Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The Week of Dec 29 2012 - Jan 6 2013 with Green Light Days

In addition to this report click the Lunar Gestation Cycle Page from my website at Lunar-shadows.com for an extended report of the Last Quarter Moon on Friday Jan 5, 2013.

Dietrech will be presenting a workshop in Hamilton, Mass on Saturday Jan 6 from 10:30-5:00. There might be a spot or two still available if you would like to attend. Please contact me for more information. The topic is the Lunar Gestation Cycle throughout your lifetime. Dietrech will prepare charts and eclipse information for each person attending. Please call 617-924-0929. In addition there will be a regular class on Wednesday Jan 2 at my house in Watertown, MA. All levels of study are welcome.

Green Light Days for the Week of December 29 – Jan 5, 2013
Monday Dec 31 after Mercury enters Capricorn 9:02 AM the Leo Moon harmonizes by a trine to Venus in Sagittarius at 4:52 PM. Move forward with your goals between 9:02 AM – 4:52 PM Monday Dec 31.

Thursday Night Jan 3, after 8:10 PM through next Sat Jan 5, at 7:27 PM. That is the Libra Moon parallel Saturn in Scorpio. Your goals have the support of a seasoned professional who sees your goals as a good investment. However even if you have researched your intention thoroughly you are best advised to have the stamp of a pro before moving forward. This is a good time to enter into a long term loan or mortgage. Know ahead of time you can reasonably agree to the terms as they will be rigid.

Saturday Dec 29, 2012. Sun 150 degrees Jupiter.
Brief description: Buoyant. Up beat. Could surround an optimistic blunder. Someone in your support team announces they are leaving for greener pastures. More expansion than you are able to handle in your current situation. Political adjustments. One may be asked to go out on an unsupported mission or one that involves extensive travel. A marketing extravaganza. An opportunity that involves teaching.
For personal use: Take on a new study that allows you to move forward.
For business use: Iron out political faux pas. Look for replacements.

Beware of incorrect information is given which might throw you off your track when Mercury is square Pallas.

2:45:17 AM Sunday the Moon enters Leo until Jan 1 at 9:35 AM. During this time Something must be dropped before progress is made. Signatures & Commitments are not ready. Papers & vital information can be lost due to a square to Mercury. After Mercury enters Capricorn at 9:03 AM Monday conditions improve and you feel you have what you need to move forward. Chose that time from 9:03 AM Monday until 9:35 AM Tuesday to move forward with confidence.

8:38:33 AM Sunday.
Transiting Sun Conjunction Transiting Pluto
Brief description: Exposure of people, places and things that hide in the dark. Bringing in the riches.
This is deep dramatic aspect when the brilliant light of the Sun shines on the matters of Pluto's underground behavior. If you are looking for something belonging to Pluto's regime then this is the time you may turn over rocks and uncover a gold mine. Striking oil, walking into a den of thieves or dancing with the devil can all be matters unearthed with this aspect. This aspect mixes with the powers that be. This is a take control in a major way. This aspect is prominent for insurance companies, fund raising, accounting matters, mortgages and loans.
For personal use: Take on a challenge you once thought was impossible. Attack your greatest fears.
For business use: Go to the top and ask for what you need.

12:44:56 PM Sunday Dec 30, 2012.
Transiting Sun Sextile Transiting Saturn
Brief description: A good plan to add positive structure to your life. Cooperation is likely with department heads and father figures. Creative pursuits gain recognition. Presentations on this day have a strong structure. Builds confidence and with good reviews and rewards. Steadfast and sound progress.
Solid endurance. The ability to practice patience.
For personal use: Use your past accomplishments to ask for more responsibility and gain what you are looking for.

9:02:41 AM Monday Dec 31, 2012.
Transiting Mercury Entering Capricorn
Brief description: While Mercury travels through Capricorn until January 18, 2013 it will be directing our thoughts toward money and business. The practical and methodical logic seeks credibility and validation. This does not allow much leeway for sentiment and frivolous notions. You will be asking questions regarding performance, efficiency and cost effectiveness? Quality not quantity is the rule. Communications are less social and geared to getting down to business.
For personal use: You can pride yourself on asking good questions and making wise choices.
For business use: Solicit advice from authorities in your field.
Emotional reactions. Minor problems in relationships. What appears as minor indulgences create money problems. Embedded issues resurface. Sorting out a need for closeness and sentimentality vs. another's need for growth without placing blame or fault is the challenge. One partner may be content in a closed fantasy world and the other wants some action. Differences can be identified as a mismatch in core essence of a couple. This is an indication to remove your investment from an every loosing effort.
For personal use: Serious talks do not resolve relationship problems but allow you to hear what is important to you. Change yourself and others will follow.
For in business: Check your motives and assess your values. Eliminate waste and shoot for productivity.

Leo Moon is void of course beginning at 4:52 PM Monday until 12:35 PM January 1, 2013.

9:31:29 PM Monday December 31, 2012.
Transiting Mars in Aquarius is 60 degrees sextile Transiting Uranus in Aries.
Brief description: This aspect is very much a "me" thing, with driven intention to lead others in your direction, not only as leading troops into battle but a strong will or take charge and command. The true leaders will emerge with this aspect. There are applications for the latest modern or ancient methods. Aggressive techniques that include ultra sharp thinking and radical designs work. Engineers are inspired to cut into virgin territory. Interrupts protocol for emergency needs. Adds speed to all activities with intense drive to force the outcome. Keeping speed as a focus the tendency is to drive or move ahead without caution. Thinking is quick but a disregard for experience is the temptation. To be driven to expose the truth. Burns calories, cuts body fats and waste while decreasing appetite. The use of muscles. Check blood pressure. Stretch before exercise.
For personal use: Avoid being bossy as you need to invite others on board displaying your leadership qualities. How can you redesign your lifestyle to include physical more exercise. Include people in your life that want to get up and do something.
For business: This is a highly dynamic aspect that is the motivation to leap ahead. This is a good aspect to hire a muscle team.

Tuesday, January 01, 2013 - HAPPY 2013.
1:49:31 AM New Year’s Day
Transiting Mercury sextile Transiting Neptune
Brief description: This aspect is highly intuitive and imaginative or may bring help form divine inspiration. An opportunity to begin a meditation program. One ponders and then speaks from an inner wisdom. Information may be diluted, confused or misconstrued. A Martini lunch may have variable results. Feeling dazed or out of touch with reality or "off track". Afternoon lunch grogginess. This aspect can be present when you ideas are laced with a vision or a dream as it marks an idealistic perspective. The ability to tune out from unpleasant information.
For personal use: Listen to your inner voice and consult a mentor or adviser.
For business use: Consult privately. Use the creativity where fantasy enhances the image.

12:34:44 PM Jan 1, 2013
Void of course Moon period ends when the Moon enters Virgo at 12’:35 PM. This Moon sign is very expensive when hiring others for labor. There are cost overruns & differences of opinions based on philosophical or political views which inter with progress. The Moon is makes a square to Venus (7:15 AM Thursday) when it reaches the end of Virgo making Tuesday & Wednesday both expensive days for repairs which includes body maintenance such as dental or other services. Shop around before agreeing to hire anyone for work. Your desires may out spend your purse. You have better options during the Libra Moon sign beginning Thursday night to Saturday Jan 5. This interpretation applies to Wednesday January 2 as well.

Wednesday, January 02, 2013
2:16:07 AM The Capricorn Sun 150° retrograde Vesta in Gemini, indicator of the investment. You may feel a need to make a commitment or be pressured to do so. The hunt is on for the investments or housing but wait for purchases. The investments can be large or small. The cost might be too high at this time. Something emerges out of the blue in regard to dwellings or nest eggs. You may find or hunt for a mentor or new job with this aspect.

10:43:12 PM Mars parallel Pluto
Brief Description: Intense need to engage on treacherous ground. Biological drive. A need for physical and sexual release. Cutting into a new fabric or creating a new design to move into a new territory. Overpowering response. Steamrollers. This is a big money day for the big players. Not a day for lightweights.
For personal use: Get out of the way if you are not part of the plan. Exercise. Make love not war.
For business use: Approach those in power with a brief but detailed financial and reveal only your strongest side.

Thursday, January 03, 2013
Virgo Moon is v/c from 7:15 AM Thursday until 8:10 PM.

11:29:30 AM
Transiting Mercury at 5° Capricorn Square Transiting Uranus at 5° Aries.
Brief description: A radical change of mind. Extreme distractions. Thinking ranges from brilliant to bizarre. Outbursts with extreme bias. Abrupt interruptions of communications. Erratic flow of conversation. Ingenious ideas border or radical engineering and complexity. Drastic revisions of documents. Wild ideas. Friends may disappoint. Missed travel connections and appointments.
For personal use: You may want to record your unique brainstorms.
For business use: Avoid contamination to computer systems by downloading data. Do not contract with anyone under this aspect.

8:10:37 PM Thursday Jan 3
Moon enters Libra and ends the v/c Moon period on Thursday Jan 3. The Libra Moon sign begins a nice GREEN LIGHT PERIOD that finds the Sun & Venus in a long term cooperative state when parallel Thursday night. & continues to influence the affairs for Friday. Also a Last Quarter Moon appears on Friday at 14° Libra which allows for progress in areas of negotiations & arrangements for peacemaking. This carries a storyline along 2.25 year influence which has influenced the balanced judgments from earlier times.
9:03:07 PM Thursday Jan 3.

Thursday Jan 3. Transiting Sun Parallel Transiting Venus - Excellent
Brief description: This can be a social time for people to enjoy a special occasion. There may also be an event of women bonding together for a specific affair. There is an openness and desire to be agreeable. Engagements are likely to be expensive and extravagant. Creativity shows its best side today with much support from someone with influence.
For personal use: If you are single or want more in your personal relationships of both intimate or friendship, this social time allows opening for meeting new people that could become important to you for many years. Make aesthetic choices that are from your heart.
For business use: Choose this time to enhance your public and business relationships. Have a sale and show your best work. Use art, color and entertainment for a positive long lasting impression.

7:45:36 AM Friday Jan 4. Mars at 7° Aquarius trine retrograde Jupiter at 7° Gemini.
Brief description: A symbol of victory. Signals to move forward. Athletic with a healthy competitive spirit. Positive support and confidence with the energy to back it up. Strong attitudes and winning combinations. Entrepreneurial spirit. Goals and ambitions. A focus on fair play with ethical boundaries. Religious or political righteousness. Warm up the engines and charge ahead. The right combination to be adequately prepared for any activity.
For personal use: Get physical. Exercise. Take a trip.
For business use: This is one of the best business aspects.

8:29:10 PM Friday Jan 4.
Transiting Venus Semi Square Transiting Saturn
Brief description: Difficulties in personal relationships involving insecurities regarding the status of the relationship. There can be a separation that is uncomfortable to tolerate or accept for now. There is an inability to get at the source of the problem at this time. When engaged in shopping your purchases and selections may reflect your current mood. The budget could be small. Not much money today. Uncomfortable feelings or settings during social activities. Boring, obligatory or stiff gatherings that may be necessary.
For personal use: You could find something of value at a lower price or your selection may be worth considerably less then the list price.
For business use: Look for the hungry entity eating up the profits.

10:57:45 PM Last Quarter Moon makes Friday & Saturday the days for action. You may get paid for your efforts or be rewarded for work. You could be prepared to pay off a debt within a relationship. To find the links to your story look back to Oct 7, 2010; July 8, 2011: April 6, 2012 to now on January 5 2013.

Saturday, January 05, 2013
The Moon is in Libra and will be void of course at 7:27:12 PM.

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Lunar Shadows III - Amazon.com - Bulk orders contact: Scott and email: igloopublishing@gmail.com
email: dietrech.pessin@gmail.com