Saturday, May 24, 2014

Radio Report with Green Light Days - Audio file Sound Cloud link included for May 24- May 31 2014.

A link to the Live Radio Report is available now on May 24. Copy and paste it to your browser to hear this week's report:

More New Additions - Go To the News Tab from the front page of Lunar Shadows to see a new detail of today's transits.

Dietrech Pessin’s
Saturday, May, 24, 2014 – Saturday, May 31, 2014
The following text has been transcribed from the Live Radio Report. To read the individual aspects with times scroll beyond this section separated by a triple line.
Good morning. So here we go for May and it is May 24th. We have this terrific trine between Jupiter and Saturn in the sky today. We have been under the influence of it for a couple of days. And that Saturn in Scorpio has been very difficult to deal with and the Grand Cardinal Cross has been super difficult to deal with. So this is a little bit of levity, so to speak, and it actually reflects back to May of the year 2000. So money was a lot better back then and it was just beginning to change. Politically there was huge change going on with the presidential elections and it was very interesting times. So once again we are living in interesting times, and this aspect between Jupiter and Saturn most likely has to do with the ease of some financial matters. We hope that is what is happening. Although the whole housing situation, which is so unbelievably expensive, makes it very, very hard to shoulder. But you do have the ability to create some fortunate balance between fun and work and between responsibility and optimism. Jupiter is an optimistic planet so you are making the most of new opportunities to expand your world, even small opportunities could later blossom into something larger. It also brings confidence into many areas of your life, so you have this time where you can actually use your sound judgment and feel like you are making better decisions than usual.
So let’s see if there is anything else. You want to tap into your own wisdom with this or use your best idea for who can give you the best guidance, and balance that out with what you already know. And the only drawback is that you could take time for granted and let opportunities slip through your fingers, so take action where needed. And we have a Green Light day today, today and tomorrow. So those are very good things to get yourself going, take action on anything that you find and do. Say yes to whatever it is - if you get that gut feeling that things are going in the right direction.
So the Aries Moon today is going through the Grand Cardinal Cross setting things off and we can see that happening. I wonder if anybody got up for those meteor showers. Although it was probably too cloudy here.
This morning at 4:06 AM the Moon already made its opposition to mars and then went on to square Pluto, It will at 11:19 AM. And then the aspect between Jupiter and Saturn occurs at 1:47 PM. The aspect where the Moon is conjunct Uranus 2:52 PM. This one could add some excitement to your day, a little bit of excitement, probably not great. Although any time the Moon is in one of the signs the Cardinal Signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn you could find exciting things. And Uranus is the planet of revelation, so you may become aware of and have stunning revelations, and so that is kind of cool.
It is cloudy, that is a Sun Neptune thing that is going on. The Sun Neptune aspect is exact on the New Moon which comes up on Wednesday. So we will be dealing with wetness and cloudiness as a result of that Neptune aspect.
And for the rest of today, tonight is the last piece of Grand Cardinal Cross for the Moon at 9:44 PM, when the Moon is square Jupiter. Jupiter is the planet of expansion, so it is asking you to take a trip. It is asking you if you want to expand your awareness in some new way. So I would say yes to that you have a Green Light.
Sunday there is also a Green Light which means go for it up until 11:58 AM when the Moon is sextile Mercury that is a very positive aspect for opportunity. Sun is making an aspect to Jupiter also, it’s a minor aspect it’s at about 5:30 AM Sunday morning. But this supports also a positive outcome, and it brings that optimism you need to move forward from a time period that felt so stuck, we are not so stuck anymore. Mars is no longer retrograde, we have the majority of the Grand Cardinal Cross behind us for a time. We still have pieces of it left where Uranus and Pluto will make a square in December, and then the last one in March. But for the most part we have a little bit of a break because in July is another tough spot July 20th and July 21st, but for now we have a good stretch. So it is great to move forward for whatever you need. If you want to put on that new roof, if you want to take on a new endeavor, go ahead and do that.
That Taurus Moon that begins tomorrow afternoon at 5:28 PM, that one we have to hold back a little bit because of the fact that the Moon has to oppose Saturn. That is the hardest part of the Taurus Moon. Taurus Moon is usually the best one to move forward. it has good sense for money, it has ways that will help to make you feel satisfied and complete, and a lot of your talents and self-esteem are shining through, so that is definitely with us through Sunday night and all through Monday, with no major aspects on Monday.
But on Tuesday that is when the Moon will oppose Saturn, and we get a better break after 3:54 AM. Good that is very early, gives us all of Tuesday to advance if you like. But there is a Dark Moon that is coming in too, which means we have a new Moon coming up, and the aspect between Venus and the node of the Moon. Now this is about bringing people into your life for love or for money. You can also find that you can find things that you have thought about getting or maybe wanted, and those things may appear and make themselves available. The problem is things tend to be very expensive with Venus. Venus has very expensive taste. And the Dark Moon period begins around 8:14 AM on Tuesday morning. That means that your decision making process is in the dark. You have more things to learn, more things to interact with before you can make final decisions, because of that new Moon that is coming.
A really good thing that is going on is Vesta. Vesta is the Asteroid that is in charge of housing. Vesta is turning direct. It is important for housing searches, financial assistance. You may finally find the resolve to tough financial matters or housing matters, and money and housing may become available where none had been available before. So Vesta ruling investments of all types are on the go. They are able to move forward now and it is also a time when you feel the need to protect your property, so maybe insurance for things. And it had been retrograde since March 1st, it now has the ability to show smart moves for money and homes in the future. So that is the big news for Tuesday the 27th we still have a Taurus Moon at the break of Wednesday until 12:47 AM, and then the Moon enters the sign of Gemini for a couple of days. There are a couple of changes which don’t make the Gemini
Moon very good for signing things because too many things change and shift. So we will find those better times as we move along in the report here.
There is a really nice aspect between Venus and Mercury. They are very rare aspects, they don’t happen that often. It is a 60 degree aspect, which says you have an opportunity to hear something, meet with someone, see something - and this is at 9:58 AM on Wednesday. Remember you are in the Dark of the Moon so hold all of those things for things to mature later.
There is also an aspect between Venus and Neptune. It is a short term one, says there could be a short term way for you perhaps to borrow money for a one-time event or get a grant or something. So look for grants and then the New Moon is on Wednesday at 2:40 PM - that happens at 7 degrees of Gemini. For all the Gemini’s out there, Happy Birthday! And we have in that chart Sun is square Neptune 7:44 PM. So very often there is an extreme amount of energy on a New Moon and the weather is wilder, and this one will really make the weather even wilder - that is the Sun square Neptune. You get blind spots and whiteouts and fog this time of year. In our country it is likely to be fog, but it could create sandstorms and all sorts of wild weather.
And then we have Venus changing signs. Venus leaves the sign of Aries where she has been very short tempered. And she enters the sign of Taurus where she can relax and find the things that she loves: the silk, and the money, and the jewels, and the satisfaction, and the great food - all of that is under Venus in Taurus, And she will put time into her talents and be playing beautiful music, so that is a happier time for Venus.
Thursday we also have another change where Mercury enters Cancer. Mercury has been in its own sign of Gemini and now it enters Cancer for the next couple of weeks. Mercury does that at 5:12 AM. And Venus entered Taurus at 9:45 PM the night before on Wednesday night. So after the Mercury entering Cancer, we have Moon sextile Uranus, (49:01 STOP) that is the final aspect there in the sign of Gemini. But there is another one that I’m going to count and that is when the Moon is quincunx Saturn that is a 150 degrees and that is going to be at 12:12 PM. And I notice that, that actually does work for a Void of Course Moon period. So 12:12 PM on May 29th and then shortly after that later on in the evening then, the Moon should show up saying that the Dark Moon is over. You will see that little sliver of the Moon on Friday. We have a Gemini Moon just until 10:13 AM it is a very good Cancer Moon because it will finally end with a conjunction to Jupiter which says this is a really good Moon sign to move forward starting Friday at 10:13 AM running right through the weekend until, the Moon doesn’t go Void of Course in the sign of Cancer, so you can count on that to move forward until the Moon enters Leo, and that is later on, on Sunday evening 9:43 PM. So there is a Green Light period there that you can take advantage of. It is the Cancer sign which has to deal with the Grand Cardinal Cross, but it is a very good Moon sign for anything having to do with home and family and feeling safe and becoming secure. So we can have some positive things for Friday night and Saturday with that Cancer Moon. And usually you are with people that you are very close to, the insiders are there and people you can trust. So that is it for the week.

The Jupiter and Saturn water trine is important for this weekend and is related to the initial conjunction of the pair which dates back to May 22, 2000. It set the stage for a major financial overhaul and the establishment of a new order of values or currencies which may or may not be cash money.
There will be a New Moon Wednesday at 2:40 PM and at 7:21 Gemini. This is a busy time with many unforeseen obstacles as Neptune clouds our path with a square to the New Moon. As for new beginnings, the best way to proceed is to move forward slowly, checking all pertinent factors for problems or leaks of information.
We may experience an opening of avenues for money when Vesta turns direct May 27 Tuesday
Dark Moon Phase begins around 8 AM and remains hidden through the New Moon on Wednesday and then should reappear in the sky after 10 PM Thursday evening.
Vesta – important for housing searches and financial assistance you may finally find a resolve to tough financial matters. Money and housing may become available where none had been available before. Vesta rules investments of all types and the protection of property. Vesta' sound investments has been unavailable for a time while retrograde on March 1 2014. It now has the ability to show smart moves for money and homes.
Venus reaches the South Node of the Moon – 4:54 AM May 27.- The joining of new loved ones or an avenue to new money.
Saturday May 24 - Green Light Day - Go for it!
Date & Time: May 24 2014 0:00 am
Event: Moon in Aries
Description: The Moon in Aries
For next few months Jupiter will travel through Cancer as Mars continues in Libra until July 16 & 25 respectively. With the lingering square of Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn, exact through to March 15, 2015, these four planets form a Grand Cardinal Cross in the high action signs which represent the corner stones/signs of life.

Aries holding the start-up, me first principal;
Cancer is the nest maker that focuses on family and security;
Libra takes a mate or partner;
Capricorn incorporates business/career to build a solid structure to stand the test of time. All of these signs are bound and determined toward success.
Add the monthly transit of the Moon through each of the corner signs and sparks will fly as the Grand Cross is sparked and awaked. Add to that the presence of the Sun in each of these sign and the stakes are higher. Higher to push forward, motivate and conquer anything. Some of the greatest strides will be made and accomplished over this next year.

The Aries Moon has a higher energy level and can be aggressive and self-focused. There is a strong need for action and problem solving. During this time you may seek independence and be short tempered, confrontational and challenging. here can be a single minded mission or the potential to start something from scratch. The daily tones are noisier and less tolerant then other Moon signs. There might be an absence of social grace or pleasantries but not lacking in charm. This is an emotionally demanding period and can be filled with a need for sexual release. Assertiveness is seen everywhere and some people or other critters just will not take no for an answer. On the positive note you may begin projects you have held off. On the other side of that you may not finish them either. Plant onions. Good time to weed the garden and kill insects. If you are a Aries, matters tend to go your way.

Date & Time: May 24 2014 1:47 pm
Event: Tr-Tr Jup Tri Sat
Description: Jupiter Trine Saturn
You have the ability to create a fortunate balance between fun and work. You shoulder your responsibilities while at the same time making the most of new opportunities to expand your world. You feel confident in many areas of your life, as you use your good judgement to make decisions that have the potential for long-term success. It is a time when you can tap into your own wisdom. Business dealings may prosper. The only drawback could be that you take this time for granted and let opportunities slip through your fingers. In other words "wise and considered action" is what is needed.

Date & Time: May 24 2014 8:22 pm
Event: Tr-Tr Sun Sqq Cer
Description: Sun SesquiSquare Ceres
Sunday – Green Light Period through 11:58 AM
Date & Time: May 25 2014 5:27 pm
Event: Moon enters Taurus
Description: The Moon in Taurus
The Moon in Taurus is in its exaltation which normally indicates that there is a graciousness and honor of some sort. When the Moon is in Taurus, there tends to be a focus on finances, and often money comes through on these days. This is the Moon of tradition, concerned with matters of the family and gatherings. It is usually “food first” for Taurus Moons. Bonding is more apparent with loved ones. There is a need to get more grounded and find some peace and quiet. You may be carting about people or supplies. (Before automated vehicles, the bull pulled carts of supplies and people.) Taurus Moons can be lazier and more indulgent than usual. This can be a slow-moving couple of days with no rushing and lower blood pressure. The bull is more sensitive than they appear being also stubborn and not easily pulled off track. If there is a sense of being pressured this could incite rage especially if plans change without consulting the bull and then securing his/her approval. Don’t push, suggest. Find a way to make your pitch, sale or emotional plea politically palatable, practical and profitable to please and capture your benefactors’ attention. Remain sensitive and patient while watching the object of your attention become interested in your product. Making a pitch or sale with the Moon in Taurus can be tedious but you are often speaking to someone who has the means to fund your project or buy your products. If your can remember they don’t want to be pushed, they want to be seduced you will have much better luck. If you seem to be interested only in money you will loose their respect. When the Moon is in Taurus people like to buy things that are sensual to the touch. Fabrics need to be comfortable and relaxed but of high quality. Flannels, cottons and very soft wools are sought. Lots of food items, cooking and indoor/outdoor gardening are high on the activity list. This is a time to be nurtured and be nurturing. If the Taurus Moon occurs on an otherwise good day your powers of manipulation work strongly in your favor. Your ability to move to the head of the line or the top of the list if you step up and ask. Apply for a loan or mortgage. Excellent for planting flowers and beautiful bushes. If you are a Taurus, matters tend to go your way.

Date & Time: May 25 2014 11:57 am
Event: Moon goes void of course – Aries Moon sextile Mercury. Until 5:28 PM.

Date & Time: May 25 2014 5:29 am
Event: Tr-Tr Sun SSq Jup
Description: Sun SemiSquare Jupiter
Brief description: This is an aspect that creates overconfidence or an over optimistic perspective that could permit oversights. There is an indication for a need to expand that is unwise at this time. There may be an awareness of growing pains. A time for travel but not without complications. Legal issues become apparent. Differences could lead to conflict.
For personal use: Study something new. Keep travel plans direct and simple.
For business use: Be realistic of how expansion at this time may cause and overload later.
Monday - May 26
Date & Time: May 26 2014 0:00 am
Event: Moon in Taurus
Description: The Moon in Taurus
The Moon in Taurus is in its exaltation which normally indicates that there is a graciousness and honor of some sort. When the Moon is in Taurus, there tends to be a focus on finances, and often money comes through on these days. This is the Moon of tradition, concerned with matters of the family and gatherings. It is usually “food first” for Taurus Moons. Bonding is more apparent with loved ones. There is a need to get more grounded and find some peace and quiet.

Date & Time: May 26 2014 0:32 am
Event: Tr-Tr Mar Cpl Ves
Description: Mars ContraParall Vesta
Tuesday - May 27
Date & Time: May 27 2014 0:00 am
Event: Moon in Taurus

Venus reaches the South Node of the Moon – 4:54 AM May 27.
Dark Moon Phase begins around 8 AM and remains hidden through the New Moon on Wednesday and then should reappear in the sky after 10 PM Thursday evening.
Vesta – important for housing searches and financial assistance you may finally find a resolve to tough financial matters. Money and housing may become available where none had been available before. Vesta rules investments of all types and the protection of property. Vest has been unavailable for a time while retrograde on March 1 2014. It now has the ability to show smart moves for money and homes.

Date & Time: May 27 2014 6:02 pm
Event: Tr Ves D
Description: Vesta Stationary
Date & Time: May 28 2014 0:47 am
Event: Moon enters Gemini
Description: The Moon in Gemini
The Gemini Moon: The next couple of days when the Moon travels through Gemini, people tend to be more curious, talkative and restless. There is more mental activity during this time. There is a lot of moving about and scouting around town for errands, short trips and visits. It is a good time to gather information although you need to check your sources for errors and material based on hearsay as talk is abundant but not all always reliable. Topics regarding siblings can be an issue or their may be visits between them. Children are more vocal. It is time to write note and the desire for writing your thoughts down is strong. It is a good time to connect by making calls, answering letters and the like to catch up with communication needs. People may lack sensitivity and just say what ever is on their minds when the Moon is in Gemini. As long as you keep things light and lively everyone should have a good time. If you are particularly thin skinned then you may select your company more carefully. There is a need for variety. To make the best of the Moon in Gemini you might want to spend more time listening to learn more than you expected. Good time to weed your garden and plant nothing. If you are a Gemini, matters tend to go your way.

Date & Time: May 28 2014 0:47 am
Event: Moon does not go void of course in Taurus. However the last aspect of the Moon is 5:10 AM Moon sextile Jupiter. Giving this Taurus Moon a boost.

Date & Time: May 28 2014 9:57 am
Event: Tr-Tr Mer Sxt Ven

Description: Mercury Sextile Venus
Brief description: It is possible to receive good news with Mercury and Venus in this positive aspect and people are generally more harmonious. Equipment and travel runs smoothly. There is fortunate information regarding money. Love signals receive a positive response. Enjoyable trips and fun encounters. Pleasant visits with good food, sweets. Fluctuations in blood sugar or thyroid function. Visits with siblings and other relatives are likely. This is the aspect for sweet talkers who may talk their way into any door or engage in conversation with great ease.
For personal: Write letters or make calls to people with whom you have lost touch.
For business: Connect with business associates with friendly calls. A good time to buy a car or sign contracts.

Date & Time: May 28 2014 10:25 am
Event: Tr-Tr Ven Cpl Nep

Description: Venus ContraParall Neptune
Brief description: The feminine is enhanced. Beauty and sensuality enhance this day. Like magic, help arrives from a magnetic individual. Romance and illusion permits invitations once not considered. Boundaries become vague regarding the framework of realistic values. Charm and intoxicating moods camouflage seduction. An opportunity for deception. Valuable items could be lost or misplaced. There is an insidious consequence for indulgences. Great aspect for creating a cosmetic camouflage. Use of color, flowers and music raises the vibration.
For personal use: Keep your eyes open when your heart's a flutter. Focus your attention inward for the gem in your intrinsic value.
For business: Beautify and enhance a presentation. Beware of buying without deeper investigation or inspection.

Date & Time: May 28 2014 2:40 pm
Event: New Moon at 7°Ge21'

Date & Time: May 28 2014 7:42 pm

Event: Tr-Tr Sun Sqr Nep
Description: Sun Square Neptune
Brief description: This is the Sun's closing square to Neptune before it turns retrograde on June 7, 2013. Confusion, romance, illusions and misconceptions are typical with this aspect. This day can be troublesome when under the influence of alcohol and drugs. Use caution as judgments are poor or blinded by emotional distractions. The weather can be overly wet.
For personal matters: Beware of someone not with the best intentions attempting to sweep you off your feet. The likelihood that someone's feelings are at stake is high. People could be overly sensitive to the comments made by others. There is a lack of objectivity. Over indulgence with anything could lead to very bad judgment.
For business matters: Create positive temporary illusions not designed to cover the facts but to enhance an image. Take advantage of the idealistic nature of your target audience. Resist purchasing and selling this is risky as well. If the problem is mysterious as with invisible "gremlins", they could disappear by tomorrow. However keep a reference and investigate later as something related might turn up later.

Date & Time: May 28 2014 9:45 pm
Event: Tr-Tr Ven Cnj Tau
Description: Venus Entering Taurus
Brief description: Venus loves being in the sign of Taurus. She rules this sign. She gets what she wants and lots of it. For the rest of us it gives us a time when romance is more likely to feel satisfying. The love road is not so rocky as a slower more deliberate pace is set with love and a need for good matches that are make one feel secure. Money may be easier to find and there is room for indulgence and purchases. Taurus has the reputation for being loyal and wise with money matters. Issues with loyalty and over spending are more the case than not. ^
Thursday May 29
Date & Time: May 29 2014 0:00 am
Event: Moon in Gemini
Description: The Moon in Gemini
The Gemini Moon: The next couple of days when the Moon travels through Gemini, people tend to be more curious, talkative and restless. There is more mental activity during this time. There is a lot of moving about and scouting around town for errands, short trips and visits. It is a good time to gather information although you need to check your sources for errors and material based on hearsay as talk is abundant but not all always reliable. Topics regarding siblings can be an issue or there may be visits between them. Children are more vocal. It is time to write note and the desire for writing your thoughts down is strong. It is a good time to connect by making calls, answering letters and the like to catch up with communication needs. People may lack sensitivity and just say whatever is on their minds when the Moon is in Gemini. As long as you keep things light and lively everyone should have a good time. If you are particularly thin skinned then you may select your company more carefully. There is a need for variety. To make the best of the Moon in Gemini you might want to spend more time listening to learn more than you expected. Good time to weed your garden and plant nothing. If you are a Gemini, matters tend to go your way.

Date & Time: May 29 2014 5:11 am Moon 60º Uranus
Event: Moon goes void of course then or later after Moon 150º Saturn. This may bring an upset to a previous plan that magically worked out and now must be re-worked.

Date & Time: May 29 2014 5:11 am
Event: Tr-Tr Mer Cnj Can

Description: Mercury Entering Cancer
Brief description: Mental energy shifts toward stabilizing the home and family. Security and safety are concerns and contracts with real estate. A need to understand or investigate family history. Emotional communication. Tend to the needs of children.
For personal use: Think about family members and how you can share the burden. Consider outside contractors with scrutiny.
For business: Go over financial matters with a fine tooth comb. Review financial reports.
Friday May 30th

Date & Time: May 30 2014 10:13 am
Event: Moon enters Cancer
Description: The Moon in Cancer
For next few months Jupiter will travel through Cancer as Mars continues in Libra until July 16 & 25 respectively. With the lingering square of Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn, exact through to March 15, 2015, these four planets form a Grand Cardinal Cross in the high action signs which represent the corner stones/signs of life.

Aries holding the start-up, me first principal;
Cancer is the nest maker that focuses on family and security;
Libra takes a mate or partner;
Capricorn incorporates business/career to build a solid structure to stand the test of time. All of these signs are bound and determined toward success.
Add the monthly transit of the Moon through each of the corner signs and sparks will fly as the Grand Cross is sparked and awaked. Add to that the presence of the Sun in each of these sign and the stakes are higher. Higher to push forward, motivate and conquer anything. Some of the greatest strides will be made and accomplished over this next year.

The Moon brings the "order of the day" and there is no better sign for the Moon then its own sign of Cancer. The Cancer Moon is a nesting time but not reclining. There is a desire to retreat and protect one's vulnerable underbelly. The baby side of people surfaces and emotions are highly visible if you are at all able to get close enough as very often people are "crabby". This is a time to nurture and find a way to nurture your inner self. People stick to their clans and cliques being less likely to socialize with outsiders and seem to be comfortable with close family members. If you are fortunately positioned you may be invited inside or become privy to insider information. You are then considered a trusted and valued person in this clan. Address matters of saving and providing for necessities as these issues move to the forefront.
Food preparation and shared meals are more important. Matters of cash are related to family security, real estate and patriotism which are Cancer matters. Issues involving dependency or defensiveness are likely to arise with the Moon here. What people need to survive also takes precedence. Headlines are often more dramatic than usual. This is a great Moon for planting vegetables and the most fertile sign of the zodiac. This is the best time to plant fruits and vegetables and general planting. If you are a Cancer, matters might be more personal. Enjoy family dinners and nestle in with a loved one and people you might consider are insiders.

Date & Time: May 30 2014 7:34 pm
Event: Tr-Tr Sat SSx Cer
Description: Saturn Semisextile Ceres
Saturday May 31
Date & Time: May 31 2014 0:00 am
Event: Moon in Cancer
Description: The Moon in Cancer

Date & Time: May 31 2014 4:00 am
Event: Tr-Tr Sun Tri Mar
Description: Sun Trine Mars
Brief description: Brief description: Momentum and deliberate action produce results. High levels of productivity are experienced or encouraged. A drive to make things happen is felt. Competitive energy can work in a harmonious way. Expect focus and productivity today. For personal use: Go for it in a big way. Sexual energy is high and a moderate aggressive tone helps to move forward. For business: Green lights everywhere. Move forward at a steady strong pace.

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