Due to technical difficulties Victor was unable to make the connection to broadcast the report today. However I have recorded it and you may listen to this week's report by following this link or the one on my front page of the website.
Good morning. Well the week ahead has some exciting things in front of us. But for today it is like a great big Mercury retrograde going on. We are in the dark of the Moon and that Dark Moon period is filled with all sorts of Gemini stuff. The New Moon will occur tonight and that would be at 10:59 PM. The Moon is in Gemini now. It is has been there since late last night and that will creep up to meet Venus and then the Sun. it will all be at 14 degrees of Gemini which is a beautiful configuration. We won’t be able to see Venus in the sky because it will be with the Sun and the Moon, which are after Sunset. Because it is the New Moon there is no Moon in the sky.
If you want to use this as a lucky charm it is going to continue right through that Gemini Moon sign. We have also during that Gemini Moon sign the Moon making a positive aspect to Uranus, which allows for opportunities to develop and the latest technology to be used.
All in all, the Gemini Moon will have some difficulties in the end. The Moon and Saturn are opposite at 7:55 PM Saturday. That may cut off some plans making it difficult to get everyone to agree and get on the same plan because some people may be feeling like down or low or dropping out of things. Other people may have to work.
Then there is Venus square Jupiter, which happens Saturday. That is also headed by a Sun square Jupiter that happened early this morning.
So Venus and the Sun traveling together are making their aspects first to Jupiter and then to the Lunar Nodes as we get on in the week. We will have for the Venus square Jupiter it is at 8:48 PM. It might feel like fun it may be overindulgent on the happy side. Then the Moon comes up and meets with Venus at 10:08 PM and then the New Moon when the Moon meets with the Sun 10:59 PM at 14 degrees of Gemini.
Then for Sunday the things that are probably going to be noticeable are all of the statements and vocal behaviors. People coming out with things, all sorts of errands going on, and plans, and parties. The Moon and Uranus make a nice aspect for that. It is 12:47 PM tomorrow on June 5th.
Also there is an aspect between the Moon and Mars which will be the last aspect of this Gemini Moon sign at 6:35 PM. At 6:35 PM we can expect that there…it would be something to clean up some kind of mess. Don’t go running off anywhere quickly. Take your time. Maybe you have to go to work or maybe you have to tend to things that need to be picked up quickly or swept up quickly.
That Dark Moon phase Moon does end Sunday night just before 9:00 PM. So then you might find a little peep of the Moon somewhere in the sky. If not, for sure it will be clear in the sky the next night.
11:41 PM what we have is the Moon enters the sign of Cancer. It will be in the sign of Cancer for the next few days after that until 2:47 AM on Wednesday. That Cancer Moon sees a couple of things. One of the things it is going to do is trine retrograde Mars before it leaves the sign on Tuesday night.
What we can expect from the Cancer Moon is a very nice joining of a perfect conjunction between the Sun and Venus which brings women together or events and friends together especially surrounding women. There would be an important event for a woman in your life. someone you want to send loving energy to or be supportive with as the women gather around someone that is going through a hard time.
Later on in the evening the Moon is quincunx Saturn. Might be a little bit hard to settle down on Monday evening. There might be something to clean up or work on or fix up. There is a nice aspect between the Moon and Jupiter 11:53 PM. That would help to settle things and make you feel more optimistic.
Then the Sun and Venus are both making that 150 degree aspect to Pluto. It is a quincunx. I call it life’s messy clean it up. There is probably some sort of snag. This is early Tuesday morning something where there are some issues, perhaps power struggles. Some people want things one way, other people want it another way. So bear with it.
Then Venus is square the Nodes that is at 3:40 AM. And then the Sun will square the Lunar Nodes at 6:06 AM. The Lunar Nodes are about the coming and going of people in your life. This brings people together. This allows… the square allows for an opening. A changing of partners or a changing of perhaps direction. This may have a great influence on the political situation as well. There might be some new avenues that come about as a result of that very important shift. That Sun square the Lunar Node is also a shift in the Eclipse cycle. We get to see with this New Moon that we are having tonight. It really brings in a whole new set of things to talk about. All of your principles, all of your purpose now shifts on a dime with this shift going on in the sky.
The New Moon that is square to 90 degrees, square to the next solar Eclipse, which would be September 1st is always one that brings in a totally new and different look and a new topic. The things we have been talking about for the past 3 months would now be moving on to the next great subject.
At 3:19 PM on Tuesday the Cancer Moon will square Uranus. This begins a Green Light period thereafter. So I would say make it around 3:21 PM before you start pushing things through but go ahead and try to make changes for a positive future for yourself, throughout that afternoon and right into the evening and even beyond in that Cancer Moon… when it is trine Mars at 8:17 PM that would be the golden period for the end of the Green Light.
But the Moon continues in Cancer until 2:47 AM on Wednesday. That Moon is in then the sign of Leo until Friday at 9:46 AM. The Leo Moon is challenged by a square to Mercury before it leaves the sign on Friday. So this is absolutely not the day to contract with people or sign up for something that you really want to do or plan your wedding. Don’t do anything that is for your future goals because it is likely to fail.
Both Mercury and Mars are moving slowly. They are headed for an opposition during this Leo Moon on Thursday at 1:01 PM. So that is a pretty nasty opposition. It is very bad for making broad statements, which come back to bite you or they cut you off sooner rather than later. This maybe particularly nasty as Mars is very much at home in the sign of Scorpio where he is ready to make those low blows. Mercury is quick to react, but is not so quick in in the sign of Taurus, where it is now. So it may not have the best come back. We will be watching and listening to all of the political antics that are going on with this particular configuration.
Going on to Thursday the Moon is quincunx Pluto, Pluto for a bit of a dance around 9:00 AM with a control freak. Walk away from this. It is a confrontation that is brewing. If anyone seems particularly angry leave the room, leave the space. Be careful around people that are particularly hot headed. And you may want to skip any of the meetings with the boss in a nice polite way find a way to get out of it.
Also 1:40 in the afternoon the Sun offers some help. May offer a solution as it makes a nice 60 degree aspect to the Moon, the Sun and the Moon. Then the Venus and the Moon will do the same thing at 3:14 PM. This allows for an opening, a shift and a positive conversation that may bring an offer or it may just be an invitation for a night out. But the Moon holds a sour taste from the earlier arguments earlier in that day. So try and let go what you can. The Moon is making squares to Mercury and Mars earlier in the morning Friday morning which could interfere with a good night’s sleep if you don’t let things go before you actually get into bed.
Then there is a Moon sign change on Friday 9:45 AM the Moon enters Virgo. This is a nice Virgo Moon. There is a few things to watch out for. Mercury will be a major player here because Mercury is going to change signs while the Moon is in Virgo. That will not be until Sunday the 12th of June at 7:22 PM. However it is under the beams of this Moon in Virgo. It is holding things up. It can do a couple of things. It can hold things up or drop things. Like drop important papers or documents that you need to further your goals or your jobs. Maybe you don’t get the contract or the word back in time. Or maybe when you do, the people have changed their mind.
But about medical things it could end up being a good thing. That is because you may find out that the review for your medical information shows that you have improved. You may be dropping some treatments that you have been undergoing. You can also watch how these things may affect the kids. They may change their minds about their summer plans. Look after your pets while they are outdoors with all of this Mercury Mars aspect stuff going on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday be very careful…and through next weekend. Even animals that are indoors can get into trouble.
Then at 8:07 PM the Moon and Uranus are in a very nice parallel bringing friends together for a nice night out. That could make up for a lot of things that had gone sour earlier.
Saturday June 11
For next Saturday and Sunday during that Virgo Moon…I can say this now because I am off the air. That Virgo Moon has basically nothing going on next Saturday. It is free flowing. It does have an opposition to Neptune early 8:57 AM. So your plans might be foggy or hindered by some kind of confusion. If you wait until after 9:52 AM to go out and about your business that is after the Moon is square Saturn, you should have a better start to your day. Later on in the afternoon the Moon is conjunct Jupiter. This is very nice for a buoyant afternoon a happy romping day, even lots of fun working [and] getting lots of work done if that is what you want to do.
Sunday June 12
For Sunday that Mercury changing signs will govern the things that are going on for Sunday. But there is a very lovely Venus sextile Uranus 11:12 AM Sunday June 12th. Well that is it for the week. I’m going to post this on my website at Lunar-Shadows.com. Give me a call at 617-924-0929 if you have any questions. You take care. Have a safe and happy week.
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