Saturday, May 21, 2011

Report for the week of May 21-28, 2011

Aside from the void Moon periods, the entire week shows positive influences for forwarding your goals with a Green Light every day. The twists emerge from the personal planets, Mercury, Venus and Mars all forming 150° angles to Saturn. Beginning with Mercury 150° Saturn on Monday very early at 2:06 AM having an influence over Sunday's evening's activities. Tuesday at 2:46 PM Venus moves out of her comfort zone to prompt Saturn with the 150° angle.
On Wednesday at 11:48 AM Mars will force an issue as it applies 150° to Saturn. Each of these 150° angles speak to the need to get things moving. See the notes for each of these aspects listed at the day of their appearance.
Many events will occur seemingly out of the blue and may spark an incident that presents as urgent and at minimum is a call to action. For many this set of quincunx aspects can create jobs. The personal planets are involved with Saturn on each account drawing you into an event or you could be called to work side by side with your partner. You may be drawn into an issue that requires a considerable amount of compromise. You may be rearranging and managing your surroundings with others. If you are pressed to make decisions based on less information try to reserve final judgments for a time when new facts emerge.

The void of course Moon periods this week are:
Saturday from 5:04 PM until 10:32 PM when the Moon enters Aquarius . Very good Moon sign. Moon sextile Jupiter in Aries.
Tuesday at 3:40 AM until Moon enters Pisces at 8:23 AM. Excellent Mon sign Moon split parallel retrograde Saturn in Libra.
Thursday v/c Moon at 5:16 AM until the Moon enters Aries at 8:36 PM - another good Moon sign that ends with the Moon conjunct Jupiter at 6:27 AM.

THIS WEEK'S MOON PHASE: Last Quarter Moon at 3° Pisces 16’ on Tuesday May 24, 2011 at2:52 PM.

Below you can find four related Moon phases that form a group called a "Moon Family." A Moon Family is special because each of the four related Moon phases shares a lineage with this weeks' Last Quarter Moon in Pisces. This Moon Family began at a New Moon 27 months ago. Notice all four Moon phases occur near the same zodiacal degree and are separated by a nine-month interval. A Moon family is a remarkable timing tool that links the dates of your story-lines in a pattern that develops over a two-and-a-quarter-year period and is often renewed after three years with a New Moon near the same degree as this Moon Family. I have named the nine month interval the "Lunar Gestation Cycle" and when grouped form a Moon Family. See if your current situation connects to the Moon Family found within two weeks of the following dates:

The following four lunar phases belong to the Moon Family for the
May 24, 2011 Last Quarter Moon at 03° Pisces 16'.

Moon Family
New Moon - Feb 24, 2009 at 6° Pisces 35’
First Quarter – November 24, 2009 at 2° Pisces 45’
Full Moon - August 24, 2010 at 1° Pisces 26’
Last Quarter- May 24, 2011 at 3° Pisces 16’

You can use the dates in this Moon Family to reflect or project into the future when you focus on your current situation. Once you realize your story is part of the "bigger picture" you may relate to each phase in the Moon Family as it carries your storyline along a path of a logical evolution. Expect related topics, either personal or public to resurface on the dates shown in the future. By following the symbolism of the four Moon phases which represent the various stages or your story, you develop greater insights to the timing and meaning of the events in your life. As the phases form at nine month intervals, watch your storyline emerge as a new event or new beginning at the New Moon stage.

Nine months later there is a progressive and enthusiastic growth stage when the First Quarter Moon appears (notes its near the same degree of the New Moon). At this stage you may know what your want to do but are just getting started. You need to make choices and selections or apply for permits, licenses or perhaps travel tickets or the next stage in a relationship.

Watch your story completely bloom and come to completion or some other Full Moon platform such as deadlines, full disclosure, case presentations, weddings and the like.

In another nine months you may reap the rewards for your efforts as this stage brings matters to a close by the time that this Moon Family's Last Quarter Moon occurs. This is the pay-up or get-paid Moon phase. At this time you will collect the productive pieces of this two and a quarter years to seed the future. It can be a period when you are motivated to clear out or let go of things that are no longer useful. However people things may return to you during the last quarter phase you once thought to be finished. You may return to places where you had once traveled or visit with people from those places. People may return to you during this phase. It may become clear that very little is gone forever, even if it's a memory that keeps it alive.

Daily Transits:

Saturday May 21, 2011. The big news for Saturday began at 5:10 AM when the Sun entered Gemini for a busy month-long trek through the sign bringing us two eclipses; first a solar eclipse on June 1st and a lunar eclipse on June 15th. Venus loves her sign of Taurus with beautiful flowers, comfort and hopefully some money will follow while in a harmonious 120º trine with Pluto in Capricorn at 2:03 PM today. The Capricorn Moon may be helpful especially with the money cause while in the same sign as Pluto.
Exact May 21 2011
Brief description: A money aspect that could be speculative or result from a favor. This aspect creates a ravenous appetite for food, and sensual delights. Sensually or sexually indulgent. Insatiable desires. Motivated by money, mild jealousy and envy. Blending with those in a large group. A need to share and trust. A display of spending for an entertainment setting. Enjoyably intense interactions with others. Expressions or desire of deep affection creating deeper intimacy in relationships. An opportunity for great consumption. An opening to sell something or release. Meetings or introduction to people with great magnetism. Mingling within a setting of large groups of people. Intense need to acquire money and material objects. Jealousy can be a motivator for change. Paranoia detected in the statements regarding ones possessions.
For personal use: Easily express your passion through your creative projects. Create a romantic setting for the object of your affection. Indulge but resist a heavy mood.
In business, an opportunity arises for a smooth connection, to the person holding the key to the bank.

At 5:04 PM the Capricorn Moon is void of course until 10:32 PM when the Moon enters Aquarius through Tuesday morning. The Aquarius Moon is a good Moon sign for advancing your goals with only a couple of pitfalls. The Best Day for the Aquarius Moon is Monday after sunrise.

Sunday May 22, 2001. The Aquarius Mon invites a friend along. The Sun will square Neptune at 3:31 AM which may have caused important information to be hidden from view. You could be lured into a potentially risky situation where you feel you have been hoodwinked.
Brief description: This is the square before Neptune turns retrograde on May 200. Confusion, romance, illusions and misconceptions are typical with this aspect. This day can be troublesome when under the influence of alcohol and drugs. Use caution as judgments are poor or blinded. Clouds and wet weather are common with this aspect.
For personal use: Beware of someone not with the best intentions attempting to sweep you off your feet. The likelihood that someone's feelings are at stake is high. People could be over sensitive to the insensitive comments made by others. There is a lack of objectivity. Over indulgence with anything could lead to very bad judgment.

Monday May 23, 2011 - Mercury and Saturn are 150° apart at 2:30 AM which may end a worry cycle after that time.

Brief description: Brief description: Wrong thinking. Annoying mental noise. Appointments are dropped. Lack of consideration for workers. Workers disappoint. Unexpected medical results not related to your present condition. Upsetting messages that seem to come out of the blue. A fly in the ointment. There is a need to assist someone ailing.
For personal use: Be ready to take on any mental challenge today.
For business use: Allow extra time for unexpected clean up. At 4:25 AM Venus and Mars come together at 9° Taurus for a renewal of their goals. The pair can bring a flow of money as well as the beginning something new romantically. The needs run from basic, traditional and sensual all the way to luxurious.

Brief description: The beginning of a two year cycle between men and women or lovers. Also a work/money cycle is marked at this aspect. There may be signs of love and romantic activity with strong healthy drives and passions. Physical attraction to opposites. Driven toward pleasure and desire for acquisition. Money matters are active with the ability to earn. Creative ventures. To decorate or enhance appearances.
For personal use: Settle with the past and leave the slate clean for new loves and creative possibilities to come your way.
For business use: This could be money day.

Tuesday May 24, 2011. The Aquarius Moon begins a void of course Moon period at 3:40 AM and ends as the Moon enters Pisces at 8:23 AM. First, Mercury and Venus join in a parallel to bring the right people together for a long term agreement. At 2: 46 PM Transiting Mercury Quincunx Transiting Saturn
Brief description: Brief description: Wrong thinking. Annoying mental noise. Appointments are dropped. Lack of consideration for workers. Workers disappoint. Unexpected medical results not related to your present condition. Upsetting messages that seem to come out of the blue. A fly in the ointment. There is a need to assist someone ailing.
Be ready to take on a mental challenge today.
For business, allow extra time for unexpected clean up. Hold your judgment until after the hitch at 2:46 PM when cold feet attempt to stomp out the heat but something clicks with a Last Quarter Moon in Pisces at 2:52 PM. This quarter has plenty of history beginning with a New Moon that occurred at this degree 2.25 years ago on Feb 24, 2009. A 1st quarter Moon set the goals of that New Moon into action on Nov 24, 2009. All the related cards were on the table when a full Moon occurred on August 24, 2010. Now is time to reap the rewards of your efforts with Tuesday's Last Quarter Moon at 3º Pisces 15'. If you are lucky, the check is in the mail. Or you may finally be able to pay off a bill that has been mounting since that time.

Wednesday May 25, 2011. The Sun is excited about some new way of doing things when it encounters the brilliance of Uranus at 2:47 AM. If you awake with an idea you may want to jump out of bed to take note.
Brief description: The release of new medications. Inventions and scientific strides. Legislatures approve controversial scientific studies. Radical thinking and rebelliousness. Enlightenment. Awakening. High energy output to change stagnant and outworn conditions. Electrical and strong currents. Plastic surgery.
For personal use: Meet with a group of like-minded people to promote progress in the areas of your interest.
For business use: Consider a face lift for your business.
The Pisces Moon is intuitive and you could find yourself doing something you never planned on. The snag for Wednesday is that Mars and retrograde Saturn are a messy 150º apart at 11:48 AM. The good part about this aspect is that it is driven to put us to work. For some it could mean a workers strike or pressure to extract and older employee from their position. Mars is not in a good place to be making such demands as Saturn even though retrograde has a solid history and is in good standing while in Libra (Saturn in Libra through October 2012).

Brief description: A stop sign aspect. Observe waning signals. Sheer frustration. A major clean up aspect. A need for adjustment. This is an urgent call involving hard work and clear organization skills. A condition or event that connects; two unrelated people, tasks or activities for a common goal. A health aspect involving bones, muscles, skeletal structure and sometimes heart trouble. There may be a need for surgery. Delays and blocks with work projects. A executive effort to control force and power. The police stop speeding drivers. Consequences when there is a strong resistance to change.
For personal use: Stretch before physical activity and pace yourself. Family relationships can be stressed.

Thursday May 26, 2011. The Pisces Moon could use a little help but there is a band-aid that brings a temporary fix to difficulties. At 10:33 AM Mercury and Mars put their heads together for a better plan during the void of course Moon period. Transiting Mercury Parallel Transiting Mars
Brief description: To align with those who can cut through the "red tape". Very fast feet. Arguments. Versatility dealing with irritations and complaints. Rashes. Acute sense of smell. Expressions of pointed and heated thoughts. To rip off another of their ideas or possessions. Arrows shooting through the air. A sharp tone when speaking. Hot dry winds.
News of riots and military actions. Propaganda. To twist the truth and deliver a punch.
For personal use: Slow down speech and lower the tone, so your message is heard.
For business use: Send your eyes and ears everywhere to gather the latest information.
After 8:36 PM the Moon enters Aries to strike a match to a new idea. The results may be good but there are tough guys to deal with in order to get what you need.

Friday May 27, 2011. Friday is active with the Aries Moon that will present an opportunity before 8:30 when the Moon is 60° to the Sun. You may scramble to figure a way around an important problem that has a low point at 6:10 PM when the Moon opposes Saturn. The evening is more optimistic and lively. At 7:16 PM a brilliant pair, Mercury and Uranus in a semi-square speak out of turn about a need to flee from the thick situation.

Brief description: Can give the effects of a Mercury retrograde period. Thinking is brilliant and erratic. Thoughts or information is interjected and abruptly presented and can come from a radical viewpoint. Individual views are challenged. This can be a period of information of unexplained irritations and disjointed thinking. Statements made can be critical and without regard for feeling. Erratic transportation and mishaps are likely while traveling. Technology for communication can be interrupted.
For personal use: Get all the facts straight and think before you speak.
For business use: Too quirky to print the final product.

Matters tend to end well but you must go against the grain of Aries and apply your patience. Address your demons (marked by the Sun 150º Pluto Saturday May 28, 2011) and they will calm down.

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