Sunday, June 19, 2016

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin for June 18 - 24, 2016 with Green Light Times

Dietrech Pessin’s 617-924-0929
Listen to the report here:

Weekly Astrology Report WCBZ radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in and around 9:30 AM
Saturday, June 18, 2016 – Saturday, June 25, 2016
Green Light Period
There is only a brief Green Light time this coming week. It’s on Friday June 24th from 10:26 AM until 11:48 AM. That is during the Aquarius Moon sign which allow for help from a friend or through or by an affiliation of a group.
Good morning. We are at Father’s Day weekend. It is a pretty exciting one. As a matter of fact there is…there will be another time July 14th that will be this exciting. That will be because both of those dates…well, the 14th is when the last time that Mars and Uranus are quincunx. This weekend is the first time in its retrograde cycle. So that quincunx dominates this weekend. It is exact on the 20th.
It is very, very extreme and also very accident prone. So you need to take lots of special care in everything you do and want to do. However, anything you want to plow, through with caution, go ahead. I would say take on large challenges be careful of your bones and your muscles. Do whatever strengthening or lengthening of your muscles, before you want to do anything extremely physical. Also it is time to be careful with fire. There is lots of fire that sparks with this aspect. There are lots of tires that will just break off the wheel. There are also things of noise, extreme noise, and blasts and guns, and all those sorts of things. It is more extreme than normal, than an average time, because Mars is standing perfectly still. It has the quality of making whatever is going on last longer and have a greater impact than an ordinary Mars and Uranus quincunx. There is nothing ordinary about that. Uranus is bizarre. It looks for anything that is different and unusual to express itself.
Then on top of it Mars and Pluto are in an intense aspect as well, as they are parallel also… that is today. That is an aspect that intensifies everything. There is a need to engage on treacherous ground. There are blatant and overpowering responses to all sorts of hot topics. There is that steam roller quality to any Mars and Pluto aspect.
On a good note, the Iraqi forces are making great headway in retaking Volusia from ISIS. So that is fantastic use of this energy. This is also a big money day for big players even though it is a Saturday. In some way it could involve a lot of big money. It is not a day for light weights. Biological drives are also leading people to all sorts of physical extremes, cutting into a new fabric or creating a new design to move into new territory is a good way to use this energy.
For personal use, get out of the way if you are not part of the plan. You want to exercise. Make love, not war. The approach is to deal with power in a brief way.
Also what is going on is Mercury and the Moon are going to be opposite at 2:48 PM. This is when you discover you don’t have the paperwork that you need to get on with your day. Maybe you left your driver’s license at home and somebody is asking to see it. With that Mars Pluto thing the cops ought to be all over the roads today.
Also the Moon is at the point where Mars had gone retrograde. So there is this real strong message going on about Mars and its activities in Scorpio. It is saying keep an eye on that. There are seemingly things that you need to collect before packing up and moving out with your plans. But haven’t you noticed all the things that are getting dug up and ancient things that are getting dug up and bodies that are being discovered and mobsters that are being unearthed, that sort of thing. That is all Mars in Scorpio. Also the Mars in Scorpio is set off by a lot of extreme Mercury, which we are going to have all that this week. This may explain why there is such a threat to children being in areas that have alligators and cougars and gorillas. It seems like every day there is another news story about a child being harmed by a wild animal. So keep your kids close to your side and your pets as well. Don’t let your pets out this week. It is really not a good thing to do.
You want to also notice any of the unique technological brilliance that is around with Mercury and Uranus at an aspect. It is exact at 4:07 today. Notice the abundance of unusual thinking. You can get all the facts straight before you re-speak anything. Lots of quirky stuff going on with that.
The Moon is conjunct Saturn 9:06 PM. There might be like a dip in the evening mood because of that Moon conjunct Saturn. It very often leaves people feeling a little bit depressed. When it is over, then about 15 minutes later you will feel better.
Moon is square Neptune 9:13 PM. The impact of the combination of Moon square Neptune may linger with the broad aspect of Saturn and Jupiter involved in any aspect with Neptune. This allows things with are huge to move into the foreground of our lives.
Sunday June 19, 2016
Sunday Happy Father’s Day. There is retrograde Mars in Scorpio is exactly making that quincunx to Uranus at 1:54 AM. That makes everything that is going on today related to that. If you have high blood pressure, take your blood pressure. This is a time when it could get pumped up. There could be erratic readings of vital statistics. If you have people in the hospital and anything that you are taking readings on, it could be tire readings, everything could be weird in regard to trying to measure things. There is outburst and rebelliousness that is going on also with this aspect.
Mercury and Saturn try to calm things down temporarily and ease some worries as they join together in an aspect Sunday afternoon.
Monday June 20, 2016
Then for Monday it’s a very busy day. We have that Sagittarius Moon and it is star studded with the focus on the Sun and all of its glory, it is the Summer Solstice. The last time we had a Full Moon at the Summer Solstice was in 1997, 19 years ago. Go back another 19 years and you see it happen in 1978. It will happen again in 19 years from now. 2035.
Having a Full Moon at the Summer Solstice with so many other big things going on around, it makes this a very high profile solstice with lots of things going on this season. All sorts of things shift after this date of the exact time of solstice and that would be 6:34 PM on Monday. Then for the following three months we are in the story. We are in the grips of the new story that we are on the heels of now. We shed some of the older stories that have already occurred and move into something new.
The Moon changes from Sagittarius to Capricorn at 7:54 AM on Monday. The Sun… Another big deal going on, on Monday is Jupiter is square the Lunar Node the whole day. It is conjunct, it is lined up with. It is like a magnifying glass on top of the planet that acts like a magnifying glass, and that is Jupiter. It is going to make things bigger than life. Watch out for what that may bring. If you are interested in studying something new or expanding your horizons in great ways, this is great energy to do that.
Continuing on for the later evening on Monday. There are a couple of things that pump up the volume and create an intensity when Mercury is involved with Mars and then with Pluto.
Tuesday June 21, 2016
On Tuesday the 21st we have a Capricorn Moon and it is most interested in business and keeping up appearances.
Well, there is one thing to note the Moon it joins Pluto in Capricorn at 3:16 PM.
Wednesday June 22, 2016
Wednesday the 22nd Capricorn Moon will square Uranus at 4:57 AM and then go void of course for the rest of the day. During the void Moon Mercury is also squared the Lunar Node making plenty of noise creating excessive traffic. Also this impacts businesses and all sorts of stories in government and other things of great interest. I’m sure politics will get a lot of news flying around on that day as well. With the Moon squaring Uranus that makes for a void of course Moon all day long on Wednesday. Actually it ends at 4:08 PM when the Moon enters the friendly sign of Aquarius. It is Aquarius until Friday at 10:30 PM.
There is a couple of things to notice on Wednesday with that Aquarius Moon and that is Mercury square Jupiter. This is more of what we have already talked about. This is expanding more, this is pontificating. Somebody is in a very loud mouth mode. I can’t think of anyone who would fit that. But that is also involved with a quincunx between the Moon and the Sun. Anything that had been going on during the Full Moon, which is in the early part of the week, needs to be sorted out and adjustments need to be made. You need to go to insurance agents or human resources or offices of bureaucracy to deal with matters that are brought out into the open for this Full Moon.
Thursday June 23, 2016
Mercury and Pluto they are in one of those crazy worrying aspects. You are going to have to ask yourself to let something go. But this is also when you see the critters around the house are in the house that you have not invited. If you find that you are overrun with something this may be when they show themselves. Good information so that you can then take care of that.
The Moon and Jupiter make a quincunx and then the Moon and Pluto make an aspect shortly after that and that would be on Thursday evening. Seems as though there is some money talk of some sort in that night or some plans some future plans that could be important for progress.
Friday June 24, 2016
We are coming up on a Green Light tiny slot on Friday and there is just this one little spot for it. That is on Friday the 24th. First it has that Moon in Aquarius heads for a square to Mars at 10:26 AM. After that square then there is a Green Light period until 11:47 AM. Just a little bit of Green Light. If you wanted to do something earlier than that you would have to be faced with the squabble or the battle that comes up. It indicates that in the end all will work out, but you don’t want to invite trouble. I would just wait to conduct my business after 10:26 AM on Friday and line everything up really good and tight, so that you have it all complete by 11:47 AM when the Moon is then void of course.
The Moon will be void of course in the sign of Aquarius until it enters Pisces at 10:30 PM on Friday night. That Pisces Moon ends with a square to Mercury. That one is not a good one to take advantage of either.
As far as Green Light times we are going to have to look to next week to see what comes up. So tune in next Saturday for that. That is it for the week.

There will be a copy of this on my website at You can also give me a call if you want to book a consultation at 617-924-0929. Also inquire about classes. You can also find more information on my website at

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