Saturday, April 23, 2016

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin with Green Light Days for April 23 - April 30, 2016.

Listen to the report:

Green Light Periods this week:
3:46 PM Monday 4/25 the Moon joins Saturn in Sagittarius and allows for a Green Light after that through Tuesday 4/26 at 7:54 PM.
Green Light period Friday April 29 after Venus moves into Taurus at 8:36 PM until Sunday May 1, at 3:26 AM

Moon Phase this week:
Last Quarter Moon on Friday April 29 at 11:29 PM and it is the last of a Moon Family which began on

New Moon 30/Jan/2014 10° Aquarius 55
First Quarter Moon 31/Oct/2014 07° Aquarius 36
Full Moon 31/Jul/2015 07° Aquarius 55
Last Quarter Moon 30/Apr/2016 10° Aquarius 13

There is an extremely lucky astrological configuration 4/24 when Jupiter and Uranus parallel with Venus beginning 8:16 AM Sunday through and beyond 8:52 AM Sunday. It is lucky and happy. It offers abundance of the heart and more. Spontaneous events that bring an open heart.

The report transcribed:

Saturday, April 23, 2016 – Saturday, April 30, 2016

Good Morning. What sad news about Prince, the sadness that it has brought so many people about the loss of this wonderful artist. The Mars and Pluto stations are typical for things, losses like that… death and in a huge way. Pluto is the hugeness of it. Mars is rather ruthless. We have Mercury Retrograde coming up this week. Just sneaking right up on us as if we don’t pay attention it is going to empty our pocketbooks. It is in Taurus. Mercury will remain in Taurus right through until the middle of June until the 13th of June. There is quite a bit of money…there are quite a bit of money issues to be sorted out to be ironed out, revealed, and turned over. You want to get a handle on those things and not be left with problems that you were not paying attention to.

I have a workshop tomorrow so I don’t want to forget about that. It is about Mars retrograde in the birth chart.
We have Green Light periods. I just want to mention them before I forget them. On Monday there is a Green Light period from 3:46 PM Monday until 7:54 PM on Tuesday. There is another Green Light period coming in on Friday after Venus enters Taurus, which will be nice. That would be at 8:35 PM on Friday evening. Goes right through the next day. That Green Light period is good stretch to start something that you want to accomplish. Put your efforts into something. Especially the Friday one is particularly about friendship and likeminded groups that sort of thing. This one that we have earlier with the Sagittarius Moon that is about exploring new territories and expanding your horizons.
Saturday April 23, 2016

What we are also looking at…today we have still the heaviness of that Scorpio Moon. Lots of really difficult hard stories to listen to on the news. Many people say, I don’t listen to the news. Well, that is good. I kind of have to stay on top of it because of the nature of my business. But it is really painful especially the losses that are being reported.
Scorpio is responsible for deep transformation, and change, and notices about loss of those natures. There is no easy way to advance your goals with this Scorpio Moon without a battle of logistics or nasty words. That is because the Moon will confront Mercury in Taurus at the end of the sign. Mercury is in Taurus. The Moon is in Scorpio. They will be opposites. They may see each other across the room, but they are not seeing eye to eye. They are adversaries at that point.
There could be all sorts of things about additional fees, and charges, and anything having to do with the ways that you try to manage your money in particular. Anything that you haven’t been previously aware of be prepared for some kind of surprises. It is nervous. This Scorpio Moon has a nervousness. You can release it by lightening your agenda in some way. Take a break. Maybe some yard work or just go for a good walk. Do something that allows you relax the muscles, some body work would be a good idea.
Then we have a void of course Moon in Scorpio at 5:45 PM after its opposition to Mercury. That gives us a little break.
Mercury and Venus join for a really nice aspect 7:17 PM. This is for a pleasant visit with someone, an enjoyable meal for the rest of the evening. It makes for a nicer evening.
Sunday April 24, 2016
There is a rather exciting, and magical, and lucky aspect between Jupiter and Uranus. That is later this evening…well not. It will be tomorrow morning exactly. But it will have its effect also later this evening. But in a combination with Venus that Jupiter and Uranus are making many lucky aspects. The three of them are joined together in a parallel configuration. I would spend some time visualizing your abundance and how you want your life to unfold from this point on. See yourself in a broader happier more peaceful more abundant way. Allowing some of the qualities of your artistic qualities, and also things about love and money and friendship all to come together in this very lucky combination. The exact aspect of Venus and Jupiter parallel 8:52 AM along with Uranus. Venus and Uranus also 8:52 AM. Plan for attracting your best luck ever. It makes Sunday a wonderful day. It is a wonderful day for an Astrology class. We are having a lot of nice energy on that day. There is a silver lining in a recent heavy cloud with that energy. Plan on being uplifted with those forces that we have Sunday…would be Sunday morning. But we could feel that also later on tonight as well.
The Moon enters Sagittarius at 8:46 AM Sunday welcoming all that nice energy. Then Venus and Mars are in an aspect at 3:22 PM when there is a need to move forward. There is a little bit of interest...male and female interest, the qualities of the love of your work, and also seeing the money flow. There is a little bit of a pinch in it with a 135 degree aspect. But…Mars is retrograde so there is that backing out kind of quality or going back over some older interest, issues or older views as well.
There is also a cranky aspect between the Sun and the Moon 7:06 PM when they are quincunx. That is when the Moon pitches in to help the Sun out with something that just blocked the road. It is as if you are going along your drive and a bolder comes and lands in the middle of the road. You are stuck there until someone comes along and pulls it out. It can be a life’s messy clean it up aspect between the Sun and the Moon 7:06 PM on Sunday night.
Venus and Neptune are in a nice imagination aspect 11:48 PM. This allows you to visualize love and peace going into your sleep, which would be a beautiful thing to bring on. Also with all of that nice energy on Sunday morning peace and love are wonderful things to visualize.
Monday April 25th
Monday April 25th the Moon joins retrograde Mars early in the morning. We are asleep, we hope, unless we hear something bump in the night at 1:45 AM.
7:26 AM the Moon is square Neptune. You may lose your keys. Plan ahead hang them up on the wall or something so you don’t miss them. It can be foggy a little bit difficult seeing your way through.
The Moon and Jupiter join in an aspect 11:41 AM. You can be optimistic but there are some reservations about progress the next event, the Moon will join Saturn.
These aspects are important because these planets are retrograde. They are always making statements and trying to bring about the best use of their energies for advancement. That Green Light period does start 3:46 PM on Monday and it runs right through until the next day at 7:54 PM Tuesday.
Tuesday April 26, 2016.
For Tuesday still a Sagittarius Moon. The Moon is trine Venus, a nice one 11:50 AM. People are getting along, people are agreeing to things. That is really nice. That Green Light period during those couple of days or during that afternoon of Monday and through Tuesday. We have an optimistic Sagittarius Moon that helps you to see things in a broader way, open up your view of the world. Help you to participate. Go outside your circle.
For the Moon sign change there is no void of course Moon, while the Moon is in Sagittarius, according to the Ancients. If you want to go by more modern traditional rules that would be a void of course Moon at 11:50 AM on Tuesday until 7:54 PM on Tuesday. But I don’t count that.
Wednesday April 27, 2016.
Then the Capricorn Moon is rather serious. It does have a nice trine to the Sun on Wednesday at 10:53 AM. That can help you to pull things together with some harmony to advance your goals however this is not a Green Light to advance unless you wish to drop something.
There is a sort of a fire sale at 9:41 PM Wednesday evening with the Sun in a 150 degree aspect to Mars. That’s one hot mess. As two unrelated entities come together for a cleanup project. It may mean a strike or a job hire. That is the life’s messy clean it up aspect between these two hot planets and Mars is not functioning very nicely which retrograde. Too much Mars breaks out fevers, could be colds and viruses. You want to pump up your immune system before Wednesday with that aspect. Lots of germs and virus’ will fly and multiply. Also fires, blasts and gunfire.
Thursday April 28, 2016
Then for Thursday the Capricorn Moon is all about presentation, it is all about how things look. People are judging others based on their appearances with a Capricorn Moon. There is lots of financial things that are being considered. Thursday’s Capricorn Moon sees a square to Uranus at 12:58 PM. This square may bring some additional tricks with your car, with your plans, actually any serious plans that you have. Be mindful of any documents needed for your projects that you don’t leave them behind or lose them because Mercury will turn retrograde at 1:19 PM Thursday just right after that Moon is square Uranus. So there is a twist and a turn.
There are also things that you want to consider. The fact that Mercury turns direct on May 22nd On that very day it is one of the most extremely hazardous days because there will be a Full Moon on the day before in Sagittarius, during which the Moon is conjunct Mars. It is the day of the very important Sun and Mars opposition. It is the important halfway point of this Mars retrograde. Kind of plan ahead and keep yourself in a safe place. Plan a month away here for May 22nd to make sure you are safe and secure.
On Thursday after that retrograde Mercury is in place, Venus and Jupiter try to escape reality with a 135 degree aspect. But there is this heavy foot coming down the hallway with Saturn and Pluto parallel. It is a big aspect about these two planets that are retrograde. Both of them heavy hitters. They agree to join forces for a major renovation or the replacement of vital parts of the system. Think of it like the furnace of the house, the vital part of the house. Or an aspect that brings on practical destruction taking down a building. There could be heavy poisons and toxins that result from something that is destroyed. There is contamination problems with that aspect. There is a major entity and that could have an effect throughout the week. Because those two planets don’t move quickly and they are both retrograde that slows them down even greater.
You want to use this energy to set a long term plan and to pay off a major debt. Maybe that debt is already too huge. You may consider cutting it loose in whatever way you can to save your mind and your soul and get yourself unwrapped from great debt. Like a mortgage maybe you want to sell the house. If you wanted to sell the house tomorrow morning is a great time to put it on the market with that Jupiter and Uranus and Venus aspect going on, on Sunday morning. You may want to try and think of contacting a real estate agent and listing it. You could sell it very quickly.
Friday, April 29th
For Friday, April 29th we have a void of course Moon period. That void of course Moon period actually began with Mercury entering…no the Moon was trine Mercury 4:53 PM on Thursday beginning a void of course Moon… actually I’m sorry. It doesn’t start until 3:07 AM Friday morning that is with the Moon square Venus. So that Capricorn Moon sign does not end well at all. Do not plan on making any financial decisions that take you into your future in a long term way. Cutting things loose is one thing, but taking on new debt is not a good thing.
4:46 AM the Moon changes signs ending the void of course Moon period for the Capricorn Moon. Then the Moon is in the sign of Aquarius. It is there until May 1, 2016. Then that Aquarius Moon sign is mostly focused on Venus because Venus is going to change signs. Before Venus leaves the sign of Aries she may represent an important female or the feminine principal who may backs out of a matter causing an issue; or the money is not there, or someone takes off with the money that you have allotted for this that or the other thing. You could be perhaps trying to purchase something that you really love. Maybe it is a conference that you want to go to, but maybe there is just not enough money. Wait until after Venus changes signs at 8:36 PM Friday and then you have a Green Light to move forward right through the next day.

Friday night there is a Last Quarter Moon 11:28 PM at 0ยบ Aquarius. That is going to take place in Aquarius. This is potentially about friendship and anything that you may want to do to enhance friendship or make a statement in a group setting or for a political view. The dates in its Moon Family are found at the top of this report.
Friday night is very nice next Friday night as date night. You want to plan ahead for something nice. Join with a group. That Green Light period runs right through Saturday and until 3:26 AM May 1st. . So that is it for the week.

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