The Weekly Astrology Report begins with the transcribed version from the 90.3 FM Newton, MA Radio Report followed by the interpretations of the individual aspects and this week’s First Quarter Moon Family report.
Sat Apr 30 2011 – Fri May 5 2011 - audio report transcribed.
Certainly there was a lot of news within this past week. As usual the nodes of the Moon were involved directly. You’ve often heard me speak of the nodes of the Moon which are imaginary points which are actually intersection points of two great circles where the Moon’s orbit crosses the ecliptic which is the apparent path of the Sun against the background of the stars. These points, north node of the Moon and south node of the Moon are extremely potent points and are the points where the solar and lunar eclipses will occur when a New or Full Moon occurs close to these points. Currently the north node is in the sign of Sagittarius and the south node is in the sign of Gemini. When the nodes reach a zodiacal degree of a solar or lunar eclipse major events follow. Looking back to the tragic earthquake and tsunami in Japan which occurred on March 11th, the node of the Moon had reached the point where a lunar eclipse had occurred earlier December of 2010. The delayed reaction makes sense as the node brings a widening effect which draws all eyes and ears to such monumental events with its powerful magnetic pull to this astro-memory which enlivens and revives some of the most dramatic events in history.
The heavens had a similar set last weekend April 29-May 2. The nodes of the Moon also at an eclipse degree but this time the eclipse is one in the future and it is at 24° Sagittarius and it is headed right for the events of the Royal wedding, elevating Pope John Paul to sainthood, and the demise of Osama bin Laden. This powerful time is explained by the very important transit of the nodes of the Moon.
I find it interesting that the Royal family is connected to events important to the Vatican. When Princess Diana died in August 1997, Mother Teresa died a week later. And when Charles and Camilla married, their wedding was bumped a day because Charles needed to attend the Pope’s funeral in April 2005. Prince William and Katherine married amidst the Pope John Paul path to Sainthood.
Moving on, there is one sign change that will occur this week which is on Wednesday when Mars enters Taurus until June 20, 2011. A stunning conjunction of Mercury and Venus occurs on Monday which is not all that common this year. This one is particularly unique because there will be two Mercury Venus conjunctions within a seven day period. The first event of this type occurs on the 9th and the second on the following Monday on the 16th. The final Mercury and Venus conjunction in 2011 will occur on August 16. I find that the Venus and Mercury conjunction is accompanied by very important statements. When I look for this conjunction prior to a person’s birth I interpret this as the point that defines one’s inner voice. So it makes a major statement and in some way. It may define the current economical state and political events. There are always plenty of that type of thing going on. Important gatherings for a particular statement might be part of the story. And for yourself you may find that you develop a voice for something important to you or take an important step forward. You may become clear about what it is you would like to do.
The first conjunction will occur in the sign of Aries, so it is something you want to get on with and direct. The second one will be in the sign of Taurus so it is more about money and perhaps you will find increases in that area, adding your own traditions and developing your talents.
There are green light things this week. Saturday May 7, is one of them. That means go for it. Move forward. Sunday May 8th another one and on May 9th , Monday that is good only until 4:34 am. After that there are few green light periods. Not until a very small little window on May 11th at 3:03 AM until 5:43 AM for a green light. So if you have something that you absolutely must get out in the middle of the week. You are going to have to get up early in the morning and take care of that between at 3:03 AM and 4:34 AM Wednesday morning. Otherwise, just pack it all in this weekend right up to 4:34 am Monday morning. It is golden because the Sun and the Moon are parallel at the end of that story, which brings about very positive results for your efforts.
A void of course Moon period which begins at 4:34 AM until 5: 43 AM Monday when the Moon enters Leo on Monday- that‘s the void of course Moon period. After that the Leo Moon is complicated by the fact that Mars is at the final degree as it approach the next sign. When a planet is at the end of one sign it tends to dominate the news in both personal and public areas. Mars may increase battles and create complications and mechanical problems, and vehicles. You may want to buy a new vehicle or may be forced to for some other reason. You may find work during this period.
The Virgo Moon beginning 9:58 AM on Wednesday appears to be expensive for financial and social reasons. Some may find a stroke of luck due to a triple conjunction of Venus, Mercury and Jupiter all at the end of the sign of Aries. Therefore they are aggressive, active and impatient. The Moon’s final aspect involves at 150° quincunx to the trio. Which means there will be a major problem or major opportunity that falls in your lap. It may involve a job or significant adjustment in regard to a social setting. We will watch how that works out. And the Virgo Moon ends when the Moon enters Libra at 11:56 AM on Friday through 12:31 PM on Sunday May 15th.
There is a void of course Moon period at 7:02 AM on Friday morning ending at 11:56 am when the Libra Moon begins. None of these days are particularly good for moving forward. The next really good day for moving forward is not until May 21st.
There is have a first quarter Moon on Monday. That is an action day. It is at 19 degrees of Leo. It is a piece to a story that began nine months ago. Take a look back to see what started around August 10, 2010. It could be related to a project or relationship. Now is when the fire under the pot is turned up and you are able to get things going. First quarter Moon days are high action days.
The events on Wednesday occur at 3:04 AM when Mars enters Taurus and that will change our goal setting towards acquisitions. We desire more we want to accumulate more although our actions are more methodical and plotting. There is a very lucky Venus and Jupiter conjunction at 10:42 am on Wednesday the 11th. And then Mercury is conjunct Jupiter at 3:57 pm on Wednesday 11th as well. This makes for excellent social connections and also a lot of things having to do with partnerships, thoughts of marriage and thoughts of traditional types of things as well.
On Thursday May 12, Mars and Neptune are in a sextile. This sets up an opportunity between described by these two planets where things can go very wrong or misguided. When Mars and Neptune are together their efforts become missions which are stepped up and their goals may not be above board. This combination tends to be a little “drunk” so to speak. There is also a goal for taking things to a spiritual level so out of mind out of body into an altered state might be a nice thing to practice yoga, meditation, that sort of thing. But Mars wants to move around. So maybe dancing, music, all of the like sides of that aspect would be fun.
On Friday there are no major aspects and that is pretty much the story for the week. We do have quite a bit of Venus and Jupiter energy this week. So I would say plan ahead for some lucky events and fun social gatherings. It should be a lot of fun. People will be meeting. Introductions are famous during a week of the Mercury and Venus conjunction. If you want to meet someone that could be important in your life take advantage of the Mercury Venus conjunction on Monday and perhaps even for Sunday night and also for Tuesday.
You have often heard me speak of the nodes of the Moon. The lunar nodes carry their mission when they reach an eclipse degree. Currently the nodes are traveling in their natural retrograde motion back though Sagittarius. So recently was the horrific Japan earthquake and tsunami March 11, 2011 when the lunar nodes revived the astro-memory of Dec 2010 lunar eclipse that occurred at the degree of the global axis 29°Gemini. The lunar nodes were then headed for the next major astro-event at 24° Sagittarius. This is the point where a June 15, 2011 lunar eclipse is to appear. There were three major events involving prominent figures and while still natural disasters reshape the earth’s terrain. The three events that clustered in one weekend was the Royal Wedding of William and Kate, the elevation of Pope Paul to sainthood, and the death of Osama bin Laden. It is interesting to note that the British Royals have been linked with prominent Catholic leaders in the past when Mother Teresa died within the same week of Princess Diana and Pope John Paul’s funeral changed the date Charles and Camilla wedding day April 8, 2005 to the following day so that Prince Charles could attend the Pope’ Funeral.
A very interesting conjunction of Mercury and Venus are to appear twice in a week; first on Monday May 9 then Monday May 16th. The last time this pair joined for a repeat appearance was in August 1991 when both were retrograde. At this time they are both traveling in direct motion.
My research indicates this unassuming pair is present for some major personal events also there may be economic and political events such as important gatherings which join for a particular statement. For yourself you may find you develop you voice in regard to an important matter.
The Green Light Days this week are:
Saturday May 7, 2011
Sunday May 8,
Monday May 9 until 4:34 AM )Moon parallel Sun)
Void Moon period from 4:34 AM until 5:35 AM Monday when the Moon enters Leo. The Leo Moon period is complicated by Mars at the final degree calling the shots and many are literally. There may be increased battles and complications due to mechanics and technical issues. Vehicles could be a problem. However you may be considering the purchase of a new car.
There is a green light briefly on Wednesday morning May 11 from 3:03 AM until 5:43 AM. At this time begins the void Moon period ending at 9:58 AM the void Moon period ends when the Moon enters Virgo until Friday. The last thing the Virgo Moon encounters is a pile up of Jupiter, Mercury and Venus at the end of Aries. There fore there is a big faux pas of some sort to clean up with the 150° angle from Virgo to this trio.
Matters for the Virgo Moon are highly expensive with both money and socially.
Not until May 21, 2001 is there a good day to push ahead with your goals.
THIS WEEK'S MOON PHASE: First Quarter Moon at 19° Leo 51’ on Tuesday May 10, 2011 at 4:33 PM.
Below you can find four related Moon phases that form a group called a "Moon Family." A Moon Family is special because each of the four related Moon phases shares a lineage with this weeks' First Quarter Moon. This Moon Family began at a New Moon nine months ago. Notice all four Moon phases occur near the same zodiacal degree and are separated by a nine-month interval. A Moon family is a remarkable timing tool that links the dates of your story-lines in a pattern that develops over a two-and-a-quarter-year period and is often renewed after three years with a New Moon near the same degree as this Moon Family. I have named the nine month interval the "Lunar Gestation Cycle" and when grouped form a Moon Family. See if your current situation connects to the Moon Family found within two weeks of the following dates:
The following four lunar phases belong to the Moon Family for the
May 10, 2011 First Quarter Moon at 19° Leo 51’.
New Moon - August 9, 2010 at 17° Leo 24’
First Quarter - May 10, 2011 at 19° Leo 51
Full Moon - February 7 2012 at 18° Leo 31
Last Quarter- November 6, 2012 at 15° Leo 00
You can use the dates in this Moon Family to reflect or project into the future when you focus on your current situation. Once you realize your story is part of the "bigger picture" you may relate to each phase in the Moon Family as it carries your storyline along a path of a logical evolution. Expect related topics, either personal or public to resurface on the dates shown in the future. By following the symbolism of the four Moon phases which represent the various stages or your story, you develop greater insights to the timing and meaning of the events in your life. As the phases form at nine month intervals, watch your storyline emerge as a new event or new beginning at the New Moon stage.
Nine months later there is a progressive and enthusiastic growth stage when the First Quarter Moon appears (notes its near the same degree of the New Moon). At this stage you may know what your want to do but are just getting started. You need to make choices and selections or apply for permits, licenses or perhaps travel tickets or the next stage in a relationship.
Watch your story completely bloom and come to completion or some other Full Moon platform such as deadlines, full disclosure, case presentations, weddings and the like.
In another nine months you may reap the rewards for your efforts as this stage brings matters to a close by the time that this Moon Family's Last Quarter Moon occurs. This is the pay-up or get-paid Moon phase. At this time you will collect the productive pieces of this two and a quarter years to seed the future. It can be a period when you are motivated to clear out or let go of things that are no longer useful. However people things may return to you during the last quarter phase you once thought to be finished. You may return to places where you had once traveled or visit with people from those places. People may return to you during this phase. It may become clear that very little is gone forever, even if it's a memory that keeps it alive.
Exact May 8 2011
Brief Description: Excitement and rebellious activity that is difficult to understand. Trouble settling down. The core issues are about freedom. Short tempered erratic moods. Inventive thinking. Unconventional methods may not be appropriate today. Tech and data issues as with viruses. Accident prone.
For Personal use: Calm the high wire with something soothing or better yet grounding activity. Garden or hike.
For Business: Be creative and inventive.
Exact May 9 2011
Brief description: Progress toward peace talks or agreements. In support of others and a show of appreciation. Clarity about fairness. To apply a cure for simple ailments. Good for social settings and flow of conversation. Expressions of love. Charming and clever ideas. Love of animals and children. Playfulness. Parties and sweet visits. Beautiful settings. Nice trips.
For personal use: Easy breathing. Talk about emotions and create the bridge to intimacy. Support each other with praise.
For business use: Great for outreach. Make calls and contract.
Mars will travel through Taurus from May 11 2011 until June 21, 2011.
This is a period of strong personal desires, although the intentions are usually follow a reliable course of action in attaining those desires. Slow steady progress is the way to go during this next six weeks. You may notice greater resistance to change or a dominating stubborn streak emerges if opposed.
This particular Mars transit through Taurus has a mission which is defined by a 60° aspect of opportunity offered by Neptune in Pisces. Perhaps there is a vision of expansion in a traditional arena with religious overtones. Certainly the world of Al Qaeda is making threats of revenge for Osama bin Laden’s death. Music, dance and physical exercise is an indicated as a resource to balance the body mind and spirit.
Exact May 11 2011
Brief description: This can bring an overindulgence of generosity and friendliness. Cushy, comfortable settings with beautiful surroundings. Social settings are styled in grand displays. This aspect brings easy going, lazy and happy attitudes.
For personal use: Travel to beautiful places and visit nice people. Enjoy and indulge
Can be used for in business: Have a party. Celebrate a good week and relax.
Brief description: A travel aspect. Increased intellectual capacity and mental activity. Writing, publishing, and teaching skills are called upon. Information from great distances becomes important possibly bringing a need or desire for travel or relocation. The need for a change of scenery. Plans made for travel, educational pursuits, increased mobility, publishing and exploration. A day for open space and freedom. A very talkative day. This brings considerations for moving great distances from your family and neighborhood. Expanded social interactions and introductions that connect people of generous and great assistance.
For personal use: Choose this time to network and meet new people. Take some space, give some space
For business use: Marketing, outreach and new studies. A good day to advertise your business and network. Keep your ears open, someone is spilling the beans.
Brief description: An opportunity to consider unique options and possibilities outside the realm of traditional standards. This aspect can bring a surge of strength or display of physical excellence. During competition this aspect can place players over the top. An exercise in faith based actions. An experience that excels previous records. To take action based on a philosophical notion and intuition and a dream. Inspiration galore. A stroke of physical luck. Emotional and stormy inside and out with opportunity beyond expectations. White out conditions.
For personal use: Record your dreams and expect miracles.
For business use: Allow time to brainstorm with others.
Exact May 12 2011
Brief description: A lucky break. Support comes from a well rounded, well informed and intelligent person. Many doors are open and you have an invitation to explore and sample. An opportunity of education or travel. A time to share appreciation with good food and drink. A time for advance.
For personal use: Make choices and be gracious. Try the lottery. Travel. Socialize.
Can be used for in business: Enhance your image. Money day.
Exact May 13 2011
Brief description: A money day. Internal power struggles. The may be problems with those in power that you can not reach. Problems arise after announcements regarding plans for interim governments in unstable countries. Key figures in opposing forces surrender. Powerlessness over issues you can not change. Someone in a position of power may be abruptly confronted by a group. Deep stress and unrest can be the vital component for organizing reform. Financial reports motivate creative financing and methods of attracting new earnings. A sense of spinning in circles. Abandonment and trust issues. Strong sexual attraction that may involve consequences. There may be a need to deal with household pests such as mice and ants, etc.
For personal use: Not a day for lightweights. Don't take on more than you are sure you can handle. If you are feeling overwhelmed or out-matched, then take along a buddy for support.Visit with your therapist. Treat yourself to a massage. Practice letting go of the outcome of your current issues.
For business: Look for what is eating your profits. This day and tomorrow could bring shift in power. Entering into something new could prove to be full of power struggles and money complications; far more than you are willing to take on. Observe closely.
Brief Description: Difficulties arise from confusion and misguided directions. Those on a religious mission meet with internal differences. Perhaps someone intentionally attempts to throw someone off track or otherwise be involved in sabotage. If there is public knowledge of a plan washed up or how someone's poor judgment had an adverse effect on others, it might be assumed that the consequences may have already been paid. Those having problems with substance abuse may find a positive resource for recovery.
For Personal use: Learn more about the people you may invite into your life.
For Business: What is the big picture and who holds the key to the next stage in your plan.
Exact May 14 2011
Brief description: Join forces with a larger unit to fortify your standing. A combination for an enemy camp. A temporary attempt to over power others and exert absolute control. The obsessions that motivate action. Deep psychological issues that can set one apart from meeting their goals. To be asked to keep secret what is witnessed. A short period of trust between two people perhaps for a specific purpose. Feelings of betrayal. Success may come through methods of coercion or intimidation.
For personal use: Deep truthful talks. Express your loyalty and respect for your partner.
For business use: Avoid entering any sort of partnership where you may or may not know you are outmatched however finding a guarantor or sponsor for your project is a possibility if you don't have to sell your soul.
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