Astrology Report for Saturday, April 19, 2014 – Saturday, April 26, 2014 with Green Light days.
The following report has been transcribed from the live 90.3 FM WZBC Radio Broadcast on April 19, 201 at 9:30 AM.
Good Morning. Well, we have a week that I have been talking about all year, and the events that will occur this week have been building to this high pitch of the exact Grand Cross in Cardinal Signs. The planets: Pluto in Capricorn, Uranus in the sign of Aries, Jupiter in the sign of Cancer, and Mars the match that lights the whole thing in the sign of Libra. This is huge this is the week whereas Astrologers we’ve been talking about all year long because it is so dynamic it has that quality of touching all four corners of our lives. And everyone can relate to it even now where it seems as though everyone has a very heavy serious story about the changes in their lives, and in their work, and in their body, and in their family, and in their relationships - all of these things are subject to great change, not just this week, but they set the tone for the map of which you have to travel through to make these changes.
This week is the kind of week where anything that you have been trying to do, any break through that you’ve been looking for is available here. Now the breakthrough can be excellent, an excellent opportunity. Jupiter is the planet that rules great opportunity and expansion and it can be very unique and unusual in its characteristics, which is Uranus. Could have a lot to do with people holding the money and that would be Pluto. And also deep changes in your relationships where there is the planet Mars retrograde, now having to so with starting fires in places where you don’t want them - in your relationship department. If you have a relationship intact, there is still always room for adjustment and is always room for change. But people who are trying to break out of their relationships, this is perfect for them. People who are trying to keep relationships on sort of loose soil -that is going to be very hard to hold it together. The Pluto part is causing big holes in people’s backyards. There is all that quality of things that are shifting, the ground is shifting underneath. There is clear and obvious change in the geological patterns. And then we see it already in the news, big sad stories too: like with the ferry with all of the teenage kids and other people on the ferry in South Korea, and the young girls that were abducted in Africa, and the earthquake in Mexico yesterday (fortunately there was not a lot of damage with that). The whole weather pattern is crazy. All of this, all of this is what is going on and your perspective and your dynamic ,your personal dynamic, is part of the whole story for the whole planet. I would send the healing energy to the earth. In a dream, the mother of the earth came to me, back several years ago, and she was crying and sobbing, and I was able to speak with her and relate to her. So when I pray for healing to the earth I actually direct a lot of those prayers right to her. So those of you who have practiced with Reiki, you can send that healing energy right to Mother Earth. And the other thing is to pray for peace as well. Mars being in the sign of Libra has so much to do with upsetting diplomacy, upsetting the line of peace, and that is likely to be disrupted. And hopefully they are able to keep the loose threads of that together enough to get through this. We are all going to get through this. This is not going to be all bad by any means, and for many it can be filled with very positive breakthroughs. At minimum it is extremely hazardous, so everything that you do from using a knife to driving a car be extremely careful. Get your facts straight and try to minimize the damage by being very, very well prepared.
And I don’t mean to be scaring people, but this is the most astrological activity I have seen in all the years that I’ve been practicing Astrology, which is since 1974. So it is quite an event and looking back in history it is just very, very changing. It will change things. It will not leave them the same.
So today April 19th is a very good day, a Green Light day, running right through until 9:28 tonight when the Moon goes into Capricorn. So during the Sagittarius Moon that we have, we have an optimistic view of where we are going, what we are doing today, lots of plans, many plans involve people that are in pairs. Sometimes you can expect, there is a Venus and Mars quincunx a 150 degrees at 10:31 AM, there could be somebody, one of the players for an event or that you need to accomplish something, may be indisposed in some way ,and you have to make changes. So be available and flexible, make changes, and so just take it in stride. Try not to get upset about things – that is for the whole week. Try just to take everything in stride and just do the next thing, don’t take things personally.
So the last aspect in Sagittarius is excellent, it is the Moon trine the Sun and that is at 9:17 PM and that give us that flavor of a Green Light day all day today until that Moon sign change at 9:28 PM when the Moon enters Capricorn. Capricorn is where Pluto sits so that is that one leg of the Grand Cardinal Cross. So the Capricorn Moon is going to be setting off all of these things along with the planets already doing it. The planets begin setting off their Cross at 3:29 AM tomorrow morning Sunday, April 20th. But before that, late tonight the Sun enters the sign of Taurus that is going to be at 11:56 PM. And the Sun will be in Taurus for a month, and it has a stabilizing quality. It is about money, it is about the land, it is about our values our traditions, it is about the things that you have that you can offer to others. It is also about money in your pocket, and it is also going to be about your desire for food. You might be eating more, you might be eating less, but food first with Taurus. If you are going to sit down and discuss something with somebody make sure there is a little biscuit and a cup of coffee with it to soften the palate.
So for the beginning of the Grand Cardinal Cross it is at 3:29 AM tomorrow morning: that is with Jupiter at 13 Cancer, Uranus at 13 Aquarius. This one has a sweeping change. It could also be very lucky - that couple of planets together have a grand windfall profit to it. Make sure you are doing things that would increase your luck, like play the lottery over this entire week I would say. And I always say never spend more than ten dollars; it is just not worth it. If you are lucky, you are lucky; you are going to get it on the first ticket that you buy. Then there is Mercury opposite Ceres 7:23 AM tomorrow morning and this one is some communication about those that are lost or missing. This is also a time do not let your pets out unattended they could fall victim to other animals that are running in natural environments.
And the next aspect for Sunday is 7:26 PM - Jupiter then is in exact opposition to Pluto. And this Cross takes a couple of days to complete so it is in stages. But they all occur at 13 degrees of the cardinal signs: Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. Jupiter opposite Pluto, this one very often can be a step up of aggression or that bullying kind of aspect – my dog is bigger than your dog kind of thing. And also there could be a great distance between diplomats in how they see eye to eye or others won’t cooperate. And then the Moon comes in and sets off the Cross. First at 8:27 PM tomorrow night when it is square Uranus, then 8:31 PM it is conjunct Pluto in the sign of Capricorn - that is the Moon. Then the Moon once again in the Cardinal Cross 8:32 PM when it is opposite Jupiter , and then finally tomorrow night 9:56 PM the Moon is square to Mars - so tomorrow is very intense with all of these things set up.
We have a Capricorn Moon for Marathon Monday. There is an aspect at 3:20 PM where Uranus is square Pluto. So this is a big heavy one, this one has to do sudden abrupt change that effects people in the deepest way. This could be in memory of the bombing of last year or it could also be something that breaks apart suddenly or falls apart suddenly, so you want to be very careful. In addition unique change, Uranus has a lot of technology involved with what it is doing, and Pluto is digging deep into the earth and changing things from the underside. Earthquakes are prominent with that kind of aspect as well. That Capricorn Moon has its last aspect while it is square to Mercury at 7:21 PM Monday night until 12:18 AM when the Moon enters Aquarius on Tuesday morning. This is not good for agreements with anyone.
The Aquarius Moon is the sign of where there will be a 3rd Quarter Moon. And that 3rd Quarter Moon takes place at 3:52 AM and that’s on Tuesday and it is at 2 degrees of Aquarius. That is with the Sun in the sign of Taurus - that could be an indication of a money event. Quarter Moons also are very strong as far as pushing and forcing an issue. And if there is something that will happen, it very often will happen on the day of the Quarter Moon because it has that Sun and Moon involved in the big event. So that is going to be a very interesting day.
It is a 3rd Quarter Moon which means it that it has a lineage with what is called a Moon family which began January 23 2012. The First Quarter Moon of that family was October 22nd of 2012, and then the Full Moon was July 22nd of 2013 - that was just 9 months ago. And now here we have the 3rd Quarter Moon. All of these dates are 9 months apart – that is the Lunar Gestation Cycle which is thoroughly covered in my book called Lunar Shadows III. I’ll tell you more about that another time.
Mercury is in an aspect to Pallas Athena at 6:01 AM which is about very strong good information, the facts are well organized. So whatever you hear when you get up in the morning could be very informative and good advisors are chosen for those events for that day. You also might feel smarter that day. You might be able to open the lines of communication for what you need to do on that day as well.
3:27 PM we have Mars square Jupiter. So there we go with the next piece to that Grand Cardinal Cross at 13 degrees of Libra and Cancer. Mars and Jupiter are famous for stepping up aggression. So all this stuff all this bullying going on around the planet can turn into something far more aggressive. And also with Mars involved so heavily, especially when the next day, Wednesday at 3:08 AM Mars is opposite Uranus. And that can really light a lot of fires, and while you are traveling in a car it can burn the tires right off the wheels. So be very careful about your tire pressure and old worn out tires and that sort of thing. And also some old technology could be thrown out and replaced by something brand new. And you may find that you are more driven on Wednesday and Tuesday night as well, and driven to force change in areas. Be careful with your partners, be sensitive to the fact that everything is so high pitched everybody is so on the edge and feeling so very anxious that it could just ignite things. You don’t want to make a mess out of things that don’t need to be changed, so listen carefully and be calm in your responses.
At 5:16 AM on Wednesday, Mercury changes signs. So prior to that on Tuesday with the Aquarius Moon, and Wednesday prior to 5:16 AM, it is a period called A Refranation which indicates that the matter questioned about is blocked from a conclusion. – Which further suggests to refrain from taking any direct action because of the fact that there is a change. The situation or information is going to change. If you have a lead or you think you are going to do something, those papers won’t make it because the documents are lost or the documents must change, and that is because Mercury (or any other planet), the planet of information will change signs before the Moon changes signs.. Mercury is changing from Aries to Taurus at 5:16 AM.
Wednesday, then you can have a far better choice for what it is you are agreeing to or signing. Mercury is in Taurus until May 7th. And then at 9:37 AM, 9:38 AM, Mars will square Pluto on Wednesday – this is the final piece to the Cross. So this is Mars in Libra, and Pluto in the sign of Capricorn. This is definitely doing something to big business and big government. It is forcing the issue. Mars lights a fire and there is also a lot of earth moving equipment that can be found with an aspect like that and there could be things that are being turned over and pushed. So just don’t be anywhere around where there are large earth moving vehicles.
And at 1:26 PM Mars is parallel Neptune. And that is the beginning of the Aquarius Void of Course Moon. And a parallel to Neptune says there are many things that you can do between, say 9:40 in the morning on Wednesday and 1:26 PM on Wednesday that will have a very good end. It is a Green Light; you can use that to forward your goals.
There is an aspect between Venus and Uranus late night 10:36 PM on Wednesday night. And that one you could lose your purse over that one, so be very careful while out taking care of your belongings or tripping over the coffee table and wrecking your favorite vase or something like that so you want to take care of things.
And then we have for the rest of the Aquarius Moon there is nothing going on until that Moon changes. So it’s a Void of Course Moon until 2:55 AM on Thursday, The Moon enters Pisces. And then we have the best two days of the week. That Grand Cardinal Cross is behind us, we have a lot of Green Light energy to go for it, do what you like. The last aspect that the Moon will make, will be joining Venus and those aspects for Thursday are clear from 2:55 AM right through the rest of the day Thursday - very clear. There is a nice aspect between the Sun and the Moon at 10:13 AM. This is an opportunity that you can take advantage of. You want to also, when there is a Pisces Moon, look in on those who are having procedures or that are stuck in alone - make sure you check to see everybody is accounted for.
Friday, April 25th is another Green Light day. There is an aspect between Venus and Saturn, which is very stabilizing, especially financially, but also for long intended relationships. So if you have a plan to move forward with a relationship, this might be a good day for your to do something about that, and also the kind of things that Venus and Saturn are concerned with are those things that stand the test of time. So that is a very, very good day all day Friday. And Mary Shea, a fine Horary Astrologer, picks those two days as the best days of the week and also of April - so go for it on those days. There is an aspect of the Sun conjunct Mercury at 5 degrees of Taurus and that will be at 11:27 PM
Friday night. So that helps you to get your information right, and you want to bank on some of the things that you do find with that. Then the Moon would be free floating until 6:01 AM and that is on Saturday morning when the Moon enters Aries. And then the Moon will be setting off that Grand Cardinal Cross again throughout next weekend, but not quite as dramatically as we what have already seen for this week. So it is huge. The week is very, very eventful. We have a Solar Eclipse the following week on the 29th so there is just one thing after another, and just take special care and stay as calm as you can. Ask for help and also give help to others. That’s it for the week.
This is a great time to have a reading because we can see where those great changes are in your life, what direction you could be headed.
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