Saturday, January 28, 2017

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin Jan 28, 2017 - Feb 3, 2017 with Green Light Times

Listen to Dietrech's report that was broadcast live on WZBC FM 90.3 at 9:35 AM Jan 28, 2017.

Dietrech Pessin’s 617-924-0929
Weekly Astrology Report WCBZ radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in and around 9:30 AM
Saturday, January 28, 2017 – Saturday, February 4, 2017
The following has been transcribed.

Dietrech: Good morning! The week belongs to Jupiter and Uranus and we will be referring to Jupiter and Uranus right through until …oh, I don’t know… the beginning of October. They are in an opposition, Jupiter in Libra and Uranus in Aries. They will make an important stop this week on February 1st when they very similar to opposition when contra parallel. Which is just like an opposition, except it is measured up and down the globe instead of around the globe. Which is north and south on the globe. It is very powerful and it can be disruptive. Jupiter is in the sign of Libra. Uranus is in the sign of Aries. So self-driven individuals can be extremely headstrong and motivated for their own individual gain. There can be reversals. Global reaction can be sweeping. There can be a temporary response, a temporary reaction. Especially when the Moon goes into Aries there will be very interesting reactions around the globe. All I can say is keep praying for peace. Look for prayer groups that pray for peace and pray for peace.

Venus is going to change signs. Venus is doing something very important. Venus rules love and money and our relationships with others, our important relationships. Venus is going into the sign of Aries. But right now she is passing over that point, where after her retrograde period. Yes. Venus will go retrograde in March and she will be retrograde until April 15th. Interesting on tax day. But on March 4th Venus turns retrograde at the end of this week. Then on Friday Venus will go into Aries and pass by that point three (3) times. So where Venus is traveling now is activating the very sensitive point that she will visit later and for a very important statement. So Venus is very important this week.

The other things that we might note are the aspects between the Moon and Neptune. There will be what is called an occultation. That means there is a little mini eclipse with the Moon and Neptune in the sign of Pisces. That will be on Monday.
There is also that wild Jupiter and Uranus contra parallel early in the morning on Wednesday. Although it has an effect all week long beginning certainly now and then beyond. We have also influences from Mercury making the rounds as it conjuncts Pluto then squares Jupiter and squares Uranus. Mercury is the thinking planet and collecting information. It is also going to be making contact with Saturn. So the facts are going to be important. And the facts are just wiggling their way around as our First Amendment rights are also being talked about in such ways that are kind of dangerous to us. What we have with the facts, with the information, is that the area of those sitting in the seat of power are projecting and holding information and facts. Then the way that it is distributed is abruptly put out there, abruptly challenged. So this is not new of late.

Saturday Jan 28, 2017
So let’s take a look at the week. We have a Chinese New Year! Happy New Year, yesterday. And this Chinese New Year is the Year of the Rooster. The Rooster has to do with details and getting work done and being very serious. Has a kind of a Virgo quality. So that occurred with that New Moon that we had last night at 7:07 PM in the sign of Aquarius, 8 degrees of Aquarius. So we are in the dark of the Moon because we have a New Moon. The Moon is not going to show up in the sky until Sunday night again. So that means that you want to allow information to come your way. You want to be able to see things from a different light from maybe the collective consciousness of Aquarius. There is a Green Light period that we have during this dark of the Moon. So consider the facts that come to you to have some positive seeds. The seeds that are planted now can develop in 9 months. If you are in a hurry, then these seeds might be a little more apparent in a week. If there are things that you need to do and contract with, unfortunately the Green Light period is here over the weekend. It ends at 3:09 AM on Sunday morning.
We have an aspect today with the Sun and Saturn 8:34 PM. This aspect is designing things that need structure and need to be formed in such a way that are apparent and need special attention. You can look around your house to what needs special attention. That would help you to make a priority list.

Sunday Jan 29, 2017 there is a Moon sign change 11:10 AM. That Aquarius Moon will change to the sign of Pisces. There is a void of course Moon period tomorrow from 3:09 AM until 11:10 AM for that Aquarius Moon. The Pisces Moon sign will be with us for a couple of days, right through until Tuesday afternoon. During the Pisces Moon we have the Moon joining Pluto. We have Venus and Mars making an aspect. There is a lot of activity about people finding one another. People being available to become involved in a relationship. The problem is that Venus is moving slowly and Mars will pull away. So she can’t really catch her man. That is the problem. She will also turn away from her choice as time goes on. So there is really not a match to be made. There is just sort of a flirtation that carries on. You want to be careful about your choices also for Sunday night.

For Monday Jan 30, 2017 we have the Sun and Neptune. They are in an aspect where it probably could stir up quite a bit of weather: white weather, wet weather, windy weather. Again we have been having nothing but windy weather. Then the Moon chimes in with the aspect to Neptune as well. So that is for Monday. There may not be enough clarity for you to be able to make decisions. You want to be able to collect information, and line up your assets, and then your debts, and try to evaluate before taking your next step.

For Tuesday we have a Pisces Moon. That Moon is bumping around hitting Uranus then Jupiter, setting off that extreme Uranus and Jupiter. Uranus is about the collective and things that are suddenly abruptly changed. Also grand discoveries in medicine as well and other technologies might be the benefit. I would think hacking would run amuck with this type of aspect coming up. I don’t think that anything is particularly safe.
So with Tuesdays Moon sign change…so there would be a little Green Light period before that. 7:18 AM Tuesday there is a Green Light period until 12:36 PM. So that is in the morning 7:18 AM until 12:36 PM. That is the corrected version on Tuesday.
Then there would be a period when the Moon is not forming aspect to planet until 4:46 PM when the Moon enters Aries for the next several days.
The Aries Moon is very active and aggressive. Venus and Mars are parallel. They do come together for something very long term and interesting. It may not be…it may have more to do with money and the flow of money. So the stock market might be extremely interesting to watch late…So it would be early in the morning in the foreign market the next day for Wednesday. But it may have something also to do with Tuesday’s financial market as well.
Then we have that Mercury and Uranus square and that is on Tuesday. It is exact at 10:31 PM. There is a radical change of mind extreme distractions. Thinking ranges from brilliant to bizarre.

Wednesday Feb 1 2017. The Moon is in Aries and hot to trot. All sorts of outbursts with extreme bias. Wacky connections and disconnection. The bonds that bind us together are not particularly stronger than those that will tear us apart right now. Because that leads into that aspect that exact aspect with Jupiter and Uranus on February 1st. Take special care in all you do on this day.

Thursday Feb 2, 2017
For Thursday we have still an Aries Moon. That Aries Moon is square Pluto which is bumping up against the rule of the land, the financial bosses, and also those that are holding the purse strings for us. The Moon is square Mercury making it very difficult to make any kind of an agreement. Or even an appointment would be difficult to keep earlier than 9:00 in the morning on Thursday.
Then the Moon will travel through its contact with Jupiter exact at 9:00 AM. That aspect is also met with a Mercury square Jupiter. This one is extremely boisterous. Very loud. Has too much information, not enough facts that sort of thing. Things that are blown out of proportion.
Then the Moon will change signs on Thursday going into Taurus at 8:50 PM and that Taurus Moon will host a change of signs for Venus, as Venus goes into Aries on Friday morning. But for Aries void of course Moon period that would be from 8:00 PM on Thursday night until 8:50 PM on Thursday night. So a little bit of time there. 50 minutes of a void of course Moon period.
So the rest of the evening on Thursday probably be about maybe shopping for food, planning things with family and friends. Taurus Moon tends to focus a lot of its energy around food and sharing food with others.

Friday Feb 3, 2017.
Then we have for Friday…there are a couple of things. Mercury is very serious setting the limits with information, agreements made to authorities, serious discussions, and mental focus. That hangs on right through from 5:14 AM on Friday until 3:49 PM on Friday. This very serious energy with the Mercury.
There is a wild First Quarter Moon that occurs Friday night. That is at 11:19 PM it occurs at 15 degrees of Taurus. This is a very loud monetary degree where there may be strong monetary reactions that we see in the stock market next week and especially near the end of the week. I think all sorts of things are going to change monetarily in a very drastic fast way. I think the rule of thumb has been keep the peace and let things flow in a nice easy way. No great big waves. Well this the week of waves. So that is it for the week. )
There will be a copy of this report on my website at I will be teaching a class tomorrow on progressions tomorrow. If you are interested the class starts at 1:00 PM and goes until 5:00 PM. Give me a call. See if there is space. You can call me for consultation or for classes. I also have a beginner’s class on Friday if you are interested in beginner’s astrology. That’s it for the week. Thank you.
[Beginner’s class on Friday morning at 11:00 AM. It is an advanced beginners class. You would have to know the planets and the signs]

*The audio file of this report is posted on my website at
**The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5 FM ( for two weeks.
*** You can also find the audio file of this weekly report on sound cloud. All of my radio reports are posted there at: and look for my name, Dietrech Pessin

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Astrology Report for Jan 21 -28, 2017 by Dietrech Pessin with Green Light Days

Listen to the report:

Dietrech Pessin’s 617-924-0929
Weekly Astrology Report WCBZ radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in and around 9:30 AM
Saturday, January 21, 2017 – Saturday, January 28, 2017
Dietrech: Good morning! Well, the day after. My goodness gracious. You know I did time the charts for the inauguration. If you are interested we will probably have a class about the inauguration, about the meaning about all of these things. It does not appear as though it runs as smoothly as expected seeing as how it is all one party in the government. There are a lot of snags along the way. Things don’t particularly iron out.
Victor: And what about the anarchists? What do they want? Anarchy?
Dietrech: It is too charged right now I think to even discuss. There is just too much fire flying around.
It was a Scorpio Moon, which is very, very deep. That is the sign that is about very difficult to move forward. It is not meant for lightweights at all. If you are not prepared you will suffer. If you don’t know your topic you will suffer. You will be beat. There is just a lot riding on who is holding the ball and for what reason. We will talk about it at another time, if you want to talk about it at a greater length.
Saturday Jan 21, 2017
But For today…for this week we have a couple of big things going on. There will be a New Moon on Friday at 7:07 PM it is in the sign of Aquarius. That one is designed to focus the energy in particular to the collective consciousness, the groups. There are groups all over the planet. There is the Women’s March on Washington today. It is taking place in a big way on the Boston Common and also all over the world. It is amazing how the whole world is responding to the same type of energy.
Venus is in the sign…Venus rules women, is in the sign of Pisces. She is what is called exalted, while in Pisces. She is standing on a pedestal. There is support. There is sympathetic support for the feminine energy with that position. There is also…Venus will come up again Saturn on the day of the New Moon. It is a square it is a very nasty aspect. It is at 12:50 PM on Friday so that one is very difficult to get around in relationships. It is pretty rough.
So we are going to go back over…have a look…see what is going on here. We actually have for Saturday January 21st we have a Green Light that will start at 11:07 AM. That is after the Moon is quincunx Uranus. Uranus is that planet that is life’s messy clean it up. So everything that has been going on needs to be tended to. There could be some type of surprise that occurs around that time that derails your plans for the moment. Then you have to reorganize your thoughts and your efforts to move forward. Then you get a Green Light with Moon trine Mars. Mars is about revving up the engine, getting things going. This is the Moon in Scorpio, so don’t head out if you are not prepared for major obstacles. The police are ruled by Scorpio. Any type of force that will come and block you, the toll booth or sorts in life. You want to be able to be prepared for anything that comes up. Make sure you have your get out of jail card with you, if you protest.
Sunday Jan 22, 2017
Then we will have that Scorpio Moon void of course at 8:24 PM tonight until 5:44 AM tomorrow morning. Then the Moon will go into the sign of Sagittarius. The void of course Moon period does indicate that a lot could go on in a free floating way. Well, when the Moon is in Scorpio you kind of want a good plan. You don’t want to be free floating. I would say be in place for sure by the time the fireworks go off at 8:24 PM.
Then for the Sagittarius Moon that comes in on Sunday morning. Let’s call that 5:45 in the morning. The last aspect of that Sagittarius Moon is square Mars. Mars is in Pisces very late in the sign for that New Moon at the end of the week. It will be 29 degrees of Pisces. It is perched to be very, very explosive and not kind at all. That is a difficult thing to have to confront.
And when we have this Sagittarius Moon. There are a couple of things going on. A nice aspect tomorrow morning the Sun and the Moon are sextile, which is an opportunity to meet with someone important where you have a beneficial exchange of information. It is a bridge to the next best thing. That is 11:29 AM. Then the Moon will aspect Uranus and then Jupiter at the end of the afternoon. The Sagittarius Moon might take you out and about.
Monday Jan 23, 2016…
Monday the energy is a little bit confusing with aspects to Neptune. There is an aspect to Vesta which is the investor and investments and the sacred space. It receives a trine a 120 degrees from Mars in Pisces. Now Mars is sitting on a place where Venus will stop and hang out for a long time after it is done its retrograde period in the spring. There is something that is activated at 11:37 AM Monday that might lead to something of greater benefit. If you are looking to invest or if you are looking perhaps to see a house something like that. Vesta the investment planet or asteroid rather is retrograde in Cancer. So property and housing is expensive and it is also not as available for what you need right now. But this Mars trine Vesta can open up a little bit of a window there for something that could be a charm.
Then the 4:28 PM on Monday Mercury and Neptune join in a bridging aspect the 60 degree aspect. This is a highly intuitive and imaginative aspect between the thinking planet and the magical planet of Neptune which helps to bring some form from the divine. It helps to bring that divine inspiration so that you can create something better, imagine something better for your life and draw that out in such a way that you can take action on it. Sextiles are great when you actually take action on it. It is in the afternoon if you want to call someone or reach someone that is related to what it is you need. Maybe you want to hire someone who is particularly spiritual. I have an acupuncturist, Kathleen Krivak, who really does blend the spiritual energies with her practice of acupuncture and bringing in all of that positive shift while you are getting a treatment. It is that kind of thing that is great for that.
Mercury 60ยบ Neptune: Information may be deluded in some way or confused or misconstrued on the possible down side of that aspect. A martini lunch might have variable results so you want to be careful about feeling dazed when you are trying to get your thoughts together later in the afternoon. But it is idealistic and you do have the ability to tune out from very unpleasant information.
Venus and Uranus are in aspect also on Monday and this is at 7:23 PM. Venus uses her charm to gain access into a private space or into a private party of some sort.
The Moon and Venus square off late, late night. If you go out late on Monday night it could cost you. Be careful about your purse and also about what your choices are for spending.
Tuesday Jan 24, 2017
The Moon joins Saturn the next morning. Might be a little bit tough to get up. You might feel like you have a lot of heavy stuff on your plate for the day. Leading into the noon time period is when Moon and Mars are square on Tuesday and that is a conflict. It is a battle of ideas, grand ideas. The Moon in Sagittarius and Mars in the sign of Pisces. There probably is a lot of chewing somebody out for their bad behavior with that that Mars in Pisces getting close to the end of the sign. All week long Mars will be at the end of the sign so you want to be very careful. Mars in Pisces can be either the victim or the perpetrator. You also want to be very careful of fire throughout the week as well.
The Capricorn Moon brings in more positive energy after 10:19 AM on Thursday. But the Capricorn Moon does start on Tuesday night at 5:43 PM. It will run through until Friday at 3:36 AM. During that Capricorn Moon we have a couple of positive shifts.
Wednesday Jan 25, 2017
For most of Wednesday I would say gather what information you have to take advantage of some sort of contract or goal setting that you may want to conduct the next day. Particularly where Moon conjunct Mercury at 6:58 PM. So leading into that time that might be a time when you want to gather your thoughts. Make an outline, don’t sign anything just yet. wait until the next day after 20:19 AM on Thursday. That is when you have a Green Light.
Thursday Jan 26, 2017
There is a square that you have to get past on Thursday morning between the Moon and Uranus. Uranus is that planet of sudden abrupt change 10:18 AM. So there is that hint of that Uranus and Pluto square still lingering about from 4:22 AM until 10:18 AM early in the morning on Thursday.
After that there is a Green Light and then we head into the dark of the Moon. That is because there is a New Moon coming on Friday. That dark Moon period is by sundown on Thursday. It will continue right until Saturday, next Saturday around 8:30 at night. Any decisions that you make during that period really need to be reconsidered later.
The dark Moon period is the time when you want things to come to you instead of chasing after them. Making decisions and buying cars and all that sort of thing. I wouldn’t do that sort of thing in the dark of the Moon. See what comes to you and act on it at a better time.
That Green Light period all through the day on Thursday allows you to take advantage of things with the exception of Thursday night in that dark Moon period.
Friday Jan 27, 2017
For Friday the Moon sign changes…what gives us the Green Light period for that Capricorn Moon is the Moon 60 degrees to Mars. Mars at 29 degrees of Pisces. So there is a lot of action in regard to placing important people in business positions. This probably sounds like cabinet approvals for the Trump administration perhaps. Then the sign...Moon sign will change at 3:36 AM when the Moon enters Aquarius. This one has that Venus square Saturn in it. That is 12:50 PM Venus square Saturn. I would say don’t do anything before that because of the fact that it has a lot of financial consequence associated with it and difficulty in regard to hidden problems. Especially those with education how you are going to manage your education or the trip you might be interested in taking.
The New Moon is exact on Friday at 7:07 PM at 8 degrees of Aquarius. There is a lot of energies. The most outstanding is the Venus square Saturn, and that New Moon chart, and also Mars at that very last degree of Pisces in creating perhaps an injury. There is a Mars changing sign that will take place the next morning just after midnight next Saturday. So that is it for the week. (52:55 STOP)

My Green Light calendar that I make is nearly ready for sending out. If you would like the Green Light days and you want to purchase the calendar month by month give me a call 617-924-0929. Also for classes there is a class next week. It is a workshop from 1:00 to 5:00 on Sunday. My classes are on Sunday. I have a beginner’s class on Friday morning if you are interested. It is an advanced beginners. You would have to know the planets and the signs. If you want to call about a consultation also give me a call. You can also find a copy of this report at my website at

*The audio file of this report is posted on my website at
**The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5 FM ( for two weeks.
*** You can also find the audio file of this weekly report on sound cloud. All of my radio reports are posted there at: and look for my name, Dietrech Pessin

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin with Green Light Days for Jan 14 - 21, 2017

Dietrech Pessin’s 617-924-0929
Weekly Astrology Report WCBZ radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in and around 9:30 AM
Saturday, January 14, 2017 – Saturday, January 21, 2017

Good morning! Well, this is the week of the inauguration of which many of us are anxious. There is quite a bit of excitement throughout the week that points to it. As we would expect there is no lack of surprise going on here. What we have for the week that is entirely exciting is the fact that there is a Scorpio Moon on the day of the inauguration. Before that there is the change of the signs the day before. The Sun will change signs leaving the big business man sign of Capricorn and entering into the sign of the people, which is Aquarius. Those are the will of the people and then the events of the people thereafter can have some influence as the Sun changes signs. This will be on Thursday and it has much to do with someone dropping out or leaving. Now this is not… this does not mean that Trump will quit. However it may mean something like perhaps maybe his wife doesn’t appear or someone stands in for her or something. A little bit of change or difference. People will just step up to the plate and be accountable I’m sure. So it will be interesting to see how this is actually plays out because there is quite a bit of interest the day before.

For today Jan 14, 2017, we have the Moon traveling through the showy sign of Leo. It will be there until 10:52 tonight. There is a positive flow of energy from 10:17 AM this morning but it is complicated by the adjustments that you might want to allow for when the Sun and the Moon are 150 degrees apart. Now you have heard me call this many times life’s messy clean it up. This aspect is has upset involved with it. It means that you may have to stop along the way for something. Having it occur around 1:39 PM this afternoon. There might be…like if you had a plan to find your way from one destination to another, you might have to change that plan and use Plan B. No big problem. Very often there is something that rolls down into the road and has to be cleared away. No big deal. It could be whatever your plan is, whatever your job is, you may be called off of that to do something else after you tend to those short things. Now they also may be related to things that occurred during that Full Moon that we had on Thursday. Then you may also be preparing for or presenting or maybe working with a service person or preparing for an event that you might have the next day.

There are two very positive events on Saturday beyond all this and that is Venus and Jupiter form an alignment of happy energy. That alignment is also joined by Mercury aligned with Pluto. Both of these alignments are parallels. That means there is some long term positive effect. Some of which has some intensity involved when we talk about Mercury and Pluto. There is also some going over round and round and round old things. But these aspects do offer long term benefit and there is information that you need that emerges with this Pluto and Mercury aspect before you make your final decisions. So these aspects are in play all day, but later they are exact. The later one Mercury Pluto is exact at 12:03 PM. If you wanted to sign an agreement or be in some sort of contract with another that would say that the contract needs to be gone over with a fine tooth comb and then you can move forward. They can bond you together with others.
Then after 1:38 PM the Moon is void of course until 10:52 PM. What that means is that the Moon is traveling freely without making contact with a planet. This period is very often open to adjustments or it is free floating meaning that any of your plans tend to have an neutral effect with no great outcome during a void of course Moon period.

At 10:52 PM Saturday night, tonight the Moon enters the sign of Virgo. It will be there until 6:16 AM on Tuesday. Virgo is the sign of good hard work, getting organized, making plans. Perhaps doing very busy work. If Virgo is prominent in your chart it will serve you very well. This is not a good day to contract with others.
Sunday January 15, 2017

However for Sunday there is a mixed bag due to a intelligent aspect between Mars and Uranus that sparks creative thinking however it might be disruptive in the wrong circles. Later there is confusion by 3:30 through 5:10 when the Moon and Neptune are at odds.

Monday January 16, 2017

After a snag with Saturn at at 5:13 PM on Monday there is a Green Light period for that Virgo Moon. Before that there is actually a couple of things that are positive. For one thing the Moon is forming positive aspects with Jupiter and Uranus. Although those two planets are sitting opposite to one another, which means they are set to upset and reverse matters. There is all this pressure going on that says, “Do this.” And “No, no. We changed our mind. We are not doing that. We are going to do this.” So this flipping back and forth, really carries throughout the next 9 months. So anything that is occurring during this time frame this week has that quality of off/on and flipping back and forth.

Also Monday we still have that Virgo Moon. Very good for a busy jobs and cleaning things up, getting things ready. There is a quirky part to it that occurs at 12:41 PM. You want to watch out for a jack in the box from 12:35 PM until around 2:30. The Moon is bumped by wacky Uranus, which is about sudden abrupt change. And it might trigger a conflict when the Moon is in opposition to both Mars, which is the action planet that has a short fuse. It becomes insulted very easily and can set off a spark. And Chiron is involved. Chiron is the wounded healer. This is a foot breaker. It may lead to a wound that needs medical attention. If there is something that you are doing physically on Monday through part of Monday afternoon, be very careful with whatever it is you are trying to do. Watch out for open flames and anything having to do with wires like electrical wires and carpets over electrical wires. That sort of thing. If anybody seems like they are likely to lose their temper, leave and walk in the other direction.

Monday you can begin with a Green Light period, which means you can move forward with your goals after 5:30 PM right through until 1:09 AM Tuesday morning. This one sets you up for something particularly positive.
Tuesday January 17, 2017

There is a void of course Moon Tuesday January 17th. That means the Moon is free floating until...that is from 1:10 in the morning until the Moon enters the next sign of Libra at 6:16 AM. Libra is the sign of balance. It is the sign of partnership and agreement. During the Libra Moons that we have over the next 9 months or so there are all sorts of bumps in the road that are forcing things to be confronted before any agreements actually come about. This is for Tuesday, Wednesday, and part of Thursday we have a Libra Moon. For Tuesday’s events that Libra Moon there is a squabble that needs to [be] sorted through around 1:37 PM when the Moon is square Mercury. This means you do not want to contract with that. Pretty much you don’t want to contract with anyone during this Libra Moon.

Wednesday January 18, 2017
For business there are too many surprises especially with Wednesday’s activity. The Moon will pick up its pace and meets with an aggressive opposition. However there is something to be gained by working through the matters that are coming up. If you have court matters that are going on or anything with lawyers. You may want to hash it out until you clearly are in agreement. As these matters develop over the day there are bigger problems that emerge. You want to get the details out of the way. If there are reversals that come up because you’re previous plans did not consider some things or you did not know some things. Then you may want to address those adjustments after…Well, I would say probably on Thursday because in our time zone around quarter to 11 at night might be a little bit late, unless you are sending out emails.

Thursday January 19, 2017

For Thursday January 19th something very important changes of which some things are forced to be dropped for replacements of some type. The problem arises when the Sun leaves the sign of Capricorn. I spoke about this when we started today. Capricorn is that business sign. The big business person and the Sun moves into Aquarius for a month at 4:24 PM. This is the sign of the people and the collective consciousness and how things are perceived and expected from that point on, which is perfect for an inauguration because it belongs to all the people. Anything leading up to that is subject to a major scramble to install the next best thing or person or star for the show. It just could mean that someone backs out of their agreement to perform at the inaugural ball.

Further problems are indicated by the Last Quarter Moon Thursday evening at 0 Scorpio. This is intense. It is driven by perhaps a business gain or selfish gain. The indications can be complicated by some high powered individuals that force things through. It is not meant for lightweights. So this is not a good time on Thursday to move forward with your goals. Then we have this dead stop kind of thing.

It is quite a week I’ll tell you. It is not an easy week to take on any type of business dealings or even light and fluffy kinds of things. The light and fluffy energy is not available this week. That dead stop energy is from Mars square Saturn. This is when plans are halted. Muscles lock up so there is a possibility of broken bones for instance, if you went skiing. So you want to be careful especially for athletes. They get through these aspects all the time so it is not as if someone is devastated by whatever pressure it is. It is just usually a force of energy that creates frustration and anger. Relationships often take a serious turn. There could be projects that are over budget and three quarters of the way around things those things which have been started may be aborted surprisingly. There are additional work burdens that are associated with this aspect as well. It is early in the morning on Thursday morning but it has an effect on those things that take place Wednesday night and also for the greater part of the day on Thursday.

Moving forward on Thursday 4:24 PM that is when the Sun enters the sign of Aquarius. There are adjustments that need to be made because of new changes. 5:09 PM the Moon travels into the tough sign of Scorpio until 5:45 AM on January 22nd, Sunday. There are many positive things for those that are in a seat of power during that Scorpio Moon, which covers the inauguration. But not so much for the rest of us. If you chose to move forward with your goals during that Scorpio Moon you may expect to gain ground for the times including from 11:07 AM January 21st through 8:24 PM also Saturday January 21st.

Friday January 20, 2017 - Inauguration Day

For Friday the Inauguration Day has that Jupiter and Uranus opposition, which says things will flip and flop throughout that presidency. The moment of the swearing right at 12:00 there is actually an aspect and it seems to reflect the nature of the incoming president. It is an aspect between the Moon and Mars. It is 135 degrees which indicates that there are hidden problems and that there is constant conflict. The fact that it takes place exactly at the moment of swearing in indicates that there is potentially trouble ahead and quickly so. Which we are not surprised about at all. Mars represents the man of the hour and the aspect is one of conflict. It doesn’t appear to cancel the event however there may be huge numbers of security teams that may be obstructing the view from our perspective.

There is an aspect Venus and Pluto earlier in the day which you might take advantage of by asking for money. It is an opportunity which arises to present your case for your needs to a loan officer or others holding the purse strings. It is also an opportunity for sharing and building trust. There are an extreme range of feelings that go on with this aspect during the day. In most cases events cause deep and intense reactions while engaging with others.

Then through the evening there does not seem to be anything that interrupts the festivities that follow. For the rest of us that are not going an inaugural ball you may find that it is a pleasant evening although intense. You may feel like you need to stay close to people you already trust and know. And that is it for the week

My next class will be on Sunday the 15th and it is with secondary progressions. You may want to join that if you are interested in that topic. It is 2:00 – 4:00 PM. So I hope to see you.
You can find a copy of this report at my website at You can also call me at 617-924-0929. If you want to check in about class tomorrow or ask me questions about astrology, anything having to do also with the week. Good luck!
*The audio file of this report is posted on my website at
**The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5 FM ( for two weeks.
*** You can also find the audio file of this weekly report on sound cloud. All of my radio reports are posted there at: and look for my name, Dietrech Pessin

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Astrology Report for January 7 - 13, 207 with Green Light Times by Dietrech Pessin

Listen to the live radio report on soundcloud:

The only Green Light period this week is during the Cancer Moon Thursday after Mercury enters Capricorn at 9:04 AM. This is revised from the radio report that quotes that it's best after 11:32 AM. The Green Light continues until 7:07 PM. It is good for family matters and business plans. Expect the unexpected however and leave room for adjustments later.

Dietrech Pessin’s 617-924-0929
Weekly Astrology Report WCBZ radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in and around 9:30 AM
Saturday, January 7, 2017 – Saturday, January 14, 2017

Good morning! Well, we have a very interesting week. Real high energy. Mercury is retrograde just until tomorrow morning at 4:43 AM. Also the other big piece of news for the week. Well, there is a couple of them. The Sun will be square Uranus on Tuesday during the Cancer Moon. Well, actually during the Gemini Moon, but then the Moon goes into Cancer where the Full Moon will take place on Thursday. Before that the Sun will square Jupiter. So this is wacky energy all through the year. We have this Jupiter and Uranus opposition all through the whole year, but up until September October we are going to have experiences from it. That is an extreme amount of reversal and upset and wackiness and people just going off and being unpredictable and filled with their own willfulness.
This whole week is under the influence of this Grand Cross. It is called a Grand Cardinal Cross because the signs of Aries where Uranus is, Cancer where the Moon will be for the Full Moon, Libra where Jupiter sits, and Capricorn where currently the Sun is. All of those signs are Cardinal Signs. Cardinal signs are all action oriented. There is nothing slow about this. It is move fast, do it fast. Things will rip through. Things in business may happen very, very quickly. I hope that things turn out well and do not reverse later. Because there are a lot of things about it that indicate a difficulty maintaining long term relationships with this type of activity because Libra is involved. Which has to do with pairing and partnership. Right across the virtual street is the sign of Aries where the planet Uranus is position which tends to unpin and cause sudden abrupt change and reversals.
Saturday January 7, 2017
So now looking at the week…we have the Moon in Taurus until Sunday. That would be at 5:06 PM the Moon will enter the sign of Gemini. But for today we have the Sun aligned with Pluto… and Venus. Now that Sun alignment with Pluto very difficult, heavy intentions. This is similar to the Florida shootings. I want to send my condolences and prayers out to those families. We all know people in Florida. And people go to Florida are shaken by this. This is the kind of thing that is associated with the Sun Pluto alignment where people of dark forces take on their own agenda and force it upon others.
Then there is an alignment also with Venus the love and money planet which is positioned for extreme attention while it is aligned with the South Node of the Moon. These areas, the Nodes of the Moon are where the Eclipses take place. It is broader than usual, as far as opportunities go for love and money. There may be people who walk into your life in an unexpected way. Also there maybe financial opportunities that occur.
There is this pile up that will take place in the sign of Pisces. The Pisces focus is seeing the south lunar node, Venus, and Mars, Pallas Athena, Chiron. All that energy is piling up creating wicked snow storms. It is very difficult energy to try navigating your way through with wild winds and things like that. The storms are inside and outside. You want to stay close to home and cuddle up with anything that will make you warm and fuzzy. You may feel compelled however to spend money. We can do that very nicely at home on the computer.
There are some interesting contacts that could be made from love from the past. Also there is an opportunity for a one time investment. It could be a lottery ticket. It would not be a good time for buying a house. Because it is one time thing. It is not a long term thing. What you can do is invest in your sacred space and also find yourself there for meditation and yoga. Also you may decide or feel compelled to attend a house of worship with all this Pisces energy. Maybe you want to try a new place of worship.
We have a Venus conjunct the South Node exactly on Saturday. That happened this morning. It attracts women, money, artifacts, jewelry. It also is filled with gift giving and money exchange between people in close association. It also could be secret things, not people in close association. Drug dealers and things like that and back door type of activities going on. It definitely increases the powers of attraction: Venus on the Lunar Node and filled with all of those other planets Mars. And all sorts of things going on with these piled up in the sign of Pisces.
Sunday January 8, 2017

For Sunday the headliner is Mercury turns direct at 4:43 AM after traveling retrograde since December 19th. Its message is about foreign matters, broader understanding of information that had previously been thought to be solid and reliable. All of a sudden you change your mind after you have been better informed. You want to use your discrimination before taking your next move because of the fact that there are things that you did not know before. Keep an open mind and allow yourself to take in new information. Don’t act on old decision or old thoughts about how you thought you were going to do things.
There is an aspect with Pallas Athena. Now she is the one that gives all that grand advice. She is in a quirky aspect with the Sun. That says that someone that is supposed to be receiving information is not taking it seriously at all.
After Mercury turns direct and that will be at 29 degrees of Sagittarius, aside from that, Venus is semi square with wacky Uranus. Moving money around in an erratic fashion might be setting up tight balances that may cause overdrawn bank accounts. You could meet new people under that aspect for relationship encounters, although it might be very spontaneous and very temporary.
Then we have for Sunday…we have 5:06 PM the Moon enters the sign of Gemini.
The last aspect by the way for the Moon in Taurus is a quincunx to Mercury which says there is difficulty and upsets from information that has been gathered over that previous Moon sign period (Fri 3:18 PM Jan 6 –through Sunday Jan 8 at 5:06 PM). So you want to once again take in the new information.
So the Gemini Moon will be with us until 5:49 PM on Tuesday. It is not a good period for contracts or agreements, even though Mercury is direct. The reason is that the Moon will oppose Mercury before leaving the sign on Tuesday. That says contracts are cut off. Information is just squashed. There is no amount of good information with that. Only stories that cannot be vetted and things that should not be acted on. Not only are the facts compromised, but the Sun will square off to Uranus. That is a crazy additive to this period.
Mars is making an aspect to Pallas Athena. Now Pallas is up on strategy for long term success, so there are those behind the scenes that are trying to move forward with their strategies.
Monday Jan 9, 2017
5:34 PM on Monday there is an aspect between Venus and Jupiter. You are likely to suffer from a desire to go play and party. This will be a welcome reaction to a lot of psychological angst. Also then at 9:55PM, influences the whole day before. So all day Monday and then even much of Tuesday is influenced by the Sun parallel Saturn. There are people who join together for long term events, long term actions, and plans to try and secure something that has been very insecure or erratic or unstable.
Tuesday Jan 10, 2017
The aspect between the Moon and the Sun signal at 1:57 AM on Tuesday. It is a quincunx that is life is messy clean it up. It signals there is a Full Moon rising. Even though it is not until Thursday, something might happen that calls for a great need of adjustment. Very often it is things like something in the house goes wrong and you have to jump out of bed. Though it is nearly 2:00 in the morning on the east coast, but on the west coast people might be out traveling. You wouldn’t want to be in a car where it might break down or have some type of calamity that you need to clean up. All of which is focused at that Full Moon that comes up on Thursday.
Before that 11:21 AM the Sun is square Uranus and this is on Tuesday. So that sudden abrupt change throughout the day. Your own actions or those of others are at each end of the pendulum. Very unpredictable, wacky, crazy. Computer equipment is wacky. It is like a big Mercury retrograde all over, but in the biggest way.
Tuesday at 4:38 PM the Moon is void of course while in the sign of Gemini. It is void of course until 5:49 PM. Then the Moon enters Cancer at 5:49 PM; another high energy sign, as we mentioned in the beginning, because the Full Moon will take place in Cancer. Both the Sun and the Moon square off with that wacky Uranus and Jupiter opposition.
Wednesday January 11, 2017
For Wednesday January 11th that Full Moon is seeking advisors for important matters. There is a window of opportunity that expands your search. You will find someone very good. It is a good time to engage with someone in such a way that you set up an appointment. It could be a therapist. It could be something that is particularly about you making a plan for your future. You want to gain footing while making those strategies. This is Pallas Athena aligned with the Lunar Node now grouping with Venus, Mars, Neptune, and Chiron. Wow. It is quite the time period with all of this Pisces energy. Big storms are also under the canopy of Pisces energy.
Venus and Neptune are parallel. This allows for a very romantic beautiful calming effect. That would be the influence all day Wednesday and into Wednesday night. We have Sun square Jupiter. More of that wacky rhetoric, political rhetoric with that.
Thursday January 12th that is the day of the Full Moon at 6:34 AM at 22 degrees of Cancer. So we definitely want to stay close to home. It is very difficult Full Moon to be venturing out. Mercury reenters Capricorn on that day during the Cancer Moon. That will help to bring a business mind to a lot of your plans.
The Sun and Saturn form an aspect. They are in contact with a possibility of earning money that is a little more stable.
After that point during the Cancer Moon we have a little Green Light period that would run right until 7:08 PM. And that is the only Green Light period I believe for the whole week. So I will repeat that again. It is Thursday after 11:32…let’s make it noon time on Thursday until 7:07 PM during the Cancer Moon. There are indicators that this Green Light period may begin with Mercury changing signs at 9:04 AM. I like to be more cautious and that is why I chose 11:32 AM to move forward with your goals.
You might say “Oh, but the Moon is void of course. It is never void of course when it is in its own sign of Cancer.” During that time Venus and Neptune are conjunct as well. This is another romantic aspect. However it is also when money can slip right through your fingers and when you are more focused on cosmetics instead of the real heart centered. But it does expand sympathy and broadens the heart and helps you to reach out to others that need help and love. And pray for peace. It would really be very, very effective during that aspect. It is at 4:53 PM. So have a plan for your prayers for peace during that time.
The Moon enters Leo at 7:08 PM. That is on Thursday night. It runs right through the next weekend.
Friday Jan 13, 2017
The Moons last aspect while it is in the sign of Leo is not good. It is quincunx the Sun. more cleaning up more calling the insurance adjuster. More taking care of details from whatever happened during the Full Moon. The other things going on during that Friday would be Sun parallel Pluto. These represent the people that are running the show with the big money who are now out front. They are not hiding back behind the curtain any more. They are now plainly visible. They are making their demands and showing their strength and power as well. The Venus energy is really strong this week also. So you would take care of personal relationships love and money and things that you hold dear. Your sense of compassion and inspiration through anything that is beautiful and delicate. And look after those who are shut in during this period as well. take a good careful step ahead for the week. and that is the week ahead.
You can find a copy of this report on my website at You can also call me at 617-924-0929.
New Years’ time is a good time to have a reading. The whole year has been mapped out. And we can see what that brings for you.
My next class will be on Sunday the 15th and it is with secondary progressions. You may want to join that if you are interested in that topic. It is 2:00 – 4:00 PM. So I hope to see you.

*The audio file of this report is posted on my website at
**The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5 FM ( for two weeks.
*** You can also find the audio file of this weekly report on sound cloud. All of my radio reports are posted there at: and look for my name, Dietrech Pessin

Monday, January 2, 2017

Astrology Report Dec 31, 2016 - Jan 6, 2017

Go to soundcloud/orbzero to listen to the live broadcast.
Dietrech Pessin’s 617-924-0929
Weekly Astrology Report WCBZ radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in and around 9:30 AM
Saturday, December 31, 2016 – Saturday, January 7, 2017

Dietrech: Good morning! And Happy New Year! I’m hoping that this year is going to turn out to be a good one. We have so many things to talk about at 10:00 but for now we have the week ahead with an Aquarius Moon. An Aquarius Moon is really very good for talking about astrology and also meeting with friends and joining with friends and having a shared experience with likeminded people.
Victor: Could that also be with imaginary friends a well?
Dietrech: And that influence is coming in with a Mars Neptune conjunct the Lunar Node big time. So imaginary friends may reveal themselves also or not. Because that is the whole nature of Mars conjunct Neptune is hiding behind the curtain. Also there is a great fog that is casting an illusion here. So there are some strange things going on. I just heard on the news of the Russians have hacked into the electrical system in Vermont. That is a little scary and it is very Mars Neptune energy. Mars is about action. Neptune is about mysterious action. So those that are conducting clandestine activities get away with it. There would have to be a really strong and powerful and smart…there is a smart character in here, Pallas Athena has gone into the sign of Pisces. She is the smartest of all the beings. She was sprung from the head of Zeus. Very wise, wise woman. So she is able to see through fraud and anything that would cast an illusion on things. She would be able to see more clearly. Although what that entails is being able to bring in consultants that also can help to enlighten you. It is not as if one individual is going to have all the wisdom. One individual knows how to gain all the wisdom. So it is very helpful for the energies that are going on now.
What we have for…we also have a Quarter Moon a First Quarter Moon that is going to take place this week. That will be extremely active on Thursday. And we have two occultations, again involving Mars and Neptune. An occultation is like a mini eclipse, where the Moon will pass over the face of a planet and block it out. Something is eclipsed, something is blocked out, so even more things are invisible. Although, it may hinder those that are trying to perpetrate a crime on others.
The other thing I want to say is that take really good care of your little ones. All your little ones. Your furry friends and your babies and children. Slipping out with their own independence streak could run amuck with all this energy as well. So you want to be careful about little coyotes hiding behind the bushes where waiting for your little dog to come out. Be careful. It has happened. Even when I have walked a dog, came back to the house, there was a coyote waiting at the gate. I thought it was someone’s German Shepard. It was that big.
So for today there is a Green Light for your goals all day and night. Whatever your plans are they should work out really great. Just be mindful that there are things to check and missing people missing money missing wallets missing things. You want to keep everything in order so that you know that you are all well contained. Pockets are filled with what you want. You don’t want to leave anything for the pickpockets either, as you go out and play tonight for the New Year. I want to wish everybody a Happy, Happy New Year.
This Green Light period goes right until early Monday morning actually. That would run until 2:59 AM when the Moon is conjunct Venus. This one says there is even money to be found over this next couple of days. So whatever you are doing think about, how can you earn some money with this? Or maybe someone wants something that you have. Or any other thing love and friendship also is up there in a strong way, with the Moon conjunct Venus at the end of the sign of Aquarius.
On our Happy New Year tomorrow January 1st, as we have already talked about a lot. Mars is conjunct Neptune at 1:52 AM. However, the Moon holds on to this pair right through until Tuesday morning. This aspect will not let go. You want to be mindful of distractions and any strangeness that goes on with this. On a spiritual note of that energy. It is Very, very positive for breaking through the veil of confusion and anything surrounding denial. And also be able to connect with those spiritual teachers. Very powerful way to use this energy. And also your own spirit guides. Good time for meditation. You might want to do that as the night rolls in the New Year. It is exact a 1:52 AM, but keep it going through Tuesday.
For business you want to use these illusions to your advantage for the greater good in a way that is positive. The Moon won’t gauge with these pair of planets, Mars and Neptune giving an abundance of this energy. So you can practice what it is that you are trying to present or contain. I always think of Mars and Neptune as a hole in the bucket. So you want to look around. How are you losing money? Is there a faucet that is running? Hot water or any water? Is there a leak somewhere in your gas tank? It is that kind of thing that these little tiny holes in the bucket or things that just suck the money out of your pocket. What are those things that are causing that type of havoc in your life?
And then the Moon enters the sign of Pisces 4:57 AM on Monday. The Moon will be in the sign of Pisces until 11:20 AM on Wednesday. Pisces sign is extremely tricky. Too much of that Mars Neptune thing going on. Sneaky behavior causing even blackouts, whiteouts. Business is not as usual. So if you are planning on Monday being the day, just immerse yourself, you might find that business is not a safe thing to proceed with. I would not make any major decisions or major purchases during the Pisces Moon.
Mercury and Pallas are in a very positive aspect. Now Pallas is that wisdom character at 10:09 AM. Perfect for gaining the right insight or getting your better advisors on board with you. Those occultations with Neptune and Mars 8:44 PM on Monday with Neptune. And then Mars at 12:09 AM.
Then we pull out of that and Venus will enter Pisces. So now we are getting quite the little pile up in the sign of Pisces with Pallas and Mars and Neptune and the South Node of the Moon making all of these things larger than life, because the Node of the Moon acts like a great big magnifying glass. These things have very large span all the way, three quarters of the way around the world.
With Venus entering Pisces we get that compassionate perspective especially for those that are shut in and less fortunate than us. We are able to consider these things or maybe act on some things that are Venus and Pisces related over the next few months. Venus will pass through Pisces and then retrograde back into it in April. So all of the month of April until the 28th of April we will have Venus in Pisces again. Venus is about balance and beauty and color exquisite dance and design. Great time to become a patron of the arts.
Vesta and Pallas form an aspect at 5:48 AM. This is on Tuesday. This is excellent. If you are looking for a new broker of some sort think about one that you knew in the past. Vesta is the ruler of investments. It has been retrograde since December 1st. it stays that way until March 7th. There are things and problems with purchases of real estate that you may want to be cautious about. But the Pallas adding into it has some new insights about old routines and old places. You may want to go back to someone you have had luck with in the past. But keep your contracts very flexible with this.
And then Mercury and Venus make this beautiful 60 degree aspect. It doesn’t happen that often, 2:41 PM. That aspect is also on Tuesday. It is a wonderful time to connect for the best plans for your next step. Meet the right people, ask the right questions. Have all kinds of good feelings and good connections with people. Good food, fun. Great for visits and parties actually. It is the 3rd. if your party is waiting until the 3rd you have the right day for that. Enjoyable trips and encounters. A good day to even plan some kind of trip. Remember that Mercury is retrograde so things could change. Lots of sweets could cause fluctuations in blood sugar and thyroid function and other problems with your metabolism. Visit your siblings and your relatives with that aspect as well.
Then in the evening we have a gloomy Moon square Saturn probably the hour before you might feel it. This is 8:32 PM. Then it releases shortly there afterwards. Then Saturn makes an aspect to Vesta so it is all about money. That is what the thoughts are going into Tuesday night.
Wednesday morning the Moon is still in Pisces up until 11:20 AM. There are no aspects in between except for the fact that Mercury travels right back into the sign of Sagittarius. It was in Sagittarius from December 2nd and went retrograde in Capricorn. So this is a time to go back and get a better perspective and an expanded awareness of what it is that you are trying to grasp. There is a little relief in the energy when the Moon enters Aries and that is 11:20 AM on Wednesday.
This Aries Moon lifts the fog. But there is a lot of confusion there. That you have to take time to clean up matters of which you may know nothing about. So you want to be careful about where you are getting your information as well. Not a good business day on Wednesday or Thursday.
There is an aspect on Thursday that has to do with Mars and Uranus. This is like a loose cannon from behind the curtain because Mars is in the sign of the curtain, Pisces. So events have an urgency to them. 4:29 AM our time here on the east coast. There is lots of speed and brilliance with this aspect. You can formulate ideas for a one time type of activity. You might have a temporary alignment with someone who is pushy and bossy and knows the ropes, so you may want to tag along. Be careful who you tag along with, they just might get arrested.
Then what we have at 2:47 PM we have a Quarter Moon in Aries and it sets the tone to go back and work and initiate things that have been pending and get your licenses for new projects and that sort of thing. Although I would wait until after the 8th when Mercury goes direct.
So the rest of Thursday there is Mars parallel Jupiter. This aspect steps up some type of maybe military action or forward goals reaching out in a broad way. Very interesting aspect. Jupiter is a major player in the year 2017. We will go over that at 10:00.
There is a Green Light period on Friday January 6th from 1:37 AM…I would say after…I know it is in the middle of the night but people are up late. So I would say about 1:15 AM right until 3:12 in the afternoon. So most of the day on Friday you have a Green Light to move forward. Mercury is still retrograde keep that in mind. You want to redo, review, retread, retract, and have anything second time around considered. Don’t be thinking that just because you were born with the Mercury retrograde that it doesn’t matter for you. That is just not true. Your Mercury retrograde has past. Okay. So that is it for the week.
There is a Moon sign change when the Moon goes into Taurus for all of next weekend. Taurus Moon is great for enjoying good company good food and all of those things. It is lovely night on Friday night. however there is a very controlling person. Pluto is hovering over on Friday night. Again that is it for the week.
You can find a copy of this report on my website at You can call me my office number at 617-924-0929.
This is a great time to get an update on your chart for a couple of reasons. That full studied review of the entire year is then combined with your chart in such a way, with such a perspective that is available at this time of the year. Victor also has gift certificates for New Years as well.
Victor: I’m Offering a psychic tarot card readings and pass life regression. As I mentioned last week it is a lot of fun to get Christmas gifts after Christmas. It is a special thing for folks to receive very special gifts such as astrology readings and other kind of esoteric readings. (51:04 STOP)

*The audio file of this report is posted on my website at
**The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5 FM ( for two weeks.
*** You can also find the audio file of this weekly report on sound cloud. All of my radio reports are posted there at: and look for my name, Dietrech Pessin

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