Saturday, January 15, 2011 | | | ||||
| 3:05:42 AM | Moon | 90° | Nep | 27°Ta10' | 27°Aq10' |
3:25:27 AM | Moon | 60° | Ura | 27°Ta21' | 27°Pi21' | |
4:33:57 AM | Moon | Cpl | Mer | +22°35' | -22°37' | |
6:01:05 AM | Moon | 60° | Jup | 28°Ta44' | 28°Pi44' | |
6:15:41 AM | Mar | 120° | Jun | 29°Cp37' | 29°Vi37' | |
7:46:37 AM | Moon | 120° | Mar | 29°Ta40' | 29°Cp40' | |
Taurus Moon is void of course 7:46 AM -8:22 AM | | | | | | |
The Moon enters Gemini at 8:22 AM through Monday at 2:29 PM. Final aspect square Jupiter. | 8:22:47 AM | Moon | 0° | Gem | 00°Ge00' | 00°Ge00' |
Today is a good day to work but avoid final decisions until Monday afternoon. Mars is on its way out of its favored sign Capricorn for Aquarius at 5:41 PM. In the meanwhile you may chose to let something go. There may be a change in your direction either by your design or extenuating circumstances. There person you wish to hire may emerge after Mars enters Aquarius. Mars will continue in this sign until February 22nd during this time people may band together to take on a common cause. Working in groups becomes more profitable. | 12:20:26 PM | Moon | 135° | Sat | 02°Ge07' | 17°Li07' |
1:33:33 PM | Moon | 150° | Mer | 02°Ge47' | 02°Cp47' | |
5:20:54 PM | Moon | 120° | Cer | 04°Ge49' | 04°Aq49' | |
5:41:24 PM | Mar | 0° | Aqu | 00°Aq00' | 00°Aq00' | |
7:14:52 PM | Moon | 150° | Plu | 05°Ge51' | 05°Cp51' | |
Sunday, January 16, 2011 | | | | | | |
The Moon is in Gemini and there are no planetary aspects during the day. It can be a day to run errands and catch up with others. | 1:07:40 AM | Moon | 180° | Ven | 09°Ge03' | 09°Sg03' |
4:01:54 AM | Moon | 150° | Pal | 10°Ge39' | 10°Cp39' | |
4:27:34 AM | Moon | 135° | Sun | 10°Ge53' | 25°Cp53' | |
1:02:04 PM | Moon | 135° | Mar | 15°Ge37' | 00°Aq37' | |
3:45:39 PM | Moon | 120° | Sat | 17°Ge08' | 17°Li08' | |
9:22:45 PM | Moon | 135° | Cer | 20°Ge17' | 05°Aq17' | |
Monday, January 17, 2011 | | | | | | |
| 3:56:20 AM | Moon | 180° | Ves | 23°Ge59' | 23°Sg59' |
The day begins with a 150° aspect between the Sun and Moon at 9:26 AM. I call this “life’s messy, clean it up”. It is also a signal that pressure builds as we approach a Full Moon on Wednesday Jan 19th. Gather the information you need to complete projects. The Sun is one sign behind | 9:26:56 AM | Moon | 150° | Sun | 27°Ge07' | 27°Cp07' |
9:40:48 AM | Moon | 120° | Nep | 27°Ge15' | 27°Aq15' | |
9:59:14 AM | Moon | 90° | Ura | 27°Ge25' | 27°Pi25' | |
11:58:25 AM | Moon | 120° | Chi | 28°Ge33' | 28°Aq33' | |
12:39:14 PM | Sun | 30° | Nep | 27°Cp15' | 27°Aq15' | |
12:57:03 PM | Moon | 90° | Jup | 29°Ge07' | 29°Pi07' | |
Gemini Moon is v/c at 12:58 PM until 2:28 PM | | | | | | |
The day shifts for the better when the Moon enters Cancer. | 1:55:20 PM | Moon | 90° | Jun | 29°Ge40' | 29°Vi40' |
Moon trine Jupiter | 2:28:42 PM | Moon | enters | Can | 00°Cn00' | 00°Cn00' |
You have a Green Light from Mon Jan 17 at 2:28 PM through Jan 19 at 4:25PM. | ||||||
Innovative ideas are running the day. Many of your goals might be focused on home and family. Perhaps there is a financial arrangement that better suits your situation. Mortgages and other loans could be obtained on Monday. There is a concern of older people; older documents or older jobs hinder your progress. Perhaps it’s the particular stage that is the issue. Work it out because the odds are in your favor. | 4:55:33 PM | Sun | 60° | Ura | 27°Cp26' | 27°Pi26' |
4:58:57 PM | Ven | Pll | Plu | -18°49' | -18°49' | |
5:10:10 PM | Moon | 150° | Mar | 01°Cn32' | 01°Aq32' | |
7:40:31 PM | Mer | 30° | Cer | 05°Cp39' | 05°Aq39' | |
Tuesday, January 18, 2011 | | | | | | |
The Cancer Moon is ready to produce the goods. Mercury and Pluto are conjunct at 12:50 AM. You may find documentation about a business dealing that awards you certain rights. There are messages from those in remote distances that emerge. The inclination is to spin your thoughts in a worry mode. Trust that when the time comes, you will know what to do. Your advisors are willing to help. | 12:24:33 AM | Moon | 150° | Cer | 05°Cn44' | 05°Aq44' |
12:44:59 AM | Moon | 180° | Mer | 05°Cn55' | 05°Cp55' | |
12:45:29 AM | Moon | 180° | Plu | 05°Cn56' | 05°Cp56' | |
12:50:28 AM | Mer | 0° | Plu | 05°Cp56' | 05°Cp56' | |
1:45:22 AM | Moon | Cpl | Mer | +22°54' | -22°55' | |
8:06:36 AM | Ven | 30° | Pal | 11°Sg30' | 11°Cp30' | |
10:21:38 AM | Moon | 180° | Pal | 11°Cn33' | 11°Cp33' | |
10:28:41 AM | Moon | 150° | Ven | 11°Cn37' | 11°Sg37' | |
11:37:13 AM | Moon | 135° | Nep | 12°Cn17' | 27°Aq17' | |
1:53:35 PM | Plu | 30° | Cer | 05°Cp57' | 05°Aq57' | |
1:53:39 PM | Moon | 135° | Chi | 13°Cn37' | 28°Aq37' | |
7:53:25 PM | Moon | 90° | Sat | 17°Cn10' | 17°Li10' | |
9:28:22 PM | Sun | 30° | Chi | 28°Cp39' | 28°Aq39' | |
11:00:45 PM | Moon | Cpl | Mar | +20°36' | -20°37' | |
Wednesday, January 19, 2011 | | | | | | |
Happy Birthday Marty White! There is plenty of good stuff to go around for the better part of the day. Topics of concern surround partnerships and agreements. Some things come to a close and doors open for an abundance of opportunity. The Full Moon at 4:21 PM occurs at 29° Capricorn. Business and family weigh in equally. Matters of women and children are high on the list. Juno, the Queen of the Gods and wife of Jupiter is turning retrograde at a prominent point, 29° Virgo 41’. While Jupiter and opposes Juno it appears that there is much to discuss. A mediator might help as well as an optimistic take on the future of mergers and partnerships. Not until May 2nd will Juno turn direct and will be looking to cement an agreement between now and then. Again, work it out as there are multiple possibilities. You get a lucky break and you could find what you are looking for. | 12:37:23 AM | Moon | Cpl | Sun | +20°23' | -20°24' |
12:46:07 AM | Moon | Cpl | Ves | +20°22' | -20°22' | |
2:36:35 AM | Sun | Pll | Ves | -20°23' | -20°23' | |
9:13:29 AM | Moon | 150° | Ves | 25°Cn08' | 25°Sg08' | |
9:19:22 AM | Moon | Cpl | Ven | +19°05' | -19°06' | |
11:10:23 AM | Moon | Cpl | Plu | +18°48' | -18°49' | |
12:50:28 PM | Moon | 150° | Nep | 27°Cn19' | 27°Aq19' | |
1:08:07 PM | Moon | 120° | Ura | 27°Cn30' | 27°Pi30' | |
1:41:29 PM | Moon | 135° | Ven | 27°Cn50' | 12°Sg50' | |
3:06:28 PM | Moon | 150° | Chi | 28°Cn41' | 28°Aq41' | |
3:40:50 PM | Juno | R | | 29°Vi41' R | | |
4:21:25 PM | Moon | 180° | Sun | 29°Cn27' | 29°Cp27' | |
4:25:57 PM | Moon | 120° | Jup | 29°Cn29' | 29°Pi29' | |
Void of course Capricorn Moon until 5:15 PM. | | | | | | |
| 4:45:44 PM | Moon | 60° | Jun | 29°Cn41' | 29°Vi41' R |
Moon enters Leo until Friday evening. This is not a good Moon sign to move forward. Complications and snags. If you get lucky it’s because someone took pity on you and your skills did not shine in their opinion. | 5:15:51 PM | Moon | 0° | Leo | 00°Le00' | 00°Le00' |
Shoot for this time period between 5:38 PM Wednesday night and 5:18 AM Thursday morning for a one-time-only lucky break. The Sun and Jupiter offer and opportunity and a bridge for your goals. Avoid starting something new as a part of your project could be dropped. If you wish to drop something take action during this window. | 5:38:43 PM | Sun | 60° | Jup | 29°Cp30' | 29°Pi30' |
10:08:14 PM | Sun | 120° | Jun | 29°Cp41' | 29°Vi41' R | |
10:41:37 PM | Moon | 180° | Mar | 03°Le17' | 03°Aq17' | |
Thursday, January 20, 2011 | | | | | | |
The day begins with the Sun changing signs. The Moon is Leo and headed for more of | 2:00:34 AM | Mar | Pll | Ves | -20°25' | -20°25' |
| 3:09:14 AM | Moon | 150° | Plu | 06°Le00' | 06°Cp00' |
4:05:49 AM | Moon | 180° | Cer | 06°Le35' | 06°Aq35' | |
5:18:32 AM | Sun | 0° | Aqu | 00°Aq00' | 00°Aq00' | |
8:03:00 AM | Moon | 150° | Mer | 08°Le59' | 08°Cp59' | |
10:50:18 AM | Moon | 135° | Ves | 10°Le42' | 25°Sg42' | |
11:54:22 AM | Nep | 45° | Pal | 27°Aq21' | 12°Cp21' | |
1:35:06 PM | Moon | 150° | Pal | 12°Le23' | 12°Cp23' | |
1:50:12 PM | Moon | 135° | Ura | 12°Le32' | 27°Pi32' | |
4:16:32 PM | Moon | 120° | Ven | 14°Le02' | 14°Sg02' | |
5:19:11 PM | Moon | 135° | Jup | 14°Le40' | 29°Pi40' | |
5:20:24 PM | Moon | 45° | Jun | 14°Le41' | 29°Vi41' R | |
6:25:00 PM | Moon | Cpl | Nep | +12°48' | -12°50' | |
6:54:41 PM | Jup | 180° | Jun | 29°Pi41' | 29°Vi41' R | |
9:25:25 PM | Moon | 60° | Sat | 17°Le12' | 17°Li12' | |
Friday, January 21, 2011 | | | | | | |
It’s a wash out and might be very expense. Your goals are unrealistic and over the top. Wait for the Virgo Moon on Saturday Jan 22 for a Green Light, after Jupiter enters Aries at 12:11 PM. | 3:39:32 AM | Moon | 135° | Plu | 21°Le02' | 06°Cp02' |
10:55:21 AM | Moon | 135° | Mer | 25°Le31' | 10°Cp31' | |
12:06:01 PM | Moon | 120° | Ves | 26°Le15' | 26°Sg15' | |
1:57:25 PM | Moon | 180° | Nep | 27°Le23' | 27°Aq23' | |
2:15:02 PM | Moon | 150° | Ura | 27°Le34' | 27°Pi34' | |
2:36:00 PM | Moon | 135° | Pal | 27°Le47' | 12°Cp47' | |
4:15:52 PM | Moon | 180° | Chi | 28°Le49' | 28°Aq49' | |
5:39:09 PM | Moon | 30° | Jun | 29°Le40' | 29°Vi40' R | |
5:56:52 PM | Moon | 150° | Jup | 29°Le51' | 29°Pi51' | |
| | | | | | |
Friday, January 21, 2011 | 6:10:10 PM | Moon | 0° | Vir | 00°Vi00' | 00°Vi00' |
Friday, January 21, 2011 | 8:53:06 PM | Moon | 150° | Sun | 01°Vi40' | 01°Aq40' |
9:23:23 PM | Moon | Cpl | Chi | +06°33' | -06°34' | |
9:44:55 PM | Moon | 45° | Sat | 02°Vi12' | 17°Li12' | |
Saturday, January 22, 2011 | | | | | | |
| 5:20:12 PM | Moon | Cpl | Ura | +01°36' | -01°36' |
7:28:36 PM | Moon | Cpl | Jup | +01°04' | -01°04' | |
8:09:51 PM | Mer | 45° | Nep | 12°Cp26' | 27°Aq26' | |
8:47:18 PM | Moon | 90° | Ven | 16°Vi25' | 16°Sg25' | |
10:05:00 PM | Moon | 30° | Sat | 17°Vi13' | 17°Li13' | |
11:00:20 PM | Moon | 135° | Sun | 17°Vi47' | 02°Aq47' |
by Dietrech Pessin - Author of Lunar Shadows III at AMAZON.COM on Twitter/@Dietrech & email:
Saturday, January 22, 2011
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