Dietrech Pessin’s 617-924-0929 – The following has been transcribed from the live radio report.
Weekly Astrology Report WCBZ radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in and around 9:30 AM
Call about the upcoming class covering "Venus in the Solar Return".
Saturday, May 7, 2016 – Saturday, May 14, 2016
Good morning. Well, we should see the Sun again, I believe tomorrow afternoon. It is really interesting. I have my Sweet Pea parrot here and a couple of parakeets. Their behavior completely changes when there is no Sun. I got to observe that for that whole week. It was very, very interesting to see how their personality, just like with people… We all sort of get down in the dumps and feeling frustrated and like we can’t get things going. We have good reason for that astrologically with Mercury retrograde and Mars retrograde, so many things are going on right now astrologically. And then even the Sun is trine Pluto. It would happen early this morning at 9:00. That has to do with making some sweeping changes that are very complex.
Pluto is a very complex planet. Even the Astronomers and Scientists are having a hard time with Pluto because now they have to face the fact that Pluto really is a planet. It acts like a planet scientifically speaking, so that they discovered this past week. Maybe we will hear Pluto will be promoted. And if we were to hear great big announcements it might be on Monday.
These great big announcements are broadened by the fact that Jupiter is going to move forward after being retrograde, since January 7th I believe. The opening up of Jupiter is a thrill because Jupiter does not like being confined and being restricted. It is in the sign of Virgo, which is paying attention to tiny little details. Now it is going to open up and give the opportunity to sweep things out and learn new things and try new things, which is great.
On top of it on that very day there is a Transit of Mercury. What that means is that Mercury is going to start crossing the face of the Sun early in the morning around 7:12 AM and it take seven and a half hours for this Transit of Mercury to travel across the face of the Sun. It is going to be this tiny little black dot. You cannot look at the Sun. You have to have special equipment, but there will be videos of it. If you want to follow it on Earth and Sky or other…maybe NASA also has their videos of it was well. I’m sure they will. It is a very exciting thing. It happens not that often. It is 10 years ago the last time. It always happens in May or November. The other thing that happened 10 years ago in 2006, Pluto was demoted.
Hopefully we will see that they come to their senses about this planet that astrologically we know is huge and it is complex and it is dynamic and it does force change. It is liberating and it is a planet working with today. You may dig deep inside to find ways to release and transform things that have perhaps been holding you back. Pluto is retrograde but go ahead anyway. Then Mercury being retrograde, along with Mars retrograde, Saturn is retrograde, and Jupiter is still retrograde just until Monday morning. And not to pass over the rest of the story for this weekend where we have Mother’s Day tomorrow.
Saturday May 7, 2016 The Moon is in Taurus changing to Gemini at 12:34 PM. The Moon is never void of course in Taurus due to the Seven Stars at the end of the sign.
Looking at further for Saturday’s information. Moon is opposite Mars today at 10:33 PM. So we always want to mention when the Moon and Mars are making an aspect because of the fact that Mars is retrograde and it is just on such a bit of an angry path. We are seeing it with the extreme fires and that also when Jupiter is standing still like it is, it is making things bigger than life. The fires are
interesting…are on the grounds where they are pumping that sand oil up in Canada. Trying to ship it down a pipe. It seems as though the universe is sending a message. It definitely does not want that oil that sludge pumped maybe, I don’t know that is a personal opinion.
For the rest of today we have a Moon sign change. The Moon currently is in Taurus. So actually this morning is a really good time up until 12:34 PM to make choices about what you might give your Mom or do for your Mom. Your instincts would be right on up until the Moon changes signs and goes into Gemini then it is a good time to make a plan. That Gemini Moon is going to be with us right until 1:24 PM on Monday afternoon.
The Dark of the Moon is still with us just until after noon time today. Then you can start…you won’t see the Moon in the sky yet, really not until tonight. That would technically be the end of the Dark of the Moon. By the numbers it would be over as early as early this afternoon. You want to get past that aggressive and accident prone Moon opposite Mars at 10:33 PM tonight. Be in place where ever you are because right after that is a Moon and Uranus aspect. It is a minor aspect but combine it with Mars and you get a little bit more trouble than what you bargained for.
Sunday May 8, 2016 The Moon is in Gemini.
Sunday May 8th that very nice Gemini Moon is great for doing little things that count, Conversations and visits. The best time is after 12:31 PM when the Moon pulls out of its opposition to Saturn, so that is the best time for a visit. There is a little bit of a power struggle around 4:33 PM when the Moon is 150 degrees from Pluto. That is a good time to turn the reins over to someone who likes making all the decisions. So that you have a more pleasant afternoon, don’t fight for those reigns. 12:31 PM on Sunday again to mention is Moon opposite Saturn, so the food may not be so good before that. Then we have the rest of the evening is fairly pleasant on Sunday night.
Monday May 9, 2016 the Moon is in Gemini and changing to Cancer at 1:23 PM. The Moon is void of course from 8:14 AM until 1:23 PM.
Then on Monday May 9th that is where the excitement comes in. That Gemini Moon is void of course from 8:12 AM until 1:24 PM. The Gemini Moon is void of course after Jupiter happily turns direct at 8:12 AM. The Transit of Mercury also is happy because the Moon is in its own sign of Gemini so for these important celestial events. The Transit as I mentioned is seven and a half hours long. What it can bring for us is a big story. It could be in our own lives. Perhaps there is something that you are writing, as I am writing my next book. Also could be something that you are preparing for presentation. There also may be some cosmic or geological event that is notable. There also could be certainly political events with Jupiter. Jupiter is very political. It is turning around on Monday so it should have a lot to say, and with Mercury being so vivid there could be lots of messages that are rather important.
More for Monday would be the Moon sign change. There is that void Moon until 1:23 PM. The Moon enters Cancer after that point. There is a quincunx between the Moon and Mars late night 11:02 PM on Monday night. There could be something that you have to clean up before you can actually retire for the evening as the quincunx brings a life’s mess clean it up event.
Tuesday May 10, 2016 the Moon is in Cancer.
Then on Tuesday May 10th we still have a Cancer Moon sign. The Moon is forming a couple of beautiful aspects to Venus and Jupiter and that would be 11:38 AM and 11:56 AM. Test your luck at that time. That should be a wonderful opportunity to find something happy and lucky. Then we have Venus trine Jupiter at 3:00 PM. That is a beautiful aspect that allows for an opening of pleasant types of information, good news. Also we have the Sun and the Moon are parallel, which means that people come together for a common cause to take care of something in a very positive way forward. At 7:04 PM the Moon is opposite Pluto leaving a question about who is actually in charge. By 9:09 Pm you may be able to talk through any issues as the Moon is in a nice 60º sextile to retrograde Mercury. Going back over the past for review and avoid blame
Wednesday May 11, 2016. The Moon is in Cancer until 5:31 PM when it enters Leo until Saturday May 14, 2016 at 1:51 AM. A rough spot during the Cancer Moon is at 3:33 AM Moon square Uranus.
Then on Wednesday we have a couple of things to note. The Moon is changing signs. Well there is a void of course Moon…in Cancer actually there really is not, but it would be from 5:00 PM to 5:31 PM. Then the Moon changes signs and enters Leo until May 14th and then Venus and Saturn are quincunx at 7:08 PM on Wednesday. This is life’s messy clean it up aspect. Love hurts would be the translation between those two planets. Relationships need to make their adjustments and keep an open mind and an open heart. There are lots of financial things that need to be discussed. Some times that is really hard to deal with in a relationship: insurance matters, banking matters, all those sorts of things. There could also be a time just to step back from your emotional involvement have an objective look at matters of love and money, even though someone disapproves of your choices.
Thursday May 12, 2016. The Moon is in Leo.
Thursday on May 12th we have a Leo Moon. There may be a Green Light for some things through the day. There is also the possibility of a Green Light is…stands on the hinge of the fact that a 1st Quarter Moon would be the last aspect of that Leo Moon before it goes void of course (not until Friday at 1:02 PM.) Using great descretion any Green Light period would be before that. It has to be…it is very “iffy.” Whatever you do on Thursday and Friday morning has a huge impact because it leads to a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse that will come up next February 2017. Thinking about that lunar gestation cycle how one Moon phase births another and links to another with the nine month lunar gestation cycle; this is the topic of my book Lunar Shadows. You can call me for that or find it on Amazon.
Also for the rest of…we have some…probably cloudy or foggy or wet weather with the Moon and Neptune blocking our vision. Although it has a visionary quality to it as well…that is back on Thursday. There is also something exciting with the Sun and Uranus making an aspect that day. Then Mercury and Pluto also finding a connection to those things that are deep and also complex. You may be able to find your words that you need to express yourself. The Moon is square Venus at 11:20 PM on Thursday night.
Friday May 13, 2016 – The Moon is in Leo.
Then we have a lovely aspect between Mercury and Venus which does begin at 3:39 AM when parallel on Friday and continues right through the conjunction of Mercury and Venus at 3:10 PM. This is wonderful because it talks about an important visit. It is a day where you can speak from your heart and also find your true voice. This is a Taurus alignment. It is filled with rich traditions and important communications about money and about love about things that matter to you that are very close to you. You may have events with siblings. Your talents, how can they sustain you? You may be able to find the words to articulate that the best way that you can and find what you have to offer on this very special voice day of the year.
Looking at the rest of Friday evening, there is a very beautiful trine between Venus and Pluto. This aspect is intense. It loves to get into things deeply. In romantic situations it can be very sensual and that adds to the evening of next Friday evening on the 13th of May. And that is it for the week.
You can find more about the week at my report on my website at Also you can give me a call and I can answer your questions and anything else you would like to know about classes. There is a class not yet scheduled for Venus and the solar return. That will be announced when we are ready to go forward with that. To reach me on phone 617-924-0929. And if you want to read my report that would be That is it for the week. Have a great one. (50:48 STOP)
The audio file is also archived at WCBZ radio 90.3 FM.
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