Saturday, January 28, 2017

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin Jan 28, 2017 - Feb 3, 2017 with Green Light Times

Listen to Dietrech's report that was broadcast live on WZBC FM 90.3 at 9:35 AM Jan 28, 2017.

Dietrech Pessin’s 617-924-0929
Weekly Astrology Report WCBZ radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in and around 9:30 AM
Saturday, January 28, 2017 – Saturday, February 4, 2017
The following has been transcribed.

Dietrech: Good morning! The week belongs to Jupiter and Uranus and we will be referring to Jupiter and Uranus right through until …oh, I don’t know… the beginning of October. They are in an opposition, Jupiter in Libra and Uranus in Aries. They will make an important stop this week on February 1st when they very similar to opposition when contra parallel. Which is just like an opposition, except it is measured up and down the globe instead of around the globe. Which is north and south on the globe. It is very powerful and it can be disruptive. Jupiter is in the sign of Libra. Uranus is in the sign of Aries. So self-driven individuals can be extremely headstrong and motivated for their own individual gain. There can be reversals. Global reaction can be sweeping. There can be a temporary response, a temporary reaction. Especially when the Moon goes into Aries there will be very interesting reactions around the globe. All I can say is keep praying for peace. Look for prayer groups that pray for peace and pray for peace.

Venus is going to change signs. Venus is doing something very important. Venus rules love and money and our relationships with others, our important relationships. Venus is going into the sign of Aries. But right now she is passing over that point, where after her retrograde period. Yes. Venus will go retrograde in March and she will be retrograde until April 15th. Interesting on tax day. But on March 4th Venus turns retrograde at the end of this week. Then on Friday Venus will go into Aries and pass by that point three (3) times. So where Venus is traveling now is activating the very sensitive point that she will visit later and for a very important statement. So Venus is very important this week.

The other things that we might note are the aspects between the Moon and Neptune. There will be what is called an occultation. That means there is a little mini eclipse with the Moon and Neptune in the sign of Pisces. That will be on Monday.
There is also that wild Jupiter and Uranus contra parallel early in the morning on Wednesday. Although it has an effect all week long beginning certainly now and then beyond. We have also influences from Mercury making the rounds as it conjuncts Pluto then squares Jupiter and squares Uranus. Mercury is the thinking planet and collecting information. It is also going to be making contact with Saturn. So the facts are going to be important. And the facts are just wiggling their way around as our First Amendment rights are also being talked about in such ways that are kind of dangerous to us. What we have with the facts, with the information, is that the area of those sitting in the seat of power are projecting and holding information and facts. Then the way that it is distributed is abruptly put out there, abruptly challenged. So this is not new of late.

Saturday Jan 28, 2017
So let’s take a look at the week. We have a Chinese New Year! Happy New Year, yesterday. And this Chinese New Year is the Year of the Rooster. The Rooster has to do with details and getting work done and being very serious. Has a kind of a Virgo quality. So that occurred with that New Moon that we had last night at 7:07 PM in the sign of Aquarius, 8 degrees of Aquarius. So we are in the dark of the Moon because we have a New Moon. The Moon is not going to show up in the sky until Sunday night again. So that means that you want to allow information to come your way. You want to be able to see things from a different light from maybe the collective consciousness of Aquarius. There is a Green Light period that we have during this dark of the Moon. So consider the facts that come to you to have some positive seeds. The seeds that are planted now can develop in 9 months. If you are in a hurry, then these seeds might be a little more apparent in a week. If there are things that you need to do and contract with, unfortunately the Green Light period is here over the weekend. It ends at 3:09 AM on Sunday morning.
We have an aspect today with the Sun and Saturn 8:34 PM. This aspect is designing things that need structure and need to be formed in such a way that are apparent and need special attention. You can look around your house to what needs special attention. That would help you to make a priority list.

Sunday Jan 29, 2017 there is a Moon sign change 11:10 AM. That Aquarius Moon will change to the sign of Pisces. There is a void of course Moon period tomorrow from 3:09 AM until 11:10 AM for that Aquarius Moon. The Pisces Moon sign will be with us for a couple of days, right through until Tuesday afternoon. During the Pisces Moon we have the Moon joining Pluto. We have Venus and Mars making an aspect. There is a lot of activity about people finding one another. People being available to become involved in a relationship. The problem is that Venus is moving slowly and Mars will pull away. So she can’t really catch her man. That is the problem. She will also turn away from her choice as time goes on. So there is really not a match to be made. There is just sort of a flirtation that carries on. You want to be careful about your choices also for Sunday night.

For Monday Jan 30, 2017 we have the Sun and Neptune. They are in an aspect where it probably could stir up quite a bit of weather: white weather, wet weather, windy weather. Again we have been having nothing but windy weather. Then the Moon chimes in with the aspect to Neptune as well. So that is for Monday. There may not be enough clarity for you to be able to make decisions. You want to be able to collect information, and line up your assets, and then your debts, and try to evaluate before taking your next step.

For Tuesday we have a Pisces Moon. That Moon is bumping around hitting Uranus then Jupiter, setting off that extreme Uranus and Jupiter. Uranus is about the collective and things that are suddenly abruptly changed. Also grand discoveries in medicine as well and other technologies might be the benefit. I would think hacking would run amuck with this type of aspect coming up. I don’t think that anything is particularly safe.
So with Tuesdays Moon sign change…so there would be a little Green Light period before that. 7:18 AM Tuesday there is a Green Light period until 12:36 PM. So that is in the morning 7:18 AM until 12:36 PM. That is the corrected version on Tuesday.
Then there would be a period when the Moon is not forming aspect to planet until 4:46 PM when the Moon enters Aries for the next several days.
The Aries Moon is very active and aggressive. Venus and Mars are parallel. They do come together for something very long term and interesting. It may not be…it may have more to do with money and the flow of money. So the stock market might be extremely interesting to watch late…So it would be early in the morning in the foreign market the next day for Wednesday. But it may have something also to do with Tuesday’s financial market as well.
Then we have that Mercury and Uranus square and that is on Tuesday. It is exact at 10:31 PM. There is a radical change of mind extreme distractions. Thinking ranges from brilliant to bizarre.

Wednesday Feb 1 2017. The Moon is in Aries and hot to trot. All sorts of outbursts with extreme bias. Wacky connections and disconnection. The bonds that bind us together are not particularly stronger than those that will tear us apart right now. Because that leads into that aspect that exact aspect with Jupiter and Uranus on February 1st. Take special care in all you do on this day.

Thursday Feb 2, 2017
For Thursday we have still an Aries Moon. That Aries Moon is square Pluto which is bumping up against the rule of the land, the financial bosses, and also those that are holding the purse strings for us. The Moon is square Mercury making it very difficult to make any kind of an agreement. Or even an appointment would be difficult to keep earlier than 9:00 in the morning on Thursday.
Then the Moon will travel through its contact with Jupiter exact at 9:00 AM. That aspect is also met with a Mercury square Jupiter. This one is extremely boisterous. Very loud. Has too much information, not enough facts that sort of thing. Things that are blown out of proportion.
Then the Moon will change signs on Thursday going into Taurus at 8:50 PM and that Taurus Moon will host a change of signs for Venus, as Venus goes into Aries on Friday morning. But for Aries void of course Moon period that would be from 8:00 PM on Thursday night until 8:50 PM on Thursday night. So a little bit of time there. 50 minutes of a void of course Moon period.
So the rest of the evening on Thursday probably be about maybe shopping for food, planning things with family and friends. Taurus Moon tends to focus a lot of its energy around food and sharing food with others.

Friday Feb 3, 2017.
Then we have for Friday…there are a couple of things. Mercury is very serious setting the limits with information, agreements made to authorities, serious discussions, and mental focus. That hangs on right through from 5:14 AM on Friday until 3:49 PM on Friday. This very serious energy with the Mercury.
There is a wild First Quarter Moon that occurs Friday night. That is at 11:19 PM it occurs at 15 degrees of Taurus. This is a very loud monetary degree where there may be strong monetary reactions that we see in the stock market next week and especially near the end of the week. I think all sorts of things are going to change monetarily in a very drastic fast way. I think the rule of thumb has been keep the peace and let things flow in a nice easy way. No great big waves. Well this the week of waves. So that is it for the week. )
There will be a copy of this report on my website at I will be teaching a class tomorrow on progressions tomorrow. If you are interested the class starts at 1:00 PM and goes until 5:00 PM. Give me a call. See if there is space. You can call me for consultation or for classes. I also have a beginner’s class on Friday if you are interested in beginner’s astrology. That’s it for the week. Thank you.
[Beginner’s class on Friday morning at 11:00 AM. It is an advanced beginners class. You would have to know the planets and the signs]

*The audio file of this report is posted on my website at
**The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5 FM ( for two weeks.
*** You can also find the audio file of this weekly report on sound cloud. All of my radio reports are posted there at: and look for my name, Dietrech Pessin

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