Saturday, July 30, 2011

Report for July 30 2011 - August 6 2011

Saturday July 30 2011. The Cancer Moon changes to Leo at 2:15 AM. Stationary Mercury in Virgo and Ceres at a very loud zero Aries are at 150° angle of which lingers through August 9. Both planets are positioned at the zero degree make of their signs signals an urgency. As usual when Ceres is involved the matters are dead serious. This aspect speaks to not only the debt crisis but the fear that is associated with the possible losses. It is an aspect that relies bits and pieces of information about a critical situation. With Mercury at the point where it will turn retrograde on Tuesday August 2, 2011 - the great Debt Ceiling deadline the need for a decision could not be more serious. Ceres turned retrograde on July 26 and remains stuck at zero Aries until August 10. Other big changes occur this week when Mars reaches zero Cancer and Neptune backs up into Aquarius one more time on August 4.

New Moon at 7° Leo 15' at 2:39 PM. Dark Moon period for another twelve hours beyond that time. The Leo New Moon brings to mind the solar eclipse that occurred near the same point in August of 2008. You may recognize recurring themes from that time. Jupiter in Taurus objects to the New Moon with a 90^ square and Mercury is near to a stop in the first degree of Virgo. Something needs to be reconsidered. The information you have is short and you can expect large changes to be revealed. The big debt ceiling hold-up is designed to force the President to fail. You may feel your personal situation is a setup or you are operating with you hands behind your back. There are advances that can be made although in the dark. Continue to be cautious about your decisions until Sunday afternoon.

Sunday July 31. A green light day with caution. The Moon is in Leo picks up some momentum as it travels at a fast pace. This hopefully helps the constricted state of affairs. Only one aspect occurs. Venus the ruler of love and money is 150° to Chiron the wounded healer at 9:22 PM. Perhaps this helps the situation in congress. For love, someone from the past may return unexpectedly with high expectations; evoke or provoking and emotional response. Just over the date line at 12:08 AM there may be a spontaneous resolve to these problems as Venus in Leo is a positive 120^ from Uranus in Aries.

Monday August 1st. Leo Moon brings a few good green light hours to make something happen. At 12:08 AM Venus trine Uranus. The Moon is void of course from 2:19 AM until the Moon enters Virgo at 4:41 AM. The Virgo Moon holds its breath for two planetary changes under its watch; on Tuesday Mercury retrograde followed by Mars crossing over to Cancer on Wednesday morning.
As for the Virgo Moon the sign of hard work and cooperation exists. Although on the personal front avoid any final decisions that require your signature as it will be back up for review and possible regret later. The pressure might be released with the 10:41 AM square aspect of the Sun and Jupiter. This signals a shift in the political rhetoric. Over-enthusiastic notions may need to be tempered with the current pulse of activity. On the other hand a once silent voice may assume confidence. A general overload may be experienced, especially with work. An abundance of high principals are voiced. Necessity takes one into a variety of corners where new information leads to open doors. Strong need to spread out and experience space and freedom. In general a day for photography and purchasing camera equipment. Journalism and publishing and breaking news stories.
Plan a getaway trip that includes education. Get out and play. Consider critical reviews as a tool for growth. At 5:02 PM Venus and Pallas (the wise advisor) are at odds about money. At 7:49 PM Venus and Pluto are quincunx. This is a serious life's messy clean it up aspect that involves those that place pressure based on rank.
Tuesday August 2. Debt Ceiling Deadline Day, Mercury retrograde at 11:50 PM is the astro-headliner with no other planetary activity that day. Maybe there is such a thing as an extension or they might have settled the crisis by now. Reversals and poor communication looms large over the situation.

Mercury is retrograde from 11:50 PM on August 2nd at 1° Virgo 12' through August 26 and 6:02 PM back to 18° Leo 41'. August 11 and August 24th birthdays activated by these positions.
Wednesday August 3. The difficult energy is not yet passed under this Virgo Moon. At 5:21 AM Mars enters Cancer. The sign of the United States, the state of actual currency and the home. The Moon is void of course from that point until 6:04 AM when the Moon enters Libra through Friday morning. This is a hold back couple of days as we wait for retrograde Neptune to make its change out of its home sign of Pisces and back into Aquarius on Thursday night.
The Libra Moon on Wednesday sees two aspects by Mars; at 6:52 AM a nice trine to Neptune. This appears soothing but later at 9:21 PM Mars is square Ceres. Not soothing as this could indicate a heated situation about the need to care for others. Children should be watched very closely and your pets.

Thursday August 4. Happy Birthday, Mr. President. Who may have a rest from all the recent grief. His solar return chart shows the point of 23° Sagittarius on the very peak of his solar return chart and a Libra Moon in the 8th house of debt is in a positive trine to Neptune in Aquarius. Retrograde Mercury is 60° to Mars at 7:19 PM. This is a day to hold back one again until 10:53 PM when Neptune backs up and changes signs where it will remain until February 3, 2012. Neptune once again calls the last shot being called by the planet at the latest degree of any sign unless the faster moving planets reach that very last place. On many occasions over the next several months there are positive green light days that will assist in forward motion. I personally think that matters have taken a turn for the worse while Neptune moved into its home sign of Pisces on April 4, 2011.
Friday August 5. A green light in the morning up until 7:55 AM then the Moon is void of course after a trine to Neptune. Before that there are several big money aspects; Venus split parallel Pluto at 12:09 AM; Venus square Jupiter at 12:34 AM is a signal of overspending. This may be the day the debt limit is actually raised. Saturn is in a positive trine to Vesta (the investor) at 5:28 AM. Vesta rules housing and real estate business and all investments. On the largest scale this trine indicates the ease of the debt limit as all loans are also ruled by Vesta and the obligations are ruled by Saturn. The Sun opposes Vesta at 6:25 AM will show the problems with the investments and indicate the end of current limits. Finally the sun is in a positive 60° aspect at 6:47 AM. It continues to be a very busy day. The v/c period ends at 7:56 AM when the Moon enters Scorpio which is not harmoniously indicated with the final aspect square Neptune on Sunday morning. The Scorpio Moon is filled with financial traps and smoke screens.

Saturday August 6. Hold back day. This is a difficult day to pin anything down involving money matters. Do not sign anything as you might regret it. There is a first quarter Moon at 13° Scorpio 39’ at 7:08 AM. This is an action day involving loans, debts and shared responsibilities. Someone in an important position passes.

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