Green Light Days for the week of July 28 - August 4, 2012
July 28 Saturday through Monday July 30 at 2:33 AM. The Sagittarius Moon during the next couple of days is great for following looking out into the world at large where we get a global overview during the Olympic games in London. Many sweet spots are found during this time & women might be favored with many points for Venus.
August 1, Wednesday from 5:55 AM until 8:36 AM Friday August 3rd at which time a short void of course Moon period begins until 9:58 AM. This Aquarius Moon is all fired up with Mars motivating a strong burst of energy toward actualizing your goals.
The following is transcribed from the radio report broadcast on Saturday July 28 at 9:30 AM in Newton WZBC FM radio.
Saturday July 28 2012 – Saturday August 4, 2012
Good Morning. We have quite the week here. We get this overview of the world with the Olympics. It’s just a beautiful experience to watch all of the countries come out, arrive, and show their contenders. It’s just wonderful to see the world gather in a peaceful setting like that.
The Sagittarius Moon that we have today is terrific for foreign affairs. Looking at the games overseas - it’s a very sporting Moon sign. It has a lot of Venus things to bring us some pleasantries as well. So I think that there should be some good news all around with the Sagittarius Moon. Venus also brings about things for women. So I wonder if the women are going to some how or another going to show a little better than the men during the Sag Moon. Then the Moon sign changes on Monday. We have a Capricorn Moon and it gets all serious and business like.
For what is going on right now we have Mercury that is still retrograde. It certainly has been active showing us all of its tricks for quite some time. It’s one of the longest Mercury retrograde periods that I can remember. Its 25 days long. Usually the period that Mercury is retrograde is 19 to 21 days long. This one is longer.
The Sun will conjunct Mercury today. And that marks the halfway point of this particular retrograde cycle. So there might be more and more of things that feel like mechanical types of things are acting up, your communications connections are not connecting. You could order a sub and get a pizza. You could have disagreements to settle out or you could get new information about matters that are extremely important to you that change your mind because Mercury rules the mind. So your thinking process is what is being affected.
And the other things that are going on: The Sun is walking into the configuration of Pluto and Uranus. Now they were first square in June, on June 24th .they were second square on September 18. And then they have 5 more of these events to go – right through until 2015. We are not done with Uranus square Pluto. It is a very powerful extreme like type of aspect that makes everything a major news story. Everything that goes on is no little small event. On a personal level, this may be the kind of thing that helps you to break through. This is not all bad. You do get to break through grounds that had seemly been solid and rigid before. and maybe now you are able to get some things going. Uranus is about the kinds of things like inventions, modern advances, and all sorts of things that can break through medical problems.
Uranus square Pluto. Pluto is definitely about the things that are dark and deep. there is talk about a cure for Aids. there are certainly a lot of things that can benefit by this square. It is accident prone and haphazard. and when the Sun walks into this, it sets off some of its more chaotic side. this is enhanced by the Full Moon that we will experience also on Wednesday, August 1st. there will be a Full Moon in the sign of Aquarius, which is ruled by the planet Uranus. Uranus is the planet described as sudden abrupt change. So it is exciting. I hope everyone is safe and having a happy time where ever you are.
So now as we look to the week, we have a couple of green light periods giving us a few days that are going to be very positive for you to move forward. Considering the fact that Mercury is retrograde you have to read the fine print and you do have to consider all the points and factors. Try not to rush ahead and do something just because you really, really want it without following through with the proper research.
Saturday July 28 --
So beginning today, which was very early, early this morning when the Moon entered the sign of Sagittarius at 1:18 am, we began a green light period. That means go for it. It’s going to last until 2:33 am on Monday morning. That will bring us that world at large global view and the many sweet spots also found during that time. That last aspect is an aspect to Jupiter. It is a contra parallel. and that means that someone comes to help you out at the last minute. How nice while the Moon is in the sign of Sagittarius. Jupiter rules the sign of Sagittarius. so there really are some benefits and advances.
then the next green light period is Wednesday 5:55 am until 8:36 am on Friday .that will be when a Void of Course Moon period begins . and the Void of Course Moon period on Friday will end at 9:58 am. So it’s brief but it’s right there at the start of the day. so it’s kind of tricky for trying to have appointments and things like that. There will be a couple of positive things, many positive things that do take place during the week. So let’s have a look at the aspects day by day here.
So today there are several good things that are going on today. There is a little snag with Mercury and Venus who are as squared off as they can be - that is possible for the placement that they have in the sky. And that would be retrograde Mercury and Venus. They were semi square early this morning. so there might have been some turn of event or thinking that was about relationships that didn’t work right or problem with money that sort of thing. it might have been annoying.
Earlier the Sun and Venus were joined together at the hip for a very positive monetary event. So There could be some money that is found over the next couple of days. Venus and Juno make an aspect. later on this afternoon Juno is the marriage maker, and Venus also has those kinds of qualities too - so lots of talk about engagements, marriages. And the marriages can be those that are splitting apart as well as joining together.
The Sun and Mercury join at 3:57 pm. This aspect is a time when you are definitely trying to sharpen up your thinking skills. It is a very good time for writing, sorting through gossip. Be careful not be repeating stories because you could be accused of spreading gossip. Analytical thinking is high for this type of aspect. and you want to do things that allow you to go through your tasks, possibly writing things, collecting information, maybe gathering stuff for your travels in the future.
For Sunday we still have a nice Sagittarius Moon. we have some help from the Sun and Ceres. This has to do with the care of others. this has to do also with food. There could be a principle development that allows for people to eat. There could be news about the drought or relief about the drought in some way, shape or form. The Moon will continue through the sign of Sagittarius with pretty much no other event making it a very nice day. pleasant for outdoor events or any type of cultural event, concerts and things like that.
Monday we do have the Void of Course Moon period that begins at 2:33 am until 3:29 am. That is not too hard to take. Void of Course Moon periods say that your judgment is off. so you want to hold off on purchases and final decisions. There is an aspect at 3:08 am on Monday. it is Sun quincunx Pluto. This is what I was talking about how the Sun sets off Uranus and Pluto square. So that is the beginning of it. It indicates that something is amiss, there is a problem. there is something that needs to be attended to in such a way where there is someone at the controls. person at the controls might be trying to force their agenda on others. it’s that life’s messy clean it up aspect. It can be mentally tormenting so careful to not get too deeply attached, which is against the nature of this aspect. But try to release as much as you can. There can be a lethartic event that allows you to see the other side of situations. Those that are trying to create problems for others could be running about during that day and the day to follow. There is also a lot of things involving healthcare workers, police, mortgages, taxes, money lenders that sort of thing, which could be in the news as well - that is on July 30th.
And then the things that we have following that July 31st. there is an aspect that is similar to that on the 30th at 5:00pm, when the Sun and the Moon are at that 150 degree aspect also so there is some adjustment. there is some type of issue or problem that pops up. This is the problem that must be addressed for or by the Full Moon that is coming up on Wednesday. So there is the start of the major issues .so be very careful, be very careful driving and be very careful engaging with others. Go with someone who knows the ropes as this is not a time for light weights. Capricorn Moon begins at 3:29 am on Monday. It‘s not a good Moon sign for forwarding your goals at all. so hold off. The rest of Monday is about cleaning something up in particular.
Tuesday we have Sun trine Uranus. Now That is normally a good aspect, but if we have to consider the fact that Uranus is tied to Pluto, which is that power monger, who wants to force it’s issues on others, government and other types of controlling agencies and entities like that would be annoying with that aspect. Otherwise Sun trine Uranus can be a brilliant release of information about a new invention, or discovery making that a very good thing.
There is a major aspect with Venus and Saturn. Venus comes out of her shadow period from when she was retrograde. Venus now is moving into a 120 degree trine – a beautiful aspect to Saturn and that aspect happens at 3:38 am. We can expect that the finances are going to be stabilized with that one, which should help. You can work out details about creating a greater harmony. It is a time of sound and conservative judgment. So there is nothing radical about this. there can also be a period when investments requiring a quick return are likely to fail. So it is the slow and steady way to go Is the best way to approach these types of things. Later we see the Full Moon.
The Full Moon will be on Wednesday. it is at 10 degrees of Aquarius at 11:27 pm. This is a time for putting all the cards on the table about friendship, about plans for joining with others about like mindedness: Joining clubs, joining political parties, affirming stands with political parties. There is something very important associated with this Full Moon. There are quite a few aspects that are set off with this Full Moon. Those that are interesting things that are very strong: Venus trine Saturn, Uranus square Pluto. but also Mars, the planet of the muscle, is moving closer to Saturn. It doesn’t reach Saturn until August 15th. This aspect has to do with tightening muscles. and it could create that feeling like you just don’t have the strength to get up the stairs half the time. So a lot of that is going on. and you need to probably boost protein with that aspect. And it does also cause a need to make commitments. This aspect of Mars & Saturn makes it kind of a testy period, feeling that the work is very hard. It is also very hard also to wrap your mind around the kinds of things that you really need to get done – There is a struggle that goes on there. So for the rest of Wednesday, the Aquarius Moon begins at 5:55 am. And it does begin a Green Light period. the Full Moon will help you to find what you are looking for and bring those things to you and that is a good thing.
Thursday has a very lucky charm aspect at 5:55 am when the Sun is 60 degrees to Jupiter - this is very positive. And the night before the Moon is trine Jupiter- So this very lovely aspect that is being supported by Jupiter. If you take advantage of these aspects on Wednesday afternoon, Wednesday evening, and right through early Thursday you may get lucky. If you wanted to do something like play the lottery, or buy a ticket to a place far away & do something that expands your experience outside of your comfort zone.
The other aspects for Thursday: Sun and Venus are in a cranky 45 degree aspect. This is as far away as this pair will travel from one another in their cycle. This aspect may bring negative news about money, difficulty with trying to scrape things together. although I think that Sun and Jupiter aspect helps this out and softens it and makes it a little easier to deal with and maybe you could find money in a different place.
For Friday we have still an Aquarius Moon - puts us in a very good place setting until 9:57 am. There is a brief void of course Moon from 8:36 am to 9:57 am.
The aspects for Friday, Mars and Neptune are playing with a 135 degrees. This may motivate someone with ill willed intentions with - sneaky behavior which may have an influence on Thursday afternoon, Thursday evening because this aspect between Mars and Neptune is right at midnight on Friday eastern time. Adjust that time for various places around the world. It also can bring a lot of wild weather - disturbing plans. it could be the cause for delaying games or other outdoor activities.
We also have an aspect between the Leo Sun and Pallas Athena in Aries which represents fairness and justice. That aspect brings a educated view of topics among the great minds to solve a problem.
The Moon changes signs at 9:57 am when the Moon enters Pisces. Here we have Mars and Saturn. They are not conjunct yet. But they are parallel bringing together a long term affect of their particular nature, which is about bonding areas of great concern: putting people to work and trying to fortify any structures and buildings of commitment. So this is about joining people together to be able to move forward with their plans. It is a dead stop too. So it can be something that has an effect on muscles. All the muscles: heart muscles, long muscles, short muscles and the Friday evening Pisces Moon. So check In on people that you know are alone or old. There are things that people need with that. In particular if they need help, there are a lot of people who would need help with that particular aspect during that Pisces Moon – that need to care for others.
next Saturday is a "no sign day too. So don’t move forward with anything during that Pisces Moon sign at all. Pisces Moon continues right through until next Sunday afternoon. That is pretty much it for the week
by Dietrech Pessin - Author of Lunar Shadows III at AMAZON.COM on Twitter/@Dietrech & email:
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Astrology Report for July 21-28, 2012
Green Light Days are many this week. Mercury is retrograde making this a fine time to pursue anything for the second time around.
The following is a list of Green Light Periods to advance your goals in a positive fashion:
Saturday July 21, 2012 there is a Green Light period through 1:03 PM
Sunday July 22, 2012 is best spent working on details for up and coming events. A Green Light period will begin after the Sun enters Leo at 6:01 AM through Monday at 11:30 AM.
Monday Green Light Period from 6:38 PM Monday until Wednesday at 6:49 PM.
Tuesday July 24, 2012. Green Light day however there are blind spots and detours. Allow for back up plans.
Wednesday July 25 is a Green Light period continues up until 6:49 PM.
Thursday July 26 is a Green Light Day - however, don't go it alone. This is not a day for lightweights.
Friday July 27, 2012 A Green Light period until 1:54 PM.
Saturday July 28, 2012 A Green Light Period begins through Sunday and not ending until Monday (7/30) at 1:18 AM.
Sadly the astro-events of last week fell too true to the innate nature of Mars-Uranus & Pluto's T-square when terror broke out in the audience of the midnight showing of the Dark Knight's latest release. The killer at the opening of "The Dark Knight Rises" in Aurora, Colorado himself possessed these components. He was born a Sagittarius with Mars & Pluto conjunct and both in a harsh 45degree aspect to Uranus. We will be studying this sad event & the chart of the shooter at the cinema - 24-year old James Holmes born December 13 1987. [See the following email which may be more correct.]
[Dear Dietrech,
According to Holmes himself he was born on Dec 10, 1987, not 13 as we saw published all over the place. His Moon is in Leo, most likely square to his MA+PL conjunction in Scorpio. Here is the link: ]
I wish to thank my readers for sending any corrections to this material. In regard to the birth data for James Holmes, conflicting information has been found on the internet regarding the birth data & height of James Holmes. The website link lists information allegedly submitted by himself which includes his height which he claims is 6'0" and the police report his height at 6'3". It is unclear as to how much Holmes is modifying his data for whatever reasons suit his purpose.
Please continue to send more feedback.
Thanks, Dietrech
As for the week ahead:
Saturday July 21, 2012 there is a Green Light period through 1:03 PM. The Moon connects with Saturn on its way out of Leo today. There may be delays but if you are patient you may succeed. However if you push your agenda to soon you may come up short. People tend to want to see your hand before making their next move.
The Moon will be v/c from 1:03 PM until 1:24 PM.
Saturday at 1:24 PM the Moon enters Virgo until Monday evening. During this Virgo Moon sign period the Sun will leave sensitive Cancer & enter Leo for the next month. This is not a good period for fluid advancement as someone or a key component is likely to move onto a new scene. Your plans could be dropped for various reasons some of which could be the effects of large scale events.
Sunday July 22, 2012 is best spent working on details for up and coming events. A Green Light period will begin after the Sun enters Leo at 6:01 AM through Monday at 11:30 AM.
12:04 AM Sunday Jupiter & Uranus are 60° apart. There is a point where an opportunity which might return for a second chance. If you act upon this after 6:AM when the Sun enters Leo, you may gain a center position for your goals. Otherwise if you could have the advantage for a onetime event.
12:45 AM Mercury 60° Ceres will allow those to make needed connections for food, nurturing & care advisors.
The Sun enters Leo at 6:00 AM Sunday & brings a Green Light Period through Monday at 11:30 AM. This is an excellent time to work on your creative projects or prepare for a show of talent.
Monday July 23, 2012.
The Moon is v/c from 11:30 AM until 6:38 PM Monday.
Green Light Period from 6:38 PM Monday until Wednesday at 6:49 PM. The Moon enters Libra at 6:38 PM Monday July 23 until Wednesday night. The Moon will connect with Mercury before it leaves the sign with an link which could lead to agreements or successful negotiations. This is fortunate because you are able to carry a good idea to completion.
Mars contra parallel Pallas allows you to find the best possible negotiator or counselor. Your strategies are wise and well planned.
9:22 PM The Sun and Moon offer an opportunity which allows you to see both sides of an important issue so you can make a final decision.
9:26 PM Mars opposite Pallas. This aspect allows you to go into proceedings well forearmed.
Tuesday July 24, 2012. Green Light day however there are blind spots and detours. Allow for back up plans. You may have to reschedule your plans. With Mercury retrograde this may be a good day to stay off the internet.
6:25 AM Pallas is 60° to Ceres. This aspect promotes a positive view of a nurturing figure. A political theme may include a need to care for others. There is an opportunity to align the mental principals with a caring hand.
3:14 PM Mercury calls out to Jupiter first for advice & then announcements are shouted from atop the mountain. The volume of all events are pumped up. This may lead to a major weather event as brought in by a storm seen far off the coast or high in the sky. All of the current events have the potential for widespread effects as Uranus & Pluto are tightly square off for quite some time.
Tuesday 9:34 PM the Sun is 150° Neptune. Unexpected events are strange which involve water. The fog is thick & wild weather is expected. The clean-up is extensive. You may however engage in a beneficial relaxation practice that brings you back to your center. Some people take advantage of others misfortunes. Others assist those in need.
Wednesday July 25 is a Green Light period continues up until 6:49 PM. You may expect to settle something or great important or finalize your plans for marriage or divorce.
9:27 AM retrograde Mercury is in a lovely 120° trine to retrograde Uranus. Your thinking might be right on about something you have pondered for a lifetime. Your might gain access to the connections you have sought for some time.
Wednesday 4:11 PM Sun split parallel Pluto. People come together to await a birth or attend funerals. Serious advances are assisted by those who sit in a seat of power.
The Moon is v/c Wednesday from 6:49 PM until 10:29 PM.
Wednesday night the Moon enters Scorpio at 10:29 PM until Saturday July 28 at 1:18 AM. There are possible finacial or support benefits from someone whom you did not expect would be available for you. Your plans may include loans, deals or conclusions for workers resource management issues, mortgages or lease signings. Moon is parallel Pluto at the end of Scorpio which allows matters to be addressed once thought lost. Often people gain what they need by intimidation while the Moon is in Scorpio so take a pro with you. Birth & death notices are announced. You could gain through inheritance or benefits given a gifts for births.
Thursday July 26 is a Green Light Day - however, don't go it alone. This is not a day for lightweights.
Thursday July 26, 2012 a 1st quarter Moon occurs at 4:56 AM at 3° Scorpio 46'. This is a high action time which may have an influence on matters which appeared on Wednesday night 7/25. Also this quarter Moon is directly related to matters that were seeded back in later October 2011. Births & deaths are common with a lunar cycle in Scorpio.
3:12 PM Mercury 150° Pluto. Sharp words force an issue but you are prepared if you take along a professional or strong companion.
Friday July 27, 2012 Green Light period until 1:54 PM. The Olympic Games begin with a signal of tough matches. There is a wide preparedness for safety to cover this massive event.
At 1:54 PM a v/c Moon period begins until Saturday at 1:17 AM.
Saturday July 28, 2012. Scorpio Moon changes to Sagittarius at 1:17 M. Green Light Period begins through Sunday and not ending until Monday (7/30) at 1:18 AM.
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
July 14 - 21, 2012
The following was transcribed from the radio report on JULY 15, 2012
It’s going to be an incredible week ahead to follow the news and weather. You want to be very careful this week. Mars is setting everything up for shifts, and changes. Jupiter is playing into it. Jupiter makes things larger than they normally would be. There is a Square between Mars and Pluto, which give a real steam roller effect. And Jupiter pumps up the volume for that, which we don’t need any of that. And then Mars is going to oppose Uranus. It is very accident prone. You have to be careful, even in the house trimming flowers or something could be dangerous. Mars rules things like anything from Knives, running, guns, and explosions. It is a tough week. There is a New Moon on its way. Dark of the Moon period says you don’t have all the information before moving forward. The big headliner is Mercury turning retrograde today July 14. So the likelihood of to having to go back and redo and review the kinds of things that you are taking on during this time is a pretty good bet. Also this is a really good time for just that. When Mercury is retrograde, we seem to get more green light days than usual. It’s really not fair, but in another way it is. Because those Things that you missed out on before you are able to gain some ground on and retry and reconnecting and redo. It is going to have some positive impact.
There is a lovely aspect between Mercury and Venus tonight which enhances or soothes some of the types of things that we have been going through. Fri 7/13 Uranus turned retrograde so Tons of technological problems that could be huge. There is a Solar flare that is headed for earth that has a longer period of impact that should reach us on Sunday 7/15. So hang on to your technology, if you can with that type of thing. Uranus being retrograde now will remain so until December. Some may have felt this extreme sense of hope and sparkle. And others may have felt an extreme sense of fear and anxiety. The fear and anxiety comes from a Sun Square Saturn aspect that we have on Sunday 7/15. So let’s look at it aspect by aspect as we go through the day.
Today Saturday July 14th. Mercury retrograde period will last right until August 8. There is that Mercury and Venus aspect 60° apart at 6:42 pm. This allows for a Second opportunity for love with a very cool link to Venus at 6:42 pm could bring you to connect with a dear friend, or colleague that you’ve lost touch with. Also you may be inclined to spend time on changing things around in the house. Make things more beautiful. Or you could consider a cosmetic enhancement with this particular Mercury retrograde. Mercury retrograde means that you slow down and make a decision about something. It’s Possible to receive good news about money. Its possible people are a little more harmonious during this time. Equipment may run a little smoother after it gets it jolt from Uranus. There is also Fluctuations with blood sugar, thyroid function and other annoying illnesses that come along with Mercury. Mercury rules things like illnesses. There is an Aspect tonight 7/14 at 10:56 pm between the Moon and Jupiter. It is a Little eclipse it’s called an occultation. We won’t see it on the east coast because on the east coast Jupiter doesn’t rise until 3:30am – 4:00am. But if you set your alarm and go and look you will see in the sky Venus and Jupiter and the Moon in their beautiful dance. It should be a pretty gorgeous sight. So you might want to check that out. It is worth getting up for. The aspect between Sun and Saturn which brings the heaviness that we are feeling. It is a square. and it occurs at 12:14 am Sunday morning. It marks the end of a very rough and difficult period. That feeling that it is an uphill battle. So you have a greater opportunity for growth, develop and open door to where you’re headed after this aspect Occurs. It also triggers issues with parents, bosses and those sitting in the seat of judgment. Debts that have loomed large for a long time you may be able to manage them more easily after this. This aspect may signal some critical cutbacks, but it could also bring some growth. So there is sort of a dualistic quality to the Sun square Saturn. Saturn is in the sign of Libra, which has to do with fairness and also marriage and divorce, anything having to do with bringing people to the table for peace so that might be on the agenda.
For Monday the Moon is in Gemini, meanwhile we have a green light period. It starts with the Gemini Moon sign that began after Mercury turns retrograde Saturday night. So there is a green light period after 10:56 pm and it will continue on until early Monday morning at 6:56 am. During Sunday’s events, other than the Sun square Saturn, there are no major events around that. Monday we have that void of course Moon period, which will begin at 6:56 am. Juno turns direct. Juno is the marriage maker. She is at the point of a solar eclipse so it is a pretty important point. Now this may mean marriage or divorce because there is always that dualistic principle with astrology. But Mars is in hot pursuit of Juno so there may be a marriage that you can let us know about. Also what we have is Uranus in Ceres. Ceres is about feeding people nurturing people, caring for people. There might be something unique or some distribution for food that is important – that aspect is Monday morning during the void of course Moon period which ends at 8:31 pm. there is an aspect between Mars and Uranus and they join for a grand alignment called a parallel. This could bring a significant breakthrough of some sort. It could be medical; it could have to do with countries that are in difficult positions with money or their fronts. Like China and the Philippines are at odds right now. So we don’t want that to escalate. And then we have for the Cancer Moon that begins at Monday 8:31 pm until Thursday. Cancer Moon brings offers from investors and also family members who come important to settle these matters of their life, their safety and their health, and feeding and caring for during this Cancer Moon because the Cancer Moon is headed for a new Moon that will occur later on this week on Thursday at 12:24 am . if you want to set your intentions for that time to develop whatever your ideas are about home, housing , family, family building, and all those sorts of things that are ruled by Cancer.
Mars and Jupiter are in a 120 degree aspect at 8:38 am on Tuesday. Normally it relaxes the aggressive side. But this is turning up the volume for Mars to press on to a more aggressive nature. It signals a competitive time, which is great for the Olympics that is coming up. But Mars will engage with Pluto, which is the steam roller aspect, so it is just going to mow down whatever is not agreeable to its path. So there is that explosive result when Mars opposes Uranus on Wednesday night. But it does signal a time to move forward and appropriately marks up that warm up period for athletic competition. There is positive support and confidence to back the things that you might be intending. Mercury is retrograde. So very often what we have during that period, especially when we want to move forward with our goals, is people are on vacation, or people are just unreachable, things kind of shut down. It’s a good thing that you don’t sign your agreements during a Mercury retrograde because very often the contracts are faulty. The aspect between Mars and Pluto is exact at 4:26 pm on Tuesday night. That is the aspect that causes – it’s really angry, tough. So you want to be really patient and careful with your mates. You don’t want to create a battle. Choose your battles and bite your tongue More often than not during this week because you could have flare ups about things that lead to separations when you don’t really want that.
Wednesday the Moon is in Cancer. There is kind of this green light period but you really have to be very careful because you are in the dark from Tuesday night. Meaning there is no light of the Moon so you don’t have any light on the subject to be able to sign and agree and gather the right kinds of information and that will be for a couple of days. For Wednesday there is a lucky charm, the Sun is parallel Jupiter at 1:14 pm. so there is a possible good luck piece that is in the middle of it all. You can also expect with all of this Mars and Uranus and Pluto energy breakthroughs in science that could benefit all of us.
For Thursday we still have a Cancer Moon for a while just until 6:13 am. There is a new Moon at 12:24 am on Thursday morning at 26 almost 27 degrees of Cancer. So if this is your birthday July 19 then you will have a lot of new beginnings, new starts, and the types of developments may have to do with family and home buying, home building and that sort of thing. The Leo Moon that comes in on Thursday at 6:13 am is with us until Saturday at 1:12 pm. We have a green light beginning at 6:13 am on Thursday and that will cover Thursday and Friday. Mars is motivated to propose something very important. It aligns with Juno, the bride maker. Juno being direct may actually consider an agreement or contract or some compromise. It could also help the economy in some way, but it is the marriage indicator.
Friday July 20th a green light day. The dark Moon period ends early in the morning Friday; it could even be late, late night. If you see the Moon in the sky then the dark Moon period is over. There is an excellent opportunity to connect with a counselor at 5:30 pm on Friday or before any time during that day when Mercury and Pallas, Pallas is responsible for great strategy and also peace and fairness. Jupiter and Saturn make an aspect at 10 pm. it is a very important signal for the economy and also for building new structures. New structures could be corporations, it could be houses, and it could be the little business you would like to start for yourself. And the green light period will continue right through 1:04 pm on Saturday July 21. And that is it for the week. (STOP 16)
It’s going to be an incredible week ahead to follow the news and weather. You want to be very careful this week. Mars is setting everything up for shifts, and changes. Jupiter is playing into it. Jupiter makes things larger than they normally would be. There is a Square between Mars and Pluto, which give a real steam roller effect. And Jupiter pumps up the volume for that, which we don’t need any of that. And then Mars is going to oppose Uranus. It is very accident prone. You have to be careful, even in the house trimming flowers or something could be dangerous. Mars rules things like anything from Knives, running, guns, and explosions. It is a tough week. There is a New Moon on its way. Dark of the Moon period says you don’t have all the information before moving forward. The big headliner is Mercury turning retrograde today July 14. So the likelihood of to having to go back and redo and review the kinds of things that you are taking on during this time is a pretty good bet. Also this is a really good time for just that. When Mercury is retrograde, we seem to get more green light days than usual. It’s really not fair, but in another way it is. Because those Things that you missed out on before you are able to gain some ground on and retry and reconnecting and redo. It is going to have some positive impact.
There is a lovely aspect between Mercury and Venus tonight which enhances or soothes some of the types of things that we have been going through. Fri 7/13 Uranus turned retrograde so Tons of technological problems that could be huge. There is a Solar flare that is headed for earth that has a longer period of impact that should reach us on Sunday 7/15. So hang on to your technology, if you can with that type of thing. Uranus being retrograde now will remain so until December. Some may have felt this extreme sense of hope and sparkle. And others may have felt an extreme sense of fear and anxiety. The fear and anxiety comes from a Sun Square Saturn aspect that we have on Sunday 7/15. So let’s look at it aspect by aspect as we go through the day.
Today Saturday July 14th. Mercury retrograde period will last right until August 8. There is that Mercury and Venus aspect 60° apart at 6:42 pm. This allows for a Second opportunity for love with a very cool link to Venus at 6:42 pm could bring you to connect with a dear friend, or colleague that you’ve lost touch with. Also you may be inclined to spend time on changing things around in the house. Make things more beautiful. Or you could consider a cosmetic enhancement with this particular Mercury retrograde. Mercury retrograde means that you slow down and make a decision about something. It’s Possible to receive good news about money. Its possible people are a little more harmonious during this time. Equipment may run a little smoother after it gets it jolt from Uranus. There is also Fluctuations with blood sugar, thyroid function and other annoying illnesses that come along with Mercury. Mercury rules things like illnesses. There is an Aspect tonight 7/14 at 10:56 pm between the Moon and Jupiter. It is a Little eclipse it’s called an occultation. We won’t see it on the east coast because on the east coast Jupiter doesn’t rise until 3:30am – 4:00am. But if you set your alarm and go and look you will see in the sky Venus and Jupiter and the Moon in their beautiful dance. It should be a pretty gorgeous sight. So you might want to check that out. It is worth getting up for. The aspect between Sun and Saturn which brings the heaviness that we are feeling. It is a square. and it occurs at 12:14 am Sunday morning. It marks the end of a very rough and difficult period. That feeling that it is an uphill battle. So you have a greater opportunity for growth, develop and open door to where you’re headed after this aspect Occurs. It also triggers issues with parents, bosses and those sitting in the seat of judgment. Debts that have loomed large for a long time you may be able to manage them more easily after this. This aspect may signal some critical cutbacks, but it could also bring some growth. So there is sort of a dualistic quality to the Sun square Saturn. Saturn is in the sign of Libra, which has to do with fairness and also marriage and divorce, anything having to do with bringing people to the table for peace so that might be on the agenda.
For Monday the Moon is in Gemini, meanwhile we have a green light period. It starts with the Gemini Moon sign that began after Mercury turns retrograde Saturday night. So there is a green light period after 10:56 pm and it will continue on until early Monday morning at 6:56 am. During Sunday’s events, other than the Sun square Saturn, there are no major events around that. Monday we have that void of course Moon period, which will begin at 6:56 am. Juno turns direct. Juno is the marriage maker. She is at the point of a solar eclipse so it is a pretty important point. Now this may mean marriage or divorce because there is always that dualistic principle with astrology. But Mars is in hot pursuit of Juno so there may be a marriage that you can let us know about. Also what we have is Uranus in Ceres. Ceres is about feeding people nurturing people, caring for people. There might be something unique or some distribution for food that is important – that aspect is Monday morning during the void of course Moon period which ends at 8:31 pm. there is an aspect between Mars and Uranus and they join for a grand alignment called a parallel. This could bring a significant breakthrough of some sort. It could be medical; it could have to do with countries that are in difficult positions with money or their fronts. Like China and the Philippines are at odds right now. So we don’t want that to escalate. And then we have for the Cancer Moon that begins at Monday 8:31 pm until Thursday. Cancer Moon brings offers from investors and also family members who come important to settle these matters of their life, their safety and their health, and feeding and caring for during this Cancer Moon because the Cancer Moon is headed for a new Moon that will occur later on this week on Thursday at 12:24 am . if you want to set your intentions for that time to develop whatever your ideas are about home, housing , family, family building, and all those sorts of things that are ruled by Cancer.
Mars and Jupiter are in a 120 degree aspect at 8:38 am on Tuesday. Normally it relaxes the aggressive side. But this is turning up the volume for Mars to press on to a more aggressive nature. It signals a competitive time, which is great for the Olympics that is coming up. But Mars will engage with Pluto, which is the steam roller aspect, so it is just going to mow down whatever is not agreeable to its path. So there is that explosive result when Mars opposes Uranus on Wednesday night. But it does signal a time to move forward and appropriately marks up that warm up period for athletic competition. There is positive support and confidence to back the things that you might be intending. Mercury is retrograde. So very often what we have during that period, especially when we want to move forward with our goals, is people are on vacation, or people are just unreachable, things kind of shut down. It’s a good thing that you don’t sign your agreements during a Mercury retrograde because very often the contracts are faulty. The aspect between Mars and Pluto is exact at 4:26 pm on Tuesday night. That is the aspect that causes – it’s really angry, tough. So you want to be really patient and careful with your mates. You don’t want to create a battle. Choose your battles and bite your tongue More often than not during this week because you could have flare ups about things that lead to separations when you don’t really want that.
Wednesday the Moon is in Cancer. There is kind of this green light period but you really have to be very careful because you are in the dark from Tuesday night. Meaning there is no light of the Moon so you don’t have any light on the subject to be able to sign and agree and gather the right kinds of information and that will be for a couple of days. For Wednesday there is a lucky charm, the Sun is parallel Jupiter at 1:14 pm. so there is a possible good luck piece that is in the middle of it all. You can also expect with all of this Mars and Uranus and Pluto energy breakthroughs in science that could benefit all of us.
For Thursday we still have a Cancer Moon for a while just until 6:13 am. There is a new Moon at 12:24 am on Thursday morning at 26 almost 27 degrees of Cancer. So if this is your birthday July 19 then you will have a lot of new beginnings, new starts, and the types of developments may have to do with family and home buying, home building and that sort of thing. The Leo Moon that comes in on Thursday at 6:13 am is with us until Saturday at 1:12 pm. We have a green light beginning at 6:13 am on Thursday and that will cover Thursday and Friday. Mars is motivated to propose something very important. It aligns with Juno, the bride maker. Juno being direct may actually consider an agreement or contract or some compromise. It could also help the economy in some way, but it is the marriage indicator.
Friday July 20th a green light day. The dark Moon period ends early in the morning Friday; it could even be late, late night. If you see the Moon in the sky then the dark Moon period is over. There is an excellent opportunity to connect with a counselor at 5:30 pm on Friday or before any time during that day when Mercury and Pallas, Pallas is responsible for great strategy and also peace and fairness. Jupiter and Saturn make an aspect at 10 pm. it is a very important signal for the economy and also for building new structures. New structures could be corporations, it could be houses, and it could be the little business you would like to start for yourself. And the green light period will continue right through 1:04 pm on Saturday July 21. And that is it for the week. (STOP 16)
Saturday, July 7, 2012
Report for the Week of July 7, 2012 - July 14 2012
Green Light Period from 12:29 AM Saturday through Monday July 9 at 12:02 AM.
Another Green Light Period on Friday after 5:49 AM until Friday at 4:52 PM.
Saturday July 7, 2012.
Pisces Moon.
The Moon is peaceful in Pisces bringing a Green Light period through till Monday at 12:03 AM. At that time the Moon forms its final aspect to Uranus with a long-term parallel aspect. This brings a fine time to search for new technology whether for small tech products or large. Also medical procedures advance and you might benefit from the latest technology in medicine.
Sunday July 8, 2012
Pisces Moon.
There is a blind spot or a series of sudden storms with Mars & Neptune messing around with the wind and water Sunday afternoon. Of course this could easily have an effect Saturday evening as well. Mars will be 150^ to Neptune at 4:56 PM Sunday afternoon. I also call this planet combination a hole in the bucket.
Monday July 9, 2012
Pisces Moon changing to Aries.
A void of course Pisces Moon on Monday July 9 from 12:03 AM until 8:13 AM is not too hard to take. Although you may get lost on the way to work when detours take you off your path.
The Aries Moon on Monday heat things up after 8:13 AM until Wednesday at 7:30 PM. The Aries Moon is host to a few cosmic activities. Be aware in the dawn-lite sky of a stunning planet and star formation of Venus, Jupiter and Aldeberon. Aldeberon promises great success as long as one holds on to the principals of integrity. Watcher of the East. To strive for success without compromising their integrity. However the temptation to compromise oneself is huge and would become their downfall. The sight in the sky will be spectacular so set your clock for about 4:30-5 AM.
A change on Monday evening will come with Vesta entering Gemini at 5:22 PM. Your options for housing open where you may have to choose between two beautiful homes. Or your choices may be something other that real estate or apartments when Vest presents multiple options for investment. Vesta the investor will continue in Gemini for about 9 months.
Tuesday July 10, 2012.
Aries Moon
There may be a family reunion when Jupiter & Ceres join on Tuesday. Take care of loved ones and feed the poor. Charity is the best use of this aspect. Jupiter loved Ceres and brings a blessing with this aspect at 1:08 AM.
Find the best consultant Tuesday with Venus & Pallas joined early in the day. This also allows you to find a beautiful outfit or product most suited for you.
Locate an apartment or clue for an investment with Mercury & Vesta aligned for a long-term solution.
Tuesday July 10th at 9:48 PM the last quarter Moon at 19°Aries occurs Tuesday. This can bring matters back up of great importance which may be related to July 2010 or that summer. More recently look back to October 2011 for relevant clues to the topics that will emerge this week. This is payback time when you could finally get the check you were waiting for or you may be able to pay something off. Topics may range from your own start-up plans or your plans for independence. If you have been looking to break out of a trap this may be your week to find an exit.
Wednesday July 11, 2012.
Aries Moon changes to Taurus.
The Aries Moon continues to heat things up with a glance of the big news ahead. A void of course period will last all day Wednesday from 5:23 AM as the Moon opposes Saturn until the Moon enters Taurus at 7:30 PM.
The Taurus Moon is not going to be good for long-term agreements or major purchases. Your decisions could be reversed after you sign. Even though there is nothing standing in your way on Thursday it is Friday that sets the fireworks off.
Thursday July 12, 2012
Taurus Moon
Friday's Taurus Moon brings the reversal of Uranus' direction at 8°32 Aries at 5:49 AM until December 13th. That may be enough to set the stage for some huge events but Mercury will define and report these major events because it too turns retrograde on Saturday at 10:15 PM until August
An exciting event emerges and you may be able to take advantage of something wonderful yet unmistakably risky from 5:49 AM until 4:52 PM Friday. Beware that this is unconventional and you may be asked to appear before authority figures to explain your behavior as the Moon is yet to visit Pluto then Saturn during the void of course period later that evening. Although the Sun and Jupiter will encourage you to take the leap. Keep in mind you may change your mind with Saturday's Mercury retrograde change at 10:16 PM.
Saturday July 14, 2012. – A Green Light Period on Saturday after 10:16 PM through Monday at 6:56 AM
Moon in Taurus changing to Gemini.
The Moon enters talkative Gemini at 8:26 AM until 8:31 PM Monday night.
Retrograde Mercury rethinks an opportunity for love with a very cool 60° link to Venus on Saturday night at 6:42 PM
Mercury is retrograde in Leo from 10:16 PM until August 8th at 1:40 AM.
Green Light Period begins after Mercury turns retrograde until Monday morning. Take this opportunity to tackle your creative pursuits. Rework and rehearse for presentations. Write and connect with those involved with your plans. You may find a vehicle that you will love for years.
Sun square Saturn at 12:14 AM Sunday July 15th.
Another Green Light Period on Friday after 5:49 AM until Friday at 4:52 PM.
Saturday July 7, 2012.
Pisces Moon.
The Moon is peaceful in Pisces bringing a Green Light period through till Monday at 12:03 AM. At that time the Moon forms its final aspect to Uranus with a long-term parallel aspect. This brings a fine time to search for new technology whether for small tech products or large. Also medical procedures advance and you might benefit from the latest technology in medicine.
Sunday July 8, 2012
Pisces Moon.
There is a blind spot or a series of sudden storms with Mars & Neptune messing around with the wind and water Sunday afternoon. Of course this could easily have an effect Saturday evening as well. Mars will be 150^ to Neptune at 4:56 PM Sunday afternoon. I also call this planet combination a hole in the bucket.
Monday July 9, 2012
Pisces Moon changing to Aries.
A void of course Pisces Moon on Monday July 9 from 12:03 AM until 8:13 AM is not too hard to take. Although you may get lost on the way to work when detours take you off your path.
The Aries Moon on Monday heat things up after 8:13 AM until Wednesday at 7:30 PM. The Aries Moon is host to a few cosmic activities. Be aware in the dawn-lite sky of a stunning planet and star formation of Venus, Jupiter and Aldeberon. Aldeberon promises great success as long as one holds on to the principals of integrity. Watcher of the East. To strive for success without compromising their integrity. However the temptation to compromise oneself is huge and would become their downfall. The sight in the sky will be spectacular so set your clock for about 4:30-5 AM.
A change on Monday evening will come with Vesta entering Gemini at 5:22 PM. Your options for housing open where you may have to choose between two beautiful homes. Or your choices may be something other that real estate or apartments when Vest presents multiple options for investment. Vesta the investor will continue in Gemini for about 9 months.
Tuesday July 10, 2012.
Aries Moon
There may be a family reunion when Jupiter & Ceres join on Tuesday. Take care of loved ones and feed the poor. Charity is the best use of this aspect. Jupiter loved Ceres and brings a blessing with this aspect at 1:08 AM.
Find the best consultant Tuesday with Venus & Pallas joined early in the day. This also allows you to find a beautiful outfit or product most suited for you.
Locate an apartment or clue for an investment with Mercury & Vesta aligned for a long-term solution.
Tuesday July 10th at 9:48 PM the last quarter Moon at 19°Aries occurs Tuesday. This can bring matters back up of great importance which may be related to July 2010 or that summer. More recently look back to October 2011 for relevant clues to the topics that will emerge this week. This is payback time when you could finally get the check you were waiting for or you may be able to pay something off. Topics may range from your own start-up plans or your plans for independence. If you have been looking to break out of a trap this may be your week to find an exit.
Wednesday July 11, 2012.
Aries Moon changes to Taurus.
The Aries Moon continues to heat things up with a glance of the big news ahead. A void of course period will last all day Wednesday from 5:23 AM as the Moon opposes Saturn until the Moon enters Taurus at 7:30 PM.
The Taurus Moon is not going to be good for long-term agreements or major purchases. Your decisions could be reversed after you sign. Even though there is nothing standing in your way on Thursday it is Friday that sets the fireworks off.
Thursday July 12, 2012
Taurus Moon
Friday's Taurus Moon brings the reversal of Uranus' direction at 8°32 Aries at 5:49 AM until December 13th. That may be enough to set the stage for some huge events but Mercury will define and report these major events because it too turns retrograde on Saturday at 10:15 PM until August
An exciting event emerges and you may be able to take advantage of something wonderful yet unmistakably risky from 5:49 AM until 4:52 PM Friday. Beware that this is unconventional and you may be asked to appear before authority figures to explain your behavior as the Moon is yet to visit Pluto then Saturn during the void of course period later that evening. Although the Sun and Jupiter will encourage you to take the leap. Keep in mind you may change your mind with Saturday's Mercury retrograde change at 10:16 PM.
Saturday July 14, 2012. – A Green Light Period on Saturday after 10:16 PM through Monday at 6:56 AM
Moon in Taurus changing to Gemini.
The Moon enters talkative Gemini at 8:26 AM until 8:31 PM Monday night.
Retrograde Mercury rethinks an opportunity for love with a very cool 60° link to Venus on Saturday night at 6:42 PM
Mercury is retrograde in Leo from 10:16 PM until August 8th at 1:40 AM.
Green Light Period begins after Mercury turns retrograde until Monday morning. Take this opportunity to tackle your creative pursuits. Rework and rehearse for presentations. Write and connect with those involved with your plans. You may find a vehicle that you will love for years.
Sun square Saturn at 12:14 AM Sunday July 15th.
Monday, July 2, 2012
Report for June 30 - July 7, 2012.
The Green Light periods this week occur Tuesday July 3, 2012 at 8:32 AM through Wednesday at 10:36 AM.
Green Light on Wednesday night at 8:26 PM through Friday 11:48 AM.
Dietrech Pessin’s Radio Report for June 30th 2012 –
The following was transcribed from the live report.
Good Morning. Here we are the end of June. The summer is starting to fly. But you know I’ve said our summer started back in March when we had that heat wave. Now we experience one heat wave after another. The heat that we are having now is related to Mars. Mars is in a very precarious position. Mars has been in a precarious position - set off since June 7. I don’t know exactly when the fires started in Colorado. I wonder if anybody knows if you could call me and let me know. I’ve tried doing a search on the internet. But the type of activity that we can expect is fires inside and out. People are going to be doing things that are really going to upset us. We need to find a way to cool down, chill out on the good side, if we are not suffering from the effects of a heat wave. There is electricity out, I don’t know if you know that, on the east coast around the Washington DC area all the way to I think Indiana. their power is out -very bad timing. We have a full Moon coming up this week - besides the fact that Mars will change signs. Mars is at that point of changing signs, it’s not just changing any old sign. It’s going into the sign of Libra and that is one of the high powered signs in the zodiac. That would be Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn All at the zero degree point – that is where Mars is going to go. It is very, very hot. Hot zone is called the world axis. Bringing the biggest news stories during this time. What we can expect here also for the week of the full Moon temperatures to be rising on other levels. But it is in the sign of Capricorn so this is about business, major corporations, and also things having to do with family business and family matters and decisions that we make in regard to those important people in our lives and the other thing the government things. The full Moon has to do with an eclipse that we had - there was an eclipse here January 2011. So that time period is set off. Then also there is a July 2011 that is also set off as well with some events that are happening this week too. So things come up from the past. We don’t live in this little time capsule where things that just happen today are related to no where. They are connected to the past and they lead into the future and there are dates that I can find at, before, after, and around that connect all these dots. That’s the beauty of astrology is the ability to spot the astro-links.
For Saturday June 30, 2012, let’s have a look at what is going on. We’ve got a Scorpio Moon and the last aspect is going to form a very positive aspect to Mars. It’s a sextile, but it’s Mars. So I say positive aspects are only positive when you have an agreeable and gentle planet - and Mars is not that. So what it can do is help you to find work and help to create a path for progress. It’s a good day to move forward. It’s one of those green light days. So you have a green light today right until 3:45 pm. We have a Scorpio Moon so the matters are intense. There is also some money around today. So turn over all the rocks and look in places where you had not looked before to find a link - and it’s a long term link to someone who is writing checks. So you want to be able to take advantage of that. If you are looking for a counselor of some sort there is only a bad lawyer for today - not a good lawyer. The advice you are trying to get has a question, has questionable influences around that as well. Here we have a void of course Moon today from 3:45 pm until 6:03 pm and then the Moon enters Sagittarius - and we have a real great big watch out period. This is not good. You may believe very strongly in something that could lead you right in to an angry mess. So be really careful about pontificating while presenting your agenda. You have to consider other people’s feelings, other people’s situations. So right through July 3rd you want to be extremely careful because we are in that period dominated by the heat of Mars. Sagittarius is reaching far out so I’m thinking about the fire in Colorado. We have friends and family there. There are flames that can just fly out of control with the Sagittarius Moon sign. But also this is about putting the government, the army, whoever, the National Guard; the military is fighting this battle of fire going on. So they may actually make great strides – that’s a good thing.
For Sunday same thing. Don’t sign anything don’t agree to anything. It is not a good time to make final decisions because there are so many problems involved. There is an aspect between the Sun and the Moon it’s called a quincunx. I call it “Life’s Messy Clean it up.” It is an upset that must be addressed. The time that it happens is 10:34 am here on the east coast tomorrow morning. So it is the kind of thing where you could leave your car on the street and someone hits it. So you don’t have to necessarily be in the car to get hit. But it also has a link to communications more than anything that is related to events of July and August of 2011. Also there is a missing link, missing cues, important messages, or important things that you should be paying attention to about the important people in your life. So watch your children very carefully, and your pets very carefully also on Sunday- Any time on Sunday if you are out in the playground or whatever, don’t blink. Because there could be something that you really need to watch very closely. Otherwise there seems to be a serious problem with water or smoke or things that white out, Could be flash floods or that sort of thing – that is for tomorrow afternoon. On another level it is visionary. So you could potentially expand your ability to care for yourself and others with some visionary principle. There is an ouch that comes up on Sunday afternoon. That is Venus in a 135 degree aspect to Saturn. The aspect that I was referring to about the children just before this was Neptune square Ceres. Later Venus quincunx Saturn that is exact at 12:31 pm. But it does have an influence over Sunday. This one is emotionally and financially expensive. So these two planets were the ones that went direct together last week, Venus and Saturn both turned direct after being retrograde. So they’ve been linked and here is their confirmation of their links. So it’s financially not good, does not bring money. It costs money so careful about going out and spending on Sunday or even early on Monday.
For Monday 6:20 pm we have Moon square Mars – that’s the last aspect of the Moon while the Moon is in Sagittarius. This Mars is very precarious. it’s hot, it’s nasty , it’s angry, it’s accident prone , fires, All day use caution. Because Mars is perched at that high profile point as it knocks on the door of Libra, the sign of Libra. Mars in Libra tends to make war so that it can make peace. So it is motivated to stir things up. While it doesn’t necessarily take responsibility for its actions. However, Saturn is in the sign of Libra down the road where it will have to eventually take responsibility. Peace negotiations are difficult; situations are volatile in already hot zones with that change in signs. On top of that the Moon enters Capricorn – that is on Monday at 6:50 pm. We have a Capricorn Moon for the following couple of days. there is a period call a refranation, that means Mars is changing signs so hold back , don’t move forward with a new project, don’t start putting nails in that wood just yet for that brand new house that your building or for anything that you want to move forward with.
On Tuesday at 8:31AM Mars enters Libra until August 23rd. Mars enters Libra on the day of the full Moon. Wow. That is going to be a hot one. So you want to be very careful what ever it is that you do. But there is a green light that does begin on Tuesday at 8:31 am right through the end of the Capricorn Moon sign. That would be on Wednesday until the void of course Moon period 10:35 am. There is a Green Light to move forward. You can get a lot of motivation; you can gas up for things, get your engine running and go forward. That full Moon is big and bright it is exact at 2:51 pm. It occurs at 12 degrees of Capricorn which links us right back to the solar eclipse January 4, 2011. It doesn’t mean things that happened only on that date. But it could be as much as 6 weeks before that January 2011 or 6 weeks after. So that was a very hot zone there. So we have links to the events that we can make connections of things we have matters pending that (they come all out on the table) all the cards are on the table you’re able to see what you have going on and move forward from that point - Very good aspect that happens in the morning on Tuesday between Mercury and Venus bring pleasant visits, agreements and other nice events.
But first I want to touch the Mercury aspect hitting Pluto at 2:19 am Wednesday morning. This causes that kind of your mind is running in circles with worry, Worry, worry. You can’t shut it off. The message is it all turns out well in the end. So whatever is keeping you up late night on Tuesday and through the wee hours of Wednesday, please refer back to this astrology report and know that it all will work out well. The matters of Mercury 150° Pluto has to do with the control issues of others - Others that are signing the last word for your future. It means in the end this all works out pretty well. Mercury and Venus are making a fine aspect. They don’t aspect that many times. They are the two planets inside the orbit in between the earth and the Sun. these are very personal planets has to do with things that effect us personally-Even if they are things that are done like corporations, governments. They effect us personally. Give us some support, something to talk about that is in our favor. The void of course Moon begins on Wednesday 10:35 am with a fine aspect to Venus that says there is a temporary check, like one of those rebate checks or something like that, Money comes back to you. That is a happy thing. Then we have a void of course Moon period from 10:35 am until 8:25 pm on Wednesday. Then we have this kind of mixed bag. We are winding down from the events of the full Moon. So there is always a fallout time. The events that began a couple of days before the full Moon that leads up to the crisis. Because full Moons always bring a kind of high energy crisis, things come out; people finally say what’s been on their mind all this time. Where it is a Capricorn full Moon it might be about money and about getting their money straightened out, feeling things are finally working in their favor - hopefully. So then that period ends when the Moon and the Sun are quincunx 150 degrees once again on the other side of the full Moon. That is going to be at 8:58 pm Thursday - so that gives us the time - That’s when you are calling the insurance adjustor. That is when you are making, tending to and mending the things that have occurred during that time. This is your talk with human resources, agencies and things of that nature – that happens on Thursday. So before that with the Aquarius Moon we have the potential for a green light – things end well. But there is that adjustment period in there .so there could be a signal. Or let’s say there is a signal for a green light period that does begin 8:25 pm on Wednesday night right through until Friday morning at 11:48 am when the Moon is trine Saturn. So it is an Aquarius Moon. Invite your friends. There is a positive set of events that occur in a very strong friendship aspect going back to Thursday – it’s at 10:25 pm. So if you have events going on Wednesday evening, Venus and Uranus are sextile – that’s a 60 degree aspect - very positive. You could find the love of your life during that time. Definitely there is a meeting thing because Mercury and Venus are again making an aspect. This time it says this is a long term introduction. So this could be a friend, a dear friend that you make or that you find or reconnect with. However there is a strong indication that it enhances one’s love life. So it could also bring about statements of commitment or engagements, that sort of thing. So Wednesday night is very powerful for that.
For Thursday, pretty much nothing going on to note. Nice aspects between the Moon and Jupiter, and then the Moon and Venus, Moon and Uranus - so it is rather lucky in there on Thursday. So take advantage of that as well.
We have a green light period also on Friday until 11:48 am as I had mentioned. There are a couple of aspects: Mercury parallel Ceres. This is about babies. Lots of babies are being born and lots of twins also. So this aspect is favorable for things about babies and things about joining together for the nurturing and caring of others, Plans also for a good doctor’s plan. So if you have been trying to attend to something for a long time this is a good time to see the doctor and that would be on Friday or even Thursday afternoon. Then we have Uranus and Juno in an aspect. Juno is the marriage indicator. So there is an aspect there that brings together people that become motivated to partner for life. The rest of Friday this void of course Moon 11:48am right until Saturday at 12:29 am. So the void of course Moon period on Friday afternoon after 11:48 am has an aspect between Mercury and Pallas, which says you really could find a very magical consultant or have a magical experience with someone who is a healer for instance. That is Mercury and Pallas, someone who really knows their stuff in a very big way
Then we have another green light period for a couple of day’s right through until Monday morning beginning Saturday at 12:29 am. So that’s it for the week. It’s a mixed bag of really good stuff and really tough stuff with that Mars thing going on. So you want to take special care.
The Green Light periods this week occur Tuesday July 3, 2012 at 8:32 AM through Wednesday at 10:36 AM.
Green Light on Wednesday night at 8:26 PM through Friday 11:48 AM.
Dietrech Pessin’s Radio Report for June 30th 2012 –
The following was transcribed from the live report.
Good Morning. Here we are the end of June. The summer is starting to fly. But you know I’ve said our summer started back in March when we had that heat wave. Now we experience one heat wave after another. The heat that we are having now is related to Mars. Mars is in a very precarious position. Mars has been in a precarious position - set off since June 7. I don’t know exactly when the fires started in Colorado. I wonder if anybody knows if you could call me and let me know. I’ve tried doing a search on the internet. But the type of activity that we can expect is fires inside and out. People are going to be doing things that are really going to upset us. We need to find a way to cool down, chill out on the good side, if we are not suffering from the effects of a heat wave. There is electricity out, I don’t know if you know that, on the east coast around the Washington DC area all the way to I think Indiana. their power is out -very bad timing. We have a full Moon coming up this week - besides the fact that Mars will change signs. Mars is at that point of changing signs, it’s not just changing any old sign. It’s going into the sign of Libra and that is one of the high powered signs in the zodiac. That would be Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn All at the zero degree point – that is where Mars is going to go. It is very, very hot. Hot zone is called the world axis. Bringing the biggest news stories during this time. What we can expect here also for the week of the full Moon temperatures to be rising on other levels. But it is in the sign of Capricorn so this is about business, major corporations, and also things having to do with family business and family matters and decisions that we make in regard to those important people in our lives and the other thing the government things. The full Moon has to do with an eclipse that we had - there was an eclipse here January 2011. So that time period is set off. Then also there is a July 2011 that is also set off as well with some events that are happening this week too. So things come up from the past. We don’t live in this little time capsule where things that just happen today are related to no where. They are connected to the past and they lead into the future and there are dates that I can find at, before, after, and around that connect all these dots. That’s the beauty of astrology is the ability to spot the astro-links.
For Saturday June 30, 2012, let’s have a look at what is going on. We’ve got a Scorpio Moon and the last aspect is going to form a very positive aspect to Mars. It’s a sextile, but it’s Mars. So I say positive aspects are only positive when you have an agreeable and gentle planet - and Mars is not that. So what it can do is help you to find work and help to create a path for progress. It’s a good day to move forward. It’s one of those green light days. So you have a green light today right until 3:45 pm. We have a Scorpio Moon so the matters are intense. There is also some money around today. So turn over all the rocks and look in places where you had not looked before to find a link - and it’s a long term link to someone who is writing checks. So you want to be able to take advantage of that. If you are looking for a counselor of some sort there is only a bad lawyer for today - not a good lawyer. The advice you are trying to get has a question, has questionable influences around that as well. Here we have a void of course Moon today from 3:45 pm until 6:03 pm and then the Moon enters Sagittarius - and we have a real great big watch out period. This is not good. You may believe very strongly in something that could lead you right in to an angry mess. So be really careful about pontificating while presenting your agenda. You have to consider other people’s feelings, other people’s situations. So right through July 3rd you want to be extremely careful because we are in that period dominated by the heat of Mars. Sagittarius is reaching far out so I’m thinking about the fire in Colorado. We have friends and family there. There are flames that can just fly out of control with the Sagittarius Moon sign. But also this is about putting the government, the army, whoever, the National Guard; the military is fighting this battle of fire going on. So they may actually make great strides – that’s a good thing.
For Sunday same thing. Don’t sign anything don’t agree to anything. It is not a good time to make final decisions because there are so many problems involved. There is an aspect between the Sun and the Moon it’s called a quincunx. I call it “Life’s Messy Clean it up.” It is an upset that must be addressed. The time that it happens is 10:34 am here on the east coast tomorrow morning. So it is the kind of thing where you could leave your car on the street and someone hits it. So you don’t have to necessarily be in the car to get hit. But it also has a link to communications more than anything that is related to events of July and August of 2011. Also there is a missing link, missing cues, important messages, or important things that you should be paying attention to about the important people in your life. So watch your children very carefully, and your pets very carefully also on Sunday- Any time on Sunday if you are out in the playground or whatever, don’t blink. Because there could be something that you really need to watch very closely. Otherwise there seems to be a serious problem with water or smoke or things that white out, Could be flash floods or that sort of thing – that is for tomorrow afternoon. On another level it is visionary. So you could potentially expand your ability to care for yourself and others with some visionary principle. There is an ouch that comes up on Sunday afternoon. That is Venus in a 135 degree aspect to Saturn. The aspect that I was referring to about the children just before this was Neptune square Ceres. Later Venus quincunx Saturn that is exact at 12:31 pm. But it does have an influence over Sunday. This one is emotionally and financially expensive. So these two planets were the ones that went direct together last week, Venus and Saturn both turned direct after being retrograde. So they’ve been linked and here is their confirmation of their links. So it’s financially not good, does not bring money. It costs money so careful about going out and spending on Sunday or even early on Monday.
For Monday 6:20 pm we have Moon square Mars – that’s the last aspect of the Moon while the Moon is in Sagittarius. This Mars is very precarious. it’s hot, it’s nasty , it’s angry, it’s accident prone , fires, All day use caution. Because Mars is perched at that high profile point as it knocks on the door of Libra, the sign of Libra. Mars in Libra tends to make war so that it can make peace. So it is motivated to stir things up. While it doesn’t necessarily take responsibility for its actions. However, Saturn is in the sign of Libra down the road where it will have to eventually take responsibility. Peace negotiations are difficult; situations are volatile in already hot zones with that change in signs. On top of that the Moon enters Capricorn – that is on Monday at 6:50 pm. We have a Capricorn Moon for the following couple of days. there is a period call a refranation, that means Mars is changing signs so hold back , don’t move forward with a new project, don’t start putting nails in that wood just yet for that brand new house that your building or for anything that you want to move forward with.
On Tuesday at 8:31AM Mars enters Libra until August 23rd. Mars enters Libra on the day of the full Moon. Wow. That is going to be a hot one. So you want to be very careful what ever it is that you do. But there is a green light that does begin on Tuesday at 8:31 am right through the end of the Capricorn Moon sign. That would be on Wednesday until the void of course Moon period 10:35 am. There is a Green Light to move forward. You can get a lot of motivation; you can gas up for things, get your engine running and go forward. That full Moon is big and bright it is exact at 2:51 pm. It occurs at 12 degrees of Capricorn which links us right back to the solar eclipse January 4, 2011. It doesn’t mean things that happened only on that date. But it could be as much as 6 weeks before that January 2011 or 6 weeks after. So that was a very hot zone there. So we have links to the events that we can make connections of things we have matters pending that (they come all out on the table) all the cards are on the table you’re able to see what you have going on and move forward from that point - Very good aspect that happens in the morning on Tuesday between Mercury and Venus bring pleasant visits, agreements and other nice events.
But first I want to touch the Mercury aspect hitting Pluto at 2:19 am Wednesday morning. This causes that kind of your mind is running in circles with worry, Worry, worry. You can’t shut it off. The message is it all turns out well in the end. So whatever is keeping you up late night on Tuesday and through the wee hours of Wednesday, please refer back to this astrology report and know that it all will work out well. The matters of Mercury 150° Pluto has to do with the control issues of others - Others that are signing the last word for your future. It means in the end this all works out pretty well. Mercury and Venus are making a fine aspect. They don’t aspect that many times. They are the two planets inside the orbit in between the earth and the Sun. these are very personal planets has to do with things that effect us personally-Even if they are things that are done like corporations, governments. They effect us personally. Give us some support, something to talk about that is in our favor. The void of course Moon begins on Wednesday 10:35 am with a fine aspect to Venus that says there is a temporary check, like one of those rebate checks or something like that, Money comes back to you. That is a happy thing. Then we have a void of course Moon period from 10:35 am until 8:25 pm on Wednesday. Then we have this kind of mixed bag. We are winding down from the events of the full Moon. So there is always a fallout time. The events that began a couple of days before the full Moon that leads up to the crisis. Because full Moons always bring a kind of high energy crisis, things come out; people finally say what’s been on their mind all this time. Where it is a Capricorn full Moon it might be about money and about getting their money straightened out, feeling things are finally working in their favor - hopefully. So then that period ends when the Moon and the Sun are quincunx 150 degrees once again on the other side of the full Moon. That is going to be at 8:58 pm Thursday - so that gives us the time - That’s when you are calling the insurance adjustor. That is when you are making, tending to and mending the things that have occurred during that time. This is your talk with human resources, agencies and things of that nature – that happens on Thursday. So before that with the Aquarius Moon we have the potential for a green light – things end well. But there is that adjustment period in there .so there could be a signal. Or let’s say there is a signal for a green light period that does begin 8:25 pm on Wednesday night right through until Friday morning at 11:48 am when the Moon is trine Saturn. So it is an Aquarius Moon. Invite your friends. There is a positive set of events that occur in a very strong friendship aspect going back to Thursday – it’s at 10:25 pm. So if you have events going on Wednesday evening, Venus and Uranus are sextile – that’s a 60 degree aspect - very positive. You could find the love of your life during that time. Definitely there is a meeting thing because Mercury and Venus are again making an aspect. This time it says this is a long term introduction. So this could be a friend, a dear friend that you make or that you find or reconnect with. However there is a strong indication that it enhances one’s love life. So it could also bring about statements of commitment or engagements, that sort of thing. So Wednesday night is very powerful for that.
For Thursday, pretty much nothing going on to note. Nice aspects between the Moon and Jupiter, and then the Moon and Venus, Moon and Uranus - so it is rather lucky in there on Thursday. So take advantage of that as well.
We have a green light period also on Friday until 11:48 am as I had mentioned. There are a couple of aspects: Mercury parallel Ceres. This is about babies. Lots of babies are being born and lots of twins also. So this aspect is favorable for things about babies and things about joining together for the nurturing and caring of others, Plans also for a good doctor’s plan. So if you have been trying to attend to something for a long time this is a good time to see the doctor and that would be on Friday or even Thursday afternoon. Then we have Uranus and Juno in an aspect. Juno is the marriage indicator. So there is an aspect there that brings together people that become motivated to partner for life. The rest of Friday this void of course Moon 11:48am right until Saturday at 12:29 am. So the void of course Moon period on Friday afternoon after 11:48 am has an aspect between Mercury and Pallas, which says you really could find a very magical consultant or have a magical experience with someone who is a healer for instance. That is Mercury and Pallas, someone who really knows their stuff in a very big way
Then we have another green light period for a couple of day’s right through until Monday morning beginning Saturday at 12:29 am. So that’s it for the week. It’s a mixed bag of really good stuff and really tough stuff with that Mars thing going on. So you want to take special care.
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