Sunday, May 1, 2011

For the week of April 30 through Monday May 9, 2011

Weekly Astrology Report
Sat Apr 30 2011 – Fri May 5 2011 - audio report
It was a wonderful lovely royal wedding. It was at 11:20 am when they actually exchanged their vows. It was a pretty cool start to that wedding that we will go over that later at another time, probably in my class.
For today we have an Aries moon. And that Aries moon is headed for a couple of things that are going on. There is an aspect between mars and Jupiter that is just absolutely brilliant and wonderful. So we’ll talk about that in a second.
We have some green light days. Beginning today Sunday right through 12:23 am. That means go ahead and do it. What ever it is you have your heart set on and you want to push forward. You can send a lot of emails over the weekend to set things in gear. So push forward from now right up to 12:23 am. And it was also good early this morning. Then again there is another green light period Wednesday 1:09 pm until 4:12 pm on Friday. There are a couple of VOC moon periods one that is going to be very long.
And the VOC moon periods are from 12:23 am on Monday until 1:58 am Monday when the moon goes into Taurus. And then there is a longer one and that is going to be VOC on Tuesday 2:50 am until 1:09 pm on Wednesday.
The VOC moon periods mean your judgment is off. Things don’t go through the way you expect or unusual or bizarre things could happen and you could potentially push that theory with the Taurus moon because the moon is exalted in the sign of Taurus. And there are seven stars at the end of Taurus, which cancel out any VOC moon period. So use at your own risk. Test it out. Let me know how that works out.
Recheck times before this paragraph.
We are also coming into a dark moon phase. And that begins on Sunday May 1st at 1:06 pm until Wednesday 3:55 pm. That means there is a new moon coming and we are in the dark of the moon. So the things that you are trying to develop or trying to forward or trying to advance in any way shape or form you don’t have all the information. You are missing facts. This is a Taurus new moon. This has to do with money in particular. This has to do with building, laying down a monetary foundation. And there are some things that are difficult about it. The sun and the moon in aspect to Saturn. So there is a lot of work to be done. There are few gains and a lot of hard work in regard to the seed that is planted with this new moon. But that doesn’t happen until Tuesday.
And for right now we’ve got a balancing act between two really excellent aspects and one nasty aspect. The really good ones are mars and Jupiter came into a parallel and then they continue on into a conjunction that is exact on Sunday. And in between that is a Venus and Saturn opposition and this aspect has a lot to do with damage to property or love is just a lot of hard work or there may be feelings of separation from loved ones. There is an insensitivity sometimes .difficulty getting through your emotional needs and also financial needs. So you could keep a real close watch on your wallet, you luggage keep them close to you. and avoid applying for any loans until that aspect is over. But there is going to be this sort of cancellation in a sense of negative of that aspect when we have the mars Jupiter, it is a very favorable lucky aspect and it moves things forward in a big way. So it is optimistic. It also connects to a benefactor. The abundance is met with competence. That you are going to do great. There is courage, there is energy, and there is drive. It is a sign of a full charge batteries. Lots of activity that could lead to positive reaction. But it could also be legal action if people are over enthusiastic. About something might makes right mentality. This could be quarrelsome and prone to errors. I think what you might find is a step up in military action because mars and Jupiter combinations very often go that way.
And then what we have for may 1st also mercury is center square to Neptune. That aspect is on Sunday and it has to do with a confusing state of mind. And there is some sort of distortion of the truth. There is difficulty diagnosing a problem. And there could be hidden facts or lost information.
The other thing about it is bad weather. Clouds and things to ruin your day. Look out for insider leaks. You may get a piece of information that you were not meant to get. Transiting moon enters the sign of Taurus on May 2nd 1:57 and that is when our focus then turns to matters of traditions any thing having to do with gatherings. Food first. bonding is important with a Taurus moon and also use your art of persuasion in all of your affairs because people are more set and rigid in their notions. So you need to be persuasive, you need to be kind. You need to do use things like you go out to lunch or what ever to get your point across. And Take time. So don’t push.
Then we have Venus and mercury in an aspect. This is a wonderful beautiful aspect aligns with the intelligent and the generous and soft side of people for the purpose of a positive message. It is also a good aspect for visiting with friends and family members. It is about love and signs of expressions of beauty that are also in your awareness and there are some sensitivities and reactions to foods that you might experience.
Then we have the sun and Saturn now this is an aspect in the chart of the new moon. You may feel confronted by a brick wall. It is a 150 degree aspect. I call it life’s messy clean it up. So it is the seed that is planted. This new moon is going to make this aspect. Where you will need to drop something that you are doing and make an adjustment. Clean up something that has been set off in the wrong direction. It could have to do with a boss or a parent. Someone else that is in charge that need that you to manage their agenda in another way. Perhaps mend people’s feelings with a Taurus moon. Take a lot of care when laying foundations. Look for where there might be weak spots don’t just move forward and gloss over. Take your time. Family members are brought into matters. It is shortages. It is a difficult aspect.
Also Venus will make an aspect to Neptune. This one is very romantic it is on May 3rd. it has to do with imagination and color. You can’t find the things. Articles are lost, money vanishes, relationship issues cluster, there are illusions, unusual foods could produce strange effects. At any rate you want to be careful of that one.
Then we have the moon changing signs entering Gemini on Wednesday and that will be at 1:09 pm. And then our mind switches over to something where you are tending to details you are trying to turn your information to something productive. So there is a lot of facts a lot of things a lot of errands around town. And then we have the last aspect of that Gemini moon sextile mars so that is an excellent moon sign from Wednesday right through until 4:12 pm Friday to move forward. You are likely to make those connections that you are looking for.
We have the cancer moon on May 6th. There are no major aspects. The Cancer moon begins at 10:32 pm Friday runs right through until May 9th Monday which is another excellent Green Light period, so GO FOR IT! You can probably expect to be involved with family members and things that are close to home you may not feel like sharing things with others. That is pretty much it for the week.

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