc49 | 15°Li49 | Saturday, October 09, 2010. The Dark Moon period ends. Move forward but the money is slow. |
| Vesta | 30° | Pallas | 5:26:49 AM | EDT | 00°Sc41 | 00°Sg41 | |
Scorpio | Moon | 30° | Saturn | 6:15:13 AM | EDT | 08°Sc46 | 08°Li46 | |
Scorpio | Moon | // | Pluto | 7:33:54 AM | EDT | -18°36' | -18°39' | |
Scorpio | Moon | 30° | Mercury | 9:11:43 AM | EDT | 10°Sc33 | 10°Li33 | |
Scorpio | Moon | 135° | Jupiter | 10:02:53 AM | EDT | 11°Sc04 | 26°Pi04' R | |
Scorpio | Moon | 135° | Uranus | 1:05:35 PM | EDT | 12°Sc54 | 27°Pi54' R | |
Scorpio | Moon | 0° | Venus | 1:34:42 PM | EDT | 13°Sc11 | 13°Sc11' R | Peer into money matters. You will have the opportunity to review, repair and redo some important facets or your love and money. |
Scorpio | Moon | 45° | Ceres | 4:59:24 PM | EDT | 15°Sc14 | 00°Cp14 | Saturday, October 09, 2010 |
| Mercury | 135° | | 5:01:29 PM | EDT | 11°Li08 | 26°Aq08' R | 5:01 PM Mercury is 135° to Prayer, yoga and meditation are the best aids to combat these issues. |
| Mercury | // | Jupiter | 6:23:25 PM | EDT | -03°01' | -03°01' | There is plenty of information to support your goals. Ask lots of questions. Saturday, October 09, 2010 |
Scorpio | Moon | 30° | Sun | 7:12:15 PM | EDT | 16°Sc33 | 16°Li33 | |
Scorpio | Moon | 0° | Mars | 8:06:09 PM | EDT | 17°Sc05 | 17°Sc05 | |
| Mercury | 135° | Chiron | 9:01:32 PM | EDT | 11°Li25 | 26°Aq25' R | |
Scorpio | Moon | 45° | Pluto | 9:34:28 PM | EDT | 17°Sc57 | 02°Cp57 | |
| Pluto | 120° | Juno | 9:45:05 PM | EDT | 02°Cp57 | 02°Vi57 | |
Scorpio | Moon | 45° | Saturn | 7:39:37 AM | EDT | 23°Sc54 | 08°Li54 | Sunday, October 10, 2010 You have a green light until 2:26 PM. |
Scorpio | Moon | 120° | Jupiter | 11:09:14 AM | EDT | 25°Sc56 | 25°Pi56' R | |
Scorpio | Moon | 90° | | 11:27:07 AM | EDT | 26°Sc07 | 26°Aq07' R | |
Scorpio | Moon | 90° | Chiron | 11:57:00 AM | EDT | 26°Sc24 | 26°Aq24' R | |
| Sun | // | Chiron | 1:47:55 PM | EDT | -06°48' | -06°48' | |
Scorpio | Moon | // | Venus | 1:57:53 PM | EDT | -22°38' | -22°40' | |
Scorpio | Moon | 45° | Mercury | 2:08:38 PM | EDT | 27°Sc41 | 12°Li41 | |
Scorpio | Moon | 120° | Uranus | 2:26:48 PM | EDT | 27°Sc51 | 27°Pi51' R | |
void of | Moon | 120° | Uranus | 2:27:53 PM | EDT | 27°Sc51 | 27°Pi51 | Sunday, October 10, 2010 |
by Dietrech Pessin - Author of Lunar Shadows III at AMAZON.COM on Twitter/@Dietrech & email:
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
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