Saturday, April 12, 2014

Astrology Report for Saturday, April 12, 2014 – Saturday, April 19, 2014 - with Green Light Days

Dietrech Pessin’s
Saturday, April 12, 2014 – Saturday, April 19, 2014

Good Morning. Well, we have a really intense week coming up, a couple of weeks ahead of us here. We have this coming week; there is a very dynamic deep churning Lunar Eclipse. And then the following week is going to be the Pluto Uranus square - is exact with every other square around it, so there is a lot going on. And then the following week the week of the 27th is a Solar Eclipse so this next three weeks buckle up your seat belts and hang on for a very wild ride. What we are likely to see is more of what we are seeing in the news, and the headlines, and stories - a lot involving multiple people and multiple situations; it is rarely a story about just one person doing something. But the nature of the Lunar Eclipse is dominating the week and we can be under the influence of this Lunar Eclipse from this afternoon at 2:43 PM when the Sun and the Moon make a 150 degree aspect I call that life’s messy clean it up, right until Thursday at 1:34 PM when the second 150 degree aspect after the Lunar Eclipse occurs. So that is a period of time of adjustment. Like something happens today that you need to stop and clean up before moving forward, and then the nature of it is all described with the eclipse on Tuesday, and not until Thursday does the adjustor come out and all this sort of thing, if we want to use that little metaphor as if it were a car accident. This is likely to be much larger, more global, lots of people involved in stories, lots of peoples lives that change as a result of the events that take place. The basic nature of a Lunar Eclipse is to expose what has been hidden or to end something in a large way. And if it is not an average Full Moon, It is going to be visible here. It is at 3:42 AM so check the weather to see that it is not clouded out before you set your alarm to get up and go and watch it.
The Lunar Eclipse also can create drastic changes in our lives and mark a chapter that changes our lives from this point on as well. This one is greater in it’s influence than most because it involves the Uranus Pluto square which we reach back into the 1960’s, in 1968 and around the time when the conjunction of Uranus and Pluto occurred in the earlier 1960’s, it was a period of time, year after year, and we certainly remember or have heard of the types of events that took place. Changed the way with the whole free love and all of the change in the rock ‘n roll music, how it changed peoples lives in that way. But in bigger terms the Civil Rights Movement anything having to do with the way that people demand change for their people and that causes rebellious upheavals. It makes me think of Russia going into a civil war with Ukraine; this is not likely to be an easy thing, to notice what is going on just to be an observer. If your life does get hit with some unkind packages that accompany a Lunar Eclipse you might underestimate some of the benefits that can come your way. So there are many things. It could be something like a relief from pain, like maybe you have an operation that fixes the thing that has been giving you horrible pain for a long time. It could be the end of a long drawn out divorce, it could be divorce and marriage (STOP 39:13), and those kinds of things do dominate the Libra symbolism. The eclipse will take place at 25 degrees of Libra. There was an eclipse last fall, October 18th of 2013 that had the other side of this eclipse axis at 25 Aries. Certainly if you are a Libra or an Aries, Cancer or a Capricorn your life might be receiving it more, taking it personally, and you may have lots of things to talk about. There can be great stories of wonderful things that happen. There is a focus of Mars in this eclipse, certainly Uranus. Uranus is about sudden abrupt change, spontaneous, rebellious. Mars is war like, but it is action and job like too. So if you have been looking for a job this maybe the end of your job search. And as we go through the week little by little… We start the week today with a Virgo Moon. And the Virgo Moon has a good ending so it’s a Green Light day and that will go on until 3:25 in the morning on Sunday morning. And the dominate concern is that there is a message that is given and the message may be one time only. It maybe someone comes and helps you out of a fix or gives the information, like maybe you have been waiting to speak to someone about how to take your next step or when to book that appointment or whatever, and you do reach that person. It can also be about catching a train or catching some type of transportation to take you to the next place, or working in cooperation with another.
Do remember that today 2:43 PM there is that mishap, so you want to gauge maybe a half hour before that and let it go until 3:00, sort of stay out of trouble. Stay off the road, the things that do materialize during this Sun Moon quincunx at 2:43, and this afternoon might be larger than most. There is money that could be found also so keep your eye for that. It could be in jobs, you get a job because the Moon is in Virgo.
Sunday what we have is still that Virgo Moon until 4:33 AM and then the Moon goes into the sign of Libra until Thursday at 12:20 PM so the Libra Moon is packed with events. It starts off on Sunday with Mars and Uranus at noon time 12:13 PM with an aspect where there is something that comes together that sort of burns the tires right off the wheels. It could be a one time event that gets a project going very fast and it might be too fast, a run away project kind of thing. And then the next aspect is not until Monday with that Libra Moon. This is not a good Moon for moving forward, unless it is an emergency, because of all the Cardinal stuff that is going on. Libra Moon is involved as it has Mars (42:53 STOP), and a lot of the Nodes of the Moon are there, the eclipse is there, the Asteroids are there - so there is a lot of things going on that make it very haphazard.
Monday April 14th
We still have that, it is grayed out, it is what I call refranation time because because Pluto is going to change direction and that will be on Monday night - that makes Monday really difficult, the whole day is filled with cow pies , one thing after another. The Moon sets off the Grand Cardinal Cross at 4:37 AM square Jupiter then square Pluto or rather opposite Uranus at 5:20 AM, square Pluto at 6:00 AM, Moon reaches Mars at 11:59 AM. So there is all this heat that builds up, all this action, all this pressure. And then Mercury the planet of reporting something or traveling to some where is square Jupiter. It is saying that your trip might be derailed for one reason or another or your calls might be cut off. Remember when you are trying to get to people or you are trying to get commitments or get things signed or get people to come into your project, everybody is having a period of chaos. So they are all dealing with their personal stuff too, which makes it hard for you to get your answers and for you to move forward, and it is not a good day to do that anyway on Monday. Mercury is conjunct Uranus, this is in major computer virus time where there are all sorts of things that come in that don’t belong there but there is all sorts of also (STOP 44:44) brilliant ideas. All this Uranus stuff square Pluto can be all kinds of inventions that change our lives for the best or something that is born out of chaos then brings great benefit later, and Mercury might be there announcing that in some way. And Mercury is also there to help the children. Lots of stories with children going on, and very difficult stories. And the care of children is under the influence of Ceres that dwarf planet, which is also conjunct the Lunar Node where the eclipse takes place. A lot of these things are very hard to take and listen to.
Pluto turns retrograde until 9/22 2014, September 22, that happens at 7:47 PM. So the events that take place, which is going to be the Lunar Eclipse for one, is being held by this big heavy quality of Pluto, which is the sink hole that is the abyss that you have to cross or dig yourself out of or climb yourself out of. And someone else is controlling your future, that heavy feeling that is Pluto Then also very descriptive of having your greatest fears. Remember that most of them are your fears. These things can materialize in such a way that you see a story on TV that is about your greatest fear. Or if you are afraid of being invaded by mice and roaches and vermin, then they come out you will get to see them during the Pluto. Good news is with the Lunar Eclipse, you will get to catch them too. So later on for Monday very intense just takes it easy lay low. especially around in the later afternoon and traffic jams are likely to be great. Either travel after later in the evening, after 8:00, 9:00 or travel way before if you are coming and going on Monday.
So then on Tuesday April 15th we have not only Tax Day but we have the Lunar Eclipse Mercury square Pluto 12:13 AM just at the change of the day. And there is also (47:26 STOP) an aspect between Venus and Ceres where there is just not enough help not enough money not enough to take care of the children. There could be things about food stamps or our assistance to people that may not be going well. Mercury Pluto that could be lots of messages that come in from the other side. As if someone who has passed away, you find a letter that they had written or you find some kind of story passed down from family members about your heritage or something having to do with your family history. The Lunar Eclipse is at 3:42 AM and as I said check the weather to see if it is going to be cloudy because it will be visible here. And Tuesday we have a change of Moon signs and that is at 12:20 in the afternoon and the Moon goes into Scorpio. This one is going to be very intense and deep. This is also a time try not to sign anything for any of these days except for today would be good to sign something if you had to and get something started to go into the next process. But the Scorpio Moon sign has a couple of very heavy things.
Another Mercury Uranus aspect at 5:28 AM on Wednesday morning. There really wasn’t, oh there is an aspect on Tuesday night. Mercury and Mars are coming together very quickly to could be to spread stories or could be also to help you out. May be a flat tire and you get help from someone, passerby. Keep yourself in a safe place and keep your animals in and in safe places. If you have one animal that is more aggressive than another animal keep them separated through this Tuesday eclipse and Wednesday morning. Lots of Mercury stuff (STOP 49:35) going on. Mercury opposite Mars at 7:15 AM on Wednesday morning this is where you could have to stop very quickly in the street because something runs out in front of you, a child with a ball an animal runs into the street, so take it easy. Everyone else is going to be driving like maniacs. So you be the observer and not the participant and drive very safely.
Thursday we still have a Scorpio Moon, it is intense. There is what is called an occultation that is another eclipse, this time between the Moon and Saturn; it takes place at 3:09 AM. If you have a telescope you can probably observe it. It is at 21 degrees of Scorpio and just have a look in the sky and see where the Moon is it will be lining up with Saturn. It should be absolutely beautiful. And there is an aspect that lets go of this - it releases this Lunar Eclipse between the Sun and the Moon. It will do its thing 150 degrees at 11:34 PM. So that sort of says you pretty much know all you are going to know about what this eclipse means by that time and then the Moon is Void of Course in Scorpio from 1:34 PM until Thursday’s Sagittarius Moon at 5:43 PM, 5:44 PM - that one is excellent. That is the Sagittarius Moon, last aspect is going to be trine the Sun. Venus and Jupiter are trine at 9:19 PM on Thursday evening, excellent all day. For Friday the 18th we have very positive things that go on between people, understanding where they want to go come to a higher understanding come for a grateful outcome. Mercury and Venus have an aspect that bring a good message and help you to see how things will go in a positive way. And right through until Saturday when the Moon is still in Sagittarius up until 9:28 PM very good aspects could be absolutely excellent for moving forward. There is a cranky thing between Mercury and Saturn late night on Friday and early on Saturday. But for the most part that is your Green Light 5:43, 5:44 PM Thursday right until 9:28 PM on the 19th of April and that is on Saturday. Okay. That is it for the week. (52:33 STOP)
There is also an NCGR class going on today. It is about relationships, it is in Belmont at t he senior center all are welcome, there is a fee.
It is a good time to book an appointment for a reading. Readings are great at Lunar Eclipse times. All the stories are out in the open and we can sift through things and find answers, better than any other time.

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