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The only Green Light period this week is during the Cancer Moon Thursday after Mercury enters Capricorn at 9:04 AM. This is revised from the radio report that quotes that it's best after 11:32 AM. The Green Light continues until 7:07 PM. It is good for family matters and business plans. Expect the unexpected however and leave room for adjustments later.
Dietrech Pessin’s 617-924-0929
Weekly Astrology Report WCBZ radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in and around 9:30 AM
Saturday, January 7, 2017 – Saturday, January 14, 2017
Good morning! Well, we have a very interesting week. Real high energy. Mercury is retrograde just until tomorrow morning at 4:43 AM. Also the other big piece of news for the week. Well, there is a couple of them. The Sun will be square Uranus on Tuesday during the Cancer Moon. Well, actually during the Gemini Moon, but then the Moon goes into Cancer where the Full Moon will take place on Thursday. Before that the Sun will square Jupiter. So this is wacky energy all through the year. We have this Jupiter and Uranus opposition all through the whole year, but up until September October we are going to have experiences from it. That is an extreme amount of reversal and upset and wackiness and people just going off and being unpredictable and filled with their own willfulness.
This whole week is under the influence of this Grand Cross. It is called a Grand Cardinal Cross because the signs of Aries where Uranus is, Cancer where the Moon will be for the Full Moon, Libra where Jupiter sits, and Capricorn where currently the Sun is. All of those signs are Cardinal Signs. Cardinal signs are all action oriented. There is nothing slow about this. It is move fast, do it fast. Things will rip through. Things in business may happen very, very quickly. I hope that things turn out well and do not reverse later. Because there are a lot of things about it that indicate a difficulty maintaining long term relationships with this type of activity because Libra is involved. Which has to do with pairing and partnership. Right across the virtual street is the sign of Aries where the planet Uranus is position which tends to unpin and cause sudden abrupt change and reversals.
Saturday January 7, 2017
So now looking at the week…we have the Moon in Taurus until Sunday. That would be at 5:06 PM the Moon will enter the sign of Gemini. But for today we have the Sun aligned with Pluto… and Venus. Now that Sun alignment with Pluto very difficult, heavy intentions. This is similar to the Florida shootings. I want to send my condolences and prayers out to those families. We all know people in Florida. And people go to Florida are shaken by this. This is the kind of thing that is associated with the Sun Pluto alignment where people of dark forces take on their own agenda and force it upon others.
Then there is an alignment also with Venus the love and money planet which is positioned for extreme attention while it is aligned with the South Node of the Moon. These areas, the Nodes of the Moon are where the Eclipses take place. It is broader than usual, as far as opportunities go for love and money. There may be people who walk into your life in an unexpected way. Also there maybe financial opportunities that occur.
There is this pile up that will take place in the sign of Pisces. The Pisces focus is seeing the south lunar node, Venus, and Mars, Pallas Athena, Chiron. All that energy is piling up creating wicked snow storms. It is very difficult energy to try navigating your way through with wild winds and things like that. The storms are inside and outside. You want to stay close to home and cuddle up with anything that will make you warm and fuzzy. You may feel compelled however to spend money. We can do that very nicely at home on the computer.
There are some interesting contacts that could be made from love from the past. Also there is an opportunity for a one time investment. It could be a lottery ticket. It would not be a good time for buying a house. Because it is one time thing. It is not a long term thing. What you can do is invest in your sacred space and also find yourself there for meditation and yoga. Also you may decide or feel compelled to attend a house of worship with all this Pisces energy. Maybe you want to try a new place of worship.
We have a Venus conjunct the South Node exactly on Saturday. That happened this morning. It attracts women, money, artifacts, jewelry. It also is filled with gift giving and money exchange between people in close association. It also could be secret things, not people in close association. Drug dealers and things like that and back door type of activities going on. It definitely increases the powers of attraction: Venus on the Lunar Node and filled with all of those other planets Mars. And all sorts of things going on with these piled up in the sign of Pisces.
Sunday January 8, 2017
For Sunday the headliner is Mercury turns direct at 4:43 AM after traveling retrograde since December 19th. Its message is about foreign matters, broader understanding of information that had previously been thought to be solid and reliable. All of a sudden you change your mind after you have been better informed. You want to use your discrimination before taking your next move because of the fact that there are things that you did not know before. Keep an open mind and allow yourself to take in new information. Don’t act on old decision or old thoughts about how you thought you were going to do things.
There is an aspect with Pallas Athena. Now she is the one that gives all that grand advice. She is in a quirky aspect with the Sun. That says that someone that is supposed to be receiving information is not taking it seriously at all.
After Mercury turns direct and that will be at 29 degrees of Sagittarius, aside from that, Venus is semi square with wacky Uranus. Moving money around in an erratic fashion might be setting up tight balances that may cause overdrawn bank accounts. You could meet new people under that aspect for relationship encounters, although it might be very spontaneous and very temporary.
Then we have for Sunday…we have 5:06 PM the Moon enters the sign of Gemini.
The last aspect by the way for the Moon in Taurus is a quincunx to Mercury which says there is difficulty and upsets from information that has been gathered over that previous Moon sign period (Fri 3:18 PM Jan 6 –through Sunday Jan 8 at 5:06 PM). So you want to once again take in the new information.
So the Gemini Moon will be with us until 5:49 PM on Tuesday. It is not a good period for contracts or agreements, even though Mercury is direct. The reason is that the Moon will oppose Mercury before leaving the sign on Tuesday. That says contracts are cut off. Information is just squashed. There is no amount of good information with that. Only stories that cannot be vetted and things that should not be acted on. Not only are the facts compromised, but the Sun will square off to Uranus. That is a crazy additive to this period.
Mars is making an aspect to Pallas Athena. Now Pallas is up on strategy for long term success, so there are those behind the scenes that are trying to move forward with their strategies.
Monday Jan 9, 2017
5:34 PM on Monday there is an aspect between Venus and Jupiter. You are likely to suffer from a desire to go play and party. This will be a welcome reaction to a lot of psychological angst. Also then at 9:55PM, influences the whole day before. So all day Monday and then even much of Tuesday is influenced by the Sun parallel Saturn. There are people who join together for long term events, long term actions, and plans to try and secure something that has been very insecure or erratic or unstable.
Tuesday Jan 10, 2017
The aspect between the Moon and the Sun signal at 1:57 AM on Tuesday. It is a quincunx that is life is messy clean it up. It signals there is a Full Moon rising. Even though it is not until Thursday, something might happen that calls for a great need of adjustment. Very often it is things like something in the house goes wrong and you have to jump out of bed. Though it is nearly 2:00 in the morning on the east coast, but on the west coast people might be out traveling. You wouldn’t want to be in a car where it might break down or have some type of calamity that you need to clean up. All of which is focused at that Full Moon that comes up on Thursday.
Before that 11:21 AM the Sun is square Uranus and this is on Tuesday. So that sudden abrupt change throughout the day. Your own actions or those of others are at each end of the pendulum. Very unpredictable, wacky, crazy. Computer equipment is wacky. It is like a big Mercury retrograde all over, but in the biggest way.
Tuesday at 4:38 PM the Moon is void of course while in the sign of Gemini. It is void of course until 5:49 PM. Then the Moon enters Cancer at 5:49 PM; another high energy sign, as we mentioned in the beginning, because the Full Moon will take place in Cancer. Both the Sun and the Moon square off with that wacky Uranus and Jupiter opposition.
Wednesday January 11, 2017
For Wednesday January 11th that Full Moon is seeking advisors for important matters. There is a window of opportunity that expands your search. You will find someone very good. It is a good time to engage with someone in such a way that you set up an appointment. It could be a therapist. It could be something that is particularly about you making a plan for your future. You want to gain footing while making those strategies. This is Pallas Athena aligned with the Lunar Node now grouping with Venus, Mars, Neptune, and Chiron. Wow. It is quite the time period with all of this Pisces energy. Big storms are also under the canopy of Pisces energy.
Venus and Neptune are parallel. This allows for a very romantic beautiful calming effect. That would be the influence all day Wednesday and into Wednesday night. We have Sun square Jupiter. More of that wacky rhetoric, political rhetoric with that.
Thursday January 12th that is the day of the Full Moon at 6:34 AM at 22 degrees of Cancer. So we definitely want to stay close to home. It is very difficult Full Moon to be venturing out. Mercury reenters Capricorn on that day during the Cancer Moon. That will help to bring a business mind to a lot of your plans.
The Sun and Saturn form an aspect. They are in contact with a possibility of earning money that is a little more stable.
After that point during the Cancer Moon we have a little Green Light period that would run right until 7:08 PM. And that is the only Green Light period I believe for the whole week. So I will repeat that again. It is Thursday after 11:32…let’s make it noon time on Thursday until 7:07 PM during the Cancer Moon. There are indicators that this Green Light period may begin with Mercury changing signs at 9:04 AM. I like to be more cautious and that is why I chose 11:32 AM to move forward with your goals.
You might say “Oh, but the Moon is void of course. It is never void of course when it is in its own sign of Cancer.” During that time Venus and Neptune are conjunct as well. This is another romantic aspect. However it is also when money can slip right through your fingers and when you are more focused on cosmetics instead of the real heart centered. But it does expand sympathy and broadens the heart and helps you to reach out to others that need help and love. And pray for peace. It would really be very, very effective during that aspect. It is at 4:53 PM. So have a plan for your prayers for peace during that time.
The Moon enters Leo at 7:08 PM. That is on Thursday night. It runs right through the next weekend.
Friday Jan 13, 2017
The Moons last aspect while it is in the sign of Leo is not good. It is quincunx the Sun. more cleaning up more calling the insurance adjuster. More taking care of details from whatever happened during the Full Moon. The other things going on during that Friday would be Sun parallel Pluto. These represent the people that are running the show with the big money who are now out front. They are not hiding back behind the curtain any more. They are now plainly visible. They are making their demands and showing their strength and power as well. The Venus energy is really strong this week also. So you would take care of personal relationships love and money and things that you hold dear. Your sense of compassion and inspiration through anything that is beautiful and delicate. And look after those who are shut in during this period as well. take a good careful step ahead for the week. and that is the week ahead.
You can find a copy of this report on my website at You can also call me at 617-924-0929.
New Years’ time is a good time to have a reading. The whole year has been mapped out. And we can see what that brings for you.
My next class will be on Sunday the 15th and it is with secondary progressions. You may want to join that if you are interested in that topic. It is 2:00 – 4:00 PM. So I hope to see you.
*The audio file of this report is posted on my website at
**The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5 FM ( for two weeks.
*** You can also find the audio file of this weekly report on sound cloud. All of my radio reports are posted there at: and look for my name, Dietrech Pessin
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