Saturday, April 5, 2014 – Saturday, April 12, 2014 - THE FOLLOWING WAS TRANSCRIBED FROM THE LIVE RADIO SHOW - APRIL 5,2014 9:30 AM WZBC 90.3FM NEWTON, MA EACH SATURDAY.
(START 35:49)
Good morning. We might have a couple of warmer days astrologically speaking. Monday, Tuesday looks like they are heated up the most. And we have a couple of things that are kind of big. We just went through a really big week where the Sun made aspect to three of the planets in the Grand Cardinal Cross: first to Jupiter, then to Uranus, then to Pluto and has one more to connect with and that is Mars, and that will happen on Tuesday, which is ruled by Mars – so that heats that day up even more. And so Sun opposite Mars is very fiery. Traditionally I’ve seen where that has to do with people walking off their jobs, and strikes, and things where people are just very angry about situations and they loose their head. And there certainly were a lot of events, even like that - that are kind of curious about what is the next thing that is going to happen. I was just reading on CNN page this morning that the animals are leaving Yellow Stone National Park – CONFIRMED AS A RUMOR. So we are going to watch that see what happens. (37:33 STOP) Animals have a great sense for things that we don’t. So we will watch and listen and be prepared for something that could be rather news worthy. So I hope not, I really hope and pray. I say send prayers and peace and calm over Yellow Stone National Park – we don’t want to see any of that going on.
So for today we have the Moon in Gemini up until 5:40 PM and that Gemini Moon is rather argumentative because it is involved with Mercury in a nasty square. so it is telling stories and spreading rumors. And maybe that was what I was just doing. Oh, that would be good if it is just a rumor. And then what we can expect are for certain conversations to be sharply cut off or any type of negotiation in progress might be cut off. It’s not really the last thing that the Moon does when it is in Gemini and that is how we gauge the Void of Course Moon because there is one more thing that has to happen while the Moon is in Gemini. Gemini is a talkative sign, it runs around and does errands, it connects with people, and it sends messages, gets mail, all that sort of thing. So when Venus changes signs that will be at 4:31 PM today, the Moon is trying to catch it before it changes signs. So the Moon acts like the people, or the person, the individual, who wants to connect with Venus. Venus is about love and money, and plans with a woman, and all that sort of thing. And the connection is never made because Venus leaves that sign of Aquarius goes into the sign of Pisces. And if you are expecting money from someone they could leave without giving you the money, they could change their mind. When Venus goes into Pisces money might be spent more on - could be cosmetic things and furnishings and clothes and that sort of thing. But there is also a sympathetic motive behind Venus’ driven desires and the sense that Venus will be in the sign of Pisces until May 3rd. so we get that compassion sense and quality that we can use for a better use than just to doll up make your self beautiful.
And the Moon changes signs, goes into Cancer at 5:40 PM. the Cancer Moon is going to be the most active because it is part of the Grand Cardinal Cross. And it will be active tomorrow as it touches off those planets, and that would be at 5:33 PM the Moon is conjunct Jupiter that expands your knowledge about something, makes you want to move around, helps you to connect with family members perhaps or have plans about family members that are joint decisions. And then the Moon is square Uranus at 7:02 PM that is when things are likely to be a little bit emotionally upset or there is some radical idea that comes in, some kind of change that is unexpected. And then things might be cut off when the Moon is opposite Pluto at 8:42 PM (41:11 STOP) and that is because someone might be in a power struggle with you and you are trying to get your point across and they are forcing the issue.
So then on Monday that Cancer Moon will govern the Quarter Moon that we have at 4:31 AM early in the morning. That Quarter Moon is related to a New Moon we had last July 8th. It is very loaded, it has a lot of Cardinal Energy in it, as did the new Moon that we had. I would expect things take hold, sparks are flying. Just be careful, take care of, very close care, keep your eye on all the kids and all the animals, and that sort of thing that I’m always talking about, and also your partnerships. This Sun opposite Mars thing that is going on is very good at cutting partnerships in half. So you don’t want to suffer from that kind of thing. And there is a Lunar Eclipse that is also designed to cut off peace talks and things like that – and that’s on the 15th, also on a Tuesday. But Monday’s First Quarter Moon happens at 4:31 AM and at 8:34 AM Moon is square Mars. So you could get up grouchy having things on your mind. Perhaps about money and about deadlines and about your agenda, and then there is a spark that could create an argument before you leave the house, something like that. So you want to be very careful about flying off the handle Oh, for the next month, really - It is not just this week, but all of this Aries stuff that is going on.
Mercury changes signs. It enters Aries, gives us more fiery thoughts 11:35 AM on Monday. And you can consider the Cancer Moon if you want to consider it Void of Course. It is not until the Moon makes a split parallel to Saturn. So someone comes in with a lot of seasoned ideas and at 7:39 PM and helps you and saves the day just before matters are sealed. But then the Moon still has its time in Cancer (43:47 STOP), which the ancient people don’t consider a Void of Course Moon when the Moon is in its own sign. Cancer Moon is about family and comfort and taking care of your own. That Cancer Moon changes to Leo on Tuesday at 5:50 AM. There are a couple of things. The most important thing on Tuesday the 8th is going to be that Sun opposite Mars and that happens at 5:04 PM that is accident prone and also your immune system is the most vulnerable, viruses are way up, infections – because it is heat. The Sun and Mars make heat together. People are taken to court. I see that in peoples charts all the time when things go to court there is a Sun Mars thing especially if it is a negative reason for going to court. And that is pretty much what we have for April 8th on Tuesday. There is one thing where Palace Athena, now she represents strategy. And that will turn direct after being retrograde for a while and that will be at 12:16 PM. (45:06 STOP) on Tuesday so your sense, inner sense of knowledge, which you are the smartest about that is what is going to be opened up. So if you have had a really sluggish mind or can’t retrieve your words, everybody is talking about it, please don’t think you are all suffering from permanent memory loss. It will come back. A lot of what is going on feels like it is Mercury Retrograde, but its Mars that is retrograde. It has been retrograde since the 2nd of March and continues until the 19th of May.
For Wednesday so here is the thing about Green Lights and such. Tuesday and Wednesday under the Leo Moon could have some advantage, but I would not push that goal stretching thing until after 2:25 AM on Thursday the 10th when the Moon is square Saturn because Saturn is in Scorpio and when the Moon is in Leo it has to pass that square before you really get a Green Light stretch. So that Green Light is only going to last until 12:32 PM on Thursday. So as far as Wednesday goes you could engage in something but you really do have to face some stogy, stern boss, or big NO that’s not going to work for you kind of thing because the Moon needs to square Saturn, who sits in the seat of the Father or the seat of the boss.
There are a couple of Venus aspects on Wednesday. Venus and Mars make an aspect early in the morning around 5:00 AM on Wednesday and then 10:35 PM Venus and Neptune parallel. That is a very strong aspect. That could be about some pleasing news, something that could also be romantic, it could also be very foggy, and it could also be extremely impressive in regard to creativity. If you are a Writer or if you are an Artist or if you feel artistic that is a beautiful aspect to advance with that.
And we did mention a couple of things about Thursday the 10th when that Moon is in Leo which is about put the show on, execute and have your goals in clear order, even though things tend to have difficulties before Mars turns direct in May.
But there is an aspect between Mercury and Venus 7:43 AM and this is about making connections that may lead to something that could possibly put you in a better position linking you to another person. And also your creative ideas may have a little boost as well. So for Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, all with the Leo Moon, you might feel energized with that creative pulse and also trying to get other people see things your way.
There is a Void of Course Moon on Thursday from 12:32 PM until 6:08 PM when the Moon goes into Virgo. That’s the sign of work and cooperation with others. And what we have for that Virgo Moon. It is pretty easy going. There is an aspect about Mercury and Neptune – that may cloud up the morning at 6:46 AM. But the Virgo Moon has a Green Light where you can actively pursue your goals.
There is an aspect on Friday that is not very agreeable - that if we get past that we will have a better chance of things working out well, so that happens at 8:23 PM Friday. It is Sun quincunx Saturn. This could be about sad news, this could be about a clean up crew or something very large that needs to be cleaned up , tended to. I call that quincunx life’s messy clean it up.
There is something to celebrate about. (STOP 49:45) after that 10:23 PM on Friday night the night is really easier to deal with when Venus and Neptune join for a romantic conjunction. So that also has our Virgo Moon going right through Saturday, next Saturday, and not until 3:24 AM the following Sunday the 13th is the Moon Void of Course. It is a Green Light right until then. So I would say plan your best activities after Friday 8:23 PM and move forward from that point with the sense that you have the best luck to see your goals complete.
And then we are building up for the following week’s Full Moon Lunar Eclipse. It is a very intense couple of weeks here. And the week of the 20th is even greater as far as newsmakers go: 20th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd – all of those days are very rich with very, very big aspects with that Grand Cardinal Cross. That means something is happening, that means our lives get that great push that we need to get things going, not all things are going to be chaos and crumbling and all that sort of thing. You are going to be able to get to the places to that ladder that you want to climb. A door is going to open. One will close, but believe me more doors will open. You will make up your mind if you have been on the fence for a long time. So that is it for the week. (51:29 STOP) Have a great week and be safe.
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