Join me for Astrology Class as usual on Monday night from 7 - 9 PM.
Mars has been setting off the recent eclipse points since Wednesday July 6 and will continue to startle, strike and ignite our surroundings through August 17. Note also July 23 and 25. During this time Mars goes over the top when it travels out of bounds from July 22 - August 21st. What this may mean for us is more arguments and abusive behaviors. You may notice more noise, more sirens, more accidents and fires. More work and more fatigue.
Saturday July 9, 2011. A Green Light period begins at 8:34 PM making this an good time to forward your goals.
The Moon is void of course in Libra until 2:51 AM when the Moon enters Scorpio through Monday morning at 5:47 AM. A Scorpio Moon sign is not for lightweights as mind games are common. Professionals can use bully tactics to gain ground. Often you learn that someone has passed away. This is an excellent time to begin research. During this Scorpio Moon Uranus brings its unique methods and quirky angst as it blurts the truth. This particular Uranus station period brought the news of miracle cure for diseased body parts that are manufactured in just days which are fed by one's own stem cells. Uranus turns retrograde Saturday night at 8:34 PM and appears to travel backwards until December 9, 2011. The early hours began with the celebratory energy of Venus in Cancer and Jupiter in Taurus at 60^ apart. Interestingly a Venus and Jupiter aspect can also be a signal to take the one last journey from earth. We saw that with the final launch of the space shuttle Atlantis and Betty Ford who died at age 93. She was a beacon of courage for issues once considered taboo; addressing cancer and addiction openly. At 4:18 AM Mercury in Leo was 60^ to Saturn in Libra. Our activities adapt to the new day with focus and direction guided by the Sun and Mars in a parallel aspect. This may be a little too much energy in one spot causing virus' to spread or to feel run down. Get more rest and avoid battles. After Uranus makes its station at 8:34 PM there is positive energy to move forward with your goals through until 5:05 AM Monday.
Sunday July 10, 2011. A Green Light to move forward all day Sunday.
The Scorpio Moon is a good time to process emotional baggage. Take on topics that are difficult to tackle. Take a professional along for the tough subjects. Those in charge can be ruthless and have extremely high expectations. The day is free of planetary activity. Sunday is a good day to move forward with a positive aspect between the Sun and Moon Monday morning.
Monday July 11, 2011. A Green Light until 5:05 AM. A Green Light again after 5:47 AM through 10:04 AM on Wednesday. Go for it!
Monday morning begins with a brief void of course Moon period 5:05 AM until 5:47 AM when the Moon enters the enthusiastic sign of Sagittarius until Wednesday at 10:04 AM.
Ceres the goddess of the Harvest. The symbol of the Great Mother crosses the point of the world axis, zero Aries and waits there while in stationary motion. It will remain at zero Aries until August 10th. It brings attention to children and those under the care of others. At 11:28 PM Mercury in Leo and Mars in Gemini are 60° apart for building bridges. This pair steps up talks and brings people together for a motivated purpose. A fine aspect for purchasing a vehicle anytime on Monday. Monday is an all around good day for to move forward with confidence to advance your goals.
Tuesday July 12, 2011. A Green Light Day.
Tuesday Sagittarius Moon is an excellent day to move forward. There is money to be found and work to done. Plans for travel and education are under the Sagittarius canopy. At 11:11 AM on Tuesday night the Moon is voc until Wednesday.
Wednesday July 13, 2011. Green Light up until 10:04 AM. After 10:13 AM begin another Green Light period through Friday morning at 4:07 AM.
On Wednesday during the VOC period Venus in Cancer and Saturn in Libra are square at 3:35 AM. This is emotionally heavy with a cold response. Financial difficulties. Spending is reigned in. Criticism runs high. Cold interpretation of beauty or esthetic choices. Corrections regarding social matters. Difficulty relating. Serious tones with love and money. Short changed. Inhibitions. Cutting excesses. Painful decisions involving couples in relationship. Separations due to judgmental thinking that nothing has been resolved. Long reaching consequences. Spend on utilitarian needs. Keep an open mind and heart and give your partner a break. Hard nose actions with workers leave a long impression. This is not the time to meet a new lover.
The Moon enters Capricorn at 10:13 AM, ending the voc Moon period. The Moon is in good shape while in Capricorn. This is the get down to business Moon sign. There are no planetary aspects to mention on Wednesday.
Thursday July 14, 2011. Green Light Day.
For Thursday we have a Capricorn Moon which is headed for a Full Moon on Friday morning. The budget and debt ceiling are topics that seek resolve. The full Moon is a good time to put all the cards on the table and resolve. This is a good day to move forward knowing you are fully aware of all necessary angles.
Friday July 15, 2011. Full Moon at 2:40 AM.
Difficulty with agreements and dealings with others throughout the Aquarius Moon sign.
On Friday at 2:39 AM the Moon is full at 22° Capricorn. Family matters are high on the list. Older family members approach the next stage. The Moon's final aspect is parallel Pluto at 4:07 AM beginning a twelve hour voc Moon period.
At 4:29 PM Friday the Moon enters Aquarius. This Moon sign sees challenges between friends as Mercury and Uranus form a 135° cranky aspect. Equipment can be faulty and parts of what you say could be misconstrued. Be a good listener and chose another day to move forward as Friday through Sunday are difficult ending with arguments and threats of loss to friendship.
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