Saturday, November 26, 2016

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin with Green Light Days November 26 - Dec 3, 2016

Dietrech Pessin’s 617-924-0929
Weekly Astrology Report WCBZ radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in and around 9:30 AM
Saturday, November 26, 2016 – Saturday, December 3, 2016
Happy Birthday Mike.
It is November 26th the Libra Moon changed to Scorpio at 3:01 AM this morning and it continues through Scorpio until Monday afternoon.
We have quite a week ahead. Both Venus and Mercury are out of bounds bringing its influence to be more like a Mercury retrograde period. So if you have just been fighting with everything and suffering from frustration, trying to keep things together and the loose ends tied up; and things working, and saying is Mercury retrograde? No. It’s not. But Mercury is out of bounds.
It will be out of bounds until December 17th, only to turn retrograde two days later on December 19th. That is the day of the final vote of the Electoral College. And the indications of a retrograde Mercury on that day is likely to bring some serious review. So I would think that there is still quite a bit of politics to pay attention to during that time.
Venus is out of bounds until next Saturday. Venus rules the money and all these things that people are running out to buy during Black Friday and whatever shopping holidays going on now. The purchases are likely to find their way back in the store to be returned after Venus comes back in bounds.
Also the matters of relationship and friendship could also be out of sorts. There could be problems that emerge during this time. Furthermore there could be issues that need to be settled later. So keep in mind that relationships are possibly in flux and need to be squared away later.
There is also something else very important going on this week. There is an important shift to be aware of on Tuesday. This is when the Sun will square the Lunar Nodes on the day of the New Moon at 8º Sagittarius. This is a time to keep note as it marks the onset of our new story lines that are likely to culminate at the next Solar Eclipse on February 26th, 2017. Think of that. All the things that have been ongoing since the summer; the stories that you have been telling and the feelings that you have been having along with the interactions with others which have been going on before Tuesday. Those things move into the background as new stories begin to develop and culminate at the end of February. This is important because it will clear many of the residual issues from the last Eclipse which was September 1st. So watch how these new developments emerge with the New Moon. Keep in mind that the new developments have long legs into the next several months.
Saturday November 26, 2016.
For the Scorpio Moon today until Monday at 3:46 PM, there are a couple of things. Mercury and Uranus will allow an ease of thinking. Maybe some brilliant ideas or easy to communicate what you need to be saying and how you want to frame things and word things. That aspect is also good for connecting with relatives that you were not able to connect with over the past holiday maybe. Also to communicate something to your children or to your pets. You want to use that nice energy throughout the day to make a difference in how you present your case. The Venus and Saturn make an aspect that brings a mild positive influence for money and the stability of relationships. That is needed for that out of bounds Venus that we are having at this time.
For Sunday we still have a Scorpio Moon. That Moon will square Mars early in the morning 6:24 AM. This may get you up a lot earlier than you expected.
Then there is the Sun in a 135º aspect to Uranus at 2:03 PM on Sunday during the Scorpio Moon. This aspect can be disruptive and maybe accident prone, especially with electricity. Extraordinary or strange reactions to confrontation and ideas are apparent with that type of aspect. Reversals, surprising and erratic behaviors are also evident. Nervousness and restlessness, maybe without understanding where those feelings are coming from. As a star figure, they may be confronted by a group possessing a well thought out plan to expose the truth. This is a time to reinvent your direction. Inventive ideas prove sometimes too quirky to release at this time. That Scorpio Moon has its final aspect at 9:30 PM on Sunday night. It begins a void of course Moon period (a long one) that goes right until 3:48 PM on Monday. Then for the Sagittarius Moon that comes in there is a Dark Moon period that begins before it. That would be at 3:44 AM. The dark of the Moon begins and would continue right until Wednesday evening, maybe until 5:00PM. We might see a little bit of the Moon setting around 5:00.
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
Monday November 28, 2016 there is an aspect on Monday 7:16 AM, but it influences the whole day and maybe the night before of Sunday. That would be Sun parallel Pluto. This is something you should save, your actions related to this aspect, until the end of the week. You may gain the most support by advancing forward. But do not do it during the Scorpio Moon period.
Use the broken record method during this week to succeed. And that is stick to your original point. Allow only the positive response to allow you to move onto your next point. That is what the Sun parallel Pluto does. It allows you to engage a dispute with a creative influence bringing your topic to the top of the page. And then keep going, same line until you get what you want. You can present yourself as competent and independent and have a mentor in the wings. Because you don’t want to go it alone during a Scorpio Moon influence and then a Pluto aspect influence. It is very tough and not meant for lightweights.
Monday the Moon enters Sagittarius 3:45 PM. There are so many hidden problems with that Sagittarius Moon. Difficult to navigate your way through the smoke screens because the Sun is square Neptune at the end of the sign there. And there is a little Green Light period from 8:17 PM on Wednesday until at least 11:07 PM on Wednesday night. If you have something that you want to put out there or mail off, do it during those hours, even to communicate with someone who is at a distance… maybe on the west coast? Have a conference call that would be perfect. You would be able to reach out beyond your comfort zone in an easy way. That would be a good way to use that Green Light period.
Tuesday November 29, 2016
Going back to Tuesday the Sun is square the Lunar Node at 2:23 PM. This could bring pretty big events. This is the kind of thing where the fog just creates a blackout of vision. So you want to wait until the fog lifts before you make any decisions or go any further with what it is you want to do. If you are heading out travelling I would wait until after the Sun square Neptune occurs on Wednesday night. And that would be the cause of all the wet weather and the fog and all the difficulty trying to navigate your way, where there are bumps in the road.
Venus is square Uranus, also on Tuesday, on the day of that New Moon. The New Moon will be at 7:18 AM at almost 8 degrees of Sagittarius. Having Venus and Uranus square brings erratic changes of heart. Sudden break ups. Not necessarily between people. Although it could be because it is attached to the New Moon. But it is also about money, possessions, and other objects. It is very unstable. It lacks the patience to understand what is going on and can be disruptive to friendships. Social surprises are also very much a part of that influence.
Wednesday November 30, 2016
Wednesday, November 30th the Moon is in Sagittarius still, with that the Sun square Neptune ahead. It should be very interesting to see what happens behind the scenes or behind the curtain or stories that need to be uncovered and revealed. Little bit of Uranus is good for that type of thing to bring out the truth.
For Wednesday, most of Wednesday the aspects are minor. There is a minor aspect between Mars and Pluto at 12:15 PM. This aspect is particularly about turning things around. Moving things with large equipment trying to make changes to the structure of the environment perhaps. This could have to do with pipelines and things of that nature as well.
Thursday December 1, 2016
Thursday 3:52 AM ends the void period of the Moon, although the Moon is never void of course when it is in Sagittarius. It is in Sagittarius through Wednesday until 3:52 AM on Thursday. Then it enters Capricorn. It will be there until next Saturday afternoon. There is a turnaround for Vesta the ruler of real estate. This is at 10:40 AM. Vesta turns retrograde. This rules housing, safety, security and it will be retrograde until March 7th. So if you are looking for a home it may still take a while until after March 7th when Vesta turns direct again. Vesta is very important if you are moving from one apartment to the next. Anything having to do also with your investments, your stocks, your bonds. All those things are under the canopy of Vesta. It also rules your sacred space. So this would be a time to focus on setting up a space for you to use your energy internally and that would be a good thing to do during the Capricorn Moon, if you want to redesign your notion about your safety and your structure.
Mars is trine Jupiter. This is at 10:46 PM on Thursday night. That aspect has to do with driving the forces in a motivated way, educating along the way, and trying to change. Or maybe not so much change, as a trine allows things to sort of sit there. And this would allow a large picture for how the work is laid out, how the next step and the future might be laid out.
Friday December 2, 2016
Friday we still have a Capricorn Moon. During the Capricorn Moon the Moon will join Pluto at 11:27 AM. If there is someone that you need to meet that is important or if you want to go to the bank to have a conversation with the banker, though…although not until 4:17 PM is there a Green Light period on that day.
Venus and Neptune are forming a semi square on Friday at 12:12 PM so there is something confusing going on about money on Friday. After Mercury changes signs and goes into Capricorn at 4:17PM. You do have a Green Light period that will run until the next day at 5:16 AM. For that Mercury in Capricorn it is going to be there for…until January 4th and then it retrogrades back into Sagittarius. It will turn retrograde on the 19th of December, which I think is a very interesting day to look forward to. Okay. So that is it for the week.

You can find a copy of this on my website at You can repeat this audio file, this recording at: Then type in my name [Dietrech Pessin] and you will find the report today. It is also on my website at You can find it on the WZBC Radio 90.5 FM ( website for the next two weeks.
I am also lecturing next week on Saturday at the Boston Chapter NCGR (National Council for Geocosmic Research, Inc.) at the Belmont Senior Center. Okay that is it for the week.
Give me a call about astrology at 617 – 924 – 0929, or any of your comments. Thank you very much.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Astrology Report Nov 19 - 26 by Dietrech Pessin and Green Light Days
Listen to the report by following the link above.

There are a couple of Green Light periods this week;

The Virgo Moon might be good for very short term options or one time only things. However there is a twist that may cause a reversal between 6:00 PM and 9:07 PM. Then the moon is void of course until Wed at 2:42 PM. It is risky if you must take action during those times.

The best option would be Friday during the Libra Moon there is a Green Light after 8:52 AM until Saturday Nov 26 at 1:43 AM.

Saturday November 19 is filled with loose boundaries and possible confusion as Neptune is standing still to turn direct at 11:37 PM. This however will enhance your intuition and dreams. Your visionary perceptions are heightened and clarity can soon after be realized.

The transcribed report will follow.
Dietrech Pessin’s 617-924-0929
Weekly Astrology Report WCBZ radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in and around 9:30 AM
Saturday, November 19, 2016 – Saturday, November 26, 2016

Good morning. Well, we have a hazy kind of astrological atmosphere with Neptune standing perfectly still. Tonight at 11:37 PM it will turn direct after begin retrograde since June. Neptune causes confusion and illusion. It is also very intuitive. You may have noticed yourselves being…having your intuitive side stronger. Also your dream side more active lately with the past couple of days, even the past couple of weeks. It has a long influence since it moves so slowly. Any of those impressions or information that you have been receiving could actually be very useful to you at some other time, when you feel that you have been pulling in messages from another place or from another side of your own intuition. So it is very interesting energy. Confusing where you are trying to make decisions. You might be going back and forth. But allow your best inner knowledge to come forward.
Also the other big event for this period is a Last Quarter Moon at 29 degrees of Leo, and that will be on Monday. That is important. It is right on Donald Trump’s ascendant, so it has an enormous amount to do with him. But also what that activates is Bill Clinton’s Sun, so the two of them are completely linked. His August birthday links with Donald Trump’s ascendant. And here we have now a Last Quarter Moon there, so there is the last little piece.
We have this other aspect between Saturn and Pluto. It has been in effect all year long. It will continue right through 2017 before it pulls apart completely in October of 2017. I don’t know what I just said before that…so through 2016 until October 2017. Then it starts again in 2019. It involves a shift of power and can bring enduring punishment and removals. It also has a contempt for corruption. Heavy disciplines, it is very severe. Its focus can be to restore infrastructure which is a good thing. It definitely lays heavy on the heart of matters so it is a strong aspect. You can also expect to do things like in your house, change your heating system or maybe dig up the floor in the basement. It is the type of things that are at the foundation that need to be redone plumbing and things of that nature. That is in our outer world. Our daily travels are stopped by all sorts of construction going on with a Saturn Pluto aspect. That is exact tomorrow morning, but as I said it continues through October. It is very slow moving.
Saturday Nov 19
We have that Leo Moon. That will serve us nicely for date night especially for the Neptune aspect that we have. It can be very romantic. It can also can be a lot of fun, definitely a night to enjoy great music and entertainment.
Venus is still out of bounds. Venus continues to be out of bounds until December 3rd. This means that your encounters might be unusual and unique. You could meet a lovely individual that is different from your normal circle and want to bring that individual back into your life only for them to either sour or leave after December 3rd. Be careful who you take home, they may not be keepers. Also the same thing about spending money. Laying your money out right now on major purchases may also be a problem because you could regret that later.
Sunday Nov 20
For Sunday we still have that Leo Moon. There is an aspect between the Sun and Mars. It is a parallel. There is an abundance of energy there. All sorts of confidence and stamina and training that goes on. There is muscular activity, but there is also viruses flying like crazy. You want to be careful about protecting your immune system or building up your immune system. If you do come in contact with viruses. I use Yin Chaio. You can get it a whole Foods or you can get it at B.J.’s in Allston as well. It is a great fighter for viruses. I rely on it heavily.
Also the Sun Mars thing is about legal. Justice matters move swift with sword like action. That can definitely reflect the types of people that are Attorney Generals, and in defense positions, and things like that in the government.
A lot of strong sexual energy but there are crystal clear perceptions of what is going on. Watch out for fires, noise, sirens. All sorts of accidents go on with Sun and Mars, headaches, and as I had mentioned viruses and wounds, muscular inflammation. Take care of your heart.
There is all sorts of creative sparks with this. That is the great thing about Sun Mars. So allow this to blend nicely with that Neptune and allow your intuitions to take you to your next great project. The challenge is to hold on to it and continue it because a Sun Mars can tend to drop things. But this aspect with the parallel helps you to keep it for long term. Then that is governing most of Sunday, even today, and has an influence over Monday.
Monday Nov 21
Monday we have the Moon still in Leo up until 4:33 AM. There is a void of course Moon at 3:33 AM. That is when the Sun and the Moon are square for their Last Quarter. I mentioned what is interesting about this when it relates to a past President and a future President.
Also it has its lineage all the way back to 1998. And then ahead for next August there is a Solar Eclipse both at the same degrees, at 28, 29 degrees of Leo. There is also a related New Moon that had occurred two and a quarter years ago. That had its start August of 2014. Nine months later there was a First Quarter Moon in that place May 25th of 2015. Then there was an all-important Full Moon on February 22nd of this past year. All those things are brought back into focus again now. So now is the time to reap the rewards of your efforts or pay the debt for your deeds.
You want to be very careful to keep things as cleaned up as possible. Then the Virgo Moon comes in to help you do that at 4:33 AM. It will see a couple of things if it can see through the fog of Mars and Neptune making a 30 degree aspect at 1:05 PM. This one might allow for some type of information from behind the scenes that can bring some knowledge or insight to things that maybe went on during the election. I’m sure there will be talk about that for years on end.
Then at 4:22 PM Monday the Sun changes signs and it leaves Scorpio and goes into the sign of Sagittarius for a month. That is on Monday 4:22 PM. The first thing that the Sun will do is make a 45 degree aspect to Jupiter late that night on Monday night. This one brings some optimism or a little bit of over optimism. The quality of education is put to focus as well. We want to build bridges, not burn bridges and also learn new things.
Tuesday Nov 22
For Tuesday the Virgo Moon…so I want to mention to there is a Green Light period during that Virgo Moon. You could start the Green Light period as early as 4:22 PM on Tuesday but I would not use it until 12:41 PM Tuesday. And I will go back to say 4:22 PM is on Monday is when the Sun enters Sagittarius. Then the Green Light period runs through until 6:00 PM on Tuesday. There is a bit of a snag related to that Green Light period because the Moon and Uranus will form a quincunx, which could bring some type of surprise that may upset things. So it is really a very iffy Green Light period. The whole thing is hinged on a surprise that comes about. That takes us into late night Tuesday.
Wednesday Nov 23
For Wednesday we see that the Moon is in Virgo until 2:42 PM when it enters Libra where it will continue through Friday night and even into the next day. That onset of Wednesday has an aspect between Mercury and Saturn. It is a conjunction. It is bringing the focus to things that are tedious and important. You are likely to be able to get your thoughts organized and your plans put in a row. But it is a void of course Moon period, so if you can hold off for your final decisions until 2:42 PM they may hold a little better. Then with the Libra Moon we have some wacky energy coming in. It looks like there are a lot of things going on behind the scenes and underground, all that with the several things on Thursday going on.
Thursday Nov 24
A nice note for Thursday’s Libra Moon is that Mercury and Venus are parallel. This is where a couple of people come together for sweet talk or favors or any type of return of favors. In politics it could be very strong putting people in positions as favors which is always done. The Libra Moon is ruled by Venus. Well, Venus is out of bounds. So these talks or these joining’s may look good now on paper, but something is lost later when Venus returns from her wild behavior on December 3rd.
There is a Green Light period during this Libra Moon. It begins 10:20 PM on Thursday night and will continue until 1:43 AM next Saturday morning. So there is that Green Light period that you need to be aware of for next weekend.
There is a show of opulence that you need to check out. Try not spend all your money when Venus and Jupiter are square on Friday 8:44 AM. Also Venus and Pluto join up early in the morning on Friday. This is a very seductive aspect with a strong need for intense relationships. Yearning for dramatic change in your relationships also can include a deep honesty. So it may be very good to help to process or take your relationship to a deeper level. That is pretty much it for the week.

There is a copy of this on my website at
Call me for consultation for clarification about an astrological question at 617 – 924 – 0929.
Also I will be lecturing at the NCGR (National Council for Geocosmic Research, Inc.) on the 3rd of December when Venus comes back in bounds. There are 3 people lecturing on that day and I am one of them. I look forward to seeing you there. I will be talking about, why does the eclipse effect one person at one time, and another person at another time? And we will help to discover the answer to that. You have a great week. Thank you so much.

*The audio file of this report is posted on my website at
**The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5 FM ( for two weeks.
*** You can also find the audio file of this weekly report on sound cloud. All of my radio reports are posted there at: and look for my name, Dietrech Pessin

Monday, November 14, 2016

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin with Green Light Days - Nov 12 -18, 2016

Dietrech Pessin’s 617-924-0929
Weekly Astrology Report WCBZ radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in and around 9:30 AM
The following has been transcribed from the live radio report.
Saturday, November 12, 2016 – Saturday, November 19, 2016
Green Light periods are this week and in general this is not a good week for serious decisions or agreements.
Saturday Nov 12 from 9:39 AM - 8:54 PM during the Aries Moon.
Friday after 11:03 AM until 5:04 PM during the Cancer Moon.

Good morning. Well, here…the week that was. Oh, my goodness. Let me explain a little bit about the chart of the election. The Lunar Node was conjunct Neptune almost exactly. It comes up exact this week. But this very slow moving Neptune, a very slow moving Lunar Node holding onto the large picture. But the picture that we don’t see. I did mention that there would be a change a complete change of mood when the Moon changed from Aquarius last Tuesday into the sign of Pisces. So the Moon headed for that Pisces point. That is what influenced the major results of this election. I was reminded by a caller Eugene this morning who said I did say that this election would be a complete surprise. The TV caricature like personality that was chosen is represented by Neptune in Pisces joined by that Pisces Moon. Neptune cast an illusion or an image into the world. Our image from that point then is tainted by that illusion. So the individuals most likely not to deliver on promises, because they were not backed up by something that was real. That is the thing about Neptune, there is nothing real. It is like the fog. You can’t build a house by collecting fog in a bucket. Now there are other forces, other things going on. So any discovery of grand fraud, it is the great magic trick that Neptune can create, Neptune and Pisces can create. So that is my best description of what the situation, how the situation was presented.
Leading into the end of the week we had a pile up of planets in parallel. And these planets began to be exact yesterday. Parallel aspects are unity aspects. These aspects join people together for long term benefit or effect. Pluto and Mars came together first. And then we have Mars and Saturn, Mercury and Mars, and Mercury and Saturn. All of them coupled and clustered around the same degree of declination. 21 and a half degrees of declination, which allows for these type of forces to come together to make a point that Mercury really wants to join and create with Mars. A link dealing with irritations and complaints. Anything having to do with things moving very fast: ideas and possessions, arrows shooting through the air (the image), and a sharp tone when speaking. It is about news of riots and military actions, propaganda, twist of the truth which delivers a punch. It is a good time to slow down your speech, lower your tone, so your message can be heard. Send your eyes and ears everywhere and gather the latest information. You want to stay informed during this time. If you are out and about and come upon a large protest, you want to be in a safe zone. This kind of energy brings the police out. Don’t speed in your car. Also be careful of what you say, how you say it. The opposition is right there in your face.
Mercury changes signs and enters the sign of Sagittarius this morning. Just right now kind of as we speak, 9:39 AM. It explores the broader perspective. Thinking is more philosophical. People might be open to rationality. Children may be open to change. People enjoy their activities outdoors on a day like this. Communications with people abroad are also large on the agenda. The parallels continue with Mercury parallel Pluto. That is this afternoon. That is the turning of the spinning of the thoughts going round and round and round. It has the potential for dealing with bureaucracies. You could drive through rough terrain or mud or rain with that kind of aspect. There are also talks with money lenders, accountants, tax offices. Certainly the offices are closed today. But it is a great day for doing some good body work, a deep therapeutic practice to cut through any of the heavier feelings that you are having. People think that the opposition or the protests are just about being a sore loser. That is not at all, look more deeply. It is about how we are being represented.
Monday Nov 14, 2016

The Moon enters Taurus at 9:23 PM. that is leading into this huge Full Moon that we are having. It has been the news it is a Full Moon that is as close to the Earth as it has been since 1948. 68 years ago. There is a sudden upset with the planet Uranus and the Sun. The other thing about this Full Moon, there is a lot of things about this Full Moon being the closest point. That means that the tides are rising higher, people’s emotions are rising higher. It happens at 8:52 AM on Monday morning but we are feeling it now as this Mercury and Uranus …rather this Sun and the Moon quincunx welcomes it in on today. So we have the extremes from all of the parallels, which are unity aspects, extreme intensity over the weekend. Saturn, Mars, Mercury, Pluto, the Sun, Uranus, the Moon…All of it is involved with the very important point that was claimed by Mars last June 29th, when Mars made a station at the same point, where the Full Moon is taking place. So there is a very nice aspect that chimes in. Mercury and Venus will chime in on the day of the Full Moon calling for peace and comfort. They ask for healers and light workers to join circles at this time to form a healing ring around the planet. So you want to…You know who you are…the healers know who they are. We can join together and form a ring of peace.
The Taurus Moon is travelling very freely as it tips the pendulum again when it hits Jupiter in Libra once again. Now Jupiter in Libra is also responsible for swinging everything in the opposite direction as well. And looking also over Sunday 3:37 AM is when the Sun is quincunx Uranus. So that is that sudden abrupt change. Lots of haphazard energy surprising and upsetting events, rebellion, liberation, exposure to the truth, erratic changes. I am not making this up. This is what I have written. Interpretations of the aspects from years back. I have created this text. So there is an enormous amount of this electrical hazard type of innovation, and also inventions around this time as well. Practice patience, but remain alert. You want to use caution when you are dealing with fast moving objects like saws, saw blades, and cars, and people who have tempers. Try to get all points of the view.

Back to Monday at 6:21 AM the Moon is closest to the Earth that it gets. It is called perigee. That is what is making this Moon enormously large. You probably want to see the Moon late tonight, late Sunday night, and also Monday night. It will be very large as well. By the time we get up on Monday for the Full Moon at 8:52 AM, it will already be past its full point. But we will still be able to see it that following night. Again there is a call to join circles from those that are healers.
The Moon enters Gemini ending a void of course Moon period. Well it is not really void of course. The Moon is in Taurus. It will change to the sign of Gemini at 8:22 PM Monday night. That Gemini Moon is collecting what it can, information for its goals and trying to align itself with others that are on the same page.
For the rest of Monday night there is an aspect between the Sun and Ceres. Be very careful with children. Listen to children’s needs. Try to address them. Listen to your animals. Today is a good day to listen to your animals with Victor’s animal interpreter on the air today. But this is very strong about those that are under the care of others, the aspect is at 9:17 PM. But it is an all-day aspect because it involves the Sun. it is quincunx to Ceres.
Tuesday Nov 15
Then what we have for Tuesday… Mercury and Mars finally get together. Perhaps there is a statement that is made. Maybe there is some consolidation. Maybe there is some type of thought that is projected out that is broadcast that might start a more healing mode. It is Mercury in Sagittarius and Mars in Aquarius.
Then later on that night the Moon will make a 150 degree aspect Tuesday night to Pluto and then opposite to Saturn. That would be between 8:49 PM and 9:33 PM and that brings a heavy mood as well.
Wednesday Nov 16
The last aspect of the Gemini Moon is the quincunx between the Sun and the Moon. 150 degrees apart 11:28 AM Wednesday. That is the last Gemini Moon aspect beginning a void of course Moon period that will last until 7:56 PM Wednesday. So the Moon is void most of all of the day on Wednesday from 11:28 AM to 7:56 PM.
Then the Moon enters Cancer. Now Venus is still out of bounds. Venus was also a major contributor to Hillary Clinton’s loss. When Venus went out of bounds, the day after her birthday, and the FBI had come out with its letter to the Senate about more emails that destroyed any chance of her coming back into the circle. It does not come back into the corral until December 3rd, so it will be very interesting to watch what Venus out of bounds collects out there and brings back, and how it is presented once it returns. Because what it does when it is out of bounds, it is mingling with others that are not mainstream and can bring information and things and people back from the outside.
Thursday Nov 17
For that Cancer Moon beginning on Wednesday night we have it all through Thursday. There is a couple of interesting things with the Cancer Moon that are large. Neptune is exactly aligned with that Lunar Node. So this is a very…as I said it casts illusions and it creates a lot of magic tricks. It has the capacity to blind you and create an illusion. So you want to be careful when driving. Do not text, do not be on the phone.
Friday Nov 18

Refrain from all that is distracting while you are driving on Thursday and Friday during this Cancer Moon. Because not only is Neptune on the node, but Mercury will square the Lunar Node and that is 9:57 AM Friday morning. So there is this big veil that is spoken through. Mercury will speak through it, as the messenger from the other side of that veil. It also could bring about huge weather. Mercury is the wind and the storms. I have no idea what the weather report looks like for real here. But we can see that it is bringing something. Large rains, large wet stuff, maybe a snow storm. So then Friday the 18th we have still the Cancer Moon and a little Green Light period after Mercury is square the node at 9:57 AM. Then there is a Green Light period from that point until 10:14 PM. There is still…actually the Green Light period is not until 11:03 AM after Mercury is finished its square to Neptune. That is the Green Light period that will end at 5:02 PM.
Then at 10:14 PM on Friday the Moon enters the sign of Leo. That Leo Moon is waiting for Neptune to turn direct. So there is more Neptune. Lots of Neptune standing still at a station having its strongest energy presenting to us and it is conjunct the Lunar Node. Lots of magic tricks this week. It is not a good week at all to buy anything really important like a house or anything that you want to keep because it can vanish and also contracting with others. There are illusions, there are misconceptions that are going on right through until a better period of next week. And we will talk about that next week as we join Victor once again.
Take care of your pets. People disappearing, animals disappearing. I would not let your cat or dog out unattended or even…You know I have walked out in the woods with small dogs and a hawk has come down and swopped us trying to grab a little dog. So there are definitely predators out there that have the advantage that we don’t. Again think and pray peace and join circles of likeminded people so that we can soothe and calm this energy. That is it for the week.
You can reach me for consultation at 617 – 924 – 0929. Also you can find a copy of the report on my website at

*The audio file of this report is posted on my website at
**The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5 FM ( for two weeks.
*** You can also find the audio file of this weekly report on sound cloud. All of my radio reports are posted there at: and type in Dietrech Pessin

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin - Nov 5 - 12, 2016

To listen:

WZBC Radio 90.5 FM (
From our host Victor Venkus, “Thank you to all those who have pledged over the past week. In case you slept through the fundraiser or are just now discovering it on our archive, our online donation website will stay up until November 6th for any last-minute donations. Any donations help!
Thank you for helping us stay on the air. The Z would (literally) be nothing without your support!”
= = = = = = = = Please Remember to VOTE ============
Dietrech Pessin’s 617-924-0929
Weekly Astrology Report WCBZ radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in and around 9:30 AM
Saturday, November 5, 2016 – Saturday, November 12, 2016

Good morning. Well, we have a Capricorn Moon today. That is all business. There is a Green Light today if you want to take advantage of some business like energy and do something to forward your goals somehow. have business talk with people, who are interested in your product. There was a very nice Venus…Venus and Uranus made a nice aspect early this morning bringing a little bit of twinkle and sparkle into the beginning of the day.
The Moon is going to form a square to Uranus and that would be at 5:48 PM. That would be the time when I would say would be the best time to use that Green Light period in a good way. If you want to purchase something for your business, if you want to do something that supports your goals go ahead and do it after that time at 5:48 PM. Then the rest of the Green Light period continues until 4:56 AM Sunday morning. That is when the Moon joins Mars for a boost for the businessman. So this may support Donald Trump.
+++++++++++++++Sunday +++++++++++++++
Then the Moon is void of course until 8:55 AM on Sunday. That is when the Moon enters Aquarius tomorrow. That would be when the mood swings in the other direction. So there is a big push to hear the voice of the people with that Aquarius Moon. That Moon continues in Aquarius until 4:45 PM on Tuesday. On Election Day we get a Moon sign change which is also going to be describing how things will swing from side to the next.
Then still on Sunday 7:15 PM the Sun and Saturn are linked together with a 30 degree aspect. This links also the Sun to Pluto which follows the next day on Monday. So there is…many consequences that go along with the game of survival. These are notes that I had written some 20 years ago. So it really is not particular to this time, but is so appropriate. There is an exposure of problems behind the doors of authority figures. Secrets are revealed regarding elders and the more established family members as well. Company heads and political leaders are also scrutinized. Elders are convalescing during this time. Cosmetic fixes begin to be an appropriate way to use this kind of energy. There is something in here about applying your energy to projects that have an extended life span, such as repairing or building a wall. How about that. So that is definitely a topic going on these days.
Then the following day Mercury and Uranus do something surprising. That is on Monday, November 7th. There is another late last minute surprise going on with that bizarre and disruptive energy. Where plans are abruptly dropped or unexpected problems. There are equipment failures. This may actually be visible late night on Sunday night and for the overnight. Because it is 12:10 AM on Monday morning so it is going to be apparent the night before. There is potential verbal outbursts without obvious cause. Now we can see what the cause is but without this political scene it would be totally unfounded. There is mishaps and hazardous conditions. So definitely when you are travelling be careful. Also when you are brain storming with friends or communicating with friends you might also might want to be particularly careful as well. Necessity is the mother of invention. That would be something that works well with that kind of energy of Mercury to Uranus. It is a 150 degree aspect on Monday early.
+++++++++++++++Monday +++++++++++++++
Monday, November 7, there is the 30º aspect between the Sun and Pluto. It is accessing a very powerful base to move the masses of the people toward their direction. These things about astrology just show what we are experiencing. It is no accident that things are just so incredibly unbelievable. Never have we experienced cycle like this ever. There is a formidable plan with determination and decisiveness along with that. Deep revelations that emerge. So it is likely to be extremely exciting. First Quarter Moon 15 degrees of Aquarius 2:51 PM on Monday afternoon. Look back 9 months ago to get some perspective on what is up this week. We don’t have to look too far back.
+++++++++++++++Election Day – Please vote -+++++++++++++++
November 8th the Aquarius Moon is there for the voice of the people. But Mars is standing on ceremony at that very final degree of Capricorn. This becomes a major influence on the following night. There is definitely more toss and turn. Nothing can be called. Venus is way out of bounds having much to do with the nature of the fact that there is a woman in the Presidential race. That brings part of the wackiness. That is also characteristic of Venus out of bounds, doing something different than the average woman.
The Moon is making a 30 degree aspect to Mars at 4:16 PM, which marks the void of course Moon period. That will end at 4:45 PM on Election Day. Then the whole landscape changes. The Moon is going through Pisces. The Pisces Moon is more sensitive. It is more emotional. It is more feminine. As it travels through that sign right through until 8:54 PM on Thursday. Before making any grand announcements it is however waiting for Mars, the man, to leave or let go. Which may be apparent by 12:51 AM Wednesday when Mars changes signs, leaving Capricorn and entering Aquarius. We would like to see how that plays out. Does that mean that there would a concession speech or maybe some lawsuit to file against the election results? Or something like that.
+++++++++++++Wednesday +++++++++++++++++++
There is for Wednesday during that Pisces Moon, Mars and Saturn make an aspect. Lots of need to adjust to changes. Check your bank account before spending any money. There is an indication that there are shortages there and also there are concerns of the limits of Saturn that Saturn sets. But it is in the sign of Sagittarius. This has a lot to do with foreign affairs, higher education. Then the Moon is square Saturn at 7:49 PM. The mood might lift a bit after that on Wednesday night November 9th.
+++++++++++++++Thursday +++++++++++++++
November 10th Thursday a heavy Pisces Moon because there is this Saturn and Pluto aspect in the picture. The Pisces Moon does see Venus at the end of the sign of Sagittarius on that evening, on Thursday evening. Which says that something is expensive and something may also be calling for changes or adjustments around the feminine principle.
That Saturn and Pluto are exact in a 30 degree angle aspect at 2:38 PM. That brings a very heavy serious foot into the arena. This is Thursday still. The Pisces Moon is free floating after the square to Venus and that would be from 6:16 PM until 8:44 PM. 8:44 PM the Moon enters Aries. The mood lifts and the landscape changes again. The Aries Moon tends to the disruptive matters that are hanging over things. Takes charge, goes into battle, changes and dictates. Something is dropped however because Venus is changing signs. Then Mercury changes signs. So whatever is said has the tendency to be dropped and something new comes into its place.
+++++++++++++++Friday ++++++++++++++
For Friday November 11th we are looking at…for quick results for your efforts. If you are moving forward I would check and double check your work because the tendency is just to hash through real fast. Don’t drive too fast. There is a Pluto aspect as well 3:41 PM when Mars and Pluto (that is the police) that is likely to stop you for any type of offence. Mercury and Jupiter are also in an aspect that is distributing information on a wider scale. That Aries Moon sees Venus changing signs late night on Friday 11:54 PM. It will be in the sign of Capricorn from that point on until December 7th. It waits for Mercury to change signs some 10 hours later. It will go into the sign of Sagittarius. That is it for the week.

*The audio file of this report is posted on my website at
**The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5 FM ( for two weeks.
*** You can also find the audio file of this weekly report on sound cloud. All of my radio reports are posted there at: and type in Dietrech Pessin

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