Saturday, June 11, 2016

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin for June 11 - June 17, 2016 with Green Light Days

Listen to the report here:
Good morning. We have a really interesting week. I mean it is always interesting, but we have one of the things that is creating such deep intensity about the stories that we hear about friends that are suffering from very serious things and going through operations and going through other trials and tribulations. That is instigated a lot by Mars in Scorpio which has been retrograde since mid-April and will continue to be retrograde until the 29th of June. So it has a lot of activity over this next month, over these couple of weeks.

This past couple of days Mercury as opposite Mars and then the Moon was square the two of them. That made for very intense challenges on many levels. But there are good things about this that get things moving get things in the right direction that you have been trying to do. You go back over, and you have to do things again and again, and this time you maybe get it right or get it in a better direction. So do persist.

Then another thing that is happening with that retrograde Mars is that it is in a quincunx. That is a 150 degrees with Uranus. Now Uranus is that planet of sudden abrupt change. It has the quality of moving things and changing things in a very bizarre and unique way. It is accident prone. This aspect is not exact until next Sunday. However we are under the influence of this all week long. Be careful put your seat belts on don’t speed don’t do anything crazy. There is going to be enough crazy stuff around us that we are going to have to just manage. Also be prepared to pick up things and jump into action to be helpful to someone or to run and do something because your plans have changed. You are going to go and take advantage of some opportunity that comes up. That is a work aspect that Uranus and Mars aspect. We are going to talk about this more next week. It is in a holding pattern with us right through until the middle of July. July 14th it lets go

The other thing that is fascinating this week that starts today. Venus will pop up above the Tropic of Cancer and move into an area we call Out of Bounds. It is out of the reach of the Sun and it is traveling in unknown territory. Venus is the ruler of love and money and women and anything having to do with …anything you want to embrace yourself with, decorations or home furnishings or peacemaking, reaching out with an olive branch. Also these things are coming from a very unique and unusual place. If you have been looking for someone there are people that only find a new date a new love when Venus is Out of Bounds. It will be Out of Bounds until the 29th of June, the day that Mars turns direct. So there is a message in there you can see Venus and Mars, you know what those two mean. Love and compassion, companionship. It is a find money in strange places, find friends in strange places. It is a very unique thing. We have keep it in mind that it is fickle when it is out there because it is going to come back and shake off all of those unique and unusual things and get a little more serious down to Earth when it does come back on the 29th. That is the most interesting thing going on over this next couple of weeks.
A Green Light period is brief and is only available from 8:32 PM Tuesday June 14 until 6:32 AM Wednesday morning during the Libra Moon sign.
Saturday June 11, 2016. The Virgo Moon waits for Mercury to make a sign change and this puts your efforts in jeopardy of a change of mind set.

Moon square Saturn 9:52 AM comes after the opposition to Neptune 8:57 AM. This is the signal that next Friday is already part of our cosmic consciousness. Read Friday’s interpretation for the Saturn and Neptune square.

Sunday June 12, 2016 The Virgo Moon is happiest when very busy. The Moon sees Venus and Uranus in a strong communication link at 11:12 AM. You may find you have a friend who invites you to something more interesting than the tasks you have planned. With Mercury about to change signs you may be willing to drop everything and just go out and enjoy yourself. Before or after Mercury enters Gemini at 7:22 PM you might meet someone very interesting. That person may be way out there and your meeting is out of blue. Enjoy the very unique qualities of new people but note that they could be more fickle than you like. But you are sure to have fun.

The Solar Eclipse from last Sept 13, 2015 gets a strong hit from this First Quarter Moon at 4:09 AM. This makes Saturday night and Sunday morning profound in some way. You'll find you are able to get moving on the things you began nine months ago. At minimum you could be in a better position to make firm decisions.

7:26 AM Moon square Venus.
7:48 AM Moon 150º Uranus.
10:46 AM Moon 60º Mars.

11:12 AM Venus 60º Uranus.

7:22 PM Mercury enters its home sign of Gemini until June 29. The Moon is void of course after Mercury's sign change until 8:33 PM.

8:33 PM Moon enters Libra until 9:18 AM Wednesday. The peace loving Libra Moon sees dreamy Neptune turning retrograde. That retrograde period last until Nov 19, 2016.
Monday June 13, 2016. The Libra Moon sees some struggles between the opposites as Venus and Mars are surprised by and event which may change the way they move forward. It might be a person from work that offers a way to earn extra cash. Talk about surgery for cosmetic reasons are possible. There is confusion around most topics on Monday so don't engage or sign anything until after 8:32 PM Tuesday night.

11:38 AM way-out-there Venus in Gemini is 150º to retrograde Mars in Scorpio. This may bring a strange set of circumstances that lead to unusual bed partners. While Venus has an unharnessed independent streak its Mars that wants to capture her and bring her into a traditional role. He doesn’t realize it’s his desire to live on the edge that engages with her in the first place. To have her is not the same as wanting her.

4:42 PM Stationary Neptune in Pisces turns retrograde and travels in retrograde motion for the next five months.
Tuesday June 14, 2016 the Moon continues in Libra and must complete its aspects to Pluto then Uranus before bringing a Green Light period from 8:32 PM Tuesday through till 6:25 AM Wednesday.

3:53 AM Sun 60º Uranus.
6:26 AM Moon square Pluto.

8:32 PM Libra Moon is opposite disruptive Uranus. Begin a Green Light period after this until 6:25 AM Wednesday.
9:56 PM Moon trine the Sun.

Wednesday June 15 the Moon changes from Libra to Scorpio at 9:18 AM. Venus is out of bounds during this time allowing for unique and unusual events to occur involving partnering and matters of peacemaking.

1:30 AM the Gemini Sun 150º retrograde Mars in Scorpio. Lingering illnesses can become urgent. Watch out for fevers to spike out of nowhere Tuesday night through Wednesday morning. Back room deals are being discussed and a plan of action can be engaged.

6:25 AM Wednesday the Moon is void of course after a parallel to Neptune. The void Moon period ends at 9:18 AM.

9:18 AM the Moon enters Scorpio until Friday at 9:34 PM. The intense Scorpio Moon sees the square occur on Friday night. The Scorpio Moon is all about power and money. It can be a time for a sales pitch behind closed doors but Venus is the darling who is being pursued. She changes her mind from the frivolous to the need for security. Friday's Scorpio Moon sees Venus move on and drop her previous agenda for something meaningful.
Thursday June 16, 2016 - Moon in Scorpio has Jupiter and Pluto on its side to make the deals it needs late afternoon and into the evening. Nice for deeper issues including psychological matters and those involving surgeries.
4:21 PM Moon 60º Jupiter
7:03 PM Moon 60º Pluto.
Friday June 17 2016 - Moon in Scorpio improves somewhat after 3:38 PM when Venus enters Cancer, also a water sign. Soon after there is an adjustment which calls attention to a dire need which must be addressed before the next step. After 3:39 PM the Moon is void of course until 9:33 PM during which time is not best used for final decisions. You may find you want close a deal or agree to something this morning however the funds are not available after it becomes clear of changes this afternoon. There are larger issues that take precedence.

9:14 AM Friday Moon 150º Uranus. Expect the unexpected or a change of heart or mind.

9:52AM Moon conjunct retrograde Mars. Keep your gear handy to be ready to deal with whatever comes your way. This could indicate a lucky break. Maybe it’s a job.

3:38 PM Venus enters Cancer until July 12 yet continues to be somewhat unavailable in the traditional fashion because it is out of normal reach while traveling out-of-bounds only until June 29th.
3:39 PM Moon 150º Sun in Gemini and after that the Moon goes void of course until 9:33 PM.

9:34 PM the Moon enters Sagittarius until Monday at 7:55 AM. There is a Full Moon at 29º of Sagittarius which will impact all of the affairs for the following four days. This is a highly active time and filled with travel and decisions regarding foreign affairs and education systems.

11:28 PM Friday Saturn in Sagittarius is square retrograde Neptune in Pisces. This can be a time of confusion. You may struggle to find your energy and direction. For some this could mean a period of depression. Life may appear dull and unfulfilling. If you were a writer may experience writer's block or an athlete’s game is off. A new mother may have postpartum depression. Try to step back and find a peaceful place to acknowledge your gratitude to reignite your faith. By the end of the transit you could have a sense of where you envision your future. This may be revisited with a new attitude the next time Saturn and Neptune are square September 10 2016 as Saturn will be in direct motion in Sagittarius and not to return to this square to Neptune again for many years.
Saturday June 18, 2016

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