I bring my thoughts of this amazing New Moon in Aries that may allow us all to breakthrough all barriers and generate the greatest health, wealth and happiness.
There is a magnificent New Moon in Aries on Thursday at 7:23 AM east coast time. It is filled with the jump-start sparks that can move energy along at great speeds.
The Fire energy of the Sun, Moon, Venus and Uranus in Aries links with Saturn in Sagittarius by a positive 120 degree trine. The fire sign of Sagittarius offers wisdom and great expansion and Saturn offers the hope of stability in an overly expansive world. Mars also in Sagittarius is accelerating the motion and delivering messages with actions from near and far. Mars will soon appear to reverse its direction to give us a chance to open our heart's desires to engage with the world around us in a focused manner.
With the benefits of Mercury, Jupiter and Pluto in earth signs of Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn respectively, we may expand our concepts of the law of abundance in greater ways than previously imagined. With the divine assistance from the greatest source we can use the spiritual link of Neptune in Pisces to commune with our guides and support from great outer and inner realms of love and light to protect and comfort us.
As we desire to use our support to transform old and outworn patterns, now it the time! There is a promise of a new and ever meaningful template of inspiration to create a world of abundance and wisdom in its multiple forms.
This astrological map informs the creator in each of us to focus our greatest desires for love, light and unity.
This New Moon brings a highly innovative seed with fast blooms and bursts of expression to forward our goals of new and newly released intentions and endeavors.
The Following is from the Saturday broadcast.
New post for the New Moon Thursday - April 7, 2016
The following is transcribed from the broadcast Saturday, April 2, 2016 and covers through– Saturday, April 8, 2016
Good Morning. We have one incredible New Moon coming up. It’s…Wow! It is just amazing. It is packed with an enormous amount of energy, while it joins the planet Uranus. Sudden abrupt change Uranus. Wacky, crazy, unique, brilliant, genius, invention, all that sort of thing. But it is square to Pluto, who is dominating with this energy of its type of oppressive type of energy being released by Uranus.
There is also a trine to Saturn. Saturn is that heavy foot that tends to slow things down measure things out, which is good. So maybe there is a little bit of brakes that go on with this type of energy.
But it is a New Moon, it is planting the seed. We are going to watch this thing over the next 9 months as it escalates. The final thing is the quincunx to Jupiter. I call that Life’s messy, clean it up.
These aspects between these planets are all being set off by this brilliant New Moon. The New Moon will be on Thursday at 7:24 AM. But I think we are going to be feeling the effects of these particular aspects all the way through the week. Probably beginning most on Tuesday.
A New Moon period is one when you don’t have any light of the Moon to be able to guide you. The light of the Moon represents more information, more people, more support. I would advise that you wait and allow things to come to you. Try not to push the button for startup things until you have some light of the Moon after the Dark Moon period. That would be on the date following, that would be on Friday when the Dark Moon period ends. So I will let you know about that when I get to that on the report.
For now I just want to go over the fact that the Moon will travel through Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, and Taurus this coming week. There are some void of course Moon periods. There is one on Sunday night from 7:32 PM until Monday morning at 1:46 AM. Then the Pisces Moon is not considered to be void of course but it does have a final aspect at 12:33 AM on Wednesday. Then the Moon moves into Aries at 2:45 AM Wednesday.
The Aries Moon will be void of course from 1:02 AM Friday until 2:10 AM Friday when the Moon enters Taurus. The Taurus Moon also doesn’t have a void of course Moon period because of the Seven Stars at the end of Taurus, The Pleiades. The Moon makes aspect to that at 29 degrees of Taurus. There is no void of course Moon in that sign. This is according to William Lilly, the Ancient Astrologer from the 1600’s.
There are Green Light times that I want you to know about. Today we have one. It is complicated though. It is for Saturday April 2nd and there is caution that runs through it. It is right through the weekend until 7:32 PM Sunday night. The Moon’s official void of course Moon period is marked by its final aspect, which is a split parallel to Mercury. That means that there is a one time event during this Aquarius Moon that you can take advantage of. It is Aquarius. Maybe you are hanging out with friends or meeting new friends or making new contacts, in an area of which you share like-minded ideas. The one time connection is fast moving and it sets things into motion. But it actually brings about maybe a meeting or an introduction to somebody new you would like to know better after that time. But the summary is that you want to keep your heart open and your purse close to your chest. Because there could be very short term things that come out of it. You win some you lose some. Not all decisions made during this Green Light period are meant to go long term for the sign of Aquarius here that we have today and tomorrow.
There are more notes about that void of course Moon period. There is more going on under the surface after 7:32 PM Sunday night. There are some interesting results that come about from connections that the Moon makes to Venus. Then the Moon makes another aspect to the Sun. This brings the possibility of hidden problems involving friendship or social matters. Your choices made prior to this may not please you in the end. There may be tension. Especially around political topics which divide your loyalties in selective long term friendships during this friendship sign of Aquarius. Then if you meet someone real cute that you would like to date. Maybe you find that they differ from you politically or in their world view, which once past the physical match you may not be a match at all.
Then Tuesday there is a Green Light period beginning at 7:09 PM. It is a brilliant Green Light period so you might want to take advantage of this until 12:33 AM. It is short, but it is worth it. The final aspect is a long term one. It is a parallel to Venus so that is Tuesday evening. The choices you make may have the help from divine guidance. If you have been praying for something or visualizing your perfect scenario. This is a time when you can gain love or money or guidance from a woman or a compassionate person with a big heart. Also that allows you to move forward because they are willing to help you. Your money goes along way. Your heart is open to the love you receive and the love you give. It is very much about that compassionate love and that is because it is a Pisces Moon. It may be a short window but take advantage of it. 7:09 PM Tuesday until 12:33 AM on Wednesday morning.
Then Thursday there is a Green Light period during the Aries Moon after the Moon is conjunct Uranus at 10:56 AM. That is also after the New Moon. That stretches until 1:02 AM on Friday. That one brings us a split parallel with Neptune and the message there is all’s well that ends well. Now that is probably not the description for what is actually going to happen on that day because there is so much activity with that New Moon that we have at 7:24. Anything brewing the night before or throughout that day has a very long term impact. We will see it sort of multiply in a way in 9 months. That would be around the 7th of December when a 1st Quarter Moon occurs near that point.
For Friday there is another Green Light period during the Taurus Moon sign beginning after the Moon enters Taurus at 2:10 AM until Friday at 5:49 AM. It goes on the next day until 5:49 AM. It is good only if you have the ability to jump in and work on call. There is money there. It is a Taurus Moon. You can manage a big task if you are capable by events that come about 3:31 in the afternoon through 3:50 AM the next day. There is a Green Light period there. It may require overtime and skill. If you need help ask a professional for advice. There are possibilities there.
The New Moon on Thursday has a Dark Moon period that begins Wednesday at 10:15 AM through Friday at 4:26 AM. That Aries Moon has a brilliant stretch of momentum for a long term gain and terrific new possibilities, especially looking at the period Thursday night 6:15 PM until 1:02 AM Friday. It is filled with all sorts of New Moon promises. Allow good things to come to you. Use your powers of attraction for a stroke of luck. There is definitely lucky stuff going on.
7:52 PM the Sun and Moon are parallel. And then the Moon goes on to parallel Jupiter, parallel Uranus. And not before its last aspect the Sun is parallel Jupiter. It is lucky. It is finalized at 1:02 AM when the
Moon is split parallel Neptune. There is something about that Thursday night that can be very lucky. It could also be lucky for people who are not on the up and up about their intentions too. So you have to keep your intentions surrounded by a positive barrier or bright light and safety. Later that Sun parallel Jupiter at 2:44 AM on Friday. It brings about a time when things can come your way with abundance and excitement.
So there are so many things going on as far as aspects with the planets. I am going to run through them as they come up:
Mercury and Neptune are semi square today at 2:31 PM. This is an aspect that has to do with wet weather or white weather. We are supposed to get snow here tomorrow on the 3rd of April. That aspect is actually for tomorrow morning the 3rd of April tomorrow after at 2:31 PM, so that can bring about some whiteout conditions. At 5:00 AM in the morning on the 4th we have Mars parallel Pluto. This is one of those aspects that have to do with often with mowing people down. It is intense. Engages on treacherous ground. There is strong biological component to it. So it could be something as simple as a biological drive a need for maybe nail down when you are going to have that baby. Or perhaps another type of biological issue or matter that could be viral as well. It is a steam roller aspect, people overpowering others. Approach things with your own sense of power, but realize that you could be up against some really incredible opposition with that. That is a long term aspect. Its affects can be carried through a period of time.
The Sun is quincunx Jupiter. Now this one is going to occur on the 4th and that aspect is at 6:19 AM. It may have an impact on the night before. The 4th is Monday. It is a buoyant upbeat aspect. It could be surrounded with lots of optimism, but there is a blunder attached to it. There is more expansion. Maybe it is because somebody leaves the race or should be leaving the race. Political adjustments could be made with this. It is particularly political. There are those that are supported on their own mission. Also you may have an opportunity for a marketing extravaganza. Something that you want to do, put it out there. Or take on a new study.
The Sun is trine Saturn April 5th 12:09 PM. This aspect tries to hold things down and allows things to run smoothly as possible that is all things considered. We are not having a particularly smooth time. There are lots of practical applications that you can find for your creative efforts. You may have more sound judgment during this time, pays off and timing is good with that.
Then there are planet changes this week:
Venus enters Aries and that is going to happen on Tuesday 12:51 PM. Then Mercury leaves its current position in Aries and moves into Taurus at 7:10 PM. Before that things tend to get dropped because of that fact that if it is Venus leaving the sign, then things may change because the feminine energy moves on to greener pastures or is potentially in a position to drop something that is going on. Then with Mercury it could be documents. You could be leaving the house without your documents before getting on an airplane or doing something important.
Mercury and Jupiter are trying to get you on an airplane on the 5th at 6:16 PM and that aspect on Tuesday has to do with also know it all and bullying type of information. When Mercury enters Taurus our thinking changes and we tend to look more toward the practical. Will this work? “What is the
financial benefit here?” You tend to have a methodical process. This period address political affairs, practical affairs in a traditional way and adds some stability as well.
Mercury and Venus make a really nice aspect this is at 7:13 AM on the 6th.
Then Mercury is making an aspect to Saturn also on the 6th 11:32 AM. Trying to organize your thoughts.
The Sun is square Pluto April 6th and that is at 4:12 PM.
Mars is parallel Saturn even though they are not conjunct it pulls them right together.
Then the Sun is parallel Jupiter on the 8th and the Sun is parallel Uranus also on the 8th. Then the Sun is going into (49:08 STOP) a conjunction with Uranus the next day. That is it for the week.
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