Friday, January 18, 2013

Astrology Report for Jan 19 - Jan 26, 2013 includes Green Light Days

For the week ahead: Saturday January 19 – Saturday January 26, 2013.
As we locate the sign where the Moon travels we can see that this week the Moon will travel from Aries to Taurus, then Gemini to Cancer and finally Leo by next Saturday.
The Green Light Days this week are from January 21 at 9:04 AM until January 23, at 8:13 AM.

The last lunar phase was this past Friday when with a First Quarter Moon in Aries. It marked the acceleration of matters that began last April 2012.
The next lunar phase is Saturday January 26 when a full Moon in Leo at 7°. It too has its history that goes back a year and a half ago when a new Moon planted the events that come out into the open for full disclosure.

The Moon has an influence over our emotional body. While the Moon is in Taurus we place our needs before anything else. Food first is a good place to start. Money matters dominate and always comfort. Persuasion is the most productive technique for getting your way while the Moon is in the sign of the stubborn bull.
Today Saturday January 19 the Moon is in Taurus until Monday at 9:05 AM when it enters Gemini.

The Taurus Moon will be void of course Sunday January 20 at 1:17 PM until Monday at 9:05 AM.
The Gemini Moon will be void of course from 8:13 AM Wednesday Jan 23 until 10:01 PM.
The Cancer Moon will be void of course Friday 10:40 PM until Saturday Jan 26 at 9:21 AM.

The planet changes this week will actually occur today Saturday Jan 19 when Mercury enters Aquarius at 2:25 AM and stays in that sign until February 5, 2013. The next couple of weeks will be full of unique ideas generated from Mercury's swift pass through the air sign of Aquarius. Many thoughts have time to percolate, as interference is at a low due to the few aspects to other planets in the first week when Mercury travels through the sign. Innovative thinking; attention to computer language and function; outreach and contact with groups, organization and friends. Mercury has the role of the connector, bringing people together in social settings. Travel involving group activities or events dealing with social endeavors.
For Personal: Zip through reading projects. Allow your friends to introduce you to new people.
For Business: Many ideas will add spark and spice to work over the next few weeks. Invent.

The Sun enters Aquarius today at 4:52 PM until February 18, 2013. The Sun in Aquarius turns our attention to social principles and the need to form groups based on like-minded thinking. Friendships and camaraderie are strengthened. Social causes and the needs and rights of the people become important. The intellectual process is enhanced with the Sun in an air sign. Opinions become fixed and groups of people align with their ideas to push for change. Aquarius is the sign of revolutionary and unconventional thinkers. Freedom and liberties are sought at all cost. This is also the sign the inventor. Its electrifying nature makes this a perfect time of the year for inspiration, revelation and awakenings.
For personal use: Have parties focused around a cause or common interest.
For business use: Open up lines of communication from the top of the business, down to its foundation. A good time to let the innovative minds do their thing.

There will be a stunning event between the Moon and Jupiter when they perfectly align in what is called an occultation on Tuesday Jan 22 at 10:13 PM and may be visible here on the U.S. east coast but will be visible in the middle of south America and the South Pacific Ocean. The indications of such an event may bring about an expansion of perspective. Although there could be a dramatic event that interferes with the use of such expanded ideas. Often there are pie in the sky notions which do not produce results. The more liberal view with broader concepts might dominate but fail to take hold when something emerges that can wipe out previous gains. On the positive side you could test your luck but your winnings could be absorbed by unexpected events.

Another stunning event will occur Tuesday through Thursday when Mars reaches a 90° square to the lunar nodes. This causes an over active Mars with more concerns about the flu and gun aggression. Also fires and blasts are common. Accidents could be more likely.

Day by Day
Saturday Jan 19, 2013 – The Taurus Moon may brood over regrets as it heads for a 90° square to Mars before leaving the sign. This makes this a “no go” day. Taurus, a sign that often brings relief of money and satisfaction is trying to force an unmovable bull. But by using your powers of persuasion you might succeed but not without some resentments brewing. Even if you stick with what you know keep your cool. If you are not part of the solution step back so as not to be part of the problem.

Sunday January 20, 2013. The Taurus Moon gives us another “no go” day. The Moon & Mars are not the only factors but Uranus – the planet of sudden abrupt change is setting off a spark. Expect more Mars for the entire week. However it could bring more work during this increased Mars period.

Monday January 21, 2013. The Taurus Moon changes to Gemini by 9:04 AM bringing a Green Light Day. Earlier the Sun and Neptune connect with a 30° cord which could signal something sneaky going on behinds the scenes.
10:27 AM the Sun aligns with Pluto for a long engaging event that brings the powers that be in alignment with the vital center figure. Not only at that time but for the entire day this aspect has a strong influence. The Gemini Moon allows for talks to take place but mostly valuable information to be exchanged. Talks about money can be enhanced by the Sun and Pluto parallel alignment.

Tuesday January 22, 2013. We have another Green Light Day compliments of the chatty Gemini Moon. Connect with those that most closely can bring you closer to your goals.
Gemini’s ruling planet is very active on Tuesday with a inventive 60° link to Uranus at 5:28 AM.
Later Mercury is in a split parallel with Jupiter then a beautiful trine by9:26 PM. If you have an inkling to travel this is your cue. Find a magical place and enjoy yourself whether near or far. This allows us to broaden our search for the right people and avenues to forward our goals.
Venus is a player with Neptune at 7:38 AM in an uncomplimentary 45° aspect. You may be on the wrong track if you are concerned with only the cosmetic fixes. For shopping you may find something frivolous that you love for a little while. When meeting new people they may present with an artificial façade.

Wednesday January 23, 2013. The Gemini Moon finishes its visits with the planet with a positive link to Jupiter at 8:13 AM beginning the v/c Moon period through till 10:00 PM.
The Moon enters Cancer at 10 PM yet this Cancer Moon sees conflict and aggression in the name of defending security or the home. The conflict emerges with the lit fuse of an over active Mars.

Thursday Jan 24, 2013. The Cancer Moon again brings a “no go” day. Again Mars is the focus as it twists the situation to suit the agenda in the name of the greater good. It is a risky day and accident prone too. Add to this the Sun and Uranus are also in aspect even though one of opportunity it can still throw a edgy twist into the mix. The Aquarius energy is strong as the voice of the people and collective is louder. The Cancer Moon brings it home and people react from a place of sensitivity. However the voice of logic prevails.

Friday January 25, 2013. The Cancer Moon is swelling as we come closer to the full Moon on Saturday.

Mercury square Saturn on Friday at 1:42 PM. Narrow mindedness and focused thinking. A day for exclusions, omissions and prohibitions. There is either "no word" or long delays. Restrictions while in transport. Difficulty with communications and their equipment. Misunderstandings. Remarks reveal judgmental thinking. Exactness with the application to details. Computer problems. Cut off and blocked out of the loop. Appointments are canceled. Bad reactions and unpleasant news. Need for extreme concentration. Attention to tedious details. Stressful or difficult information. Tense air. Breakdowns. Scientific.
For personal: Double check your actions especially with paperwork. Read the fine print.
For business: Great for working on details. Keep systems management workers close at hand. Unwise to purchase communication equipment today. Hold the release reports or statements.

There is a lift of luck when the Aquarius Sun is trine Jupiter at 10:56 PM. This aspect signals that we need this happy note. It is an optimistic bridge that links one to a much bigger idea, taking all parties concerned to greater heights. A new perspective allows for a stroke of luck and a sharp eye to catch a very important picture. Signs of growth. Wonderful energy. Optimistic reviews. Broad-based objectives. Future orientated thinking. A new perspective. A need for wide open spaces and expansion of knowledge. Generosity from others and abundance is available. There is a possibility of exaggerated opinions of oneself or their projects which helps those with low self esteem for others it could lead to obnoxious behavior.
For personal use: Travel to a new place and meet new people. Learn something new that engages your current expertise for future benefit. You may have something of value that someone else is looking for exactly what you have. Freedom and open space is a consideration.
For business use: How can you take you business into new territory? This is a day for education and action. With Jupiter now retrograde apply this aspect best for plans you once considered lost such as with education, travel or a marketing plan.
The day ends with a v/c Mon from 10:40 PM until Saturday morning.

The next Green Light time does not occur until Feb 1 after 9:46 PM for only a few hours. Then not again until February 6.

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