Saturday, August 20, 2016

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin with Green Light Days August 20 - 27, 2016.

Listen to the radio report today;

We are in an eclipse season when we saw a Lunar eclipse on Thursday August 18 and there will be another Lunar eclipse on September 16, 2016. In between is a very important solar eclipse on September 1, 2016.

The Moon will travel through Pisces, Aries, Taurus and Gemini this week and finishes on Friday night with the Moon in Cancer.
The Moon entered Pisces on Thursday 8/18 at 12:34 PM.
The Moon enters Aries on Saturday 8/20 at 3:18 PM
The Moon enters Taurus on Monday 8/22 at 5:19 PM.
The Moon enters Gemini on Wednesday 8;24 at 7:40 PM
The Moon enters Cancer on Friday 8/26 at 11:06 PM.
The very best energy is during the Taurus Moon this week. The Mars and Saturn conjunction on Wednesday at 7:27 AM sets the tone for an excellent Green Light period that lasts until 3:37 PM and for some things beyond and until 7:39 PM. This period is great for taking on a big project or plan that involves family matters and tradition. Money things can be in better shape on that day as well. Planning traditional family events are a hit. Highlighting your talents are also a great way to honor this really positive day.

The big events this week begin with the Sun leaving Leo for busy Virgo on Monday at 12:39 PM.
Wednesday at 7:27 AM Mars is conjunct Saturn at 9:53 degrees of Sagittarius.
Wednesday at 11:41 PM there is a Last Quarter Moon at 2:22 Gemini.
Friday at 2:57 AM Mars is square Neptune.
Saturday 8/27 at 6:29 PM Venus is joining Jupiter for a celebration.

Void of course Moon's this week are:

Saturday the Moon's final aspect during the Pisces Moon is after Moon 150 degrees to the Sun at 12:02 PM. However the Moon is not void of course in Pisces.

Monday at 12:39 PM the Aries Moon is void of course after the Sun enters Virgo.
Wednesday at 3:37 PM the Taurus Moon forms its final aspect to Mercury but it is never void of course in Taurus.

8:30 PM begins a void of course Moon when the Gemini Moon is square Mercury until 11:06 PM Friday night.

Dietrech Pessin’s 617-924-0929

Weekly Astrology Report WCBZ radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in and around 9:30 AM

Saturday, August 20, 2016 – Saturday, August 27, 2016

Good morning. Well, we’ve survived a Lunar Eclipse. We have another one coming up on September 16th and there is also a Solar Eclipse which is the big deal. That will be on September 1st. We are in this Eclipse season that can be really making life very interesting. Sometimes for some people more interesting than they thought. But I think there is a lot of things going on with friendship and with romance that can be happy endings for a lot of people. There is also a lot of things that have to do with group organizations and that sort of collective consciousness that may take a shift or have a new view as well (with ???) Aquarius energy. Also we have the Sun changing signs this week. But there is something really big going on, on Wednesday. It is the conjunction of Mars and Saturn. This aspect has been in a holding pattern so to speak since last spring when Mars and Saturn both went retrograde in the sign of Sagittarius. And then Mars backed out and went into Scorpio for a couple of months. Now Mars has caught back up with that old territory. What it is doing, it is going back over things and allowing things to...for you to iron out the wrinkles. That is a good thing. It is a new start for Mars and Saturn.

It is the beginning of approximately a two year cycle that will allow for things to take off, particularly in Sagittarius. Avenues such as foreign matters and also thoughts about your own education and your own…maybe you are writing something. Maybe you want to publish something. Maybe you want to launch a website. Anything having to do with getting you out there. It could be about helping you to get more social, more cultural, have more fun.

Saturn is the structure that surrounds us which is very important for us to feel as if we have a perimeter to function. Mars is taking the route around that perimeter and getting things moving So that your structure can advance in a positive way. Mars is happy in Sagittarius. Saturn not so much, but Saturn has the cooperation with Jupiter being in the sign of Virgo. So there is a relationship there.

For today we have the Moon in the sign…today is the 20th. So the Moon is changing signs. First of all it is in the sign of Pisces. That Pisces Moon has a couple of things that it is doing before the Moon changes signs. The Moon will make a quincunx to the Sun at 12:02 PM. This may be a time, an interesting time. Look around see what pops up that you have to adjust. Like maybe you are going down a highway and you all have to get off or maybe you should get off the highway because you don’t want to get in a big traffic jam. Or perhaps there is…something comes up as you are leaving the house that you have to stop and clean up or tend to. Very often a quincunx is a life’s messy clean it up kind of thing. Something that takes your attention away from your obvious goals. There are going to be a few of those also with the Moon and Mars and Saturn coming up later in this week as well.

That little aspect is the beginning of a period when the Moon is not making any more aspects. Although a Pisces Moon never sees a void of course Moon. Up until 3:18 PM that is when the Moon will enter the sign of Aries. The Moon goes through the sign of Aries until 5:19 PM on Monday. Then it goes into Taurus until Wednesday at 7:40 PM. Then it is in Gemini. Gemini will carry through Thursday and mostly all of Friday until the Moon enters Cancer next Friday at 11:06 PM.

The aspects that stand out are going to be the Sun changing signs moving into Virgo on Monday afternoon, Mars conjunct Saturn at 7:27 AM Wednesday, and then Mars square Neptune at 2:57 AM on Friday. Those aspects pretty much define the energies of this week. If you feel like you have been working very diligently, not a lot of play time. I think your play time increases after the middle of this week. Although things could get very wet when Mars is square Neptune. I hope there is not more rain in Louisiana. Now that poor state. Wow.
Saturday August 20, 2016 and Sunday August 21, 216

The Aries Moon today shifts the energy. it allows there to be a high octave of enthusiasm. You may find that this evening is fun, stimulating. The focus of your events could go from here to there. Starting this and stopping that. It seems like it is a pretty nice Saturday evening. The Sunday energies still have the Aries Moon. It goes along pretty well without too many problems. It runs into a bit of a power struggle between 4:15 PM and 4:50 PM when the Moon will square Pluto. That will create that need to stop and compromise and work things out. But that is okay. After that is done, Sunday night is pretty nice too.
Monday August 22, 2016

Monday there is is an aspect between Mercury and Jupiter. They join forces so the thinking and the expanding notions…they are on the same page in the sign of Virgo.

Now Mercury is getting ready to turn retrograde and that is going to happen on the 30th of August. So everything that Mercury is doing is about collecting information trying to get things gathered up and prepared for a retrograde period when you will be going back over those things. Which would be great for probably… maybe even writing something or creating something or working on something, finishing something, finishing projects. Lots of Virgo energy also comes in with that Sun in Virgo at 12:38 PM on Monday.

Also to note on Monday 7:47 AM the Moon is conjunct Uranus. So there is a bit of a surprise in the morning and a couple of things that you have to adjust to… 11:06 AM and 11:17 AM. Maybe the things you were going to do… Mercury and Jupiter are leading you around and saying “Ah, you have new information. Now you need to do this or take care of that.”

The Sun enters Virgo until September, later in September on September 22nd. That is when the Sun will leave Virgo.

The Moon attempts a trine to Leo Sun, but the Sun leaves and goes into the sign of Virgo before the Moon can catch it. That is an indication that things get dropped. Now this can run in your favor for Monday’s activity. If you have some plans before 12:38 PM may be even if it is things that you are rather nervous about that you could find that the matters got dropped and there is

no big deal. Nothing to worry about. After the Sun changes signs there is a void of course Moon period from 12:38 PM until 5:19 PM. During that time you may find that nothing comes together in the way that you planned. Although it is a time when you can go off and enjoy yourself in some way shape or form.

Then at 5:19 PM on Monday we begin a period during that Taurus Moon when we have some really excellent energy coming up. But the best of that will be during the Taurus Moon on Wednesday after the Mars and Saturn conjunct at 7:27 AM.

So in the meanwhile for the Taurus Moon on Monday afternoon, Monday evening you might be getting matters together about money and trying to figure things out. Also if you want to have some family reunion or traditional activity. You might also be working on that as Tuesday as well.
Tuesday August 23, 2016

Here comes the adjustment period 9:00 AM and 9:47 AM. That is on Tuesday when the Moon and Mars they make a quincunx. It is a 150 degree, life’s messy clean it up. So something, could even be somebody’s temper rises, and there is a reaction period where also you are stopped. This looks like the kind of thing where you are in your car, you are driving along, and maybe you are not paying attention, and you are stopped by the police. There is a possibility of that so be careful of that on Tuesday morning. Also you could be going into the office late. There could be conflict going on but it all works out. It irons out. There is no big deal going on. People come together put their heads together and work in a positive way on Tuesday. Lots of desire and drive for some relaxation and some indulgence.
Wednesday August 24, 2016

Overnight the aspect between Mars and Saturn is the name of the game where the next morning they finally join and there is the beginning of the release of that big block. That represents Mars as the forward fiery energy that is stopped by Saturn. This can also be about muscles and bones as well. There could be some things where you have to tend to your muscles and your bones. Activities where you are running and jumping you would want to be mindful of that. Over athletic drive could lead to some injuries, but not that much on Wednesday.

After that Green Light big time. Very, very positive day Wednesday the 24th, right up and through 3:37 PM in particular. But pretty much right through that whole Taurus Moon which goes until 7:39 PM.

Then stop. Don’t do any agreeing or contract signing or anything. Do that before 7:39 PM on Wednesday because when the Moon enters Gemini at 7:39 PM Wednesday we are in for some problems. For one thing there is a Last Quarter Moon. That is not necessarily a problem, but it does lead to some information about past matters that have to be tended to. Those things began two and a quarter years ago, May 28th of 2014 with a New Moon. Then the matters had shown signs of a lot of action and development right around February of 2015 and then again around Thanksgiving last year 2015. Now it is time to reap the rewards of your efforts or pay a debt. Now this debt may be in the form of a letter or an apology or some type of information. Maybe you uncover some kind of information or you receive some kind of information where you are able to contribute to an important matter. You want to tend to the details of how that information might be better suited.
Thursday August 25, 2016

Then Thursday that Gemini Moon now…all this time Mars is out of bounds. It has been out of bounds now for a good 10 days. That means Mars is the action and aggressive energy. Goes over the top and makes an effort above and beyond that is more wacky than it even was before. So that will be interesting to watch this energy go outside the traditional avenues.

Now during the Gemini Moon the Moon is going to opposite Saturn 12:29 PM, then opposite Mars at 1:34 PM on Thursday. So it looks as if there is a block and then there is action that is cut off. And then it all seems too confusing after the Moon is square Neptune and that would be at 2:05 PM. You may lose your place or be terribly disappointed about something.

Friday August 26, 2016
That disappointment is also fired by Mars square Neptune Friday morning 2:56 AM. So that means Thursday night is influenced by this Mars square Neptune. This really puts a lot of water on a hot subject and tries to cool things down. There may be a lot of…well it is kind of like a hole in the bucket. So if you are planning on a big project like for instance if you were trying to sign a mortgage or something during that Gemini Moon, you would find that you did not have the money to pay later because of some unforeseen events. Then I would wait for a better time or definitely sign during that Taurus Moon sign.

There is a really nice aspect however between Mercury and Venus. That would be in the afternoon which may help to soften the palate and also bring information in that is more helpful.

The problem with the Gemini Moon is that it is going to square Mercury before it leaves the sign and that is at 8:30 PM Friday. That means all the facts could be bogus they could be off on the wrong track. You may have to redo rewrite. You may find that things are lost. If you are heading out you want to make sure all of your documents and important papers are in order.

Then there is a void of course Moon period from 8:30 PM on Friday night until 11:06 PM when the Moon will enter Cancer for the following weekend. So that is it for the week. (49:59 STOP)

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