Saturday, August 6, 2016

Astrology Report with Green Light Days by Dietrech Pessin Aug 6-12, 2016

Follow this link to listen here for this week's radio report August 6, 2016;

Dietrech Pessin’s 617-924-0929
Weekly Astrology Report WCBZ radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in and around 9:30 AM
Saturday, August 6, 2016 – Saturday, August 13, 2016

The Following is transcribed from the live radio report.

Good morning. We have a Virgo Moon which is about pets and details and any work that you have to do. It is a high energy Moon sign. In particular. People do report that they tend to go into cleaning mode when they have a Virgo Moon. It is not a good Moon for weddings in particular or anything where you want to relax. Like if you wanted to go on vacation starting on a Virgo Moon you might be working the whole time in some way shape or form, like cleaning the cabin before you lay down. Virgo likes to have a purpose. When trying to get things done I love a Virgo Moon. It is terrific. The Virgo Moon has a couple of things to note. One thing was earlier, just a few minutes ago Mercury and Saturn were square at 9:18 AM. This allows you to bring some thoughts to the foreground, you sort things out maybe some things that you thought might work didn’t work. Maybe some communications that you put out failed. So you might have a little better luck.
By 8:20 PM Venus and Mars are going to square off today as well. That is an interesting square because the fact that it happens back where Venus and Saturn were square last August. Well, more October 10th to be exact, but they were in a holding pattern from July until October 10th including August of last year. So a lot of things might be brought up from last year. There are other things that will be brought up from last year and that is because of the Quarter Moon that we have when the Moon goes into Scorpio on Tuesday. There will be a Quarter Moon on Wednesday that is related to a New Moon from November 11th of 2015. So that should be interesting in many ways.
As far as trying to pull together professionals to handle matters that are very serious. Anything that you need to have done with estates or with taxes or legal matters that are very tough to deal with the Scorpio Moon needs a professional. And the advice is “don’t go it alone”. Scorpio Moon are not good for light weights.
Saturday August 6, 2016
For today as we see this week ahead we do see the Moon in Virgo, then Libra, Scorpio and finally in Sagittarius, which will take us through the next weekend.
The aspects that we have for Saturday. As this Moon is in the sign of Libra beginning 12:56. So let’s mention the void of course Moon. The void of course Moon will begin at 12:10 PM until 12:56 PM. It is a 45 degree aspect that I am noting because the Sun is at a very loud degree that is near 15 degrees of Leo, which is called the Cardinal Axis. So all eyes are on one particular thing. It could be the Olympics. This aspect would be the start of the void of course Moon period which is very brief. Only until 12:56 PM.
Then the Moon enters the sign of balance, Libra for a wild ride. It appears to be set off by differences between partners. That once again as I mentioned began back in the summer of 2015. There is also a score to settle and it could create a dent in an important relationship. There seems to be a need for negotiations after there are some disputes that are set off.

Sunday August 7, 2016
Something is out of order and must be sorted and fixed before moving on. This could be described by the Sun quincunx Pluto. Quincunx, funny word for a 150 degree aspect. It is aspect that represents life’s messy clean it up. When it is involved with such heavy players as the Sun and Pluto…well the Sun is not a heavy player but the Sun is the boss because it is the center of our solar system. There is something to sort out with someone at the top or a figure who is sitting in a seat of power. There is much confusion also surrounding this. We are talking about the whole Libra Moon sign that will be…this is also for tomorrow, not just today. The confusion surrounding a situation there is a need for damage control and there are blind spots where things need to be answered later. For instance if somebody has a wild finish or a race of some sort and it seems like two good to be true, maybe there is a doping scandal under that particular athlete that must be addressed or investigated.
Mercury opposite Neptune famous for losing your documents, leaving them behind. Also not finding your way to the airport. Going to the other airport, like in New York where you have an option of two* different airports La Guardia (LGA) and the JFK (John F Kennedy). That is very typical of misinformation going off in the wrong direction. You definitely want to check your documents before you head out over the weekend. If you are going away for your vacation make sure you have everything that you need because it may cost you later to make up for these things.
Later on those blind spots do have a little bit of cooperation from the Sun and the Moon in a favorable aspect. That would be on Sunday night who can help to sort out what is going on. That is what people keep calling and asking what is going on?
There is a big thing that will go on as Mercury heads for the Lunar Node. That will cause more and more confusion and pile ups in traffic and such. I will note that when that comes up this week.
Also Sunday…we need to mention that quincunx is exact between the Sun and Pluto 10:11 AM. The Moon is quincunx Neptune causing more confusion and more water on the subject at 11:18 AM. Then Mercury tops it off with its opposition to Neptune at 12:24 PM Sunday. I would say it is a day for writing, dreaming things up, being creative, anything romantic with that Libra Moon sign. you don’t want to commit to anything, just enjoy, stay in the moment.
The Moon is square Pluto at 7:38 PM which does promote power struggle. So if you are a control freak, you want to turn the reins over. You are not going to particularly win nor should you be so invested in winning. Find peace in not participating in power struggles. That nice Moon and Sun aspect 8:28 PM. If you were going to agree to something do it just before that say 8:10, 8:15, 8:28 PM…beautiful aspect between the Sun and the Moon.
There is a squabble 10:57 PM. If you want one bunk and somebody has the other bunk that you want, you could be squabbling over that.
Monday August 8, 2016
Mars goes out of bounds. That means it is out of the corral. Things that are unusual and leap to higher…just the higher realm. I would imagine that we are going to see some amazing athletes with these Olympic Games over the next couple weeks.
That Mars out of bounds will continue right through I believe the end of October. That is just like there are horses in a corral and there is one horse that jumps over and runs out. He is free and he is discovering all sorts of new things and sowing his wild oats. You may meet people during that time that you find particularly exciting and wonderful. It is true they probably are, but when they come back into
the corral at the end of their long journey, their more traditional side may emerge and they may leave behind those who they found when they were out in the wilderness. You want to be careful of that. That begins on Monday.
For the rest of the things on Monday they are still in that Libra Moon sign. There is a little bitty Green Light period from 1:41 PM until 2:03 PM. That is after the Moon is opposite Uranus. I give it that late time because I want you to be able to clear that break off and bizarre twist that could come up from a Moon opposite Uranus at 1:41 PM. If you are going to contract or agree with partners or decide to move forward with something that includes the agreement of others, do it after that in that little window. You can at least make a little statement. Make sure you are done with your agreement before 2:03 PM.
Tuesday August 9, 2016
The Moon is void of course from 2:03 PM until 12:51 AM Tuesday. All of the rest of the day on Monday: void of course Moon during the time when Mercury is conjunct the Lunar Node. This can attract all sorts of pile ups. It is at 7:12 PM. You don’t have to wait until rush hour to see the results of this.
It is also Mercury in Virgo so a lot of things about animals, pets. Be careful of those. Other dogs starting out into your path when you are walking a little dog. Or when your parrot wants to bite the little dog. You can get dog bites to yourself, animal bites to yourself. Or that Mercury in Virgo that may need attention of a doctor. There may also be other things that need people to tend and run to, to take care of the details of the things that are flying up into the air off the track. It is normally a very active period.
The other positive thing about Mercury joining that Lunar Node is that people come together. People are being introduced to one another in a rather magical way. If you go out if you do something social it is a void of course Moon, but you could be put into a crowd, into a group of people that takes you to a different place in your life. Interesting introductions during that time. Lots of likeminded like, soul kind of people.

Then on Tuesday we have 12:51 AM the Moon enters the sign of Scorpio. Now this has some Green Light energy to it. Scorpio Moon is hard to discuss with a Green Light notion because it is a really tough Moon. It is hard to get things in an easy way, a soft way. You want to be able to manage your issues with professionals during a Scorpio Moon. If you are doing something maybe you want to hire a new therapist or something whether it be for body or for mind. It is a really good Moon sign to do that. That Scorpio Moon is fortunate enough to have a Green Light period and to have the cooperation of the Sun who represents the star player at the top of the field or the head of the company or the business or perhaps someone in the seat of justice. Could be somebody in the office that you want to apply for permits for. That sort of thing. This would be a very good Moon sign to do that, applying for permits and such and licenses.

Pretty much on Tuesday there are no major aspects going on with that Scorpio Moon. The Moon in Venus allows for a very positive time to hire someone or manage your serious issues. Right around 10:43 AM Tuesday (51:54 beep sound and brief silence)…for this time to capture the benefit of this time. That would be from 10 and 10:43. If you wait until after then you…it starts to lose its power and its positive energy.

Wednesday August 10, 2016
Wednesday August 10th the Scorpio Moon still with us. It is a high action day. There is a high action event at 2:20 PM. The Moon is square the Sun. it is at the First Quarter Moon. It is part of a Moon family that began on November 11th of 2015. This New Moon continues to birth its family members with a Full Moon on May 10th of 2017. That is when all the cards are on the table regarding matters that began at this New Moon stage. So you want to hold onto all your receipts and messages and emails. (52:46 STOP - missed a few words) A Paper trail that you may have to use later and you will be well prepared. You reap the rewards of your efforts by February of 2018 from the events that were seeded beginning back last November. Then at this time at this First Quarter Moon stage we engage in these matters more directly putting our energies into things to secure relevant documents and also the need to respond to anything that might feel like an intimidating matter. You may also may want to hire a professional to manage these serious issues. You find that it is time to apply or also register complaints that would be… I would say after this point of 2:20 in the afternoon on Wednesday Until 1:23 PM the next day Thursday.
A special note is that Saturn is stationary. So everything moves particularly slowly that we do or take on during this next week. There is stubborn qualities to it. So you want to have a lot of patience and don’t expect a very quick response for your efforts. Or anything that we do right through next week.
So Mercury is trine Pluto also on Wednesday it is at 7:24 PM this allows for a softening of the worry wheel. Things calm down, information moves about matters that are broader that concern the world in a more positive way.

Thursday August 11, 2016
August 11th Thursday we still have that Scorpio Moon and it is good shape. If you want to contract with others you may do that successfully right up until 11:50 AM on Thursday. That is at the end of the Green Light period that began at 2:20 on Wednesday.
1:23 PM on Thursday the Moon enters Sagittarius until next weekend. Sagittarius is filled with a lot of serious matters about foreign issues some of which can be about the Olympics, as Jupiter and Uranus are involved, which brings very unique and unusual qualities to the foreground. I would think that this would be a very exciting Olympic time to follow. As far as our political field there may be quite a bit of this and that, which there has been all along. The craziest political period I have ever seen in my life and most everybody else says that too.
Then for that Sagittarius Moon it continues through Thursday night. This Moon sign helps you to reach out to places and do things and visit people from other places and invite others who you have just met back into your world. It is an exchange of culture and lots of wonderful things with concerts and things outdoors going on with the Sagittarius Moon sign.

Friday August 12, 2016
For Friday there is not a lot going on between the planets. A couple of things where the Moon will square Venus early in the morning just after sunrise. Then At 11:38 AM the Moon is square Neptune. That might be a time of confusion. Don’t sign anything during that little time period. I’d say from 8:00 AM until after 11:38 AM. It’s not a good day for signing anyway. I would hold off on your final decisions and such. That is for Friday right in through Friday night. You can expect maybe news related to perhaps a book that you are interested in or you are writing. Religion could be in the news. Attitudes might be more optimistic and the flow is more likely in your favor with a Sagittarius Moon sign. You can note also that Mars is out-of- bounds with that high muscular energy that is right off the charts. Very interesting Mars trek going on right through the end of October. That’s it for the week.

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