Sunday, April 10, 2016

Astrology Report for April 9- 16, 2016 by Dietrech Pessin with Green Light Days

Dietrech Pessin’s 617-924-0929
Weekly Astrology Report WCBZ radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in and around 9:30 AM

live report - Listen at soundcloud
Saturday, April 9, 2016 – Saturday, April 16, 2016 The report is transcribed from the live broadcast.

Green Light Periods this week are the following:
Monday there is a Green Light Period from 4:36 AM - 2:56 PM while the Moon is in Gemini. I would advance cautiously as there is a minor aspect Moon 45º to Mercury at 8:16 PM which could hide some problems. Read the fine print carefully and check your balances and spending limits before using funds. This is important because Mercury is the ruler of Gemini and therefore has a say in matters. This concerns money matters and those things which allow you to build security.
The best Green Light period this week is during the Leo Moon Thursday beginning at 9:52 AM until 1:48 PM Saturday.
For Saturday the Sun is conjunct Uranus. (In general this means that its inventive. Expect sudden abrupt revelation. The truth is sought. This aspect supports an indication of a leap in modern technology. Visionary technological is creatively applied. Bright lights are searching. The discovery of a bright talent. Radical and rebellious actions. The need for independence and freedom. The voice of the people. Breakthrough, breakup and news-breaking events.
For business: Anything could happen but it is a day for invention. A keen interest in ideas which are progressive or innovative. Scientific mind. Inventive. A questioning mind. Mental excitement. Taking action which changes things and brings improvement. Joining with others for a specific cause or purpose.
That is going to happen tonight, but it influences the entire day. It is a very stunning conjunction because it is 20 degrees of Aries. It is right where Uranus will return to after a long retrograde period that will start up in the summer, and end up on December 29th. The December 29th connection…if you are doing things, trying to launch things, trying to figure out how is this going to go, where is it going to go. It may take that long. It may take that long for some reason. Also there is a lot of high technology, latest technology innovation involved with the results of whatever it is that you are trying to pull together. It then ends up a piece to a New Moon at the end of a year; which is new beginnings, new start. It is a very interesting alignment the Sun has with Uranus today. It is at 5:26 and it influences the whole day.
And we have a Taurus Moon today. That Taurus Moon is… well since about 5:49 AM kind of free floating although the Ancients did not believe the Moon was void of course in the sign of Taurus. Mainly because of the Pleiades, the Seven Stars at the end of sign of Taurus. Makes it very, very large constellation there or pile up of stars. I don’t know if it is a constellation or not. It has a lot to do with the way things end. The Taurus Moon may be focused more today on tradition and family and home in the way that maybe you want to plant some flowers today and beautify. That would be a great thing to do with this energy. Or try to figure out ways to save money or use your money in a nice way that enhances your life.
Sunday that Taurus Moon changes to Gemini at 1:58 AM. The Gemini Moon…now Donald Trump is a Gemini. His comments maybe going more quickly or who knows what he might say. Something else may be rather abrupt with that Gemini Moon sign. The Sun is going to be a player as far as the last aspect of the Gemini Moon. It will sextile. That is a 60 degree aspect. Very positive, but there are some snags with this Gemini Moon sign on Sunday. One of the things is Mercury and Mars form a 150 degree aspect. This truly speaks to the type of commentary that comes out of Donald Trump. There is an aggravation level to anything that is said. Be very careful driving with this too. Avoid disagreements that could lead to great resentments with this aspect.
Mercury quincunx Mars at 4:45 PM, but it influences the whole day. It even gets a kick start at 4:05 PM tomorrow when the Moon is opposite Mars. Mars is going to turn retrograde. That is why Mars is so important right now: to notice what it is doing, and how it is doing it, and who it is doing it with. It can really come back to bite you. Maybe you want to kind of work alone tomorrow or play alone. You may also be responsible for some inconsiderate behavior or someone else may be. Let it go, walk away. Don’t be the neighbor that goes to the door next door to tell the people to turn their party music down, and then she is stabbed by the person who answers that door. Did you read about that in the news? Wow. So there is lots of bites, and back biting. Bites, taking your dog out, be very careful. If your dog is coming up against an aggressive animal, quickly turn around and go in the other direction. Don’t let your dog off the leash in a park. There could be a very aggressive dog. I am a dog walker too. I know how these animals behave on these Mercury Mars days. You want to avoid a trap. Beware of foot in mouth disease with this aspect. For business: work hard, speak little. Know that any of your cold calls that you connect with, very uncooperative parties. However, there could be something that kind of loosens the screw to some of these things. Surprise inspections reveal problems, and someone is not being held accountable for the mess that they leave behind. That is all and more that this aspect can hold.
Then by the end of Sunday evening it calms down a bit. If you want to wind down with the Moon square Neptune you might get into a dreamy phase. Space out a bit around 7:58 PM.
Then on Monday, April 11th that Gemini Moon sees a Green Light period from 4:36 AM until 2:56 PM. But I have a little reservation about that. The Moon will sextile the Sun making that Green Light period one that shows some sort of opportunity that may emerge. But there is a caution because by 8:16 PM the Moon makes a minor aspect to Mercury. This can indicate that there could be hidden problems there with maybe trying to get an agreement or signing or something that needs to be juggled. Mercury is important in this particular Moon sign of Gemini because it rules Gemini.
There are two aspects early in the morning with the Moon in Saturn on Monday. Then the Moon a 150 degrees to Pluto at 6:47 AM…life’s messy clean it up with Pluto. Uh-oh.
Tuesday, April 12th the Moon changes signs from Gemini to Cancer at 4:06 AM. The Cancer Moon is full of tension. It is not my pick for any kind of forward goals or signing or agreeing to anything long term. It is a very emotional sign this time. Very private matters in the home and about the family that are up for scrutiny. There can be disputes in the evening. There can be conflicts both between Mars and Venus characters. That is men and women or the opposite energies of two people may be of the same sex, it could be just the dominate and the passive. This is not a good Moon sign for advancement right through Wednesday night. Chose the Leo Moon for a Green Light. That one comes up better. There is an aspect in the morning on Tuesday when Mercury and Neptune form a 60 degree aspect. Wake up with your dreams clearly in your mind. You might write them down for study later. The morning might be dreamy and idealistic especially about romance. However, if the plans you have made in the morning don’t pan out in the evening, you could argue to the point where you spoil the rest of that nice energy…that Venus and Mars visit when they make a trine at 3:16 PM. There is that driving force and that receptive loving force of Venus. They are in that trine, but Mars soon backs off to the retrograde station that it makes. It back tracks and high tails it out of there after April 17th. So hold on to your heart and let the relationship develop slowly. It certainly could be that Moon quincunx Mars at 7:26 PM on Tuesday that something comes up. Maybe your date calls and says alright I can’t get there because of this that and the other thing. Then Venus is very hurt and her feelings are hurt so bad she may brood and pout over the matter to the point where she is inconsolable… that is with a 7:49 PM Moon square Venus.


Then on Wednesday we have still a Cancer Moon. At 3:13 in the morning there is a Sun and Mars aspect. it is a 135 degrees. If you have let something be on, like a candle. Or if there is anything that could spark a flame, check the house really well Tuesday night for anything like that. There could be fires that light in the night. There could be fevers that rise with this aspect and there could be very difficult actions. Trying to find what the problem is, hard to detect what the problem is, or how to put it out. So be very careful with that aspect in the middle of the night. It also could spark arguments. One could get up and then something starts, so be careful about that. I’m sure the news will be interesting this week as we get closer and closer to that Mars retrograde next Sunday.
Jupiter and Uranus at 4:45 AM are making a parallel. This is a cosmic joy ride with Uranus and Jupiter. This could be an opening of the mind in a unique and unusual way. There could also be an access to lines of information and lines of study that were not available to you in the past. The internet could be opening up avenues in an interesting way with this as well. This parallel governs the rest of the day on Wednesday. It also has an influence over making things bigger and larger. We wouldn’t want that Sun Mars aspect in the middle of the night to find something that it wants to make larger.
On the good side of that there could be a work idea that gets some momentum. Maybe you find ways to pull the threads together later, but don’t chose this Cancer Moon to do that. There is the quincunx between the Moon and Saturn 8:29 AM, starting the beginning of the business day. That says there is something to be adjusted. There is something that needs to call your attention do this first.
10:57 AM the Moon is opposite the forces that be when Pluto sits in the seat with the control box. There is a controlling person on the other side. You want to give them the reins and let them have their way until they get tired. Then the Moon is square disruptive Uranus at 4:44 PM. That could have a problem or make a problem for travelling back home.
Then the Moon is in another aspect with Mars 10:30 PM. This is Wednesday night. There are hidden problems that can cause upset, at bedtime in particular. Wednesday also 11:59 PM sees the 1st Quarter Moon at 24 degrees of Cancer. This is also the last major aspect that the Moon makes while in Cancer. And again the Ancients do not consider a void of course Moon in the sign of Cancer. The 1st Quarter Moon is related to the New Moon that was seeded back July 15th 2015. So anything that you were dreaming up back then may get its lease to move forward and have some sort of life in those projects this time.
Thursday April 14th this is a Green Light that begins at 9:52 AM and it runs right until April 16th at 1:48 PM. The Green Light period invites the creative energies of that Leo Moon and the Aries Sun. It expresses it with a beautiful trine. So that is my pick for moving forward and advancing… make it that Thursday late morning.
There are matters with Venus and Neptune for cosmetic enhancements. This has to do a lot with cosmetic improvements that could be to the body, to the surroundings to your store front, to your house, whatever.
On Friday there is a Leo Moon and it is in its Green Light mode all day Friday. There may be a snag when the Sun and Neptune form an aspect, a 45 degree aspect, creating a blind spot at 2:24 PM. But notice that things are not very clear just before that either. That blind spot can be used for your advantage or another’s disadvantage. There is a person wearing a veil or disguise that might be hiding behind a façade. This could also be cosmetic alterations. Could be your teeth, could cosmetic surgery. There is a lot of music, and poetry, meditation that are very positive with this aspect. It is a desire to escape. It is a difficult misunderstanding, which leads to a sticky web that could be building with this aspect. Sloppy habits lead to errors and misjudgment. Missing links and false support is also something that is tricky with this deceptive aspect between the Sun and Neptune.
What do we have thereafter with that Leo Moon… and on Friday night very friendly very happy go out enjoy yourself. It is a really nice night out. The Moon is quincunx Pluto at 6:59 PM. You may be discovering that you don’t have quite enough money to do what you really want to do. But do things in moderation. 10:28 PM on Friday night Mercury is 150 degrees from Saturn. This is where serious thinking has to be applied to get yourself back home and in a safe mode. After that the Leo Moon on the other hand is in pretty good shape. It is the day before or 48 hours before Mars will turn retrograde.
Saturday & Sunday April 16, 17, 2016
Plan ahead April 16th 7:22 PM. It is very dangerous. Okay. Take care and we will talk again next week.
You can call me for consultations at 617-924-0929. Also I have a couple of classes. There will be a Sunday class coming up…that would be at the end of the month. And there is also another master class that is building. If you would like to be part of a master class for astrology let me know. My website is at You can find a copy of this report there with the audio file and also at WZBC [90.30 FM radio] archives. They archive this report for two weeks. That is it for the week.

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