Sunday, May 22, 2016

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin for May 21 - May 27th and Green Light Days.

The headliners this weekend are shared by the highly visible retrograde Mars in opposition to the Sun and at the Full Moon which of course is also opposite the Sun and Mercury turning direct. Venus is coupled with the Sun and the Moon is coupled with Mars. Another major astrological factor is the location of the lunar south node at the same degree where the March 9th solar eclipse occurred (noted by colleague Liz Rozan in the chart of the Egypt Air MS804 crash). In our personal lives we may see developments that further the matters that were seeded in March or a few weeks before.
At this time personal and public relationships could be in great distress and for some it is a positive shift that their issues are out in the open. It is time to clear the air. Also the focus on Mercury turning direct in Taurus and Venus in Taurus at the time of the Full Moon makes this a optimum time to shop at yard sales. Add to the fact that Mars will be traveling back into Scorpio by the end of the week there are likely to plenty hidden treasure unearthed. A $2 purchase may reap a big reward. Have fun.
Also animals may be more aggressive during this Full Moon with the Mars focus. If health issues emerge there may be pain or fevers that bring that awareness. Check for heat spots on your pets to identify inflammation.
There does not appear to be clear cut Green Light periods this week to forward your goals. Next week beginning with Sunday May 29th after 5:00 PM there is a Green Light period that runs until 7:10 PM Monday May 30th. You may email documents to use this to your advantage or drop things in the mailbox to officiate an event.
Another Green Light Period begins on Wednesday June 1, especially after the Moon joins Uranus at 11:42 AM and runs till 8:03 PM. The indications are that “all’s well that ends well” Everyone is satisfied with the outcome but there are no parades. The governing aspect is Moon split parallel Neptune.
Saturday May 21, 2016
The Scorpio Moon this May 21st morning is void of course from 7:39 AM until the Moon enters Sagittarius at 2:48 PM.
The adventurous Sagittarius Moon sign is packed with excitement this weekend as it is full and ready to expose aggressive plans and swift actions while in cahoots with retrograde Mars but the Gemini Sun is equipped with the softer persuasion of Venus on its side. Venus still in Taurus has a bankroll to use as leverage.
This Full Moon links back to a few relevant eclipses; one in Nov 2003 and more recently in Nov 2011. Even the matters from a Lunar Eclipse back in May 2013 is relevant. The issues and events that occurred around those eclipse dates may be up for a lively next step with this very active Sagittarius Full Moon.
The times of the major events during the Sagittarius Moon on Saturday are the Full Moon at 5:14 PM; the Moon conjunct retrograde Mars at 6:43 PM.
Sunday May 22, 2016
On Sunday May 22nd the Sun is opposite Mars at 7:16 AM and then Mercury is turning direct at 9:19 AM.
Monday May 23, 2016
The Moon continues late in the sign of Sagittarius with Venus perched at the Seven Stars of the Pleiades at 29º Taurus. There may be a certain amount monetary issues to cry about. Or someone may be in a tough spot of make it or break it. Even Mr. Trump is trying to sell property to pay for his campaign.
One big thing that will influence Monday is the Sun Contra Parallel Retrograde Saturn. Also called split parallel.
Sun split parallel Saturn brings a temporary alignment with the boss. There may be discussions re: cutbacks or elimination of positions. Any agreement may not be desirable as later there is a high cost. Someone who pushes creates a major problem. Some negative results and complications could lead to a change in management.
In personal matters: Maintain boundaries. Work alone on tasks that require presentation. Prepare for an open house.
In business: Gather support from those in a higher position but resist implementing a plan. Large purchases present long-term problems.
Tuesday May 24, 2016
The Sagittarius Moon finishes with a 150º quincunx to Venus on Tuesday morning at 1:06 AM. This becomes another clue to the type of things to watch out for. For one, money is a matter. Matters with or about women may be dominant especially a story where she has something to cry about. There is an expanded view of how things can be fairer either with the financial backing or a greater understanding of the bigger picture. Counselors and lawyers may be needed for sorting through what is really important. You may be seeking satisfaction and compensation for past injustices.
Moving on to the Capricorn Moon sign that begins at 1:33 AM Tuesday and continues through to Thursday at 10:27 AM. During the Capricorn Moon Venus changes from Taurus to Gemini at 5:44 AM Tuesday, where it will be shopping and changing design and outfits throughout the next month. Venus is fickle in Gemini and prone to shopping for too many things. Her taste is not focused but makes new friends easily. Romance however may be too unpredictable. This is a good placement for writing material that has a variety of facets.
In general: Venus is the planet of love, money, art and peacemaking. Venus in Gemini enjoys intellectual stimulation and variety in all relationships but is particularly flirtatious and fickle sign for Venus. This is the time to develop your communication skills specifically for the purpose of enhancing your personal relationships. Venus in Gemini can become burdened with too many choices. Conversation may become more pleasant, but more superficial during this time and sweet talk is developed to an art form with Venus in Gemini. There could be a multitude of money making ideas and plenty of partners to choose from. Shoppers may be buying for children or siblings. Venus in Gemini colors are light and airy pastels. Trips are planned for pleasure or entertainment.
For personal use: Enhance the communication aspect of your relationships as an expression of your love. For business use: Marketing and shopping is up but the customer may have difficulty making up their mind and make returns.

Later Venus and retrograde Mars are hashing it out again through Tuesday night when they are exactly opposite at 10;38 PM. This is not likely to be a time of aligning but sorting through the relationship issues again. Venus and Pluto in 135º aspect indicate a jealous streak which complicates and already over sensitive situation.
Also influencing all day May 24 2016 from 9:01 am Sun Contra Parallel Pluto
A combination for an enemy camp. A temporary attempt to overpower others and exert absolute control. The obsessions that motivate action. Deep psychological issues that can set one apart from meeting their goals. To be asked to keep secret what is witnessed. A short period of trust between two people perhaps for a specific purpose. Feelings of betrayal. Success may come through methods of coercion or intimidation.
For personal use: Deep truthful talks. Express your loyalty and respect for your partner.
For business use: Avoid entering any sort of partnership where you may be outmatched.

Wednesday May 25, 2016
Hard-working Capricorn Moons are dead serious about their work. The "rules" command the day. Progress and status are important. Important people that "count" are around, as well as people you can count on. You are your own presentation, and caring about what other people think is often more important. The tone might be something like, "It is not as important to be happy as it is to be correct and successful." Make sure all your ducks are in a row. As a result, the pressure is great to be successful. Criticism runs high during Capricorn Moons and if you have not invited criticism as a constructive asset you could receive a blow to your confidence. This can be a time when people are more sensitive or very thin skinned. Capricorn can often expose matters of low self-esteem and gloomy feelings. There tends to be an emotional coldness during this time. Fathers, bosses, and authority figures are the main characters at the time of the Capricorn Moon. Architecture, big business and corporate structures are the focus. If you are a Capricorn, matters tend to go your way. Plant bushes and trees. Root crops.

After the Moon is square disruptive Uranus the Capricorn Moon is void of course on Wednesday May 25 at 9:11 PM until Thursday at 10:27 AM.
Thursday May 26, 2016
Again for Thursday May 26 the Moon is void of course until 10:26 AM when it enters Aquarius through the following few days. You may feel best when you are with friends or aligning yourself with likeminded people. A few very nice aspects join the Sun and Moon while in softer conversations with Venus and Mars to finally end the day with a beautiful Aquarius Moon trine the Gemini Sun.
Aquarius is an outgoing air sign ruling friendship and groups that join to exchange ideas and share like-minded ideas. With an Aquarius Moon the unusual, brand-new, and bizarre are the order of the day. This is usually a more social time with the unexpected as the norm. Aquarius rules anything very strange or alien in nature. Emotions are more erratic with an unpredictable expression. When independence streak is triggered some people express themselves with alienating behaviors becomes obvious. This is also true with nations, and companies, etc. There is a sense or expectation of change, and for some it may feel like impending doom. For others a strong surge of hope is evident. Aquarius is a fixed sign, indicating that things may not really change but evolve to the level of social consciousness. This may be a good time for revelations and awakenings. Aquarius rules mirrors or tape recorders, where reflection and repetitiveness are modes of behavior. Incessant talkers are reported, debating any passing point. This is the sign of invention and modernization. If you are an Aquarius, matters tend to go your way. Doctor appointments on days with Aquarius Moons can lead to treatments with the most modern techniques and equipment. In the garden it's a good time to eliminate bugs and weeds.

The headliner on Thursday is Jupiter square Saturn at 8:27 AM. This aspect has been a slow building aspect which has matured over time but presses the issues in a profound manner. The surrounding situations currently are calling for change. Your efforts are best wrapped in patience as this is a slow process. You may find both tension and frustration arises during attempts to escape previous obligations. These may have involved responsibilities that began in the year 2000 and now demand progress. It is now that you are presented with an opportunity to break out of an old mold, albeit a difficult feat. Seek advice from seasoned professionals and persist with matters involving money, estates, creative projects and children. Children who were experiencing setbacks soon benefit by professional guidance. Take action on their behalf to facilitate progress. Restructure, reorganize and redesign areas that have potential for growth in the future. This aspect is about collecting the promising seeds from the past to seed the future. How you handle you affairs now will be evaluated very soon. You can expect to reap the rewards of your efforts with this aspect if you have towed the line. If not then this is time to pay the debt. It is time to place your goals on the table. Fight for what you really want. If you need braces for any type of thing get them now. In your business matters take an honest inventory and cut out anything that is dragging you down.
Friday May 27, 2016
Friday May 26 sees another day with the Aquarius Moon sign and Mars is backing up into Scorpio at 9:51 AM. That revisits the intensity of this Mars retrograde period and unearths the buried treasures or leads you to where the bodies are buried.
Mars in Scorpio is passionate about its goals leading dramatic crusades and taking matters to the brink of obliteration with only the goal in mind. Any opponent should be taken seriously and take care when assessing the capacity of the defendants. Strong sexual drives. Personal use: Find your passion. For business use: Use this energy to motivate yourself from your deepest drive.

Date & Time: May 27 2016 6:43 pm Venus and Saturn join forces to call for accountability.
Venus Contra Parallel Saturn
A temporary understanding for the cause of separation between loved ones. A temporary decision to cease spending, borrowing or lending money or possessions. To join with those of greater age or rank differences such as the Defense Secretary visits with the troops at the battle site. An arranged opportunity to meet with leaders or family head.
For personal use: Look into alternative retirement plans.
For business use: Position yourself by appearing competent and not pushy.

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