The transcribed report will follow.
Dietrech Pessin’s 617-924-0929
Weekly Astrology Report WCBZ radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in and around 9:30 AM
Saturday, February 4, 2017 – Saturday, February 11, 2017
Hi there! Well, we have another very important week. We are in an Eclipse season so the Eclipse that is coming is the Lunar Eclipse on Friday. It is in the sign of Leo. It may help to bring people together to form greater bonds and greater unity with likeminded people. So if you are interested in finding the right protest, so to speak, this is the time. It is in the sign of Leo. There are a lot of things about executive orders for instance that are brought out to the open, as to whether the legalities of it all. The legalities are also indicated by Jupiter which is standing perfectly still right through Monday. Then continuing as it turns retrograde on Monday. And that has to with peace and value and things in the area of good relationships with others, which we need a lot of help with that. Uranus is opposite that point, which is causing that flip flop that I talked about that goes on throughout the year. So it is off-on, hot-cold flip-flop. And very difficult to manage partnerships agreements relations, good relations with other people, and diplomacy.
Also the changes that we have…Ceres. Ceres is that small dwarf planet. It’s been in the sign of Aries, which is not a very good place for Ceres. It just sorts of burns it all up. Burns up the food. Burns up too much of what nurtures us. And it goes into the sign of Taurus. The Taurus sign is much better suited for Ceres, as it allows for us to have gain the nurturing that we are looking for. And also it allows for more money to nurture us as well. So that could be a plus.
So for today what we are keeping our eye on for the Taurus Moon is Mercury bringing some monetary opportunity after 3:15 PM. The Moon sits at the head of an arrow that is shot from both Jupiter and Saturn. Jupiter in Libra. Saturn in Sagittarius. This arrow head is called a yod. But technically this is not a technical yod because the Moon is the fastest moving body. But what it brings is a shot in the dark or something that is out of the blue that needs to deliver its attention to something of great value, Taurus like. And there may be some advantages to pick up say for instance a piece of property that you can sell again. You don’t want to consider living in it for a long time because it is way over the Moon. There is something about that is just not right for keeping. Whether it is not habitable or it is not agreeable to your liking in the long run. If you can turn it around, take a shot. Do it.
The Taurus Moon has what looks like a Green Light period from 1:15 PM until 5:41 PM. You could push it to late this evening at 11:43 PM. So Ceres makes that move into Taurus, which I am thrilled about. That would be at 7:13 PM tonight.
And then what we have for the Gemini Moon that comes in late tonight 11:44 PM. Gemini Moon is going to host the Jupiter retrograde on Monday. And then also the last thing that the Moon does when it is in Gemini is have a squabble with Mercury. Mercury is the ruler of Gemini. So we don’t want to enter into agreements when there is a squabble going on. There is information that comes out of the blue that is not particularly beneficial. One thing though it could bring information about hiring, about firing. That sort of thing. Changes in the work place. That aspect is exact on Tuesday morning 1:45 AM. So that governs the activities of Sunday and throughout Monday as well.
For Sunday during the Gemini Moon that is tomorrow. That is nice for sharing the Super Bowl for instance with friends, and also any other thing that you would like to enjoy as well. Exchanging with siblings and neighbors. That could be particularly fun early in the morning.
And then for Monday we have Jupiter turning retrograde until June 9th. That happens early in the morning on Monday 1:52 AM. And then Mercury gets into trouble later on. There is some also some squabble with the Sun and Pluto where there is a link to those things, which are possibly building or developing financial links for the future.
Tuesday we start off with a Gemini Moon. It will change signs entering Cancer at 2:02 AM. It continues Tuesday, Wednesday, and early Thursday in the sign of Cancer. Something is dropped while the Moon is in Cancer. That is when Mercury’s activities change. Mercury leaves the sign of Capricorn, which is the money mind. Learns something more about the greater good, and how to connect with likeminded people, when it enters Aquarius at 4:35 AM on Tuesday…right up until February 25th. That is the day before a Solar Eclipse.
Then we have Mercury and Pluto parallel on Tuesday. This will help to guide you to what works for you. And how you can get the things and make the numbers work for you too. This is also perhaps about being able to connect with that person that gate keeper. Where you want to be able to get past that person to the person on the inside that makes the decisions.
Mercury starts off by its Aquarius entrance by squaring Ceres. That seems to be a complaint about the cost of caring for others. So that turns heads. Potentially making it difficult to continue on in a plan, where you had been supported in the past. Been taken care of so to speak. And then something changes. Everything is changing lately. Something changes and you are no longer supported. So that would be on Tuesdays agenda.
Wednesday we have the Moon in Cancer. Does a lot of things. It is bumping around making a 150 degree aspect, life’s messy clean it up. 11:54 AM to the Sun. Moon quincunx the Sun. This aspect is saying that the Full Moon is headed that Lunar Eclipse is headed in. The events that take place are those types of things that are likely to form a sort of line or list of problems and chaos later. Lots having to do with family Moon in Cancer, the Sun in Aquarius, and those things that you need to do that need a clear head.
Then the Moon goes on to make its usual bumping around to Uranus at 1:52 PM. Moon square Uranus, then Moon square Jupiter 5:00. Then Moon quincunx Saturn 8:42 PM. So this is not a day for trying to nail things down and smooth things out. This is a day about chasing all of the loose ends. Trying to keep everything batten down so that you do not lose it.
After 9:45 PM there is a short Green Light period…that is from Wednesday night until Thursday morning at 4:40 AM. It is particularly positive for instance…I would say right after that 9:45 PM.
Then Thursday the Leo Moon is headed for that Lunar Eclipse on Friday evening. Leo Moon starts at 4:41 AM. At first it will see the Sun and Uranus making an aspect. This one is innovative it helps to find the most modern way of doing things. There is also earlier in the morning…you should note that the Moon and Mercury are at odds when they are opposites or the papers may not be available. You might have forgotten your license or your passport or something like that…that you need to complete your day.
Later on there is some confusion later in the night, which may bring some weather that sort of holds us back. But it is late in the night in this time zone.
And then Venus and Pallas [Athena], which has to do with peace making and pattern making with those things that are monetarily sound. That is on Friday with the Lunar Eclipse day. That Lunar Eclipse also has a very nice aspect between Mercury and Venus at 4:18 PM. So this has a longer range influence because of the fact that it is on the day of the Lunar Eclipse. That would hold us to an opening for communicating with others that are like minded. It is also friendly. It is a nice time to connect with people you have been out of touch with. Neighbors, siblings, anyone that is dear to your heart that you haven’t had quite enough time to connect with.
Then what we have is the Lunar Eclipse at 7:33 PM and that is on Friday night. After that there is a Green Light period that would occur right through until the next morning which would be Saturday the 11th. So that is it for the week
I’ll have more to say about the Eclipses at our class. We will have a class next Sunday. The class topic will be partially about the Lunar Eclipse. How it effects our lives and our love life with Valentine’s Day coming up and learn about your Venus and Mars, your love planets in our class on the 12th of February. And we are going to shoot for a noon time class for two hours. So that is it for the week. You can find a copy of this at my website at Also the audio file should be there and at the WZBC’s website. And have an excellent week. And call me 617-924-0929. Have a Happy Super Bowl!
*The audio file of this report is posted on my website at
**The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5 FM ( for two weeks.
*** You can also find the audio file of this weekly report on sound cloud. All of my radio reports are posted there at: and look for my name, Dietrech Pessin.
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