For the week ahead there are quite a few strong relationship indicators this week. The best day for meeting someone new is Sunday. There are also a couple of very good Green Light Days beginning Sunday at 9:29 AM through Tuesday at 2:45 PM. This is an excellent time for agreements about money and property. Another Green Light period is very early on Friday Mar 2 and very brief; don't miss out - get up early & take advantage of a great time to connect from 6:40 AM until 8:13 AM. This is great for sending off important emails or any other mailing. Connect with those overseas or communicate something important to your siblings. Write a great letter or launch a website. Make use of it the best way you can.
Feb 25. Saturday's Aries Moon runs through Sunday at 9:29 AM and is very active with multiple planetary events. The Moon runs into a snag at the end of the sign when it opposes retrograde Saturn in Libra. This brings the cost way up. If you plan on charging fast through a task, then rethink that. Slow down. Aries wants it all right now. You don't want to severe a relationship at the cost of a small gain. Happy Birthday Marcia G!
Get out and play today. Get physical in some way.
1:56 PM A 45° aspect for Mercury & Jupiter spout off sounding more like a "know it all" and it might get lost on the way. You may be better off asking for directions.
Retail gets a boost when the Moon joins Venus and wants to doll up right before Vesta, the investor moves into the hot sign of Aries. A hot tip might work for a short run but wait until Sunday after 9:29 AM for the final bid.
Venus (love & compromise) and Saturn (the seal and nod from the top) are disappointed about something. Maybe there is a way around what you are trying to accomplish.
Feb 26 Sunday. The Sun and Venus keep the charm meter running even while the Moon opposes Saturn at 7:51 AM Sunday. It's good for sleeping late.
Sunday the Moon enters Taurus at 9:29 AM until Tuesday night at 10:27 PM. Green Light Period. Go for it. A Taurus Moon is great for investments of all kinds.
At 4:05 PM the Sun and Saturn seal the deal when they parallel for a long-term benefit. This helps you to make decisions regarding real estate and older family members. Key officials align to orchestrate structural changes within family, business or government. Serious plans advance.
Its time to take charge yet be sure to engage with wise counsel.
Feb 27 Monday. Great Taurus Moon. Food first. Dine with those you wish to persuade to your line of thinking. Venus and Mars are parallel all day, bringing men and women together. This aspect allows people in general to connect in a social setting. There is an opportunity for desires to lead to romance and maybe sex. It's a love thing. Beyond that you can be highly motivated to shop as this indicates the flow of money and great for the retail business. There is a strong motivation toward acquisition. Opposites are brought together for a singular purpose. Partnering. Close bonding and involvement with those attracted to one another for friendship, business or romance. This is a good match for love and money matters. Later Venus and Juno, the bride, join and then Mars connects with Juno. Surely the odds for a good relationship have increased but keep in mind that the Mars character is a little reluctant while retrograde till April 13. Perhaps a love from your past returns.
Feb 28. Tuesday's Sun - Pluto 60° aspect adds to the power of the financial market. Use this for investments late Monday and up until 2:45 PM Tuesday. Here are a few good ways to use this powerful energy. Use it to build valuable bridges and engage with people in a position of power. There may be serious matters in your life or in the world at large but solutions are available. Research and take action to move forward. 60 degree aspects mean you have a good opportunity but you must act to activate it. A formidable plan with determination and decisiveness is available. There is a deep revelation that supports inner and outer progress on both a personal level and how one relates to his greater surroundings. You may uncover methods for gaining control over matters that once seemed larger than life and uncontrollable. This aspect brings strong sexual desires and body language. There is a premise for trust and deeper sharing. Look for an opening to access financial assistance. For instance some towns allow for a tax rate reduction for those that do not have kids in the school system. The Moon is v/c from that time until it enters Gemini at 10:26 PM.
The Moon enters Gemini at 10:26 PM through Friday at 10:08 AM. This is a difficult for decision making and final choices as the Gemini Moon has to manage damage control for its ruling planet Mercury who is headed for the door possibly with the necessary documents. This is because Mercury leaves Pisces and moves into Aries on Friday morning. Until then matters that concern you are iffy. Someone or something is dropped for or someone changes their mind. This is also complicated by a 1st Qtr Moon in Gemini. Be careful in transit as I have seen traffic incidents galore when this type of Mercury situation is present. '
Feb 29 Wednesday. Hold off on final decisions. Simply enjoy the visits and chatter. Mercury is joining with Uranus for a brainstorming session. There is brilliance born of this temporary type of aspect that brings people together for a one time event. Later Mercury contacts the best counselor it can find - all things consider but later changes direction. Happy Birthday to my dear friend Kathy Dagostino.
A First Quarter Moon at 10° 51'Gemini at 8:21 PM set the stage to get on with important matters. The seed has sprouted and it's time to make a serious "to do list". This lunar phase is related to events that began in some way last June 1, 2011. Now is the time to apply for licenses and network. Write up your project announcements but launch them early Friday morning 6:41 AM-8:14 AM.
Thursday Mar 1. Hold off on final selections. If you want to drop something this may be your chance. Such as drop your cable company but wait until Mercury changes signs (Friday at 6:40 AM- 8:14 AM) before entering into a new agreement. There are several Mercury aspects. It is as if he makes the rounds to bring everyone together for an important message. Some are old or out of step and you could be over thinking to the point of anguish. Others appear to have concerns about children. There is a brilliant link when Mercury bonds with Uranus in the evening - that is an odd notion - bonding with Uranus. Try visiting with friends. This should help matters but Mercury leaves before sealing the deal. Just keep it light. Be careful while traveling.
Mar 2. Friday. Mercury enters Aries for quite a spell as it will turn retrograde in this sign on March 12 through April 4, 2012. Mercury remains in Aries until May 9. But for Friday this marks that brief Green Light window until 8:13 AM.
On Friday March 2 the Moon enters Cancer at 10:08 AM. This is a highly expensive Moon sign period because Venus soaks up all the money perhaps on something frivolous. The spending could cause an argument as a more serious need is at hand.
Mars and Saturn are in a very cranky 45° angle at 6:30 PM. This makes it hard to compromise. Work is hard and you might overlook the necessities. Venus and Neptune are adding a layer of soothing anesthesia. You might be tempted to give your problems the old "cosmetic fix up" but shortcuts are not a good idea at this time.
Mar 3 Saturday. The Cancer Moon appears to be worried about money and for good reason. There are a few aspects on Saturday that contribute to the angst. Retrograde Mars and the Sun stand off at the opposition at 3:10 PM. This is confrontational which may lead to a court day if you refuse to back down. There is a remarkable investment opportunity that arises with Uranus conjunct Vesta at 6:42 PM. However this is not a good day to buy, sign or agree. For that wait for a GREEN LIGHT period on March 5 after 5:25 AM through March 6 at 10:27 PM.
by Dietrech Pessin - Author of Lunar Shadows III at AMAZON.COM on Twitter/@Dietrech & email:
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Monday, February 20, 2012
Astrology- Send me a tweet at!/Dietrech
The week overview of major astrological activity.
In the background, Mars has been retrograde since Jan 23rd and remains so until April 13. Mars governs our drive. Some of which has been blocked or stalled. It might seem the muscles of your goals have softened and your drive is frustrated by extenuating circumstances. You are put on hold becuase those above you have not yet made a decision. A contributing factor leans on Saturn which is also retrgrade since Feb 7 but for a much longer period (June 25). The Full Moon of March 8th directly engages the sign of service and labor and reminds Mars of the methods for its driving force. Perhaps its time to review older goals and finish with the loose ends of your current projects in a methodical fashion.
The Capricorn Moon welcomed the Sun's transit into the sign of Pisces. This marks
the final month of winter on Sunday, Feb 19 at 1:17 AM until March 20.
The Aquarius Moon on Sunday at 5:28 AM brings a couple of solid Green Light days through Tues at 11:17 AM. We enter the darkest phase of the Moon in the lunar month late Monday night which continues past Tuesday's New Moon and until mid-afternoon on Wednesday. There is a void of course Aquarius Moon period on Tues from 11:16 AM until the Moon enters Pisces at 12:31 PM. The Pisces Moon sign can be considered a Green Light period as long as you receive and not take direct actions until there is more will be revealed on Wednesday. Wednesday is the best day for entering into a plan. The New Moon occurs at 2^ Pisces42' and at 5:35 PM on Tuesday Feb 21.
The Aquarius Moon is like a breath of fresh air through 12:31 PM on Tuesday. This is the Green light period of which you need to clean up old matters and prepare to receive new Moon energy.
Sunday Feb 19. The Aquarius Moon gives us a Green Light day however your vision might be clouding reality as you may have an over idealized outcome. (Sun conjunct Neptune at 3:40 PM). That aspect is one used best by a double-check of your motives. Try to bounce your ideas off another before moving forward. But the ideas are bubbling for new ventures. Mercury makes three contacts on Sunday; Mercury parallel Saturn. This aspect rules the organization of the mind and brings structure to tasks. Mercury is 30degrees to Ceres which is hungry for more information. Children and pets need more attention. After dark on Sunday Mercury runs into someone that fired up over something that might end up being a benefit to you for a one time only event.
Monday Feb 20 the Moon is in Aquarius. This is a Flow with the unexpected and check in with friends. See how they have been doing things lately which could give you a lead to what you need. Venus split parallel Vesta. There is a good money and investment tip but for a short time only or a one time event.
In the background, Mars has been retrograde since Jan 23rd and remains so until April 13. Mars governs our drive. Some of which has been blocked or stalled. It might seem the muscles of your goals have softened and your drive is frustrated by extenuating circumstances. You are put on hold becuase those above you have not yet made a decision. A contributing factor leans on Saturn which is also retrgrade since Feb 7 but for a much longer period (June 25). The Full Moon of March 8th directly engages the sign of service and labor and reminds Mars of the methods for its driving force. Perhaps its time to review older goals and finish with the loose ends of your current projects in a methodical fashion.
The Capricorn Moon welcomed the Sun's transit into the sign of Pisces. This marks
the final month of winter on Sunday, Feb 19 at 1:17 AM until March 20.
The Aquarius Moon on Sunday at 5:28 AM brings a couple of solid Green Light days through Tues at 11:17 AM. We enter the darkest phase of the Moon in the lunar month late Monday night which continues past Tuesday's New Moon and until mid-afternoon on Wednesday. There is a void of course Aquarius Moon period on Tues from 11:16 AM until the Moon enters Pisces at 12:31 PM. The Pisces Moon sign can be considered a Green Light period as long as you receive and not take direct actions until there is more will be revealed on Wednesday. Wednesday is the best day for entering into a plan. The New Moon occurs at 2^ Pisces42' and at 5:35 PM on Tuesday Feb 21.
The Aquarius Moon is like a breath of fresh air through 12:31 PM on Tuesday. This is the Green light period of which you need to clean up old matters and prepare to receive new Moon energy.
Sunday Feb 19. The Aquarius Moon gives us a Green Light day however your vision might be clouding reality as you may have an over idealized outcome. (Sun conjunct Neptune at 3:40 PM). That aspect is one used best by a double-check of your motives. Try to bounce your ideas off another before moving forward. But the ideas are bubbling for new ventures. Mercury makes three contacts on Sunday; Mercury parallel Saturn. This aspect rules the organization of the mind and brings structure to tasks. Mercury is 30degrees to Ceres which is hungry for more information. Children and pets need more attention. After dark on Sunday Mercury runs into someone that fired up over something that might end up being a benefit to you for a one time only event.
Monday Feb 20 the Moon is in Aquarius. This is a Flow with the unexpected and check in with friends. See how they have been doing things lately which could give you a lead to what you need. Venus split parallel Vesta. There is a good money and investment tip but for a short time only or a one time event.
Friday, February 17, 2012
Report for Friday & Saturday Feb 17-18, 2012
Friday Feb 17 with the Capricorn Moon sign appears unencumbered by planetary activity. However this is a Day of Caution. The Moon is forming positive aspects to Jupiter and Mercury to allow you to get in the door to the controller of the big bucks, Pluto. The outcome may not be satisfactory and can be extremely costly as the Moon's final aspect before leaving Capricorn will square retrograde Saturn. As astrologer's you may feel that this square that does not occur until Sunday 19 at 4:22 AM has nothing to do with the events on Friday however "buyer beware".
More for Friday Feb 17 and Saturday Feb 18 -The South Node of the Moon at 11° Gemini triggers a Solar Eclipse from June 1, 2011. This can bring a significant amount of energy to the surface directly related to events from period. While the Gemini influence has a broadcasting effect it engages our minds and can overload us with too much information. We can be drawn out into the community with more than usual running around. Our siblings and neighbors take our attention. But the big news event is huge perhaps about someone you know. Events such as the ocean liner disaster off the coast of Tuscany are typical of Gemini influences as it becomes a floating community or hotel. Something else with a grand effect on a large group of people may be indicated. Also a story once considered gossip may rise to authentic. Be cautious of being amidst a string of gossip as it could affect you standing in your community. Friday is a Day of Caution.
Sunday Feb 19. The Sun enters Pisces at 1:17 AM until March 20th. The Moon is void of course at 4:21 AM until 5:28 AM
The Moon enters Aquarius at 5:28 AM Sunday Feb 19- through Tuesday at 12:31 PM. During this Moon sign there is a Green Light Period right through until 11:17 AM Tuesday Feb 21. However there is a Dark Moon Period when your judgment is off due to a lack of the whole picture.
More for Friday Feb 17 and Saturday Feb 18 -The South Node of the Moon at 11° Gemini triggers a Solar Eclipse from June 1, 2011. This can bring a significant amount of energy to the surface directly related to events from period. While the Gemini influence has a broadcasting effect it engages our minds and can overload us with too much information. We can be drawn out into the community with more than usual running around. Our siblings and neighbors take our attention. But the big news event is huge perhaps about someone you know. Events such as the ocean liner disaster off the coast of Tuscany are typical of Gemini influences as it becomes a floating community or hotel. Something else with a grand effect on a large group of people may be indicated. Also a story once considered gossip may rise to authentic. Be cautious of being amidst a string of gossip as it could affect you standing in your community. Friday is a Day of Caution.
Sunday Feb 19. The Sun enters Pisces at 1:17 AM until March 20th. The Moon is void of course at 4:21 AM until 5:28 AM
The Moon enters Aquarius at 5:28 AM Sunday Feb 19- through Tuesday at 12:31 PM. During this Moon sign there is a Green Light Period right through until 11:17 AM Tuesday Feb 21. However there is a Dark Moon Period when your judgment is off due to a lack of the whole picture.
Saturday, February 11, 2012
For the week of Feb 11 - 18, 2012
The Last Quarter Moon on Tuesday Feb 14 points to the Solar Eclipse in November. Pay close attention the this week's events as they hold clues to the global, political and personal events not only in the fall but beginning as soon as August 14 and lasting until Feb 14 of next year (2013). Trace events that interest you personally or a study you have been following. The Nine Month Lunar Gestation Cycle Moon Family for this week's Last Quarter at 25° Scorpio has its roots in a New Moon that occurred on November 16, 2009 during this time events were seeded that relate to now and November 2012 events. Going back to August 16, 2010 there was a First Quarter Moon that showed signs of growth of an important matter. The Scorpio themes are deep and intense. Sometimes relating to death and for the most part include a dramatic deep change that can transform your life. You are not likely to look back and do things the old way and the shedding has begun. By the Full Moon on May 17, 2011 at 26° Scorpio the issues were clearly on the table. Now at this Last Quarter Moon at 25°Scorpio on Feb 14, 2012 it is time to reap the rewards of your efforts. Making this a time to get paid or pay off a debt.
Saturday Feb 11 is a Green Light Day for a Libra Moon that must tend to serious business about your partnerships or personal relationships. With Saturn at the end of Libra holding an ever important check list that must be completed and honored. This might be the day that defines the next structural step for you to move forward in either joining in a long-term commitment or severing an existing one. There are several aspects on Saturday: Jupiter split parallel to Neptune includes a form of release which moves energy via spiritual promise. There is a rescue or recovery which is vital to the growth of a major establishment. Venus and Pallas also have a hand in the day. People that have been together for a long time may feel they are ready to move to the next level in there relationship. Venus and Jupiter have some fun planned midday. Venus and Chiron intuitively knows this connect has the potential to heal. Mars and Vesta hunt for a good investment which may include housing. This is a positive day for house hunting. The Libra Moon sign is positive for house hunting if you don't mind the house with a funace issue (MarsRx- Saturn Rx.
Sunday Feb 12. Green Light until 4:09 PM. The Moon is in Moon most of the day. Your intuition is peaked when Pallas moves into Pisces at 12:04 AM until May 20th. Your strategies seem to have divine blessings. You can access information your felt was lost and uncover the outline for a much broader view. The threads of your goals come together to weave a beautiful tapestry. At 4:09 PM the Libra Moon will conjunct Saturn, the head figure or the ruling which governs matters. Father issues and family heads come to the foreground. Any executive family or business matter is solidly addressed with this influence. The outcome is positive in the long run although there are complications. Complications are linked to the retrograde motion of both Mars and Saturn.
Sunday Feb 12. At 5:01 PM the Moon enters Scorpio until Tuesday evening. This is not a good period to commit to anything unless it involves dropping something or letting go of a fund or offer as Mercury is holding the bag of information and documents of which he might lose the goods when he leaves the sign on Monday evening. IF you make an offer or proposal be prepared to be turned down. What you gain by this might be exposure and name recognition.
At 8:22 PM the Sun and Pluto connect with a tense 45^ angle. Be very careful about overdrafts or missed payments.
Monday Feb 13. Scorpio Moon is intense. Take a seasoned pro with you for anything that brings you before a board or any type of court. You do have a signal from a guardian angel (Neptune conjunct Pallas 1:39 AM) that all will work out in the end if you are on the hot seat. The Sun and Mercury make and important announcement about an important program that might be dropped or its voice will change. Such as a press secretary or other reporting voices. Mercury and Saturn trine before Mercury leaves Aquarius. This offers the acknowledgement for those that have been the solid force in the developing stages of organizations.
Monday Feb 13 Mercury enters Pisces. You may feel your memory needs support but your prayer line is plugged into the source. Mercury is in Pisces until March 2. Your day takes a turn after this point when you get the message about your lost documents or your mind.
Tuesday Feb 14 is split between the intense and sexy thoughts for Valentines Day and the adventurous sign of Sagittarius which brings a cultural theme for the evening activities on Valentines' day. Mostly its intensity on this day as the Scorpio Last Quarter Moon dominates your attention to something demanding your attention to matters that are extreme. Perhaps someone important experiences a final transition. This may not always mean death as it could mean bankruptcy or failure of a life changing subject. You could however receive a check or settlement of an estate.
Tuesday Feb 14 at 7:56 PM the Moon enters Sagittarius until Friday at 12:03 AM. The Sag Moon brings us a couple of Green Light Days to move forward for a good outcome. If you are writing or publishing this may be a good Moon sign to go back to older contacts for your new work. If you are planning a trip or taking a trip these days are excellent. There is a lucky charm at the end of the sign a midnight Friday when the Sun and Jupiter bring the winning combination to you for expand your horizons.
Have fun Valentine's Day night with a concert or play. There is room for laughter and love.
Wednesday Feb 15. Green Light Day for the Sagittarius Moon. There are many people to talk to and some things to fix as well. Get the best technician for you needs or learn about how you can do it yourself. Some things are better left to the pros but there are opportunities to get a good tip for alternative methods that could be less costly. There is hope for the hungry and for the needs of children when Venus and Ceres have two connections on Wed. The story may bring closure for some and hope for others. The contract to pull that toppled ocean liner out of the water might be an overly optimistic venture. People with huge resources may not want to back such a gigantic job. Venus and Pluto square off at 1:32 PM announcing how greed and jealousy toppled their ship. For investors it might be better after 2:00 PM on Wed. Mercury connects with a list of cosmic players: Uranus at 4:25 AM then Jupiter at 6:12 AM (Traveling anyone?) At 2:53 PM Mercury aligns with Neptune for a misty and mystical exchange. This may bring wet weather or whiteout conditions in some places. Mercury is not pleased with the partner’s demands at 7:03 PM. Mars and Jupiter pump up their aggression around 7:30 PM. This could inflame matters and be flammable as well. Remarks that are prejudice reach the airwaves. Venus and Ceres go to sleep with a full tummy and sense of comfort for many at 11:56 PM.
Thursday Feb 16 brings another Green Light Day. Mercury is still busily going from here to there. First he brings a healing message from Chiron. This is an excellent time to find your particular healer. Mercury and Jupiter are on the move again with a positive 60^ aspect that brings and opportunity but you must take action and this is your day. This is excellent for writing, publishing and traveling. Sign up for a new course. This study could bring a good return of your money and effort.
Friday Feb 17 shows difficulties with some business matters and is not suitable for long-term agreements. This is a day that may include activities for reorganizing your business or family needs which include basic structural needs. If you are looking to make arrangement to settle into a long-term care or company plan than your needs may not be met by what is offered. You either do not qualify or the requirements wipe out your funds. Later in the evening Mercury (the thinker) and Juno (the partner) align for some good ideas which include a new network list to be considered.
Saturday Feb 11 is a Green Light Day for a Libra Moon that must tend to serious business about your partnerships or personal relationships. With Saturn at the end of Libra holding an ever important check list that must be completed and honored. This might be the day that defines the next structural step for you to move forward in either joining in a long-term commitment or severing an existing one. There are several aspects on Saturday: Jupiter split parallel to Neptune includes a form of release which moves energy via spiritual promise. There is a rescue or recovery which is vital to the growth of a major establishment. Venus and Pallas also have a hand in the day. People that have been together for a long time may feel they are ready to move to the next level in there relationship. Venus and Jupiter have some fun planned midday. Venus and Chiron intuitively knows this connect has the potential to heal. Mars and Vesta hunt for a good investment which may include housing. This is a positive day for house hunting. The Libra Moon sign is positive for house hunting if you don't mind the house with a funace issue (MarsRx- Saturn Rx.
Sunday Feb 12. Green Light until 4:09 PM. The Moon is in Moon most of the day. Your intuition is peaked when Pallas moves into Pisces at 12:04 AM until May 20th. Your strategies seem to have divine blessings. You can access information your felt was lost and uncover the outline for a much broader view. The threads of your goals come together to weave a beautiful tapestry. At 4:09 PM the Libra Moon will conjunct Saturn, the head figure or the ruling which governs matters. Father issues and family heads come to the foreground. Any executive family or business matter is solidly addressed with this influence. The outcome is positive in the long run although there are complications. Complications are linked to the retrograde motion of both Mars and Saturn.
Sunday Feb 12. At 5:01 PM the Moon enters Scorpio until Tuesday evening. This is not a good period to commit to anything unless it involves dropping something or letting go of a fund or offer as Mercury is holding the bag of information and documents of which he might lose the goods when he leaves the sign on Monday evening. IF you make an offer or proposal be prepared to be turned down. What you gain by this might be exposure and name recognition.
At 8:22 PM the Sun and Pluto connect with a tense 45^ angle. Be very careful about overdrafts or missed payments.
Monday Feb 13. Scorpio Moon is intense. Take a seasoned pro with you for anything that brings you before a board or any type of court. You do have a signal from a guardian angel (Neptune conjunct Pallas 1:39 AM) that all will work out in the end if you are on the hot seat. The Sun and Mercury make and important announcement about an important program that might be dropped or its voice will change. Such as a press secretary or other reporting voices. Mercury and Saturn trine before Mercury leaves Aquarius. This offers the acknowledgement for those that have been the solid force in the developing stages of organizations.
Monday Feb 13 Mercury enters Pisces. You may feel your memory needs support but your prayer line is plugged into the source. Mercury is in Pisces until March 2. Your day takes a turn after this point when you get the message about your lost documents or your mind.
Tuesday Feb 14 is split between the intense and sexy thoughts for Valentines Day and the adventurous sign of Sagittarius which brings a cultural theme for the evening activities on Valentines' day. Mostly its intensity on this day as the Scorpio Last Quarter Moon dominates your attention to something demanding your attention to matters that are extreme. Perhaps someone important experiences a final transition. This may not always mean death as it could mean bankruptcy or failure of a life changing subject. You could however receive a check or settlement of an estate.
Tuesday Feb 14 at 7:56 PM the Moon enters Sagittarius until Friday at 12:03 AM. The Sag Moon brings us a couple of Green Light Days to move forward for a good outcome. If you are writing or publishing this may be a good Moon sign to go back to older contacts for your new work. If you are planning a trip or taking a trip these days are excellent. There is a lucky charm at the end of the sign a midnight Friday when the Sun and Jupiter bring the winning combination to you for expand your horizons.
Have fun Valentine's Day night with a concert or play. There is room for laughter and love.
Wednesday Feb 15. Green Light Day for the Sagittarius Moon. There are many people to talk to and some things to fix as well. Get the best technician for you needs or learn about how you can do it yourself. Some things are better left to the pros but there are opportunities to get a good tip for alternative methods that could be less costly. There is hope for the hungry and for the needs of children when Venus and Ceres have two connections on Wed. The story may bring closure for some and hope for others. The contract to pull that toppled ocean liner out of the water might be an overly optimistic venture. People with huge resources may not want to back such a gigantic job. Venus and Pluto square off at 1:32 PM announcing how greed and jealousy toppled their ship. For investors it might be better after 2:00 PM on Wed. Mercury connects with a list of cosmic players: Uranus at 4:25 AM then Jupiter at 6:12 AM (Traveling anyone?) At 2:53 PM Mercury aligns with Neptune for a misty and mystical exchange. This may bring wet weather or whiteout conditions in some places. Mercury is not pleased with the partner’s demands at 7:03 PM. Mars and Jupiter pump up their aggression around 7:30 PM. This could inflame matters and be flammable as well. Remarks that are prejudice reach the airwaves. Venus and Ceres go to sleep with a full tummy and sense of comfort for many at 11:56 PM.
Thursday Feb 16 brings another Green Light Day. Mercury is still busily going from here to there. First he brings a healing message from Chiron. This is an excellent time to find your particular healer. Mercury and Jupiter are on the move again with a positive 60^ aspect that brings and opportunity but you must take action and this is your day. This is excellent for writing, publishing and traveling. Sign up for a new course. This study could bring a good return of your money and effort.
Friday Feb 17 shows difficulties with some business matters and is not suitable for long-term agreements. This is a day that may include activities for reorganizing your business or family needs which include basic structural needs. If you are looking to make arrangement to settle into a long-term care or company plan than your needs may not be met by what is offered. You either do not qualify or the requirements wipe out your funds. Later in the evening Mercury (the thinker) and Juno (the partner) align for some good ideas which include a new network list to be considered.
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Leo Full Moon Chart for Feb 7 2012
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Saturn is now retrograde until June 25, 2012. Saturn 29 degrees Libra 30' appears relentless. A good way to handle Saturn's extreme energy is to choose a realistic plan and stick to it. Frustration runs high but if you get down to business you will succeed especially after Venus leaves Pisces on Wed morning.
Tuesday Feb 7. This is NOT a Green Light Day so hold back if you can. You might be answering to a higher authority with Saturn's strong presence. The Sun and Mercury join early morning and read the a serious message from Saturn's script. Saturn will turn retrograde at 9:03 AM and appears to travel backwards until June 25th. Secure your goals with alliances with groups and good friends. Use a solid outline map to guide your efforts through times of high emotional times.
The Full Moon in Leo Moon on Tuesday occurs at 4:53 PM. The closest planetary contact duing this Full Moon is Venus in an upset with Saturn. Venus rules our attachments, our love and money that must be reigned in by the limits imposed by Saturn's strict rules. If you love to work this is the time to embrace your work with heartfelt enthusiam but without great expectations simply keep plugging. If your love for another has conditions tied to it then you might be left out in the cold. Conditions improve greatly by Wednesday morning.
Saturn is now retrograde until June 25, 2012. Saturn 29 degrees Libra 30' appears relentless. A good way to handle Saturn's extreme energy is to choose a realistic plan and stick to it. Frustration runs high but if you get down to business you will succeed especially after Venus leaves Pisces on Wed morning.
Tuesday Feb 7. This is NOT a Green Light Day so hold back if you can. You might be answering to a higher authority with Saturn's strong presence. The Sun and Mercury join early morning and read the a serious message from Saturn's script. Saturn will turn retrograde at 9:03 AM and appears to travel backwards until June 25th. Secure your goals with alliances with groups and good friends. Use a solid outline map to guide your efforts through times of high emotional times.
The Full Moon in Leo Moon on Tuesday occurs at 4:53 PM. The closest planetary contact duing this Full Moon is Venus in an upset with Saturn. Venus rules our attachments, our love and money that must be reigned in by the limits imposed by Saturn's strict rules. If you love to work this is the time to embrace your work with heartfelt enthusiam but without great expectations simply keep plugging. If your love for another has conditions tied to it then you might be left out in the cold. Conditions improve greatly by Wednesday morning.
Monday, February 6, 2012
For Monday Feb 6 2012
The Full Moon in Leo is exact Tuesday at 4:53 PM.
Expect some surprise Monday mornng while the Moon is still in Cancer and the Aquarius Sun receives a sharp edge from erratic Uranus. Part of how you view things is distracted by an unsettling event. It appears to be more manageable with the help of famly and friends. Talk about it.
At 8:23 AM Monday the Moon enters Leo and travels through that sign until Wednesday afternoon.
The Leo Moon is headed for quite a bit of drama as Saturn in Libra sits perfectly still at the 29° degree which is equal to the 11th hour. It’s the father, authority and it slams the breaks on any run away actions or ideas. It is serious. and will let all know what it means with the help of a brilliant Full Moon Messages are mixed whe Mercury and Urnaus reach an off-putting sharp edge (45 degrees) at 3:01 PM on Monday. Watch what you say and take care with opening files on your computer. Misfiled papers or late notices go unanswered. Keep the important stuff first on your to do list as complications arise that cause you to miss appointments later in the day.
We are already feeling tomorrow's full Moon. It appears that a loved person retires.(Venus 150 degrees to Saturn). Even if you feel compelled to buy something, hold off for an unexpected cost to arise that takes priority.
Expect some surprise Monday mornng while the Moon is still in Cancer and the Aquarius Sun receives a sharp edge from erratic Uranus. Part of how you view things is distracted by an unsettling event. It appears to be more manageable with the help of famly and friends. Talk about it.
At 8:23 AM Monday the Moon enters Leo and travels through that sign until Wednesday afternoon.
The Leo Moon is headed for quite a bit of drama as Saturn in Libra sits perfectly still at the 29° degree which is equal to the 11th hour. It’s the father, authority and it slams the breaks on any run away actions or ideas. It is serious. and will let all know what it means with the help of a brilliant Full Moon Messages are mixed whe Mercury and Urnaus reach an off-putting sharp edge (45 degrees) at 3:01 PM on Monday. Watch what you say and take care with opening files on your computer. Misfiled papers or late notices go unanswered. Keep the important stuff first on your to do list as complications arise that cause you to miss appointments later in the day.
We are already feeling tomorrow's full Moon. It appears that a loved person retires.(Venus 150 degrees to Saturn). Even if you feel compelled to buy something, hold off for an unexpected cost to arise that takes priority.
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Read Dietrech's Super Bowl prediction in the Boston Herald
Click on this link to read my prediction for the Super Bowl printed in the Boston Herald Sunday Edition.
They did misspell my name. Also incorrectly reported was the Bob Kraft purchase date of the Patriots as Feb 26, 1994. It was actually Feb 25, 1994. I gave Dan O'Brien the Feb 25, 1994 date which is recorded in the NFL archives.
They did misspell my name. Also incorrectly reported was the Bob Kraft purchase date of the Patriots as Feb 26, 1994. It was actually Feb 25, 1994. I gave Dan O'Brien the Feb 25, 1994 date which is recorded in the NFL archives.
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Scroll beyond Football Data for Week of Feb 4 2012 & Super Bowl notes
If you follow me tomorrow on Twitter @Dietrech I will share my astro commentary on the development of the game with a live wheel cast for Indianapolis, Indiana Latitude: 39º45’36”N, Longitude: 86º09'50"W
There are no times given for the following birth data.
Tom Brady
August 3, 1977
San Mateo, CA
He is a stable Leo with the Sun and Saturn side by side.
He has an Aries Moon that ties a grand fire trine with Neptune in Sagittarius to the Sun and Saturn in Leo. Brady has Mars in Gemini exactly 60 degrees, a sextile to his Leo Sun. Brady's Venus is 1 degree of Cancer.
Eli Manning
born January 3, 1981
no time given
New Orleans, LA
Eli is also solid as a Capricorn. His Moon is in Sagittarius with his Mars in Aquarius. He is highly focused with the Sun side by side with Mercury - giving him wide angle viewing of his field. Eli's Venus is 20 Sagittarius conjunct Neptune.
The Patriots Franchise
Nov 16, 1959
12 PM
Boston, MA
The Patriots became the New England Patriots when Robert Kraft bought the team on Feb 25, 1994. I use a rectified chart for
3:01 PM in
Boston, MA
For Saturday and Sunday Feb 4 and 5. The Cancer Moon is in its home sign where it is well prepared and protected as it heads into a tough square with Saturn, the boss. This will be the energy dominating the Super Bowl as the exact square is not complete until Monday morning at 7:50 AM then the Moon will travel void n its course until 8:23 AM. As for the game the Moon is supported by a fine opportunity aspect 60^ to Mars, the warrior and gets its messages from the signals sent out by Mercury, the scout. The late evening is ruled by a fine aspect for celebration as Venus and Pallas leave a joyous lasting impression. New York is a Cancer city and Boston is a Virgo City.
Expect some surprise Monday morning while the Moon is still in Cancer the Aquarius Sun receives a sharp edge from erratic Uranus. Part of how you view things is distracted by an unsettling event. It appears to be manageable with the help of family and friends.
At 8:23 AM Monday the Moon enters Leo and travels through that sign until Wednesday afternoon.
The Leo Moon is headed for quite a bit of drama as Saturn in Libra sits perfectly still at the 29° degree which is equal to the 11th hour. It’s the father, authority and it slams the breaks on any run away actions or ideas. It is serious and will let all know what it means with the help of a brilliant Full Moon Messages are mixed when Mercury and Uranus reach an off-putting sharp edge (45^) at 3:01 PM on Monday. Watch what you say and take care with opening files on your computer. Misfiled papers or late notices go unanswered. Keep the important stuff first on your to do list as complications arise that cause you to miss appointments later in the day.
Tuesday Feb 7. The Sun and Mercury join early morning and read a serious message from Saturn's script. Saturn will turn retrograde at 9:03 AM and appears to travel backwards until June 25th. Secure your goals with alliances with groups and good friends. Use a solid outline map to guide your efforts through times of high emotional times.
The full in Leo Moon on Tuesday occurs at 4:53 PM. The closest planetary contact during this Full Moon is Venus in an upset with Saturn. Venus rules our attachments, our love and money that must be reigned in by the limits imposed by Saturn's strict rules. If you love to work this is the time to embrace your work with heartfelt enthusiasm but without great expectations. If your love has conditions tied to it then you are left out in the cold. Things will improve greatly by Wednesday morning.
Wed Feb 8. Venus is off to new adventures when at 1:00 AM Venus enters Aries. At this time you have a Green Light Day until 11:42 AM. For Venus She sets her sights on new objects. Saturn's demands may have been too much for her but she will answer to Saturn again at the end of June when they both stop to address long standing relationship issues. This could be between couples or countries. At 11:42 Am the Leo Moon is void of course until 12:32 PM.
Wed Feb 8 at 12:32 PM the Moon enters Virgo and continues in that sign until Friday afternoon. We have another Green Light Day from that point until just after midnight on Friday.
Wed Feb 8 has a lucky tone especially with friends and some may turn to lovers while Venus and Uranus align for a brief encounter. A one time event for investments could arise where you may quickly enter then leave market. A great find for shopping especially for the kitchen, household. Also this fairs well for a gifted mechanic or contractor.
Thurs Feb 9. A Green Light Day all day. Go for it especially with experts to fix your mechanical problems. Retrograde Mars is here in Virgo and showing its tricks with breakdowns and weak spots. Watch for "foot in mouth" either late night Wed or early Thurs when Mercury accidently sees something not intended for its eyes. It may stomp on the feelings of a friend or otherwise cause a problem. Venus and Uranus go back for a little more romance during this Virgo Moon. Yes, surprisingly the prudish Virgo loves sexual intrigue. Mercury and Ceres trip upon the trail of the needs of children. (Aspect is 45^ at 9:56 AM). Find a deal late in the day and surprise your love with some exciting pleasures while Venus and Uranus join in the hot sign of Aries at 9:30 PM. expect the unexpected. Perhaps you will find a valued lost object or even better, a lost love. Try something new.
Fri Feb 10 the Moon is void in its Virgo course at 12:11 AM when it joins with hot Mars supposedly cooling it jets while retrograde in Virgo. Mars' goals are not of the highest standards at this time. As someone who could help has one hand tied behind their back. The void Moon period ends at 2:54 PM when the
Moon enters Libra until 5:00 PM on Sunday Feb 12th.
Friday's Libra Moon will be lovely for Valentine's Day too. For Friday you have a Green Light with no major issues to trip you up. Negotiate an amicable outcome if you can.
Sat Feb 11 a Green Light too.
The Patriots have a Full Moon in their chart with the Sun in Pisces and the Moon in Virgo. Their Mars is 22 degrees of Aquarius. Like Brady, the Sun and Saturn are joined but in Pisces. Venus is 16 Pisces.
There are no times given for the following birth data.
Tom Brady
August 3, 1977
San Mateo, CA
He is a stable Leo with the Sun and Saturn side by side.
He has an Aries Moon that ties a grand fire trine with Neptune in Sagittarius to the Sun and Saturn in Leo. Brady has Mars in Gemini exactly 60 degrees, a sextile to his Leo Sun. Brady's Venus is 1 degree of Cancer.
Eli Manning
born January 3, 1981
no time given
New Orleans, LA
Eli is also solid as a Capricorn. His Moon is in Sagittarius with his Mars in Aquarius. He is highly focused with the Sun side by side with Mercury - giving him wide angle viewing of his field. Eli's Venus is 20 Sagittarius conjunct Neptune.
The Patriots Franchise
Nov 16, 1959
12 PM
Boston, MA
The Patriots became the New England Patriots when Robert Kraft bought the team on Feb 25, 1994. I use a rectified chart for
3:01 PM in
Boston, MA
For Saturday and Sunday Feb 4 and 5. The Cancer Moon is in its home sign where it is well prepared and protected as it heads into a tough square with Saturn, the boss. This will be the energy dominating the Super Bowl as the exact square is not complete until Monday morning at 7:50 AM then the Moon will travel void n its course until 8:23 AM. As for the game the Moon is supported by a fine opportunity aspect 60^ to Mars, the warrior and gets its messages from the signals sent out by Mercury, the scout. The late evening is ruled by a fine aspect for celebration as Venus and Pallas leave a joyous lasting impression. New York is a Cancer city and Boston is a Virgo City.
Expect some surprise Monday morning while the Moon is still in Cancer the Aquarius Sun receives a sharp edge from erratic Uranus. Part of how you view things is distracted by an unsettling event. It appears to be manageable with the help of family and friends.
At 8:23 AM Monday the Moon enters Leo and travels through that sign until Wednesday afternoon.
The Leo Moon is headed for quite a bit of drama as Saturn in Libra sits perfectly still at the 29° degree which is equal to the 11th hour. It’s the father, authority and it slams the breaks on any run away actions or ideas. It is serious and will let all know what it means with the help of a brilliant Full Moon Messages are mixed when Mercury and Uranus reach an off-putting sharp edge (45^) at 3:01 PM on Monday. Watch what you say and take care with opening files on your computer. Misfiled papers or late notices go unanswered. Keep the important stuff first on your to do list as complications arise that cause you to miss appointments later in the day.
Tuesday Feb 7. The Sun and Mercury join early morning and read a serious message from Saturn's script. Saturn will turn retrograde at 9:03 AM and appears to travel backwards until June 25th. Secure your goals with alliances with groups and good friends. Use a solid outline map to guide your efforts through times of high emotional times.
The full in Leo Moon on Tuesday occurs at 4:53 PM. The closest planetary contact during this Full Moon is Venus in an upset with Saturn. Venus rules our attachments, our love and money that must be reigned in by the limits imposed by Saturn's strict rules. If you love to work this is the time to embrace your work with heartfelt enthusiasm but without great expectations. If your love has conditions tied to it then you are left out in the cold. Things will improve greatly by Wednesday morning.
Wed Feb 8. Venus is off to new adventures when at 1:00 AM Venus enters Aries. At this time you have a Green Light Day until 11:42 AM. For Venus She sets her sights on new objects. Saturn's demands may have been too much for her but she will answer to Saturn again at the end of June when they both stop to address long standing relationship issues. This could be between couples or countries. At 11:42 Am the Leo Moon is void of course until 12:32 PM.
Wed Feb 8 at 12:32 PM the Moon enters Virgo and continues in that sign until Friday afternoon. We have another Green Light Day from that point until just after midnight on Friday.
Wed Feb 8 has a lucky tone especially with friends and some may turn to lovers while Venus and Uranus align for a brief encounter. A one time event for investments could arise where you may quickly enter then leave market. A great find for shopping especially for the kitchen, household. Also this fairs well for a gifted mechanic or contractor.
Thurs Feb 9. A Green Light Day all day. Go for it especially with experts to fix your mechanical problems. Retrograde Mars is here in Virgo and showing its tricks with breakdowns and weak spots. Watch for "foot in mouth" either late night Wed or early Thurs when Mercury accidently sees something not intended for its eyes. It may stomp on the feelings of a friend or otherwise cause a problem. Venus and Uranus go back for a little more romance during this Virgo Moon. Yes, surprisingly the prudish Virgo loves sexual intrigue. Mercury and Ceres trip upon the trail of the needs of children. (Aspect is 45^ at 9:56 AM). Find a deal late in the day and surprise your love with some exciting pleasures while Venus and Uranus join in the hot sign of Aries at 9:30 PM. expect the unexpected. Perhaps you will find a valued lost object or even better, a lost love. Try something new.
Fri Feb 10 the Moon is void in its Virgo course at 12:11 AM when it joins with hot Mars supposedly cooling it jets while retrograde in Virgo. Mars' goals are not of the highest standards at this time. As someone who could help has one hand tied behind their back. The void Moon period ends at 2:54 PM when the
Moon enters Libra until 5:00 PM on Sunday Feb 12th.
Friday's Libra Moon will be lovely for Valentine's Day too. For Friday you have a Green Light with no major issues to trip you up. Negotiate an amicable outcome if you can.
Sat Feb 11 a Green Light too.
The Patriots have a Full Moon in their chart with the Sun in Pisces and the Moon in Virgo. Their Mars is 22 degrees of Aquarius. Like Brady, the Sun and Saturn are joined but in Pisces. Venus is 16 Pisces.
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