TRANSITS: Weekly Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin with Green Light Days
Green Light – May 31 2014 until Sunday at 9:43 PM.
Green Light Tuesday after 10:42 AM until 8:44 PM Tuesday.
Green Light Wed at 10:20 AM until 5:13 AM Friday.
1st Quarter Thursday @ 4:39 PM at 15º Virgo06’.
Mercury will turn retrograde next Saturday at 7:57 AM June 7 until July 1, 2014.
Report Period: May 31 2014 to Jun 7 2014, Time Zone EDT +4:00 (Auto DST)
Exact May 31 2014
Brief description: Brief description: Momentum and deliberate action produce results. High levels of productivity are experienced or encouraged. A drive to make things happen is felt. Competitive energy can work in a harmonious way. Expect focus and productivity today. For personal use: Go for it in a big way. Sexual energy is high and a moderate aggressive tone helps to move forward. For business: Green lights everywhere. Move forward at a steady strong pace.
Jun 1 2014
Jun 1 2014
A Leo Moon can bring sunny and cheerful moods, but this can be a demanding couple of days for your business and personal life. This is a time for "the show" or a presentation. Issues in various areas of life can be showy in nature and then the spot light is waiting for the "show off". At times if negative aspects occur there can be an abundance of arrogance with a stubborn streak. On a positive note it can be a time when your confidence is up and you are able to stay on track with a goal in mind. Pride may become an asset or liability. These couple of days work best if your express your love and appreciation for those around you and remembering to offer praise. Your generosity can be contagious as enthusiasm inspires an air of good will. It is a time when your actions are closely scrutinized as if on stage. Making every effort to be well informed and prepared in all around activities even if today is not show time, as the Leo energy may not be forgiving of faux pas. This is a good time for having interaction with children or investing time in your creative projects or anything you might consider your "baby". The children in your life are a source of joy but may need your undivided attention. Maintain a balance for love given and received. If you love it, then show it. Plant nothing since it is the most barren. Good time to tidy the garden for show. If you are a Leo, matters tend to go your way.
Exact Jun 2 2014
Brief description: A lucky break. A day to shine. Positive interactions with others. People are generous and supportive. Presentations in a learning setting. Meeting people in a cultural environment. Good day to plan or take a long journey. Optimistic and up feelings. Gather with others for celebrations or cultural events. This day could have a lucky break. An opportunity to expand. Publishing opportunities. Travel associated with lectures and publishing. Join with others for philosophical or religious events.
For personal use: Look and be at your best. Expect recognition.
For business use: Go after what you want with enthusiasm. Submit your work for publishing. Advertise and market.
Aspects with the Sun and Jupiter are particularly lucky.
Exact Jun 3 2014
Brief description: This is a health aspect in both mental and physical realms. The nature of the quincunx is that of adjustments that need to be made as a result of an upset. This is a "life's-messy clean-it-up" aspect that can be mentally tormenting. Pluto rules deep psychological change that is usually precipitated by some cathartic event. Now the Sun and Pluto connect at this angle to expose subjects that have been missing, closed or buried. Matters involving healthcare workers, police, mortgages, taxes, money-lenders and major leaders could come into the light in an uncomfortable setting. This particular aspect may lead to connections in high places.
For personal use: A disruptive event involving family, close friends and outsiders could be the source of problems. Lay low, operate with integrity and compassion when dealing with intense drama. Be part of the solution. Resist saying, "I told you so" and allow time to pick up the pieces. Try window-shopping for a house or get away for a while. Do mindless tasks to release stress.
For business: Function within legal lines. If your project comes to a dead stop, consider new possibilities. Nothing is worth risking your mental or physical health. Use this time to clean up.
TRANSITING MOON GOES VOID OF COURSE AFTER contra parallel Neptune at 8:44 PM Tuesday night. Until 10:20 AM Wednesday.
Jun 3 2014
Wednesday June 4, 2014 Leo Moon changes to Virgo 10:20 AM
The Virgo Moon sees a 1st Quarter at 15º Virgo on Thursday.
Exact Jun 4 2014
Brief Description: Dreamy romantic and beautiful. The ideal love. Poetic expressions. Musical and graceful dance. Escapism through romance. Fantasy. A designer's aspect for set designs, costumes, jewelry and stage makeup. Ballet, paintings and museums.
For personal use: Take a break with culture.
For business: Create a beautiful artistic display. Socialize.
Jun 4 2014
The Virgo Moon is a very busy time. It is a focused on details, a specific task, or on people at work. It is a great couple of days to clean up and organize your home and work setting. You may be inclined to put your energy into healthy food and good cooking. Virgo Moons actually hold a considerable amount of sexual intrigue especially when working with others. People become more detail-oriented and conscious of schedules. There may be a need to prioritize and set a daily routine in motion. This could be a good time to schedule health maintenance appointments. Due to Virgo's highly analytical energy is a great time for psychotherapy. Any type of bodywork and all forms of self help are positive uses for a Virgo Moon. This is the sign of the perfectionist, which comes in handy for tasks but disturbs the balance of interpersonal relationships. This is a very good time for planting or harvesting herbs, corn and grains. If you are a Virgo, matters tend to go your way.
Thursday June 5, 2014- Moon is in Virgo. It is a Green Light Day.
First Quarter occurs at 15º Virgo 06’ at 4:39 PM. You are actively involved with a new plan. Try to apply this energy to any project that can be considered the “second time around” as Mercury will turn retrograde by Saturday June 7.
Friday June 6, 2014
Jun 6 2014
Exact Jun 6 2014
Brief description: The release of new medications. Inventions and scientific strides. Legislatures approve controversial scientific studies. Radical thinking and rebelliousness. Enlightenment. Awakening. High energy output to change stagnant and outworn conditions. Electrical and strong currents. Plastic surgery.
For personal use: Meet with a group of likeminded people to promote progress in the areas of your interest.
For business use: Consider a face lift for your business.
Exact Jun 6 2014
Brief description: Annoying mental angst. Stressful or difficult information. Tense air. Vehicles run poorly. Missing data. Missed appointments. Unpleasant information. Difficulty coming to agreement or seeing eye to eye. To be held back due to judgmental blocks.
For personal use: Try to keep an open mind in a closed situation.
For business use: Conflicting agendas can be an asset today.
Jun 6 2014
For the past couple of years and a couple yet to come the Moon faces off with erratic Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn. This configuration is disruptive and unforgiving when changes are resisted or blocked. Go with the flow and learn about new cultures and the ways of other people. Embrace the differences.
For next few months Jupiter will travel through Cancer as Mars continues in Libra until July 16 & 25 respectively. With the lingering square of Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn, exact through to March 15, 2015, these four planets form a Grand Cardinal Cross in the high action signs which represent the corner stones/signs of life.
Aries holding the start-up, me first principal;
Cancer is the nest maker that focuses on family and security;
Libra takes a mate or partner;
Capricorn incorporates business/career to build a solid structure to stand the test of time. All of these signs are bound and determined toward success.
Add the monthly transit of the Moon through each of the corner signs and sparks will fly as the Grand Cross is sparked and awaked. Add to that the presence of the Sun in each of these sign and the stakes are higher. Higher to push forward, motivate and conquer anything. Some of the greatest strides will be made and accomplished over this next year.
Ordinarily when the Moon is in Libra, people are more likely to cooperate or establish partnership to accomplish their goals. Activities such as hashing out agreements, tending to legal matters, and balancing the scales in all areas are Libra's territory. People are more open to social activity and are more likely to seek companionship. Matters of marriage, or the marriage of ideas, are brought to the surface. There can be indecisiveness which stands in the way of progress; however, the right decision is likely to follow. Watch for business mergers. The ultimate Libra goal is "peace". A time to plant beautiful flowers. If you are a Libra, matters tend to go your way.
Jun 7 2014
Exact Jun 7 2014
Brief description: Expect date plans to change and include space for understanding the other person's situation before jumping to conclusions. Some of the events due to this aspect could be extremely costly on various levels. Venus is the ruler of peace and Mars rules war. They are as like two ships passing in the night that have only a brief awareness of where the other object or person is coming from.
Exact Jun 7 2014
Brief description: Processing details for major decisions. Major announcements are made A connection is made between key persons to consult for the purpose of a long term agreement. Ones counselors and advisors are selected. There can be assignments and appointments to positions and offices. Important plans made for children. A child speaks out regarding an important matter. New pets may be adopted. Considerations or information regarding relocation to new neighborhoods. Important material is written or organized to a primary document. All eyes and ears are focused on the outcome of the story at hand.
For personal use: Look for clarity where information had been sketchy. Select you stage and wait for the right moment to make your presentation.
For business use: Consider options regarding travel for business. Choose your words carefully. Read the fine print and be decisive.
Ongoing Dominating Aspects:
" Venus Retrograde December 21, 2013 at 28º Capricorn 58' until January 31, 2014 at 13º Capricorn 33'.
" Uranus square Pluto, last November 1, 2013 at 9Aries 9 Capricorn; next April 21, 2014; December 14, 2014 and finally March 16, 2015
Mars retrograde March 1, 2014 - May 19, 2014 at 27ºLibra 31.
Vesta retrograde March 1, 2014 - May 27, 2014 at 16º Libra 24.
" Saturn in Scorpio Retrograde March 2, 2014 at 23º Scorpio 19' until July 20, 2014 at 16º Scorpio 38'.
" Jupiter Retrograde 20º Cancer 30' November 7, 2013 until Direct Station on March 6, 2014 at 10º Cancer 26'.
" Neptune Direct November 13, 2013 at 2º Pisces 34'.
" Neptune Retrograde June 9, 2014 at 7ºPisces35 until November 16, 2014 at4º Pisces 47'.
" Mercury Retrograde February 6, 2014 at 3º Pisces 20' until February 28, 2014 at 18º Aquarius 09'.
" Mercury Retrograde June 7, 2014 at 3ºCancer 10' until July 1, 2014 at 24º Gemini 22.
" Mercury Retrograde October 4, 2014 at 2º Scorpio 18 until October 25, 2014 at 16º Libra 45'.
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