Scroll down for the week's report but also check out the updated pages from my Home Page at Recently added to NEWS page is a list for 2013 Over Active Planet Activity during Planet Retrograde and Direct changes as well as the days when planets contact the lunar nodes by a conjunction, opposition or square. These dates are likely to be news makers. The Lunar Gestation Cycle page is also activated.
My intense study of any given day is compiled in a detailed spreadsheet for the year. I learned in 1988 about the more intricate details of the final aspect a Moon makes before leaving a sign from Mary Fortier Shea and Gilbert Navarro in their work titled Good Days. Since 2005 they no longer publish their action planning guide and that is when I began writing about the study from my perspective.
The Green Light rating given for a period lasting a few hours to a couple of days is based on the final aspect that the Moon makes to a planet while in that sign. That planet is latest planet in a given sign and the aspects include parallels in declination & contra-parallels in declination as well as conjunctions, squares, oppositions, sextiles and trines.
After the final aspect of the Moon to a planet at a late degree of a sign then the Moon is considered to be free floating or void of course (v/c). This is one of the points considered for a positive or negative rating for the day. Another consideration is when a planet changes signs or changes direction to either retrograde or direct.
A Green Light period allows you the knowledge of the best times available to forward your goals & interests during the week. The Green Light rating given here is your cue that you may move forward with your goals and with confidence. These times can also be thought of as “good to go ahead” times. Choose these periods to take action for the best results.
Often the actual feeling during these times or days are not necessarily good feeling days instead the Green Light refers to the final result for your efforts have the best opportunity to end well. In such an example of filing for a loan or a marriage license or divorce; it is more likely to end well than not. Of course there are often extenuating circumstances and your chart may need to be examined for the overall impact that the current transits have on your chart.
The days not mentioned as Green Light Days may have so many obstacles or changes that it could be too risky or be filled with the possibility of a negative result of which I might refer to it as a "no go period". Although some things are designed to be dropped or blocked you have that information to select a day with drops, blocks or obstacles. If you need a more clear interpretation feel free to call me (617-924-0929) to choose the best day for you. Also you may email me at
Green Light Day ratings are available for 2013 for Sale.
For those that might be interested in purchasing a list of Green Light Days for 2013 please contact me. This is designed to help you to look ahead. Of course the nature of the Moon sign can also a consideration for different types of events.
The Week of Jan 5 – Jan 12, 2013.
There are several Green Light Periods this coming week beginning today Saturday Jan 5, through 7:27 PM.
A new Green Light Period 1:09 AM Sunday until 5:12 PM Monday although this is the roughest period this week which is during the Scorpio Moon sign which presents a tough Mars square Saturn. Don’t go it alone. Use seasoned professionals only. This is a high-risk day.
Another 11:11 PM Tuesday – Wednesday at 5:10 PM.
Begin another Green Light Period at 3:54 AM Thursday – Friday at 2:44 PM.
So that you may plan ahead there is a Green Light period next Saturday beginning at 4:01 AM through Sunday.
There are also cautions during the dark phase of the Moon whereas a New Moon occurs on Friday at 2:43 PM. However the Dark of the Moon period begins around 1 PM Thursday & continues through Saturday Jan 12 at sundown.
Saturday, January 05, 2013
The Moon is in Libra & we are enjoying a Green Light Day until 7:27 PM Saturday.
3:08:41 AM Mercury 150° Jupiter. Information surfaces out of the blue. Unrelated issues demand your attention at the same time. A need for outside counsel. A loud voice is not squelched. Too much to juggle at once. Difficulty making choices based on scattered facts and adjustments needed to maintain stability or clean up a mess. Difficulty achieving goals. Helping others with their projects. You may be needed to tend to matters not directly connected to yourself.
For personal: Try to keep the focus on yourself and your needs.
For business: Take the time to study before you make a plan today.
7:27:12 PM The Libra Moon is void of course until Sunday at 1:09 AM
Sunday, January 06, 201. We enter Sunday with a void of course Moon that ends at 1:08 AM.
12:40:50 AM During the void Moon Mercury & Mars connect by 30°
11:43:26 AM Deep penetrating talks. To finding you deepest inner voice. A powerful speech. The art of manipulation and persuasion. Talk of necessary changes. Intrigue. Intricate plans with new or alternative routes. Sexual talks. Psychological issues. Exposure of hidden or remote characters. An awareness of obsessive thinking. Obsessive thinking used in a positive way. Paperwork or details related to estates. The return or Information regarding lost or sick animals.
For personal use: Set a priority list and work on one thing until complete.
For business use: Use the skills of professionals. Stick with ethical procedures.
6:44:12 PM Mercury is 60° to Saturn and is excellent for making the connections you need to move forward. This is also a good time to inspect your machinery & vehicles for repairs. The best use of this aspect with this Scorpio Moon sign is to research for as long as you can. You will uncover the most for the best use.
11:17:04 PM. This is a steam roller aspect when Mars & Pluto aspect. There could be problems when trying to raise funds for a matter. But you do have a Green Light through Monday at 5:12 PM.
Monday, January 07, 2013 – Green Light until 5:12 PM.
6:31:05 AM the Sun & Moon offer an opportunity if you are up for it.
1:00:28 PM. Mercury and Vesta at 150° looks like there could be a job or two that opens up.
2:15:23 PM. Someone moves to a top position for the sake of all.
2:32:34 PM. This is a tough & demanding aspect between Mars & Saturn. The square is a signal for problems & in this case they are deeply embedded in Scorpio issues such as death, sex & taxes. It could also signal again a need for some type of gun control.
5:11:49 PM v/c Moon in Scorpio parallel Mars takes this Scorpio Moon to its height of intensity. This long term aspect is what gave this Scorpio Moon sign a Green Light.
Tuesday, January 08, 2013
v/c Moon In Scorpio until 3:28:08 AM.
At 3:28 AM the Moon enters Sagittarius until Thursday Jan 10. Be aware that something you attempt to accomplish in love or money may be dropped for something better. If it is not your option you could be on the short end of the stick or sticker price. There is a strong motivation to invest without the right players. Conditions improve after Venus changes signs at 11:11 PM.
1:09:10 PM. Venus square Pallas the weaver & wisest of them all. It looks like there could be disenchantment between women or a problem with accepting the advise given.
6:18:30 PM Mars finds an investment when in aspect to Vesta, this is good for a one time event only. This is not advised for any long term plans. Rent a hotel room not a house.
8:05:10 PM Again Mars & Vesta form another aspect to find a perfect piece of property or another type of investment. It could be a rental but wait until after 11:10 PM Tuesday night to say yes. You may find art for an investment.
11:10:48 PM Begin a Green Light Period when Venus enters Capricorn at 11:11 PM through 5:10 PM Wednesday. Venus travels through this sign until Feb 1. Venus in Capricorn is shy about love but not money. Venus is the planet of women, love, money, art, objects, accessories, clothing, jewelry, furnishings and peacemaking. Her missions of peace and negotiations could be maneuvered toward an economic agenda. Venus in Capricorn is calculating and deliberate when the focus may fall on the financial considerations leaving behind the more sensitive needs of the individual. Venus is pretty much all business and operates from an aspiring motivation.
On a personal level Venus in Capricorn enjoys older people and encourages relationships with a wide age difference. There may be a strong need to bond with senior people. Money becomes very important part of the equation. There is a cool exterior with a warm inner nature. Here affections are protected. She is afraid of being hurt. She feels vulnerable when emotions are a topic. This can make this a good time to apply your business research to actual deals in business. This could be a more serious time without much room for frivolous actions. It is a good business time especially for building relationships and networking. Venus is motivated toward commitments whether they are written, verbal or a handshake. When commitments are formed they are likely to stand the test of time. Hold your feelings in check until you have the whole picture. For personal use: Enticing your partner with something new may require that you show how need, practicality and longevity are factors.
For business use: Sound financial advice comes from seasoned professionals with a strong performance record.
Wednesday, January 09, 2013 the Moon is in Sagittarius.
5:09:29 PM v/c Moon in Sagittarius may continue to offer exciting options. Look for greener pastures & be adventurous.
Thursday, January 10, 2013
12:45:11 AM Venus Sextile Transiting Neptune
Brief Description: Dreamy romantic and beautiful. The ideal love. Poetic expressions. Musical and graceful dance. Escapism through romance. Fantasy. A designer's aspect for set designs, costumes, jewelry and stage makeup. Ballet, paintings and museums.
For personal use: Take a break and enjoy a cultural event.
For business: Create a beautiful artistic display. Socialize.
Thursday Jan 10, the Moon enters Capricorn at 3:54 AM until Saturday morning. This Moon sign also has a Green Light Period from 3:54 AM until the moment of the New Moon at 2:44 PM on Friday Jan 11. Although you are uninformed about pertinent matters as new things develop during the dark of the Moon period.
Pallas enters Aries at 12:06 PM. You have a keen intellect with the ability to come up with exciting, new ideas. You are also happy to risk putting your new ideas into action.
12:57:37 PM Dark of the Moon period begins around 1 PM Thursday & continues through Saturday at sundown.
6:47:59 PM Mercury is 45° to Neptune. This aspect is confusing and present when there is a lie or some sort of distortion of the truth. There is difficulty diagnosing problems as there are hidden facts and lost information. You may do better with intuitive thinking but beware of relaying information from vague sources. Insider leaks. Be sure to double check everything you hear before letting upsetting stories ruin your day.
If it seems you have an edge because of leaked information but you might also suffer unwanted consequences.
Friday, January 11, 2013 there is a Green Light period until 2:44 PM.
1:02:18 PM. Sun 150° Ceres. There is a need to be available for those that are ill or too young to care for themselves. Food allergies may be the cause of issues. Some vital supplies could be damaged or lost due to extenuating circumstances. Children need special care.
2:43:37 PM New Moon is when Moon begins v/c period till 4:01 PM. The New Moon at 22° Capricorn marks the onset.
New Moon. An element of mystery surrounds this time period and you will find out more about the person later. I find relationships that begin with meeting someone at a New Moon indicate that one or both parties are not ready. They don’t know themselves well enough and this is often not a good match. This is not to say that all new encounters on a New Moon will end in disappointment. I certainly have seen the reverse. But the New Moon chart must be just right for all parties concerned. Regarding family matters, go with the flow and do not initiate anything new. In reference to daycare, catering and care giving, any changes at this time may be premature and warrant adjustment later. New developments that arise will need your action when there is more light from the Moon, which could be as soon as in a few days. This time is best used for dreaming up new ideas and going with the flow, to be led into the perfect situations for you. Create a new look. Save your doodle pad for it could illustrate blueprints for the future. Remember to record your dreams. Keep dates on dream journals and watch how dreams materialize in nine months.
This Capricorn New Moon contacts Ceres with a 150° aspect, the planet of cycles, vital supplies. In the case of the business sign of Capricorn these are necessary to sustain the existing businesses, governments agencies. Family heads & business heads seek support from outside sources to fortify their business. The threat is that of shortages. This is however a work aspect which is likely to create more hiring.
The void Moon period begins at 2:44 PM Friday & continues until 4:01 AM Saturday January 12.
6:12:50 PM During the void Moon period there is an optimistic view which might inspire you to expand your status quo. However wait a couple of days before any final decisions.
Saturday, January 12, 2013
4:01:19 AM – A Green Light period begins & continues through Sunday Jan 13 at 4:36 AM.
The Moon is in Aquarius and at 4:50:17 the PM Dark Moon Period ends.
11:12:35 PM Watch out for friendship, love & money when Venus is square Uranus
Sunday, January 13, 2013
4:35:39 AM v/c Aquarius Moon at which time the Green Light Period. The Moon remains in Aquarius until 5:49:11 AM Monday
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