Pluto and the north node of the Moon are conjunct with Ceres in Capricorn. This has brought about the extreme intensity during this period. Not until March 3, 2011 will the true node of the Moon leave Capricorn. During these next couple of months there is a deep process taking place to create great change. By that time Uranus will be back at the Aries threshold to shake up our design for advancements. Some of the shedding going on now will manifest a blazing new trail by the spring. This week the good days for taking action to forward your goals begin 2:47 AM Thursday October 28, through 4:23 PM on Friday October 29. | |||||||
Sign change | Moon | >> | Taurus | 10:30:37 PM | 00°Ta00 | 00°Ta00 | Friday, October 22 The Moon is in Taurus until Monday morning. |
| | | | | | | Saturday, October 23, 2010. Not good. |
Taurus | Moon | 120° | Pluto | 4:39:41 AM | 03°Ta11 | 03°Cp11 | The entire sign of the Taurus Moon is compromised by the oppositions and obstacles from an obstinate and obnoxious Mars at the end of Scorpio. Use this energy in a positive way by plowing through grunt work. Nothing will stop you; however you are best working alone. Shoppers will spend today. |
| Mercury | 60° | Ceres | 5:58:16 AM | 04°Sc08 | 04°Cp08 | |
Taurus | Moon | 120° | Ceres | 6:32:21 AM | 04°Ta09 | 04°Cp09 | |
Taurus | Moon | 180° | Mercury | 6:36:32 AM | 04°Ta11 | 04°Sc11 | |
Sign change | Sun | 0° | Scorpio | 8:35:03 AM | 00°Sc00 | 00°Sc00 | Continue for Saturday October 23. The Sun’s change from Libra to Scorpio indicates a shift in authority. This is always the case in politics at this time of year. With Venus retrograde in Scorpio this Sun sign change might be similar to arriving at work only to find your boss has been replaced. You become concerned about how this will affect you. Look for a helpful buddy that emerges with Juno and Venus in a very positive 60° aspect. There is also talk of an investment which may be offered as a compromise. Or a compromise with your property or investments. Beware of forcing an end to a relationship. You may never speak again. Think before you speak. Compassion and forgiveness is necessary during this Taurus Moon. Late night, Venus joins Vesta the investor and keeper of sacred space to claim their property. You may meet someone with the money to fund your goals. There is a mix of sensual and sexual energy used for persuasion. |
Taurus | Moon | 150° | Pallas | 10:32:20 AM | 06°Ta13 | 06°Sg13 | |
| Venus | 60° | Juno | 1:41:54 PM | 08°Sc38' R | 08°Vi38 | |
Taurus | Moon | 180° | Vesta | 2:29:06 PM | 08°Ta16 | 08°Sc16 | |
Taurus | Moon | 180° | Venus | 3:07:27 PM | 08°Ta36 | 08°Sc36' R | |
Taurus | Moon | 120° | Juno | 3:14:12 PM | 08°Ta40 | 08°Vi40 | |
Taurus | Moon | 45° | Jupiter | 5:03:28 PM | 09°Ta36 | 24°Pi36' R | |
Taurus | Moon | | Pluto | 5:39:44 PM | +18°40' | -18°42' | |
Taurus | Moon | 150° | Saturn | 6:49:26 PM | 10°Ta32 | 10°Li32 | |
| Venus | 0° | Vesta | 10:09:14 PM | 08°Sc26' R | 08°Sc26 | |
Taurus | Moon | 45° | Uranus | 10:24:01 PM | 12°Ta24 | 27°Pi24' R | |
| | | | | | | Sunday, October 24, 2010. Very good for retail business. If you are not a retailer you may over spend. |
Taurus | Moon | | Mars | 3:18:01 AM | +19°59' | -20°00' | The Taurus Moon continues to have an agenda. The wheels are turning to maneuver a resolve to a tough issue. Family and friends join for food and fun. Mars and Uranus are 120° in a perfect trine. This pair spins the wheels. You may actually buy tires or have mechanical work done. This is a money day but one that will cost you. Do not agree to anything if you can help it. |
| Mercury | // | | 3:50:37 AM | -13°19' | -13°19' | |
Taurus | Moon | | Venus | 7:51:14 AM | +20°32' | -20°34' | |
Taurus | Moon | 135° | Pluto | 9:29:14 AM | 18°Ta12 | 03°Cp12 | |
| Mars | 120° | Uranus | 10:56:26 AM | 27°Sc23 | 27°Pi23' R | |
Taurus | Moon | 135° | Ceres | 12:00:16 PM | 19°Ta31 | 04°Cp31 | |
| Mercury | 30° | Pallas | 9:15:15 PM | 06°Sc48 | 06°Sg48 | |
Taurus | Moon | 60° | Jupiter | 9:27:30 PM | 24°Ta31 | 24°Pi31' R | |
Taurus | Moon | 135° | Saturn | 11:38:56 PM | 25°Ta40 | 10°Li40 | |
| | | | | | | Monday, October 25, 2010. Taurus Moon until 7:47 AM. |
Taurus | Moon | 90° | | 12:11:04 AM | 25°Ta57 | 25°Aq57' R | |
Taurus | Moon | 90° | Chiron | 12:30:57 AM | 26°Ta08 | 26°Aq08' R | |
Taurus | Moon | 60° | Uranus | 2:49:50 AM | 27°Ta21 | 27°Pi21' R | |
Taurus | Moon | 180° | Mars | 3:48:48 AM | 27°Ta53 | 27°Sc53 | |
void of | Moon | 180° | Taurus | 3:49:53 AM | 27°Ta53 | 27°Sc53 | Monday, October 25, 2010 void Moon from 3:49 AM until 7:48 AM. |
Sign change | Moon | enters | Gemini | 7:48:31 AM | | | Monday, October 25, 2010. The Moon is in Gemini from 7:48 AM until Wednesday at 3:14 PM. Protect against a computer virus or identity theft. |
Gemini | Mercury | 0° | Venus | 9:17:19 AM | 07°Sc36 | 07°Sc36' R | The day begins with an active message board as retrograde Venus and Mercury join at 7°36’ Scorpio at 9:17 AM. It could be romantic. You may hear from someone from the past and it continues to look that way with a 10:01 AM retro Venus and Mars aspect. Later Jupiter is nearing at 135° aspect to Vesta. It is something other than romantic; it appears that there is a deal being made in the back room. You can benefit however you will need to work very hard to meet the demands of the deal. For some it will be all talk. As when a venture capitalist seduces you into thinking, “it will come together”. It may be all talk. Travel is compromised by road work and your trip is detoured for various reasons. Plan accordingly. |
| Venus | // | Mars | 10:00:58 AM | -20°13' | -20°13' | |
Gemini | Moon | 150° | Sun | 11:46:42 AM | 02°Ge07 | 02°Sc07 | |
Gemini | Moon | 150° | Pluto | 1:51:24 PM | 03°Ge13 | 03°Cp13 | |
Gemini | Moon | 150° | Ceres | 4:59:08 PM | 04°Ge54 | 04°Cp54 | |
| Jupiter | 135° | Vesta | 7:17:53 PM | 24°Pi26' R | 09°Sc26 | |
Gemini | Moon | 180° | Pallas | 9:16:12 PM | 07°Ge11 | 07°Sg11 | |
Gemini | Moon | 150° | Venus | 9:28:42 PM | 07°Ge18 | 07°Sc18' R | |
Gemini | Moon | 150° | Mercury | 11:51:00 PM | 08°Ge35 | 08°Sc35 | |
| | | | | | | Tuesday, October 26, 2010 |
| Venus | 30° | Pallas | 12:06:06 AM | 07°Sc14' R | 07°Sg14 | The Gemini Moon is busy with errands and connections. You may find a counselor. Vesta and Juno at 60° are seeking opportunities for business partners and to mates to find a new home. Some of the information is leaked prematurely and this may help pull the right people together. Mars is at the final degree of Scorpio which causes a desperate urgency to matters. People might be pooling their efforts for a common goal. At 3:00 PM the Sun and Pluto get down to business with an opportunity to reach the masses. It appears that gossip is a strong ingredient. |
Gemini | Moon | 150° | Vesta | 1:43:13 AM | 09°Ge35 | 09°Sc35 | |
Gemini | Moon | 90° | Juno | 1:48:51 AM | 09°Ge38 | 09°Vi38 | |
Gemini | Moon | 120° | Saturn | 4:00:12 AM | 10°Ge49 | 10°Li49 | |
| Vesta | 60° | Juno | 10:16:40 AM | 09°Sc46 | 09°Vi46 | |
| Mercury | 135° | Jupiter | 11:58:55 AM | 09°Sc23 | 24°Pi23' R | |
| Sun | 60° | Pluto | 3:00:41 PM | 03°Sc15 | 03°Cp15 | |
Gemini | Moon | 135° | Sun | 5:59:14 PM | 18°Ge22 | 03°Sc22 | |
| Mercury | 60° | Juno | 8:13:32 PM | 09°Sc56 | 09°Vi56 | |
| Mercury | 0° | Vesta | 9:31:11 PM | 10°Sc01 | 10°Sc01 | |
| | | | | | | Wednesday, October 27, 2010. Don’t sign. Be extremely careful with tools and during travel. This is a very haphazard Moon period. |
Gemini | Moon | 135° | Venus | 12:00:05 AM | 21°Ge39 | 06°Sc39' R | At 6:30 AM a slow moving aspect between Saturn and retro Neptune affect the price of oil and cause water damage. Aside from that your efforts are sent back to the drawing board. There is both a sudden shock as well as a blast that may cause a more pressing agenda then politics. However with the Gemini Moon the political messages shoot nasty arrows that may backfire. At 10:20 AM the Moon is square Uranus and at 2:34 PM I will begin observing the void Moon period after a nasty 150° aspect to Mars at its final degree of Scorpio. There appears to be a ruthless attack on a highly placed official. Sign nothing during the Gemini Moon sign. Again that begins on Monday through Wednesday at 9:11 PM. At 3:15 PM the Moon enters Cancer for a couple of days which offer a far better scenario. However, unless you chose to ditch something wait for Mars to cross into Sagittarius very early Thursday. |
Gemini | Moon | 90° | Jupiter | 4:55:36 AM | 24°Ge20 | 24°Pi20' R | |
| Saturn | 135° | | 6:30:05 AM | 10°Li56 | 25°Aq56' R | |
Gemini | Moon | 135° | Vesta | 6:32:56 AM | 25°Ge13 | 10°Sc13 | |
Gemini | Moon | 135° | Mercury | 7:22:42 AM | 25°Ge40 | 10°Sc40 | |
Gemini | Moon | 120° | | 7:51:38 AM | 25°Ge56 | 25°Aq56' R | |
Gemini | Moon | 120° | Chiron | 8:09:49 AM | 26°Ge06 | 26°Aq06' R | |
Gemini | Moon | 90° | Uranus | 10:19:08 AM | 27°Ge17 | 27°Pi17' R | |
Void | Moon | Void | of course | 10:20:14 AM | 27°Ge17 | 27°Pi17 | |
| Mercury | 30° | Saturn | 11:45:24 AM | 10°Sc58 | 10°Li58 | |
Gemini | Moon | 150° | Mars | 2:34:36 PM | 29°Ge38 | 29°Sc38 | |
Sign change | Moon | 0° | Cancer | 3:15:24 PM | 00°Cn00 | 00°Cn00 | |
Cancer | Moon | 180° | Pluto | 9:11:11 PM | 03°Cn16 | 03°Cp16 | |
Cancer | Moon | 120° | Sun | 11:34:59 PM | 04°Cn36 | 04°Sc36 | |
| | | | | | | Thursday October 28, 2010. Green light. Good Day to move forward. |
Cancer | Moon | 180° | Ceres | 1:26:38 AM | 05°Cn38 | 05°Cp38 | The Moon is in Cancer. Mars enters Sagittarius at 2:47 AM until December 7th. This change sets our sites high for our goals. Our actions are driven by a change in direction for the future. People are less likely to act from a state of anger and better from information that has been considered. The Sun joins retro Venus at 9:10 PM. The connection is motivated and complicated with a seductive agenda. Money can be found on this day. There are resources to put food on the table and fill the oil tank too. (Venus 60° Ceres). Look into ways to access better care for your elderly parents and children. Push past old wounds. |
Cancer | Moon | 120° | Venus | 2:04:41 AM | 05°Cn59 | 05°Sc59' R | |
enters | Mars | entersv | Sagittarius | 2:47:31 AM | 00°Sg00 | | |
Cancer | Moon | 150° | Pallas | 5:56:39 AM | 08°Cn08 | 08°Sg08 | |
| Mercury | 135° | Uranus | 7:22:22 AM | 12°Sc16 | 27°Pi16' R | |
Cancer | Moon | 60° | Juno | 10:17:19 AM | 10°Cn33 | 10°Vi33 | |
Cancer | Moon | 120° | Vesta | 10:48:46 AM | 10°Cn51 | 10°Sc51 | |
Cancer | Moon | 135° | | 10:57:54 AM | 10°Cn56 | 25°Aq56' R | |
| Venus | 60° | Ceres | 10:59:19 AM | 05°Sc45' R | 05°Cp45 | |
Cancer | Moon | 90° | Saturn | 11:13:38 AM | 11°Cn05 | 11°Li05 | |
Cancer | Moon | 135° | Chiron | 11:15:21 AM | 11°Cn06 | 26°Aq06' R | |
Cancer | Moon | 120° | Mercury | 2:08:21 PM | 12°Cn42 | 12°Sc42 | |
| Saturn | 135° | Chiron | 2:18:43 PM | 11°Li06 | 26°Aq06' R | |
Cancer | Moon | 135° | Mars | 7:04:42 PM | 15°Cn29 | 00°Sg29 | |
| Sun | // | | 7:18:46 PM | -13°19' | -13°19' | |
| Sun | 0° | Venus | 9:10:12 PM | 05°Sc30 | 05°Sc30' R | |
| | | | | | | Friday, October 29, 2010. Green light. Go for it! |
| Saturn | 30° | Vesta | 12:02:25 AM | 11°Li08 | 11°Sc08 | The Moon is in Cancer. There is more money on this day with Venus and Pluto digging into the vault with an aspect at 1:29 PM. This brings long term relief. There is also an indicator for money to be found for a one time project or goal. The Moon is void of course from 4:23 PM until 8:39 PM when the Moon enters Leo through Sunday night. |
Cancer | Moon | | Mars | 1:16:20 AM | +20°48' | -20°49' | |
Cancer | Moon | 135° | Pallas | 9:25:55 AM | 23°Cn35 | 08°Sg35 | |
Cancer | Moon | 120° | Jupiter | 10:27:35 AM | 24°Cn11 | 24°Pi11' R | |
| Sun | 60° | Ceres | 11:01:03 AM | 06°Sc04 | 06°Cp04 | |
| Venus | // | Pluto | 1:29:24 PM | -18°43' | -18°43' | |
Cancer | Moon | 150° | | 1:32:05 PM | 25°Cn56 | 25°Aq56' R | |
Cancer | Moon | 45° | Juno | 1:39:28 PM | 26°Cn00 | 11°Vi00 | |
Cancer | Moon | 150° | Chiron | 1:48:51 PM | 26°Cn05 | 26°Aq05' R | |
| Saturn | | Juno | 3:30:20 PM | -02°25' | +02°25' | |
Cancer | Moon | 120° | Uranus | 3:48:18 PM | 27°Cn13 | 27°Pi13' R | |
Cancer | Moon | | Pluto | 4:05:13 PM | +18°41' | -18°43' | |
Cancer | Moon | | Venus | 4:23:27 PM | +18°38' | -18°40' | |
Sign change | Moon | Enters | Leo | 8:39:37 PM | | | Friday, October 29, 2010. Hold back. The Leo Moon is not as blessed so apply your efforts during the Cancer Moon. |
Leo | Moon | 120° | Mars | 10:56:24 PM | 01°Le19 | 01°Sg19 | |
| | | | | | | Saturday, October 30, 2010. Not a good day to move forward. Wait for a green light after the Moon enters Virgo on Sunday at 11:51 PM through Tuesday, November 2nd at 9:51 PM. |
Leo | Moon | 150° | Pluto | 2:26:14 AM | 03°Le19 | 03°Cp19 | More to come next week. |
Leo | Moon | | Mercury | 2:50:26 AM | +16°54' | -16°56' | |
Leo | Moon | 90° | Venus | 4:48:48 AM | 04°Le42 | 04°Sc42' R | |
Leo | Moon | 150° | Ceres | 7:40:29 AM | 06°Le21 | 06°Cp21 | |
| Saturn | 30° | Juno | 8:19:03 AM | 11°Li18 | 11°Vi18 | |
Leo | Moon | 90° | Sun | 8:45:52 AM | 06°Le59 | 06°Sc59 | |
Leo | Moon | 120° | Pallas | 12:18:46 PM | 09°Le02 | 09°Sg02 | |
Leo | Moon | 135° | Jupiter | 12:25:29 PM | 09°Le06 | 24°Pi06' R | |
Leo | Moon | 60° | Saturn | 4:15:23 PM | 11°Le20 | 11°Li20 | |
Leo | Moon | 30° | Juno | 4:24:48 PM | 11°Le26 | 11°Vi26 | |
Leo | Moon | 90° | Vesta | 5:30:11 PM | 12°Le04 | 12°Sc04 | |
Leo | Moon | 135° | Uranus | 5:43:36 PM | 12°Le12 | 27°Pi12' R | |
Leo | Moon | | Sun | 6:28:44 PM | +13°57' | -13°58' | |
Leo | Moon | | | 9:38:32 PM | +13°19' | -13°20' | |
| Uranus | 135° | Vesta | 11:05:49 PM | 27°Pi11' R | 12°Sc11 | |
| | | | | | | Sunday, October 31, 2010. Not a good day to move forward. |
Leo | Moon | 90° | Mercury | 1:12:33 AM | 16°Le34 | 16°Sc34 | More to come next week. |
Leo | Moon | 135° | Pluto | 4:13:42 AM | 18°Le21 | 03°Cp21 | |
Leo | Moon | | Vesta | 6:18:04 AM | +11°28' | -11°30' | |
Leo | Moon | 135° | Ceres | 9:54:25 AM | 21°Le42 | 06°Cp42 | |
Leo | Moon | 150° | Jupiter | 1:51:20 PM | 24°Le02 | 24°Pi02' R | |
Leo | Moon | 180° | | 5:01:10 PM | 25°Le55 | 25°Aq55' R | |
void of | Moon | Void of | course | 5:02:16 PM | | | |
Leo | Moon | 180° | Chiron | 5:16:50 PM | 26°Le04 | 26°Aq04' R | |
Leo | Moon | 45° | Saturn | 5:55:38 PM | 26°Le27 | 11°Li27 | |
| Mercury | // | Venus | 6:14:59 PM | -17°50' | -17°50' | |
Leo | Moon | 150° | Uranus | 7:06:46 PM | 27°Le10 | 27°Pi10' R |
by Dietrech Pessin - Author of Lunar Shadows III at AMAZON.COM on Twitter/@Dietrech & email:
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Report for the week of October 23 - 29, 2010.
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