Not until July 25 will the effects of the hot headed Mars begin to separate from the lunar nodes. This brings more accidents, blasts, fire and rage. This theme continues right through July 27 when the Moon and Mars align with the earth to form a little eclipse, referred to as an occultation at 12:55 PM. Move around with caution but expect to accomplish muscle tasks.
Saturday July 23. The Aries Moon saw the Sun enter Leo early this morning at 12:11 AM. The Sun will be in Leo until August 23. The Moon changed signs at 12:57 AM and made a square to the Sun at 1:01 AM bringing a Last Quarter Moon to reveal money matters from the past and the possibility of people that come together for family. At 6:23 AM Mercury and Saturn separated by 45° apart. 7:54 AM Sun quincunx Neptune brings the rain. 4:12 PM Sun trine Ceres.
Sunday July 24. Too many sad tales are brewing. The Taurus Moon is headed for bad news as it comes to and end on Monday morning. Try to let this day pass without making changes. There is an aspect between Mars and Jupiter at 3:06 AM. It's a 45° aspect that steps up anger and aggression, fires and blasts. This aspect continues to ignite matters involving money. Avoid people you know have a short fuse. A Taurus Moon enjoys time in the garden; a meal with a friend or loved ones and shopping. This is not a good shopping day however due to the final aspect of the Moon is square to Mercury. This is big for returns or squabbles about your purchase.
Monday July 25. The Taurus Moon is not happy when misunderstandings and losses spoil the plan at 9:11 AM. The Moon and Mercury are square at a sad point. The Moon will be void from 9:11 AM until 12:34 PM.
More for Monday July 25. At 12:34 PM the Moon enters Gemini for a couple of good days to pull off your schemes. Talk, connect and agree with others as the Sun and Moon are 60° apart at 5:37 PM. There is one important tough spot as Ceres, the indicator for children and their care, food and other necessary supplies make a strong plea at zero Aries while stationary over the next couple of days. Stories about children dominate the news.
Tuesday July 26. The Gemini Moon brings a multitude of stories. Many focus on children or caretakers which are ruled by Ceres at its stationary point at 10:54 AM. Ceres will travel in retrograde motion until November. Make decisions about the care of family members and address your diet issues.
Wednesday July 27. The Gemini Moon has a few good tricks up his sleeve and a Green light keeps this day moving toward positive outcomes. The Sun and Uranus come up with something new and shiny at 3:43 PM when they are 120° apart. There is a void Moon period that begins at 8:35 PM until 9:11 PM when the Moon enters Cancer. For the Cancer Moon - hold off for final choices until 1:58PM Thursday. The marriage indicator, Juno, enters Libra at 7:33 PM. This indicates a marriage of minds between partners. This is a good signal that your choices are moving in the right direction.
Wednesday July 27. The Moon enters Cancer at 9:11 PM. Hold off for final choices until 1:58PM Thursday. There is an occultation of the Moon and Mars at 12:55 PM EDT. This brings a greater emphasis to the hot qualities of Mars, now in Gemini. Mars in Gemini looses its way by sheer distraction. The working mechanism is overshadowed by an extreme emotional factor. The Sun and Uranus are 120° trine at 3:44 PM.
Thursday July 28. The Cancer Moon sees several aspects on Thursday and two planet changes. That is a little too busy for wise choices to run smoothly. There are too many control freaks trying to force their agenda on others. Although when all is said and done, there is a green light indicated after 1:58 PM. Here is the agenda. At 9:19 AM Mercury finds a problem with money and family arrangements when Mercury and Venus are 30° apart. Both planets are concealing their true intentions to leave the situation for better or different seats. Neptune (the smokescreen) and Juno (the partner) are not being honest at 10:31AM. Venus changes signs at 10:58 AM and enters Leo until August 21st. At 1:58 PM Mercury enters a compatible sign of Virgo where it gathers the necessary tools to tackle a big job. Mercury will not be in Virgo long as its retrograde takes it back to Leo by August 8. Make your choices by wise and slow methods as you may need to go back to an old spot before moving forward. Look at this period as a time to gather the facts and tools to make changes later. Set up a fund for future repairs. Later on for Thurs Venus and Neptune set a slippery tone for partner confusion when they form a 150° quincunx at 2:33 PM. That life's messy, clean it up is not pretty when it involves those you would rather trust. You may feel at a loss when dealing with disappointment in relationships. But not to worry as later Venus finds a new way to deal with loved ones or important alignments when she reaches a 60° aspect to Juno (the marriage maker). It might be a marriage of ideas or one that all can agree is better to be made then not. This looks like a day for policy makers to settle or battle more of their debt crisis.
On Thursday the Sun forms two aspects to Pluto. One for a temporary band aid at 4:59 PM (the Sun is split parallel to Pluto followed by a 150° quincunx between the pair. At 5:29 PM the 150° is a push toward a major clean-up involving the big earthmoving machines or control freaks. It might be an aspect of surprise motivation. Those holding the power behind the scenes may be forced to take a stand. At 11:28 PM Venus (love and money) and Ceres (care, support, supplies and services) appear to be relieved with the outcome as necessary monetary veins remain open.
Friday July 29. This is a green light day. The Moon is in sensitive Cancer as we deal with confusion presented by Mercury in Virgo and Neptune in Pisces which face off in opposition with some tall stories. Beyond the exposure of the man behind the smoke screen there could be storms of wild winds and water. The consultants called to assess are just for show or away from their desk when the Sun and Pallas Athena (wise one) oppose at 9:49 AM. If you chose a lawyer or advisor you might have better options after that point. The Cancer Moon is otherwise in a fine position with the Sun at 3:50 PM. Loose ends from the past come together nicely. This ends the strong Moon to planet aspects and begins a void period until 2:15 AM Saturday morning. The dark of the Moon period begins early Friday afternoon so it's best to make your choices and sign your aggreements early on.
Saturday July 30 2011. The Cancer Moon changes to Leo at 2:15 AM.
New Moon at 7° Leo 15' at 2:39 PM. Observe the dark Moon period for another twelve hours beyond that time and take in your experiences without major changes directed by you. The Leo New Moon brings to mind the solar eclipse that occurred near the same point in August of 2008. You may recognize recurring themes from that time. Jupiter in Taurus objects to the New Moon with a square and Mercury is nears to a stop in the first degree of Virgo. Something needs to be reconsidered. The information you have is short and you can expect large changes to be revealed.
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