The above link will take you to this week's radio report heard on WZBC FM 90.3 Newton, MA.
The week ahead we'll see the Moon travel through Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.
There will be a Lunar Eclipse this week in Aquarius Thursday morning at 5:26 AM. It will be visible at Moon set in the western areas of North America and can be seen in South America. Russia, North and South Korea, Australia, Indonesia and Japan. The path of the eclipse can bring heightened geological activity in those areas.
The essence of the Lunar eclipse is to see all the cards on the table and make decisions based on the widely available information.
There is only a tiny Green Light period during the Capricorn Moon Monday August 15 which is after the Moon is square Uranus at 9:42 PM Monday night until 10:45 PM. Then there is a void of course Moon period until the Moon enters Aquarius at 7:52 AM Tuesday morning.
The next Green Light Period occurs the following week on Monday August 22, after 5:19 PM until Wednesday August 24, at 3:37 PM.
The following is transcribed from the radio report:
Dietrech Pessin’s 617-924-0929
Weekly Astrology Report WCBZ radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in and around 9:30 AM
Saturday, August 13, 2016 – Saturday, August 19, 2016
Good morning.
It is quite the week ahead astrologically speaking from today’s event where Saturn is going to turn direct after being retrograde since March 25, 2016. Also there is going to be a Lunar Eclipse on Thursday morning at 5:26 AM. The Saturn station it is kind of reminiscent of last year in the fact that Venus and Saturn where in this square holding pattern. Well they are square again today and whenever a planet makes its station, which means it is turning around from retrograde to direct, it is called a station point. Those station days and station degrees are so extraordinary in their grip on time.
(I spoke of this at the end of the report but it is relevant early this weekend: the aspects on Friday…Mercury is 150 degrees off from Uranus. This is a time when you want to back up your computer files before that happens. I would do it before the Lunar Eclipse. How about doing it this weekend. Back up all your files and make sure that your virus protection for your computers are up to date as well).
This particular Venus square Saturn, which takes place this Saturday morning at 10:30 AM, it occurs at the same point where a Solar Eclipse is going to happen on September 1st and therefore has a long reach over the next few weeks. This energy holds its tone over important matters which are coming up. This Venus and Saturn square represent criticism of right and wrong behavior and people speaking out. There is a lot of that going on in politics. But you may find it there to be rather cold interpretations or the cold shoulder given on sensitive matters. The things closer to home and heart have a utilitarian touch: think practical for aesthetic choices. Your interpretations of beauty maybe on the grey side or the less vibrant side. If you were going to go to work and do a job and bid on a job you might do better coming in on the cautious side instead of being too enthusiastic or saying you will get it all done on this date. It may never happen on the greater promise. It is just too much and comes up short.
More about the Venus and Saturn square as it bring serious tones especially with love and money. It is the type of aspect that has a broad intensity because it is going to be hovering over the matters between now and September 1st. There may be an uncomfortable solution to most problems. There may be separations due to judgmental thinking which shows that nothing has been resolved. There are long reaching consequences to your actions during this eclipse season which are best if thought long and hard before cutting something out of your life.
The things to watch for are your spending and money management in general. On the good side there is the ability to clean up a mess involving money or appearances and you may be motivated to be more organized. It is Venus in Virgo that enjoys a neat work and home space. Throw some things out that you have been holding on to for a long, long time. That might be a good thing. As far as friendships you may keep those friendships that you have near and dear to you closer to you during this time, if there are those with whom you have been on the “outs” maybe it’s time to clear the air with the Lunar Eclipse in the sign of friendship approaching.
Also for today…well that Saturn direct station happened at 5:49 AM. Then there is an aspect between the Moon and Jupiter. It is square at 1:36 PM which is the last aspect for this Sagittarius Moon sign. The Moon is in Sagittarius until 12:11 AM tomorrow morning. The Moon will travel through a couple of more signs this week. It will go through the sign of Capricorn, then Aquarius and then through Pisces over this next week.
Sunday August 14, 2016
The Moon is busy as it travels to Capricorn tomorrow morning at 12:11 AM and sees Venus opposite Neptune. This is rather dreamy and over idealistic. You may find yourself sleeping with a very relaxing dream. It does not have a realistic grasp on situations the way Venus square Saturn does however I believe the Saturn influence helps to keep things in check. You might be very dreamy, very nostalgic about romantic things. But the romantic things may not actually be there.
Venus is also making an aspect to Uranus very early Sunday and influences the day, which is bringing people together quickly. There is a sense of enjoyment through variety and people bonding over shared experience. But you have to be careful about being pulled apart by that Venus opposite Neptune Sunday afternoon, 1:03 PM. After that there is a nice Moon and Neptune aspect at 9:13 PM. Followed by a beautiful Moon trine Venus aspect at 10:06 PM making tomorrow night the best date night of the weekend.
Monday August 15, 2016
We still have that Capricorn Moon with another Venus aspect. Venus is in a split parallel with Neptune. This is very beautiful, sensual, magical. Helps arrives from a magnetic individual. There is lots of romance and illusions that permit invitations that once were not considered before. Lots of charm and lots of romance with that aspect on Monday. It is in the afternoon but it has an influence over the entire day.
More about the Venus split parallel Neptune: the feminine is enhanced. Beauty and sensuality enhance this day. Boundaries become vague regarding the framework of realistic values. Charm and intoxicating moods are a camouflage which allows seduction. Beware that there is an opportunity for deception. Valuable items could be lost or misplaced. There is an insidious consequence for indulgences. Great aspect for creating a cosmetic camouflage. Use of color, flowers and music raises the vibration.
Monday There is an aspect between the Sun and the Moon at 8:12 PM. It is a quincunx. That is life’s messy clean it up. It is related to the Lunar Eclipse on Thursday. It may bring very clearly the meaning of what the Lunar Eclipse might mean to you. This may show where you have to make adjustments for mishaps some of which may be very expensive for those that are matters on the job or with business or with people that need to find a way to be more agreeable on the job.
Then Venus is lined up with the Lunar Node, the North Node of the Moon at 9:33 PM Monday, and that brings women together where they agree. It brings that feminine power and feminine sense of relating to the world. There is the helping the world, feeding the world, nurturing the world. Also there is an expression of art to serve the world. This is very positive for artistic matters as well.
There is a little brief Green Light period. It is the only one for the whole week and it is at night on Monday night. So I am sorry about that, but I am only the messenger. It is from 9:42 PM until 10:44 PM on Monday night. I would make that 9:43 PM.
Then there is a void of course Moon from 10:44 PM Monday during the Capricorn Moon sign until the Moon enters Aquarius Where all the action is going to be at 7:52 AM on Tuesday.
The Aquarius Moon sign is where all the action is going to occur this week beginning by or before 7:52 AM on Tuesday. The Moon will be in Aquarius until 12:34 PM Thursday.
The Sun is trine Uranus on Tuesday 4:23 PM. This is the kind of aspect that opens up the door to invention. It goes nicely with the Aquarius Moon because of the fact that there is that Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius, and Uranus is involved which rules Aquarius. There is a very nice set up for something that might be unique and unusual especially when trying to solve something. Matters involving social concerns find likeminded people. This is also an aspect which encourages you to think outside the box. But I suggest you keep the wrapper on because there is a lot of wacky energy that could allow things to bubble up over and beyond. So use this aspect to go where you have not explored before, but have a good back up plan. On a practical side you may find people who are willing to back or invest in your projects.
Wednesday August 17, 2016
For Wednesday we still have that Aquarius Moon sign. The Sun and Jupiter are making a very nice 30 degree aspect at 3:26 PM. This aspect allows for some sort of opportunity, small as it may be it may be one you had not been able to acquire until now. Venus is trine Pluto 10:15 PM. That is a money aspect. So between the Sun and Jupiter and then Venus and Pluto making a money aspect there could be some money on Wednesday. In any case that aspect is sensual and sexual. It has a lot to do with bringing people together that are motivated particularly by their emotions. Sometimes it can bring out the base emotions of jealousy and envy. There is also an easy access in social situations to those that have the key to the bank. So you might always use your power of persuasion. Be gentle when asking for those to back your projects.
Thursday August 18, 2016 the Moon is in Aquarius.
Then on August 18th that is when the Lunar Eclipse is going to occur at 26ยบ Aquarius 52’. It can be related to subjects from the summer of 2008. And on the shorter cycle is the Lunar Gestation Cycle which is the Moon family described in my book Lunar Shadows III. And that would put the New Moon at the head of this Moon family, related to the Lunar Eclipse, which began on February 18th of 2015. Then you may find that there is something to look back and relate to and make further connections on November 19th 2015. It doesn’t have to be right on the day, it could be the week before, the week after. There is also follow up from the events of this Lunar Eclipse when you may find the payoff, payback or in some way requires making something right which needs to be made right and that would be in 9 months from now, May of 2017. I would think about all of your actions during this time in with the long range in mind. Ask how might you need to correct and amend things in nine months.
For the meaning of what this may be about. It could be about relationships bringing people together that have been seeking a partnership or some type of alignment with those that are creatively likeminded. Also this could be the end of a major matter in your life. Full Moon eclipses very often bring all the cards out on the table. Showing the hand and making judgment on whether you approve, accept, reject and bringing people out with a cause. There could be some type of revolution or well… we will see. We don’t want to use that word too strongly. It is all too possible these days.
The Pisces Moon will begin after the Lunar Eclipse and that would be at 12:34 PM. There is a void of course Moon on Thursday from 5:26 AM until 12:34 PM.
A void of course period may indicate that things don’t go as you planned. There is a lot of creative play in that period and things are not as predictable. So it is not a good time to make final decisions or make final purchases for anything. Even a small purchase like a pen may cause havoc as it could leak all over your suit or handbag. I know, it has happened.
Then to continue on for Thursday that Pisces Moon is rather low key. Nothing seems to be a big problem. There are the adjustments that occur after an eclipse period. There is a lot of clean up that goes on. The Pisces Moon may see people jumping in to help with those that need.
Friday August 19, 2016
The aspects on Friday…Mercury is 150 degrees off from Uranus. This is a time when you want to back up your computer files before that happens. I would do it before the Lunar Eclipse. How about doing it this weekend. Back up all your files and make sure that your virus protection for your computers are up to date as well.
And that’s it for the week.
That Pisces Moon does continue on even on next Saturday and we will talk about that next Saturday.
If you want to call me about the eclipse or about making an appointment, which is a great time to make an astrology appointment during a Lunar Eclipse because everything…all the information is available. You can call or text me at 617 – 558 – 7233. You can also check my website for a copy of this report at My name is Dietrech Pessin at 617-924-0929. Have a great week.
**The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5 FM for 2 weeks.
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