Saturday, July 30, 2011

Visit the Lunar Gestation Cycle page for an article on the New Moon for July 30, 2011.

Report for July 30 2011 - August 6 2011

Saturday July 30 2011. The Cancer Moon changes to Leo at 2:15 AM. Stationary Mercury in Virgo and Ceres at a very loud zero Aries are at 150° angle of which lingers through August 9. Both planets are positioned at the zero degree make of their signs signals an urgency. As usual when Ceres is involved the matters are dead serious. This aspect speaks to not only the debt crisis but the fear that is associated with the possible losses. It is an aspect that relies bits and pieces of information about a critical situation. With Mercury at the point where it will turn retrograde on Tuesday August 2, 2011 - the great Debt Ceiling deadline the need for a decision could not be more serious. Ceres turned retrograde on July 26 and remains stuck at zero Aries until August 10. Other big changes occur this week when Mars reaches zero Cancer and Neptune backs up into Aquarius one more time on August 4.

New Moon at 7° Leo 15' at 2:39 PM. Dark Moon period for another twelve hours beyond that time. The Leo New Moon brings to mind the solar eclipse that occurred near the same point in August of 2008. You may recognize recurring themes from that time. Jupiter in Taurus objects to the New Moon with a 90^ square and Mercury is near to a stop in the first degree of Virgo. Something needs to be reconsidered. The information you have is short and you can expect large changes to be revealed. The big debt ceiling hold-up is designed to force the President to fail. You may feel your personal situation is a setup or you are operating with you hands behind your back. There are advances that can be made although in the dark. Continue to be cautious about your decisions until Sunday afternoon.

Sunday July 31. A green light day with caution. The Moon is in Leo picks up some momentum as it travels at a fast pace. This hopefully helps the constricted state of affairs. Only one aspect occurs. Venus the ruler of love and money is 150° to Chiron the wounded healer at 9:22 PM. Perhaps this helps the situation in congress. For love, someone from the past may return unexpectedly with high expectations; evoke or provoking and emotional response. Just over the date line at 12:08 AM there may be a spontaneous resolve to these problems as Venus in Leo is a positive 120^ from Uranus in Aries.

Monday August 1st. Leo Moon brings a few good green light hours to make something happen. At 12:08 AM Venus trine Uranus. The Moon is void of course from 2:19 AM until the Moon enters Virgo at 4:41 AM. The Virgo Moon holds its breath for two planetary changes under its watch; on Tuesday Mercury retrograde followed by Mars crossing over to Cancer on Wednesday morning.
As for the Virgo Moon the sign of hard work and cooperation exists. Although on the personal front avoid any final decisions that require your signature as it will be back up for review and possible regret later. The pressure might be released with the 10:41 AM square aspect of the Sun and Jupiter. This signals a shift in the political rhetoric. Over-enthusiastic notions may need to be tempered with the current pulse of activity. On the other hand a once silent voice may assume confidence. A general overload may be experienced, especially with work. An abundance of high principals are voiced. Necessity takes one into a variety of corners where new information leads to open doors. Strong need to spread out and experience space and freedom. In general a day for photography and purchasing camera equipment. Journalism and publishing and breaking news stories.
Plan a getaway trip that includes education. Get out and play. Consider critical reviews as a tool for growth. At 5:02 PM Venus and Pallas (the wise advisor) are at odds about money. At 7:49 PM Venus and Pluto are quincunx. This is a serious life's messy clean it up aspect that involves those that place pressure based on rank.
Tuesday August 2. Debt Ceiling Deadline Day, Mercury retrograde at 11:50 PM is the astro-headliner with no other planetary activity that day. Maybe there is such a thing as an extension or they might have settled the crisis by now. Reversals and poor communication looms large over the situation.

Mercury is retrograde from 11:50 PM on August 2nd at 1° Virgo 12' through August 26 and 6:02 PM back to 18° Leo 41'. August 11 and August 24th birthdays activated by these positions.
Wednesday August 3. The difficult energy is not yet passed under this Virgo Moon. At 5:21 AM Mars enters Cancer. The sign of the United States, the state of actual currency and the home. The Moon is void of course from that point until 6:04 AM when the Moon enters Libra through Friday morning. This is a hold back couple of days as we wait for retrograde Neptune to make its change out of its home sign of Pisces and back into Aquarius on Thursday night.
The Libra Moon on Wednesday sees two aspects by Mars; at 6:52 AM a nice trine to Neptune. This appears soothing but later at 9:21 PM Mars is square Ceres. Not soothing as this could indicate a heated situation about the need to care for others. Children should be watched very closely and your pets.

Thursday August 4. Happy Birthday, Mr. President. Who may have a rest from all the recent grief. His solar return chart shows the point of 23° Sagittarius on the very peak of his solar return chart and a Libra Moon in the 8th house of debt is in a positive trine to Neptune in Aquarius. Retrograde Mercury is 60° to Mars at 7:19 PM. This is a day to hold back one again until 10:53 PM when Neptune backs up and changes signs where it will remain until February 3, 2012. Neptune once again calls the last shot being called by the planet at the latest degree of any sign unless the faster moving planets reach that very last place. On many occasions over the next several months there are positive green light days that will assist in forward motion. I personally think that matters have taken a turn for the worse while Neptune moved into its home sign of Pisces on April 4, 2011.
Friday August 5. A green light in the morning up until 7:55 AM then the Moon is void of course after a trine to Neptune. Before that there are several big money aspects; Venus split parallel Pluto at 12:09 AM; Venus square Jupiter at 12:34 AM is a signal of overspending. This may be the day the debt limit is actually raised. Saturn is in a positive trine to Vesta (the investor) at 5:28 AM. Vesta rules housing and real estate business and all investments. On the largest scale this trine indicates the ease of the debt limit as all loans are also ruled by Vesta and the obligations are ruled by Saturn. The Sun opposes Vesta at 6:25 AM will show the problems with the investments and indicate the end of current limits. Finally the sun is in a positive 60° aspect at 6:47 AM. It continues to be a very busy day. The v/c period ends at 7:56 AM when the Moon enters Scorpio which is not harmoniously indicated with the final aspect square Neptune on Sunday morning. The Scorpio Moon is filled with financial traps and smoke screens.

Saturday August 6. Hold back day. This is a difficult day to pin anything down involving money matters. Do not sign anything as you might regret it. There is a first quarter Moon at 13° Scorpio 39’ at 7:08 AM. This is an action day involving loans, debts and shared responsibilities. Someone in an important position passes.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Report for July 23 - 30, 2011

Not until July 25 will the effects of the hot headed Mars begin to separate from the lunar nodes. This brings more accidents, blasts, fire and rage. This theme continues right through July 27 when the Moon and Mars align with the earth to form a little eclipse, referred to as an occultation at 12:55 PM. Move around with caution but expect to accomplish muscle tasks.
Saturday July 23. The Aries Moon saw the Sun enter Leo early this morning at 12:11 AM. The Sun will be in Leo until August 23. The Moon changed signs at 12:57 AM and made a square to the Sun at 1:01 AM bringing a Last Quarter Moon to reveal money matters from the past and the possibility of people that come together for family. At 6:23 AM Mercury and Saturn separated by 45° apart. 7:54 AM Sun quincunx Neptune brings the rain. 4:12 PM Sun trine Ceres.
Sunday July 24. Too many sad tales are brewing. The Taurus Moon is headed for bad news as it comes to and end on Monday morning. Try to let this day pass without making changes. There is an aspect between Mars and Jupiter at 3:06 AM. It's a 45° aspect that steps up anger and aggression, fires and blasts. This aspect continues to ignite matters involving money. Avoid people you know have a short fuse. A Taurus Moon enjoys time in the garden; a meal with a friend or loved ones and shopping. This is not a good shopping day however due to the final aspect of the Moon is square to Mercury. This is big for returns or squabbles about your purchase.
Monday July 25. The Taurus Moon is not happy when misunderstandings and losses spoil the plan at 9:11 AM. The Moon and Mercury are square at a sad point. The Moon will be void from 9:11 AM until 12:34 PM.

More for Monday July 25. At 12:34 PM the Moon enters Gemini for a couple of good days to pull off your schemes. Talk, connect and agree with others as the Sun and Moon are 60° apart at 5:37 PM. There is one important tough spot as Ceres, the indicator for children and their care, food and other necessary supplies make a strong plea at zero Aries while stationary over the next couple of days. Stories about children dominate the news.
Tuesday July 26. The Gemini Moon brings a multitude of stories. Many focus on children or caretakers which are ruled by Ceres at its stationary point at 10:54 AM. Ceres will travel in retrograde motion until November. Make decisions about the care of family members and address your diet issues.
Wednesday July 27. The Gemini Moon has a few good tricks up his sleeve and a Green light keeps this day moving toward positive outcomes. The Sun and Uranus come up with something new and shiny at 3:43 PM when they are 120° apart. There is a void Moon period that begins at 8:35 PM until 9:11 PM when the Moon enters Cancer. For the Cancer Moon - hold off for final choices until 1:58PM Thursday. The marriage indicator, Juno, enters Libra at 7:33 PM. This indicates a marriage of minds between partners. This is a good signal that your choices are moving in the right direction.
Wednesday July 27. The Moon enters Cancer at 9:11 PM. Hold off for final choices until 1:58PM Thursday. There is an occultation of the Moon and Mars at 12:55 PM EDT. This brings a greater emphasis to the hot qualities of Mars, now in Gemini. Mars in Gemini looses its way by sheer distraction. The working mechanism is overshadowed by an extreme emotional factor. The Sun and Uranus are 120° trine at 3:44 PM.

Thursday July 28. The Cancer Moon sees several aspects on Thursday and two planet changes. That is a little too busy for wise choices to run smoothly. There are too many control freaks trying to force their agenda on others. Although when all is said and done, there is a green light indicated after 1:58 PM. Here is the agenda. At 9:19 AM Mercury finds a problem with money and family arrangements when Mercury and Venus are 30° apart. Both planets are concealing their true intentions to leave the situation for better or different seats. Neptune (the smokescreen) and Juno (the partner) are not being honest at 10:31AM. Venus changes signs at 10:58 AM and enters Leo until August 21st. At 1:58 PM Mercury enters a compatible sign of Virgo where it gathers the necessary tools to tackle a big job. Mercury will not be in Virgo long as its retrograde takes it back to Leo by August 8. Make your choices by wise and slow methods as you may need to go back to an old spot before moving forward. Look at this period as a time to gather the facts and tools to make changes later. Set up a fund for future repairs. Later on for Thurs Venus and Neptune set a slippery tone for partner confusion when they form a 150° quincunx at 2:33 PM. That life's messy, clean it up is not pretty when it involves those you would rather trust. You may feel at a loss when dealing with disappointment in relationships. But not to worry as later Venus finds a new way to deal with loved ones or important alignments when she reaches a 60° aspect to Juno (the marriage maker). It might be a marriage of ideas or one that all can agree is better to be made then not. This looks like a day for policy makers to settle or battle more of their debt crisis.

On Thursday the Sun forms two aspects to Pluto. One for a temporary band aid at 4:59 PM (the Sun is split parallel to Pluto followed by a 150° quincunx between the pair. At 5:29 PM the 150° is a push toward a major clean-up involving the big earthmoving machines or control freaks. It might be an aspect of surprise motivation. Those holding the power behind the scenes may be forced to take a stand. At 11:28 PM Venus (love and money) and Ceres (care, support, supplies and services) appear to be relieved with the outcome as necessary monetary veins remain open.
Friday July 29. This is a green light day. The Moon is in sensitive Cancer as we deal with confusion presented by Mercury in Virgo and Neptune in Pisces which face off in opposition with some tall stories. Beyond the exposure of the man behind the smoke screen there could be storms of wild winds and water. The consultants called to assess are just for show or away from their desk when the Sun and Pallas Athena (wise one) oppose at 9:49 AM. If you chose a lawyer or advisor you might have better options after that point. The Cancer Moon is otherwise in a fine position with the Sun at 3:50 PM. Loose ends from the past come together nicely. This ends the strong Moon to planet aspects and begins a void period until 2:15 AM Saturday morning. The dark of the Moon period begins early Friday afternoon so it's best to make your choices and sign your aggreements early on.

Saturday July 30 2011. The Cancer Moon changes to Leo at 2:15 AM.

New Moon at 7° Leo 15' at 2:39 PM. Observe the dark Moon period for another twelve hours beyond that time and take in your experiences without major changes directed by you. The Leo New Moon brings to mind the solar eclipse that occurred near the same point in August of 2008. You may recognize recurring themes from that time. Jupiter in Taurus objects to the New Moon with a square and Mercury is nears to a stop in the first degree of Virgo. Something needs to be reconsidered. The information you have is short and you can expect large changes to be revealed.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Astrology Report for July 16 - July 23, 2011

Order a copy of Lunar Shadows III through or email me for a signed copy.
Join me for class on Monday night at 7-9 PM.
Friday July 15. Full Moon at 2:40 AM at 22° Capricorn. See the Lunar Gestation Cycle page at
Since 4:29 PM Friday the Moon entered Aquarius. This Moon sign sees challenges between friends as Mercury and Uranus form a 135° cranky aspect. Equipment can be faulty. What you say could be misconstrued. Be a good listener without judgment. Respond don't react as the other side could reverse their position and you could be left out on a limb. Choose another day to move forward as Friday through Sunday are difficult ending with arguments and threats of loss to friendship and contracts.

Saturday July 16. Saturn rules Saturdays. The Aquarius Moon sign seems to be a trap for, he said she said. At the end of the sign the Moon runs into problems involving missing documents (Moon opposite Mercury) or you could be refused to pass through to the next stage due to technicalities. People scramble to find a safe base when all the points are perceived as trespassing. Good solid boundaries might be an anecdote. There is some comfort in light interaction during social settings but there could be uncomfortable moments. Three planetary aspects impact the day; Venus and Mars join in a parallel at 8:02 AM, with an all day influence, that allows partners to find solace in each other. 2:55 PM Venus is 135° Neptune for some shopping bliss that you may regret. Returns may not be an option. 9:08 PM Mercury and Pluto get tangled up in thick and heavy thoughts. There is a wise person that could help you get pass the toll gate temporarily. Feelings of being excluded might compromise an otherwise nice evening but take solace in the fact that you are not in the thick of the preverbal soup. It's a good movie night where you can let all this play out on the screen.

Sunday July 17. The Sun rules Sundays. The Aquarius Moon is headed for an opposition to Mercury at 8:23 AM that begins a voc Moon period all day. There is an exception which I will take with the Moon 150° Sun at 3:20 PM. This may be when the void Moon period actually begins. Use whatever comes up as a chance for damage control left from the influence of the recent Full Moon. This is similar to the insurance adjuster assessing damages.

Monday July 18. The Moon rules Mondays. The void Aquarius Moon period ends when the Moon enters Pisces on Monday at 1:12 AM. Relief from the recent intensity is found during the following couple of days. You have a solid Green Light to move forward all day Monday, through Tuesday and until 7:14 AM Wednesday morning. At 7:14 AM Wednesday is when the Pisces Moon forms a harmonious trine to the Sun bringing a sense of satisfaction and contentment and positive results all around. Often with a Sun - Moon trine there is a low action period as strong events wait for more dynamic energies. You may find yourself content to retreat in the Piscean style.

Tuesday July 19. Mars rules Tuesdays. Tuesday's Pisces Moon sees an opportunity for a short term investment when the Sun and Vesta (investments) find something worth further investigation. Mercury and Jupiter agree with a parallel and open doors and easily allow you to make the right connections. You may be in a position to help someone in a tight spot just by showing up.

Wednesday July 20. Mercury rules Wednesdays. The Pisces Moon continues to give a Green Light for your activities until the void Moon at 7:14 AM. The void period ends at 12:25 PM when the Moon enters Aries. This is not the Moon sign to leap into new things as the star of the show leaves. You may have your sights set on a quick turnaround but the plan changes for reasons out of your control. You may choose to work along but someone entices you to join their team. The problem is their team leader leaves for the big-time. Now you regret leaving your position in the first place.

Thursday July 21. Jupiter rules Thursdays. The Aries Moon adds oomph to your efforts. Stick with your plan and gain ground by plowing through a heavy task list. The needs of your children could be on your agenda. Their placement for the fall or how your situation changes. It could be that your pets need extra care. A solution could be found for something you are trying to preserve or purify. There is a spiritual link between you and the source that nurtures mental peace and harmony. This is a good day to for an expanded spiritual practice. Draw no agreements or signatures today. Aspects include; Venus 30° to Mars at 9:22 AM. Neptune parallel Ceres at 9:51 AM topics about disappearing or resurfacing of lost children. 8:53 PM Mercury contra Ceres. 9:33 PM Mercury contra parallel Neptune.

Friday July 22. Venus rules Fridays. Aries Moon with little planetary activity. There are changes ahead, some of which are a surprise. The day runs smoothly but avoid agreeing to anything just yet. (Wait until next Monday afternoon through Wednesday night. 7/25-7/27) Let all the players find their new positions before taking a stand. Use your ability to work well alone throughout the day. The evening has pleasant energies if you would like to head out on a singular adventure. You will enjoy the journey.

Saturday July 23. Saturday is ruled by Saturn.
The Sun enters Leo on Saturday July 23 at 12:11 AM which is when the Moon is void of course. The Moon enters Taurus at 12:57 AM ending the void Moon period. Aspects include Jupiter square Pallas Athena at 9:44 AM. You might find your thinking or advisor is off in the wrong direction. Family discussions are difficult at best.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

July 9 - July 16, 2011 Astrology Report

Join me for Astrology Class as usual on Monday night from 7 - 9 PM.

Mars has been setting off the recent eclipse points since Wednesday July 6 and will continue to startle, strike and ignite our surroundings through August 17. Note also July 23 and 25. During this time Mars goes over the top when it travels out of bounds from July 22 - August 21st. What this may mean for us is more arguments and abusive behaviors. You may notice more noise, more sirens, more accidents and fires. More work and more fatigue.

Saturday July 9, 2011. A Green Light period begins at 8:34 PM making this an good time to forward your goals.
The Moon is void of course in Libra until 2:51 AM when the Moon enters Scorpio through Monday morning at 5:47 AM. A Scorpio Moon sign is not for lightweights as mind games are common. Professionals can use bully tactics to gain ground. Often you learn that someone has passed away. This is an excellent time to begin research. During this Scorpio Moon Uranus brings its unique methods and quirky angst as it blurts the truth. This particular Uranus station period brought the news of miracle cure for diseased body parts that are manufactured in just days which are fed by one's own stem cells. Uranus turns retrograde Saturday night at 8:34 PM and appears to travel backwards until December 9, 2011. The early hours began with the celebratory energy of Venus in Cancer and Jupiter in Taurus at 60^ apart. Interestingly a Venus and Jupiter aspect can also be a signal to take the one last journey from earth. We saw that with the final launch of the space shuttle Atlantis and Betty Ford who died at age 93. She was a beacon of courage for issues once considered taboo; addressing cancer and addiction openly. At 4:18 AM Mercury in Leo was 60^ to Saturn in Libra. Our activities adapt to the new day with focus and direction guided by the Sun and Mars in a parallel aspect. This may be a little too much energy in one spot causing virus' to spread or to feel run down. Get more rest and avoid battles. After Uranus makes its station at 8:34 PM there is positive energy to move forward with your goals through until 5:05 AM Monday.
Sunday July 10, 2011. A Green Light to move forward all day Sunday.

The Scorpio Moon is a good time to process emotional baggage. Take on topics that are difficult to tackle. Take a professional along for the tough subjects. Those in charge can be ruthless and have extremely high expectations. The day is free of planetary activity. Sunday is a good day to move forward with a positive aspect between the Sun and Moon Monday morning.

Monday July 11, 2011. A Green Light until 5:05 AM. A Green Light again after 5:47 AM through 10:04 AM on Wednesday. Go for it!

Monday morning begins with a brief void of course Moon period 5:05 AM until 5:47 AM when the Moon enters the enthusiastic sign of Sagittarius until Wednesday at 10:04 AM.

Ceres the goddess of the Harvest. The symbol of the Great Mother crosses the point of the world axis, zero Aries and waits there while in stationary motion. It will remain at zero Aries until August 10th. It brings attention to children and those under the care of others. At 11:28 PM Mercury in Leo and Mars in Gemini are 60° apart for building bridges. This pair steps up talks and brings people together for a motivated purpose. A fine aspect for purchasing a vehicle anytime on Monday. Monday is an all around good day for to move forward with confidence to advance your goals.

Tuesday July 12, 2011. A Green Light Day.
Tuesday Sagittarius Moon is an excellent day to move forward. There is money to be found and work to done. Plans for travel and education are under the Sagittarius canopy. At 11:11 AM on Tuesday night the Moon is voc until Wednesday.

Wednesday July 13, 2011. Green Light up until 10:04 AM. After 10:13 AM begin another Green Light period through Friday morning at 4:07 AM.
On Wednesday during the VOC period Venus in Cancer and Saturn in Libra are square at 3:35 AM. This is emotionally heavy with a cold response. Financial difficulties. Spending is reigned in. Criticism runs high. Cold interpretation of beauty or esthetic choices. Corrections regarding social matters. Difficulty relating. Serious tones with love and money. Short changed. Inhibitions. Cutting excesses. Painful decisions involving couples in relationship. Separations due to judgmental thinking that nothing has been resolved. Long reaching consequences. Spend on utilitarian needs. Keep an open mind and heart and give your partner a break. Hard nose actions with workers leave a long impression. This is not the time to meet a new lover.

The Moon enters Capricorn at 10:13 AM, ending the voc Moon period. The Moon is in good shape while in Capricorn. This is the get down to business Moon sign. There are no planetary aspects to mention on Wednesday.

Thursday July 14, 2011. Green Light Day.
For Thursday we have a Capricorn Moon which is headed for a Full Moon on Friday morning. The budget and debt ceiling are topics that seek resolve. The full Moon is a good time to put all the cards on the table and resolve. This is a good day to move forward knowing you are fully aware of all necessary angles.

Friday July 15, 2011. Full Moon at 2:40 AM.
Difficulty with agreements and dealings with others throughout the Aquarius Moon sign.

On Friday at 2:39 AM the Moon is full at 22° Capricorn. Family matters are high on the list. Older family members approach the next stage. The Moon's final aspect is parallel Pluto at 4:07 AM beginning a twelve hour voc Moon period.

At 4:29 PM Friday the Moon enters Aquarius. This Moon sign sees challenges between friends as Mercury and Uranus form a 135° cranky aspect. Equipment can be faulty and parts of what you say could be misconstrued. Be a good listener and chose another day to move forward as Friday through Sunday are difficult ending with arguments and threats of loss to friendship.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Radio report for July 2 - July 9, 2011

Sat Jul 2 2011 – Sat Jul 9 2011 -
Monday’s Class for July 4, 2011 is on from 7 – 9 pm. Please join us. Call me at 617-924-0929.
The July 1, 2011 solar eclipse was pleasantly influenced by Venus as opposed to eclipse six months ago when Mars and Pluto were so strongly indicated. That eclipse brought the violence which injured Gabriella Gifford, nineteen others and killed six in Arizona. With Venus at the lunar node on July 1st, the stock market shot way up over this past week and Strauss Khan was released from house arrest. He was France’s Financial Monetary Manager who was accused of sexual misconduct. The maid was taped in a call to a prison mate in a plan to extract money from Strauss Kahn. Venus’ energy helps us to recover some money and gain a little bit however; Venus is also a big spender. What comes in may go right out. Currently Venus is in the sign of Gemini and travels to Cancer this coming week. Hopefully once in Cancer we might be able to save or gather money in a way that is useful, and not just making ends meet. Of course regards for the needs of family will be high on the list.

There is a lot of excitement surrounded by the eclipse period. This eclipse was a very minor eclipse as far as its shadow on the earth. Eclipses are new moons which present a major impact on our lives. In nine months we will see things take off as a result of the seeds that are planted around this time. As with all new moons, let things come to you. Take no direct action. Avoid starting new things such as opening a business or getting married because you are missing important facts that emerge with more light of the moon. You need to see that moon in the sky at night before moving forward. At least give it a day after the time of the new moon. Now the Sun is applying a square to Saturn which applies seriousness around this eclipse. Six months ago Saturn was about to turn retrograde when there was the solar eclipse in Capricorn, and now Saturn recently turned direct and is actually picking up some speed. Matters begin to move forward as the Sun and Saturn let go of the old retrograde Saturn cycle. Hopefully we notice increases in money and in business and government has the opportunity to come out of a deadlock – hopefully that will be the case.
For Saturday July 2nd we have a Cancer moon. Mercury entered Leo early July 2nd at 1:37 am. Later Mercury and Mars teamed up for speed. This pair can modify and manage tasks with large bursts of energy. So expect to get a lot done today. The down side of a Mercury - Mars aspect is short tempers, probably riots some where, military action everywhere. This will remain in effect throughout the day. However it is great for getting things done, making connections, breaking through communication barriers. The VOC moon in Cancer began at 6:08 am. However, I don’t count the VOC Moon period when the Moon is in Cancer because this is its own sign. But if you do count it, you can expect it to be over at 5:42 pm when the moon enters Leo - until Monday night.

The Leo moon is faced with complications. That is because of the fact the sun is squaring Saturn at 8:16 pm on Sunday. It is serious. It has a lot to do with family and parents, and placing parents and safe situations, and elder care type of things, and dealing with people that are either in hospitals or trying to recover from a difficult situation. There is also another complication for the Leo moon with the fact that Venus will change signs on Monday morning. What this means is that the moon is trying to catch Venus and make an aspect to her before she leaves the sign. Put another way the Moon want to meet up with Venus to make a deal; get some money or grab a kiss or a promise before she leaves the Gemini territory. The problem is that she is going to take off with the goods. So Venus may actually promise something that she doesn’t deliver. If you try to make a deal or seal some sort of an agreement between yourself and another, it is likely to get dropped as someone may reneged on their end of the bargain. After 12:16 am on Monday morning there is a VOC Leo moon. The entire time the Moon is in Leo there are complications.

There is an aspect between Venus and Ceres that is important to note. That is 8:02 am on Sunday morning. This one really feels and looks like the Casey Anthony trial where there is likely to be a decision made with that one.

Moving on with Monday we have a VOC moon period that begins when Venus enters Cancer at 12:16 am until 9:15 pm Monday night. Venus travels through Cancer until July 28th. While Venus travels through Cancer she is more interested in bonding with family, moving closer to a resolve about housing and family placement issues. Secrets are a vital piece to the Venus puzzle because Venus is trine Neptune at 1:26 pm on Monday. She may discover things, secrets that she can use in an interesting way. There could also be a discovery of antiques or fine treasures or old loves, anything that is Venusians. That is jewels and romantic things and things of the imagination. At 8:47 pm, on Monday Mercury is trine Uranus; a cosmic sense of humor which makes for very interesting conversation and innovative ideas while making new friends.

After 9:15 PM there is a terrific Green Light with the Virgo moon sign that begins on Monday night and is perfect for forwarding your goals. Take charge and plow through daunting tasks. You will find others are cooperative and motivated to give you a hand. Happy Fourth of July.

Mercury as the ruler of Virgo is a primary player for Tuesday, July 5th, in an aspect with Chiron, Jupiter, then Pluto. Mercury’s 150° quincunx to Pluto at 7:07 PM can cause one’s head to spin in worry. You may discover a mouse in the house or other annoying vermin. Try to use a spiritual clearing to keep your head on straight. It may represent a jumbled set of facts, broadcast over a sensitive subject or a final ruling with a twist. This might refer to the interesting high profile legal cases in the news. Legal rulings are indicated by Saturn in Libra.
For Wednesday. We have a Virgo moon when Mars is trine Saturn at 8:15 am. the final aspect of the Virgo moon is an excellent parallel to Saturn at 12:07 pm which begins the VOC moon period that continues until 11:53 pm on Wednesday night when the moon enters Libra.
Continuing through Thursday, the Libra Moon sign is another excellent Moon sign to move forward and that green light lasts until Friday at 10:57 am. Go for it during that period. On Thursday July 7th we can wish Happy Birthday to Victor! The Libra moon finds Jupiter and Pluto in a perfect trine on Victor’s birthday at 10:06 am. This aspect supports an increase in money and also the ability to invest. Investments could be with tradition. Not just with money, but putting your energy into something that is really important. Family members require a plan. A plan for their estate is a very good thing to conduct during that July 7th energy. This is a day that supports an excellent strategy. Mars is trine Pallas at 10:10 am.

Later on Venus is square to Uranus- that aspect is 5:45 pm which could indicate a sudden pulling apart. I’d be careful about placing you money down on the table until after that point. Be cautious throughout Thursday night. Perhaps something is suddenly lost. You want to hold on to your purse. I always notice when Venus and Uranus are square it accompanies a loss of money or loss of your purse. Maybe you accidentally run over the box that has your family heirlooms in it when you are moving.

While the Moon is in Libra there is a first quarter Moon at 2:29 am on Friday at 15°Libra 47’ which thrusts relationship matters forward or your legal issues. Family matters, marriage and divorce and anything that started nine months ago will come to the next major stage of its development. I think my friend Sally who moved up to Maine, maybe she will be coming back with that one. At 10:57 am there is a VOC Moon which continues until 2:31 am on Saturday. There may be a quick fix with legal matters someone rushes in to lend a much needed hand with relationship issues. Perhaps you see things more broadly which helps your situation.

The Moon’s final aspect is contra parallel to Jupiter.

During the VOC Moon period Venus is opposite Pluto. This can be very heavy emotionally for Friday night as it occurs at 8:30 pm. Later Venus is sextile (60 degrees) to Jupiter 2:05 Saturday morning. So the Venus opposite Pluto indicates jealousies and splitting apart because of the resurgence of jealous activities or infidelity and a loss of money. This indicates a mixed bag during the Libra moon.
We can expect to see a lot of things happen in a positive way with the green lights that occur throughout the week.
Look ahead to an excellent week when you can plan activities starting the 17th of July. That whole week is a very good week for moving forward. If you want to get a fresh start with something go ahead and move forward during that week. That’s it for this week.

Lunar Shadows III - - Bulk orders contact: Scott and email:

Lunar Shadows III - - Bulk orders contact: Scott and email: